Redfern Park

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    • Dzień 128

      Adventures of the big black dog

      25 grudnia 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Having finally made it to Sydney after so many delays I should be over the moon, I'm in an amazing city with one of my favorite people in the world, it's Christmas day and it's sunny!

      The prefect time for an old acquaintance to come visit and spoil the party, I'm trying to enjoy myself and get out and get involved but unfortunately the big black dog comes with a decent dose of anxiety, agoraphobia and general desire to be alone in a dark room.

      This might be an unusual topic for a travel blog but it's the reality I'm gonna have to live with and I'm sure many other people have had to. Mental illness is something that should be openly talked about and perhaps there is a little selfishly cathartic about writing about it as well.

      Trying to focus on some positives, we had a lovely Xmas eve lunch of fresh seafood risotto and white wine out in the sunshine with a view of the harbour bridge and despite my general dislike of crowds and shopping being ultimately compounded by the black dog we managed to spend a bit of time and downtown and buy me a shirt and shoes so we can go to the boxing day races with Rachel's friends.

      We've also booked tickets to go to the botanical gardens on new years eve where I will be able to tick an item of my bucket list and watch the Sydney new years fireworks display, something I have wanted to do since I first saw them on millennium eve 17 years ago!

      Hopefully my next entry will find me on the bounce back to normality but until then look after yourself and each other and keep talking about what bothers you.
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    • Dzień 137

      adventures in a new year

      3 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      So its 2017! happy new year to everyone, been a fun start to the year with the highlights being a day trip to the blue mountains, the new years eve fireworks and a day wandering round Sydney and exploring.

      The year got off to a fantastic start, fulfilling a 16 year dream of watching the Sydney harbour new years fireworks (you can see a video I made here: (… ) decided to go with a song from the year that i first told myself I would be here for it one day (2000).

      Whilst I wouldn't have changed a thing about the fireworks it was extortionately overpriced to do anything in Sydney that night, as it is in most places but when you're paying A$300 (£175, US$218) i would have liked a bit more than a picnic box (which was admittedly nice, but still cold picnic food and a bottle of water) and the opportunity to sit on a patch of grass with a great but still partially obstructed view. Like I said though, I'm glad i did it but it was a one off.

      On the 3rd I decided to have a wander round Sydney and get my bearings while Rach returned to work, I was also hoping to buy myself a reasonably priced digital camera so that I can take some better photos and share them with you lovely people. But unfortunately no-where had what i was looking for in stock and nothing in Sydney is reasonably priced so that didn't happen. I did however find some fantastic views including a great bar in darling harbour with reasonably priced Gin and lovely fried prawns for lunch where i spent a little while before walking on and eventually finding Barangaroo reserve which was lovely with a great view of the bridge and some lovely grass to sit on for a few hours a read a book.

      That day gave me a good opportunity to re-evaluate my views on Sydney, I do like this place a lot, as i did last time i was here, however its either gotten a lot busier or I have gotten a lot older and grouchy about crowds... I suspect its a combination of the 2. Don't get me wrong its no where near London busy or anything and I do still really like it here but its not quite the idealised picture i had in my head from 11/12 years ago.

      The 4th was a fantastic trip up to the blue mountains.. The day started with a trip to Featherdale wildlife park in the north Sydney suburbs which had lots of kangaroos, Wallabies, Koala's, Wombats and Birds. I absolutely adored this Koala that was a) fast asleep (unsurprisingly) but was b) snoring his head off! I've never heard a noise like it i think he may have given me and my dad a run four our money with the racket produced. After a quick stop for lunch in a small town in the lower Blue Mountains we drove on to the aptly named Scenic World for spectacular views from the paths, horizontal, glass bottom cable car, the steep cable car down to the temperate rainforest and the worlds steepest railway back up again afterwards. The whole day was topped off with a short boat ride down from Parramatta into Sydney, under the bridge and into Circular Quay just in time to meet up with Rachel finishing up from work! (video highlights of the day here: (… ) .

      Last night was good fun as well, my measure of a good place is always its people and running into a random group last night and being invited back to one of their converted warehouse apartments and partying on their roof until the early hours reminded me why i love the people of Sydney!

      Next week I'm picking up a car on Monday lunch time and driving slowly round the coast to Melbourne for Thursday, Rach is flying down on Friday to spend the weekend and I'm driving back up to Sydney on the following Monday.
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    • Dzień 63

      Die rote Erde und Pink Lake

      8 marca, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Es geht weiter mit viel roter Erde, hohen Felsen und endloser Weite, im Kontrast mit Pink farbenem Wasser.

    • Dzień 330

      🇳🇿New South Wales overview🍸💸👔 (Oz)

      16 stycznia 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      🔖 Before you go:
      Figure out all the burocracy you might need done so you save some time and surprises so are able to work as soon as possible (RSA if you wanna work in hospitality, first AID for teaching yoga, validating degree, cv all done...)

      🤤 Best food:
      Coffee (best coffee in the world without a doubt, here its such a science)

      😏 Best places to go out:
      1. The long goodbye (no cocktail menu, you just ask for what you want, how and with what and thwy make it up for you)
      2. The Baxter inn
      3. Shady Pines Saloon

      🛌 Places to stay:
      The flying fox blue mountains

      📝 Must do:
      1. Take the ferry from circular quay
      2. Workworkwork at all the job opportunities that sidney has to offer
      3. Go to some of the fanciest bars in the city (preferably speak easys)

      👁️Top attractions:
      1. Walk around the botanical gardens and the opera house
      2. Hike in the Blue Mountains
      3. Pet kangaroos and see some other wildlife on the surroundings on Sydney

      ✨Favorite moments:
      1. Going out with the crew of Mod Dining to fancy speakeasy bars, trivia night, dying with Kyle on our symbiotic relationships
      2. Jervis Bay with Matt
      3. Blue Mountains in the flying fox

      🔑Something this country taught me:
      So much about hospitality and bartending

      ♻️Something I've had enough of:
      The lights in Sydney, they give you time to walk halfway into the crossing path until it goes red.

      ⏳Something I will miss:
      Running my bar and making cocktails

      👣Leaving for next time:
      Royal National Park

      🎁To be remembered:
      Here no one wears shirts, that's a fact 🤷
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    • Dzień 1


      15 września 2015, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ben nog nooit zo laat begonnen met m'n koffer in te pakken. En raakte snachts lichtelijk nog even in paniek. Maar heb mezelf onder controle gehouden, bewust maar 2 uurtjes geslapen, en wakker worden van de wekker is dan geen probleem als je zwn vooruitzicht hebt. En.... Off she goes.. Mama en Lizette hebben me afgezet op Schiphol. Papa vanmorgen doei gezegd, hondjes een knuffel gegeven. Wel even in de file gestaan maar ruim op tijd aangereden. Utku (maat van me broertje) woont in Amsterdam en is me gedag komen zeggen, super leuk en lief! Nog even een broodje gegeten samen. En nu zit ik in het vliegtuig. Heb er nu 9 vd 12 uur opzitten. Ik viel natuurlijk meteen in slaap. Werd wel wakker toen m'n oren open klapte, maar gelukkig viel ik daarna meteen weer in slaap om na 7 uur wakker te worden. Zonder slaappil. Hoe zou t komen?! Maar goed. Net maar even documentaire gekeken van Lionel Messi. En nu dacht k zal meteen maar s een update zetten op mijn Ben net over India gevlogen. Ik zit bij t raam, wel bij de vleugel, maar in Nederland was het bewolkt en nu is het donker, dus d'r valt sowieso weinig te zien. Ik zit langs een vrouw uit Maleisië (ik vlieg met malaysia airlines MH19) ze knort een beetje omdat ze volgens mij verkouden is maar verder stinkt ze gelukkig niet en zitten er ook geen krijsende baby's om me heen en heb het een keertje niet koud. Dus al met al lekkere vlucht. Maar goed ook want na een stop van 3 uur in Maleisië moet ik nog een vlucht van 8,5 uur.

      Even terug denkend aan natuurlijk de mega super vette zomer die ik samen met jullie allemaal beleefd heb. Wat voor fijne mensen ik om me heen heb en vooral afgelopen weekend een topweekend, waardoor ik met een fijn gevoel jullie weer voorlopig kan verlaten. Het word wel steeds minder moeilijk, ik wil niet makkelijker zeggen, om afscheid te nemen. De tijd vliegt voorbij, duidelijk gebleken de laatste keer weg en deze 3 maanden zomer. Dus voor je het weet ben ik weer terug en kunnen we weer gaan feesten. Of mss keertje niet feesten. Ik ben stiekem wel een beetje benieuwd hoevaak ik ga zeggen de komende periode "fuck ik heb me weer eens misdragen„ .. (Zoals jullie vrijdag al gezien hebben heb ik het niet van een vreemde dus zal die tijd ooit komen dat ik me wel eens een keer "gedraag") we zullen het meemaken. Een voordeel, eigenlijk een dik nadeel, dat de alcohol hier zo duur is. WE ZULLEN ZIEN WAT AUSTRALIË VAN MIJ MAAKT. Of wat ik maak van Australië 👌🏼
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