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  • Day 12

    Starting the Camperlife

    January 8, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Hello from the bush 🌳🚐

    Am Zischtig Morge hemmer eus in Sydney direkt loh abhole vom Taxi, wo eus zode Abholstation vom Camper brocht hed. Vo eusem Chauffeur hemmer au grad no Tipps becho, unter anderem au wo euse erste Stopp zom campe sell sie. Mer hend euses rise Monster vo Maui mit vell Vorfreud entgäge gno & send relativ chorz ond knapp igfüehrt worde. Wo mer denn no s'Gstell mit Proviant vo vorhärige Camperfrönde entdeckt hend, hemmer eus sofort medemene erste Grondprovinant wie Salz-Pfeffer-Öl-Lömpe-Abwäschmittl usw. ideckt. 😍
    Nach 3 1/2h Wäg rechtig Newcastle simmer denn am schöne Örtli Forster ahcho. Met hongrige Büch semmer denn grad mal euse ersti Grossikauf go mache & send dör die riise Regal gschlenderet. Da die erste 3 Campings denn schomol usbuechet gsi send, hemmer för ne chorze Momänt scho Sorge gha, dass mir keis Schlofplätzli fended för die ersti Nacht 😅 Doch denn send mer zom guete Glöck im Twin Dolphins Caravan Park no ufgno worde. Do hemmer euses Könne grad mol mösse bewiise. Iparkiere? Strom ahschliesse? Wo föllt mer denn das frösche Wasser uf? 🤔 För eus alls Camper-Laie alles Neuland wo mer aber me oder weniger med Bravur gmeistered hend. 👏
    Todkabutt hemmer nachher entschlosse grad 2 Täg do z bliibe, dass mir eus zerst mol iiläbe chönd und eus dra gwöhne. Zom z Nacht hemmer denn üse Gashärd igweiht & Tomatespaghetti gmacht 🍲

    1 Tag spöter..
    Super entspannt ufgstande, gmüetlich gfrüehstückt. Ond denn ab a de schöni Strand go erhole 🏊🏻‍♀️🏖 Au det eschs relativ lustig worde en Parkplatz z gfinde för euse riese Camper 😅 De Obig hemmer ufem Camping mit emne feine BBQ loh usklinge 🍽🍗 , erste Moggesteck Plage & Vorbereitige för s' nöchste Ziel ➡️ Port Macquarie 🐨🌿

    Ps: Momentan eschs a dem Ort no keis Problem wäg de Buschbränd oder besser gseid nömme. Mir hend aber vell verbrönnte Wald gse uf de Hifahrt & sälbst uf eusem Camping heds no blibendi Idröck hinterloh was vor 2-3 Mönet gwüetet hed. 😞
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  • Day 23


    July 29, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Overnight, the bell tent admirably withstood a barrage of rain, only the second time we've seen rain since we got here. We headed out north for the day, up the coast towards Forster-Tuncurry. The single road ran with the sea immediately to our right and the lakes to our last, and through both Myall Lakes and Booti Booti National Parks...beautiful. We stopped at a couple of pull-ins on the way to take in the view (and chat to a random Australian chap who appeared to be doing the same). A brief stop at Smith's Lake down to the lake's edge and a wander out on the beach spot where the locals houses we perched high on stilts amongst the hillside down to the sea.

    We briefly wandered the shops at Forster but being a Sunday and out of season it was rather subdued. So we popped over the bridge to Tuncurry and the rock pool - a netted off ocean swimming bath. We splodged about in here as the dolphins played in the waves caused by the break wall inlets just the other side of the net. At the cafe, we had a fish and chip lunch and with the cooler temperature and slightly overcast sky we could have been at a British seaside resort (albeit a marginally warmer sea!). We strolled to the end of the northern breakwater after lunch where more dolphins were playing just metres off shore.

    On the way back, we stopped first at Elizabeth Beach for a little bit of rockpooling, looking at the bright red starfish on the rocks and a bit more splodging in the sea. Passing through Booti Booti on the way back, we took the 431 steps up to Cape Hawke lookout. It have a huge vantage over Elizabeth Beach and the whole coastline but was a rather knackering incline.

    On the strip of land dividing sea from lake, we stopped on Seven Mile Beach, most of which we impressively had to ourselves with beach stretching off in both directions. I took the opportunity to go swimming and dragged Ben in too 😊 probably cold by Aussie standards, it certainly wasn't freezing and once you'd been in for a while was actually very pleasant. The beach was littered with vibrant purple shells and a few rocks, but nothing else.

    The final stop of the day was Seal Rocks and Sugar Loaf Lighthouse. Recommended by just about everyone and every book, no one mentioned the 600 metre walk to the lighthouse finished in a ridiculously steep incline. The view afforded was indeed spectacular but to be honest the coastline is so vast and (being winter?) so free of people that the other views we had had today were easy rivals. The 'Dingo Advice' did make the walk somewhat more anxiety-ridden however!

    Back at base, we set a camp fire and enjoyed smores under the occasionally cloudy sky and huge full moon.
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  • Day 8

    Tuncurry Rockpool

    March 31, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    What’s up here is that we spied a protected headland which was netted and provided a beautiful place to swim.
    The water up here is so much warmer than down in Melbourne and would sit at approximately 22-23 degrees Celsius.
    This is area is currently being remodeled by the council and makes a perfect place for kids to learn how to swim. Just outside the netted area is a very deep channel and on the tide change runs very quickly.
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  • Day 2

    Lunch Together

    December 13, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We had lunch together at Hamilton’s Oysters in Tuncurry. It was a nice view out to the sea.
    This was our last night at Mobys Beachside before moving across to Mum and Dad’s villa at Pacific Palms resort on Monday.Read more

  • Day 2


    October 7, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    This caravan park is in a great location overlooking water. The ground is hard and the spots are not very deep or particularly level. Parking up was a bit tricky. But we settled in after getting the hang of it again. Still quite a few kids here but most leaving now as it’s the end of the holidays. Also a bit cooler than we thought it would be.Read more

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