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    • Day 3


      October 18, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Nach dem guten Frühstück stand ein Spaziergang an und die Tram zum Wiener Zentralfriedhof. Dort trudeln wir durch die Grabreihen und verbringen 2 Stunden. Plötzlich fällt auf, dass mein Handy fehlt! Nach diversen Wegen und Umwegen ist es abends um 17 Uhr abgegeben worden an der Kasse. Puuhhhh....
      Danach Essen und ein Bier und Erholung im Bermudaviertel hinter dem Stephansdom. Den ganzen Tag über Sonnenschein und viele nette Menschen.
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    • Day 2

      1. Hop on hop of Bus-Tour

      June 30, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Hüt Morge nach em meeega feine Zmorge im Hotel 👌👌 send mehr los zur Bus Tour furch Wien..... be meeega warmem Wätter isch heiss gsi u blauem Himmel. 😎 Am Schluss no etwas k.o. vo de Hitz u em lange Tag mit em Bus uf de Donau-Turm 252 m mit sensationeller Ussicht rund um Wien. Deno ischs ab Duuuurst u Hunger sit em Zmorge it Beachbar/Resti Herrmann a de Donau mit ufgschüttetem Strandfeeling u feine Drinks bevor de de gueti Food cho isch. Aber ohjee gg spöteri Obig hets ahgfange Tröpfele u schlussendlich feuchter Rägne. Daher send mehr rassig einigermassen trocke hei is Hotel mit em Taxi. Schöne Tag ischs gsi... 👌👍Read more

    • Day 275

      2. Tag Wien

      October 3, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute um 10.45 sind wir losgegangen und haben als erstes eine Stadtrundfahrt ca. 1,4 h gemacht.
      Danach sind wir quer durch das Zentrum zurückgelaufen.
      Nach einer Erholungsphase von ca. 2 h sind wir zum Abendbrot in das Hubertusbräu gegangen.Read more

    • Day 10


      July 19, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Wir sind von Budapest mit dem Zug nach Wien gefahren und haben auf dem Campingplatz ( übernachtet. Am nächsten Tag haben wir die Wiener Oper und die Innenstadt besucht.
      (Kosten Übernachtung 46.-/Essen 60
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    • Day 277

      3. Tag Wien

      October 5, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute sind wir in Schloss Schönbrunn.
      Um 13.15 dürfen wir ins Schloss.
      Vorher haben wir uns den Kronprinzengarten und den Orangeriegarten angesehen.
      Nach der ca. 1h stündigen Audiogideführung haben wir noch für 24nmin einen VTR-Brillen Ausflug unternommen.
      Um 19.30 haben wir Plätze in der "Frommen Helene" gebucht.
      Anschließend waren wir zu einem Absacker im "Kleinen Wiener Cafe"
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    • Day 19

      The great scavenger hunt

      August 23, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      The Kunthistorisches Museum in Vienna is huge. One could buy an annual membership and go once a week and not absorb all of the great art. Rick Steves in such situations recommends limiting yourself to 20 of the most famous paintings which he lays out for one in his book. That way when you visit it doesn't turn into a death march. When we went to the Louvre when the kids were younger I figured out the most prominent pieces of art and made up a scavenger hunt for the kids. Madeline and her friends are 16 so I wasn't sure how that would fly but when I told them about the idea, they were very enthusiastic. I designed the hunt around paintings that Rick Steves had recommended. I asked them questions about the paintings, some objective, some subjective and some philosophical. It included Reubens, Rembrandts, Titians, Coravaggios and more. It took us about two hours but everyone was quite engaged and seemed happy. We were all so engrossed by the game we didn't take many photos. Afterwards we all went to see were we would take the train from on Saturday when we left. I always think this is a good idea as it is quite unnerving if you get lost rushing to the airport. A dry run always ensures things will go better on your departure day.Read more

    • Day 17

      Vienna walking tour

      August 21, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Our adventures have been slowed down by the weather. Yesterday hit a high of 34 degrees and today hit a high of 36 degrees. I find that I am good for the morning until noon and then it gets too warm and I hit the heat wall. We retreat to our Air conditioned Air BnB. I have been going in the afternoon to a closer indoor outdoor pool doing a swim and chilling out on the deck of the indoor pool on a chez lounge chair and reading my Kobo reader. It's about a 12 minute walk and I have been taking respite in grocery stores and a post office. By the time I get back I think I am all warmed up again

      Yesterday we got an early start to beat the heat. We were away by 8:15 and we took the number 2 tram downtown to walk around old Vienna. We started at the Opera House and did a complete loop of downtown finishing off at the Hofburg palace. We followed the walking tour recommended by Rick Steves. Some of the highlights included St. Stephan's cathedral, admiring the interposition of the various architectures, looking into the old coffee houses, the plague memorial and Kohlmarkt- Viennas high end shopping district. We even went in a high end Louis Vuitton store which the girls really enjoyed.I think Vienna was heavily bomb in WW2 so there are some very old buildings interspersed with newer buildings. We kept them pretty well occupied until 11 am until they wanted to go off for a coffee by themselves and Cheryl and I headed to Cafe Gerstner for a coffee and to lap up the ambience of an old style Viennese cafe.
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    • Day 13

      Punkva Caves

      August 17, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      In planning for the Brno part of the trip, I have been flying somewhat solo regarding the planning. Rick Steves doesn't cover Brno at all although he covers some of the areas to the south and east which included the two Chateaus that we had visited. In my research for the trip I came across something known as the Punkva Caves and the Machocha abyss. It certainly sounded tantalizing. I have never been to an abyss before. The TripAdvisor's reviews were favorable but they were mainly written by locals and local guides. An occasional review said there was nothing special compared to other European caves the writer had been in. I had bought the tickets in advance and I was concerned that perhaps I was on to another dud just like Bunker Z. Of course when I did buy the tickets more than a month ago, all but the noon time was sold out which was a good sign. The caves were about an hour north west of Brno. Thank goodness for Google maps. I had read a review of someone who had used public transit but it must have taken them all day. When we arrived we had to pay for parking of course but it wasn't totally clear to me where the caves were. The tourist office indicated to us to walk up this road which seemed quite deserted but then we started seeing glum looking Czechs either walking down or being driven down on a shuttle bus that looked like a train. Czechs always look a little glum though and aren't great smilers. After a half hour walk we arrived in good time and waited for the tour to start. There were 40 of us on the tour. I had warned my Alberta group to come prepared for cooler weather so of course we were dressed for subzero temps. When the tour started and we reached the first cave, it was spectacular. Stalactites mites and nants. Small reflective pools of water. Formations that looked like rippling sheets and angels. The tunnel system just went on and on. It was all beautifully lit. At one point we walked up and down 50 metres of stairs. It was the most spectacular cave system I had been in. The caves had been carved out of limestone by the Punkva river. At one point where the limestone had collapsed we came into the bottom of the Machocha abyss. It was 134 metres deep. After the abyss we went back into the caves where we were picked up by a boat and taken on a boat ride on the Punkva river. The closest thing I had done to this was the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland but this was in a real cave and longer. Jada and Madeline saw a bat and had video of it to back up their claim. I had taken a separate boat than the others but when I arrived Jada and Madeline were waiting with huge smiles on their faces as I think they had enjoyed the experience even more than I had. They said it was a highlight of their trip.

      We drove back to Brno and dropped the girls off at the accommodation before taking the car back to the airport. It was great having the car for three days but I was happy to return it unscathed full of gas to the airport. We all really enjoyed the caves and it's not every day one can say that they have been to the abyss and back.
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    • Day 1

      비엔나 도착

      June 13, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      12시간 걸려 10,000킬로를 날아와서 취리히 공항에 도착.
      오랜만에 장거리 비행기를 탔더니 정말 힘들었다.
      기내식 세번 먹는 게 힘들다니 나이를 먹긴 먹었다 ㅋㅋㅋ

      취리히 공항에서 비엔나행 비행기로 갈아타려고 기다리다가 목이 말라서 주스를 샀는데 공항 물가 진짜 후덜덜...
      다음 주 스위스가 여러모로 기대된다.....

      비엔나 공항에서 숙소까지 가니 밤 12시 언저리.
      피곤해서 일이고 뭐고 씻고 잠!
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    • Day 278

      4. Tag Wien

      October 6, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Zentralfriedhof Wien
      Hier ruht Werner Rusch, Vater von Gisela Gohlke, geb. Rusch.
      Lage 97, 6.22 186-187
      Auch viele andere Berühmtheiten liegen hier.
      Anschauen haben wir schön Kaffee in der Conditorei am Friedhof getrunken

      Dann einen Bummel zum Stephansdom und Sachertorte im Cafe Vienna.
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