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    • Day 2

      Brussels by night

      June 26 in Belgium ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      🤔 tired…☺️
      Brussels by night. Interesting but tired. Took the advantage to make a sightseeing in the night because the train station Brussels Midi closes during the night (

      Check-In to the Eurostar to London then after 7:00 am (…).
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    • Day 4

      Belgian food culture

      July 4 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      To have been immersed in Belgian culture, according to our guide you need to have done chocolate, beer, frites (fries and DO NOT call them French Fries! Bad blood there 😳) and waffles.

      For tea, I visited the Wolf, Street food place.Read more

    • Day 398


      July 20 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Freie Flüge gibt es erst ab morgen abend, also trat Plan B in Kraft. Da Bea noch nicht 16 ist darf sie nicht alleine mit dem Eurostar von London nach Brüssel fahren. Damit sie trotzdem zurück kommt, habe ich den Zug für uns beide gebucht und so sind wir beide in Brüssel gelandet.
      Diese Nacht schlafe ich hier im Hotel und morgen geht es mit dem Zug zurück nach London. Was tut man nicht alles für die Familie 🧡. Ganz abgesehen davon konnte ich endlich meine Schwester wiedersehen, hat sich die Fahrt noch mehr gelohnt!
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    • Day 107


      July 2, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Daniel started the day with a run while Gab chatted with friends from home. We then headed to the Grand Place to meet up for our free walking tour! This was one of the longest and also most informative tours we had done so far on our trip with a very charismatic guide called Adrien. We learnt a lot during our 4km tour which went for almost 3.5 hours (with a short break half way through where we bought traditional frites!)

      We learnt some interesting things such as:
      - Belgium has 3 official languages being French, Dutch and German. 60% of the country is Dutch speaking and 40% of the country is French speaking (and less than 1% are German speaking). Brussels is the only multi-lingual city in Belgium and everything is supposed to be displayed in French and Dutch, however, 90% of people living in Brussels speak French and 10% speak Dutch.
      - The site of the Grand Place was originally a market back in 11th century and it was later destroyed during conflict and rebuilt. The Grand Place is very impressive and contained the city hall (which is still used as a city hall today) and houses that were for different guilds (such as for writers, painters and bakers).
      - In Belgium, people have to get married in their local city hall so people in Brussels have to get married on Saturday mornings in a small hall in the city hall (with a 20 minute time slot).
      - The city hall with the large spire is the only original building standing in The Grand Place as all others had burnt down and been reconstructed. The spire is actually not in middle of building and as such the building is not symmetrical (the original design was symmetrical but then they decided to add to one side of the building but there wasn't enough room to make it symmetrical).
      - There is a massive comic book industry in Belgium, including their most famous character - Tin Tin! There are over 70 comic book murals scattered on walls around the city of Brussels. Reading comic books is very popular for people of all ages and the French speaking comic book industry sells 10million copies every year (unlike the English speaking industry which serves many more people but sells around 1million copies a year).
      - We stopped at the Manneken Pis - a statue of a little boy peeing from the 13th century. No one knows who and why it was put there (although there are many crazy legends!) So, basically the statue is famous for being famous but the people from Brussels don't mind it being their unofficial mascot - they don't take themselves seriously! There are a group of people who dress up the Mannekin Pis and he has over 1000 outfits. We saw him dressed up in a uniform of a student union.
      - There is a lot of diversity in beer which is why it is so famous in Belgium! There is said to be around 25,000 different beers in Belgium, and about 80% of beers aren’t exported, so try them while you are there (which we plan to do!!)
      - Belgium has an interesting history having been controlled by the Spanish, French and Dutch at different times. The Belgian Revolution was in 1830.
      - There is a river under Brussels (called River Senne) which was covered up to get rid of the problem of cholera which killed many people in Brussels in the last 1800s.
      - Traditional frites (fries) in Brussels are made by twice fried potatoes in beef fat oil at two different temperatures - delicious!
      - We learnt all about chocolate! The cacao bean was bought to Europe in 1600s but solid chocolate as we know it was a 19th century creation. There were a number of rules which were followed closely in Belgium including that you can’t have anything less than 45% cacao mixture otherwise can’t call it chocolate, you could only use certain ingredients and you can't use vegetable oil instead of cacao. So for example, companies such as Cadbury/Hershey had to rename their products to chocolate-flavoured candy. These rules are mostly no longer in place but most Belgian chocolatiers still follow these traditions which is what makes the chocolate so good!

      We stopped for a quick lunch break and then tried our next Belgian delicacy - waffles! We were recommended to get one from a food truck as it is the freshest and it did not disappoint, the taste was incredible!!

      We then continued to walk around the city and spot some more of the comic murals, more peeing statues (one of a girl called the Jeanneke Pis and one of a dog called Het Zinneke!) and then a very interesting looking concrete truck made out of steel!

      We finished the day with a few authentic Belgian beers in an old school pub recommended by our walking tour guide (called Les Brassiers). Gab tried an amber beer made by monks (a trappist ale) called Orval and Daniel tried a popular ale called Jupiler. We then headed back to the Airbnb.
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    • Day 58


      October 31, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today we left beautiful rainy Paris on a 5 hour bus trip to a beautiful and rainy Brussels.

      Once we arrived we dropped our bags off at our hostel and made our way downtown. We enjoyed some Belgium waffles, and then some hot chips - which they are apparently known for. Both foods were incredible.

      We strolled and explored some more before we came across a barber, and Phill decided to go in for a hair cut as his was getting long - little did we know he would have to wait 50 minutes (longer than any of the Disney rides!?) As the barber gave facials and liked to smoke in-between clients. All worked out, as the cut was worth it.

      We then spent the remainder of the night doing boring things in the common area like budgeting the rest of our trip as we're pretty much half way through!

      Step count;
      Bec - 18.6k
      Phill - 13.4k
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    • Day 63

      Brussels to London

      November 15, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      So today I am starting my journey home. The weather in Brussels was quite pleasant and I had a last stroll around Brigitte’s garden and was lucky to see a large flock of birds fly over. My taxi arrived a little early and we had a great run into Brussels MIDI where I would catch the Eurostar to London.

      When I went through I was asked if I would be willing to be transferred to an earlier train, which I agreed to. So I ended up arriving in London a couple of hours earlier than first scheduled. At St. Pancras I made my way to the Piccadilly line to catch the Underground to Heathrow. On the way there I ran into a couple of Canadians (mother and daughter) who were a little lost so they travelled out to Heathrow with me.

      I then headed over to the Sofitel to check in and just relax and take it easy and repack my bags in preparation for the final few legs of my journey home. I had put in for an upgrade to Business Class and was advised when I checked in on line this afternoon that my request was successful 😀This makes the change to my flight from Perth to Melbourne and the 3 hour wait (instead of 45 minutes) a little more bearable.
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    • Day 13

      Brüssel - Das Ende einer tollen Reise

      September 6, 2019 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nach den verschiedenen belgischen Bieren (die meisten haben einen Alkoholgehalt jenseits der 6%) fiel das Aufstehen nicht ganz so einfach. Doch da wir das Parkhaus sowieso 24h bezahlen mussten und in Düsseldorf auch erst gegen 4 Uhr erwartet wurden, beschlossen wir noch ein paar Stunden die Stadt zu erkunden. Von der schönen Innenstadt ging es also weiter zum Königspalast und dem vorgelagerten "Parc de Bruxelles". Im Park waren mehrere große Zelte für ein kulinarisches internationales Fest vorbereitet, in dem schon fleißig Kochtöpfe aus allen Ländern der Welt vor sich her zischten. Für uns allerdings etwas früh. Vom Königspalast ging es weiter zum EU Parlament. Da dieses aber für Besucher nicht zugänglich ist, schauten wir im Besucherzentrum "Parlamentarium" vorbei. Und dort war es dann so interessant, dass wir in der kostenlosen Ausstellung beinahe die Zeit vergaßen. Interessant aufbereitet Geschichte der EU, interaktive Inhalte mit Multimedia-Guide und allerlei interessante Informationen über die Tätigkeiten und Abgeordneten rundeten unsere doch sehr geschichtlich geprägte zweite Urlaubshälfte ab.
      Zurück zum Auto und auf der Straße waren wir kurz nach 4 in Düsseldorf, wo Lena den Urlaub ausklingen ließ und Danny fuhr noch für zwei Tage nach Essen zum work[x] Festival (ehemals Pathfinder), sodass es schließlich Sonntag Abend Richtung Heimat ging.

      Und damit endet eine interessante Reise, welche so viele verschiedene Eindrücke hinterlässt, die in den kommenden Tagen doch erstmal setzen müssen. Bis bald! Die nächste Reise kommt bestimmt.
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    • Day 189

      Brussels, Belgium

      November 13, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Beer, Waffles and Chocolate in no particular order. Now repeat. That's been our mantra since we entered Belgium and I must say it's a delightful one. We spent a few days in the Flemish capital of the north Brussels. The city's architecture is beautiful and there is plenty to do and see in the European Unions administrative home.

      Belgium is actually a relatively new country in Europe. Belgium had a revolution and won independence from the Netherlands in 1830. Surprisingly, the catalyst of the revolution was an opera called "La muette de Portici". The opera was focused on nationalistic themes and when the opera finished on August 25th of that year, patrons immediately started to revolt on the streets! After the revolution, Belgium also started a new constitutional monarchy and elected Leopold I as their king. He apparently didn't want the job, but eventually accepted.
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    • Day 23

      Essen an jeder Ecke 🧇

      April 4, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Brüssel ist definitiv eine Stadt des leckeren Essens. Ob süß oder herzhaft, es ist für jeden was dabei 🧇🍟🧆 An jeder Ecke gibt es wunderbare Schokoladengeschäfte, die schmackhafte belgische Schokolade verkaufen, aber auch Pommes Frites findet man zu genüge.
      Insbesondere die klassischen brüsseler Fritten sollte man hier probiert haben, aber auch regionales Essen wie Boulets sollte man unbedingt einmal versuchen. Heute habe ich außerdem gelernt, dass es auch hier zwei verschiedene Arten von Waffeln gibt 🧇 die Brüsseler Waffel (die rechteckige und weiche, aber dünnere und dafür belegte Waffel) und die Lütticher Waffel (dickere superweiche runde Waffel, in welche Perlzucker eingebacken wird. Diese wird dann erwärmt, so dass sie außen karamellisiert und schön knusprig wird, aber innen weiterhin sehr weich bleibt) 🤤
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    • Day 6

      Day 6. Brussels

      February 10 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today we headed to Brussels, we headed down to the train station and managed to miss the first train as we thought it was going in the wrong direction. We had to wait 30 mins for the next one, but this meant we only got into Brussels 5 minutes later than what the first one would of, so not all lost.

      We first headed to the Mont des Arts park which lead us to "Palace de Bruxelles". This was very pretty and the Palace was lovely. Afterwards we headed to the European Parliament, home to the European Union, this was cool to see despite now not being part of it... We headed back to the centre, stopped for a baguette and Belgium Waffle (which James managed to drop on the table...) we luckily saved most of it, they were both delicious.

      Brussels wouldn't be worth going to if you didn't taste the chocolate and Beer. So we headed to a super posh chocolatier called Neuhaus, they were madly expensive at £2.70 each for little chocolates, but the shop threw in some samples so this made it slightly more affordable. We headed to Grand-Place, we can see how this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world, every building was so stunning and lots of gold was on show. We were super impressed by the square. Our last stop was a statue called Manneken Pis, which is basically a baby going for a wee as a fountain.. who famously put out a fuse which ultimately stopped the city from burning down, quite the saviour. He was dressed in Chinese outfits and had quite the crowd.

      Last stop was a belgian beer enroute to the station, we stopped at this quirky little bar and they were loving feeding Maddy crisps. Maddy had alot of attention today and coped well and like always, trooped it all the way to the end. 2 trains to get back and quick easy pizza for tea. Ready to chill as tomorrow we are off to Antwerp.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Brussels, Brüssel, Brussel, بروكسل, ܒܪܘܟܣܠ, Bruseles, Брусэль, Брюксел, Brisel, Brusel·les, Brusel, Brwsel, Bruxelles, Βρυξέλλες, Brukselo, Bruselas, Brusela, بروکسل, Bryssel, An Bhruiséil, Bruiseal, Bruxelas, בריסל, Brüsszel, Բրյուսել, BRU, Bruxel, ブリュッセル, ბრიუსელი, 브뤼셀, Bruksel, Bruxellae, Bréissel, Briuselis, Brisele, Брисел, ब्रसेल्स, Bruksela, 1000, Брюссель, Bruselj, Brukseli, บรัสเซลส์, Brüksel, بريۇسسېل, Брюсель, Brussele, 布鲁塞尔, 布魯塞爾

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