Province du Hainaut

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Province du Hainaut
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    • Hari 2

      Je suis un croissant

      16 Julai 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We hebben het mooie België achter ons gelaten om een kijkje te nemen in Frankrijk. Net de grens over naar een gebied waar we kunnen overnachten.

      We zijn in een klein paradijsje terecht gekomen, een open plek omringd door rotsen waar je kan klimmen, midden in een bos met een klein vennetje achter ons.

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    • Hari 3

      Kans op smeltende zeehond

      17 Julai 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We blijven nog een nachtje op deze plek. Dit keer de rotsen op en in de hangmatten, Merel, Malou en otis slapen in de tent.

      Smiddags een wandeling door het beekje, otis heeft gigantisch genoten en is zichzelf volledig aan het uitputten.

      We hebben een hele aardige Belgische man ontmoet die savonds ook bij ons bij het vuur komt zitten.
      Toen stelde hij voor om zijn gitaar te halen en zijn zelfgeschreven nummers voor ons te spelen, daarna heeft hij nog wat geïmproviseerd over otis de smeltende zeehond. Hele leuke avond gehad en heel erg fijn om zo'n leuk iemand te ontmoeten.

      Na een aantal biertjes en hele vieze wijn strompelen we naar boven het kamp in.
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    • Hari 12

      Bapaume 18 miles

      24 Julai 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Suddenly the walk has got harder.

      Started poorly. Still raining when I set off. No breakfast. Couldn’t decide where to stop but came across a large supermarket. Grand. They should have a cafe but no they didn’t. Tried to buy some food but it was all packaged in multiples of what I wanted. Managed eventually to get a pastry, banana and some juice except when I tried to pay it became clear that I should have weighed the banana. So I couldn’t have it. She couldn’t or wouldn’t weigh it for me. Pastry and juice it was then.

      Felt ok when I came to the sign for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission HQ which was about half a mile out of route. Had seen a flyer for it a few days ago so went to visit it. It produces the gravestones for all the different worldwide cemeteries. Sobering stuff.

      By the time I was back on route it was 12.30pm and I had only done a couple of miles of today’s route. Not good. Afternoon really a bit of a plod. Nothing to eat. Rain always discourages stopping for a rest. Underfoot became tough going. Either small stones or mud or a mixture. Feet now sore. Took until 6pm to reach next accommodation, a sort cheap, rundown hotel. Tiny room. At least they did dinner. Not much choice. Adequate. Best bit was what it didn’t have. No polite chat. No dogs. No walking in the rain to find it and no random pictures of mother.

      Lights out by 10pm and hope I feel chirpier tomorrow.
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    • Hari 63

      WWI Battlefields - The Somme

      4 Julai 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We travelled around the Somme battlefields today where the Australians fought and thousands died. Seeing the terrain and hearing the information from our expert guide, a military historian, really gives an insight into the battles and what went right, what went wrong, and why.

      After our visit to Tyne Cot we saw the areas where the battles of Bullecourt, Pozieres and the Somme were fought, as well as some of the cemeteries.

      A few figures:

      * the Australians lost 10000 men at Bullecourt in two weeks.
      * the British lost 60000 at Poziers, the Australians lost 23000.
      * the Thiepval memorial lists the names of 72000 missing British soldiers with no known grave.

      There are cemeteries literally everywhere and it is all so depressingly sad.
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    • Hari 24


      2 Julai 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Day 23:
      Distance: 37.44 km (751.06 km)
      Steps: 52,718 (1,076,718)
      Move time: 7h52 (172h09)
      Spend: £21.06 (£345.03)

      Mons to Charleroi.

      The most Sunday of Sundays. And by that, I mean I went for a walk, I fell asleep on a bench, and I even wandered into a church service. Other than that, there wasn't too much Sunday about today really; unless, of course, you tend to walk obsessively next to the motorway on your days off. But sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. And just as I thought I'd finally reached some characterful terrain with the emergence of distant hills as well, you know what they were? Slag heaps. And if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about Belgium's 4th largest city, then I don't know what will. The approach to Charleroi was littered with the remnants of decades-old decaying industry: towering factories, capacious warehouses, and rust infested ghost towns. It was actually fascinating to observe though, even if I had no idea what it was that I was even looking at half the time. Tonight, another hostel; tomorrow, push on in the direction of Dinant.Baca lagi

    • Hari 1

      Erste Etappe geschafft

      18 September 2022, Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nachdem wir Deutschland, die Niederlande und Belgien hinter uns gelassen haben sind wir nun im Zielland angekommen 🇫🇷

      Wir hatten einen kleinen Mittags Snack und fahren nun weiter Richtung Küste. Mal sehen, wo wir morgen aufwachen werden 🌅Baca lagi

    • Hari 23


      1 Julai 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Day 22:
      Distance: 32.43 km (713.62 km)
      Steps: 46,963 (1,024,400)
      Move time: 7h32 (164h17)
      Spend: £38.36 (£323.97)

      Peruwelz to Mons.

      Skies holding firm? Well, the universe clearly had other ideas. Ever since I used that phrase yesterday, I brought an inevitably soggy fate upon myself today as the rain sliced down throughout the night and continued to splatter throughout the day. When you are practically living outside, the weather can really dictate your life; there's little avoiding the fact that rain really just does make everything harder. It's all fun and games in flawless weather at the top of some pristine mountain somewhere, but when it's hurling down as you're navigating grey Belgian industrial estates, it's that which really makes you question what series of events even led you to this point in life. So I'll blame that for my lethargy. Sure as day turns to night though, I've made my way into Mons, the attractive capital of Hainaut, where after calculating the optimal price to calorie ratio of Belgian McDonalds, I took an evening meander to cool off the day.

      P.S. Oh, and the Belgians bloody love a well trimmed bush (and some good mural art too), what's up with that?
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    • Hari 17

      Marching on!

      22 Mei 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Belgian Pageantry is, it seems, a big thing. I was lucky to bump into a festival in full swing in Thuin. It appears to be an evolution of a religious parade where a statue or relic of the local saint is taken around the village once a year as a kind of blessing/protection. Somehow this has got wrapped up with military costumes from the period around Napoleon for armies coming from all over the place (belgium is a bit of a long-term battle ground). The locals were super keen to impress about how great this is. There were many different marching bands each of which have various uniforms and divisions for drums, guns, women, kids etc.
      Binche is famous for its festival with straw stuffed gilles (men) which lob oranges as a blessing. It was not their fete but a few of them were out and about (and I was given but not lobbed an orange ).
      I also visited the 2002 UNESCO barge lift (unfortunately closed on Mondays but impressively huge none the less) and the found the older Napoleonic version near by. Finally stopped in the city of Mons.
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    • Hari 10

      Marvelous Mons

      23 September 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Today we headed to Mons a delightful little town about an hours drive from Limal. Our reason to be in Mons was twofold first to have lunch with Brigitte’s kids and grandchildren to celebrate her birthday and second to attend the Beatles day ( a separate entry required for this).

      I had no expectations about Mons and was pleasantly surprised by this beautiful city which is full of character and culture and beautifully set out.

      We were supposed to have lunch at this up market Chinese Restaurant ( a friend Brigitte’s aunt and uncle run it) but we discovered after trying to ring for a few days that the restaurant was closed until mid October. In a panic, Brigitte looked on-line and found a place that had good reviews, was situated just off the Grand Place and got 4.7 on trip adviser.

      It was a small “restaurant” with Formica tables and when you asked for a soft-drink there was no glass provided and you required to drink it directly from a can! Brigitte was mortified but we soldiered on and had lunch there, the food was pretty basic but edible and the price of the entire meal was substantially lower than Brigitte had expected (the silver lining?). We had advised the waitress that took our orders that Stéphane was allergic to nuts and she advised that the dish he had ordered was “nut free” but then we saw that the rice and noodles that accompanied the meals was covered in nuts.
      We checked again that Steph’s meal was safe to consume and were assured it was, however, as Steph started to eat the meal he started to feel unwell. He took an anti-histamine and started feeling nauseous and generally unwell. He went out for some fresh air and we fixed up the bill and headed out.

      As we had some time and the kids were having dessert, Nathalie and Melanie and I took a little tour around the city. The Grand Place was buzzing as there was a never ending parade of weddings going into the Town Hall. We will definitely have to visit again as Geertje told me that it was voted the cultural capital of Brussels.
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    • Hari 1

      Auf gehts

      4 April, Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute morgen ging’s los. Der Sonne entgegen. Oder auch nicht so. Jedenfalls hatten wir erst mal wahnsinnig schlimmes Wetter 🌧️ Als wir allerdings unseren ersten Stopp in Belgien erreicht haben, schien dann tatsächlich die Sonne ein wenig. Leider mussten wir bei unserer Ankunft allerdings feststellen, dass die Kühlbox im Bulli nicht mehr so kühl war. Morgen müssen wir uns wohl mal um eine neue bzw. eine Reparatur kümmern 🙃. Wir haben uns trotzdem einen schönen Abend gemacht waren eine Runde durch den Ort laufen und haben was zu essen gekocht. Wir stehen hier bei einem Biobauernhof der für 15€ pro Nacht sogar WLAN und ein Bad zur Verfügung stellt 👌🏽Baca lagi

    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Province du Hainaut, Provinz Hennegau, Hainaut Province, Hainaut, Henegouwen

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