On January 13, 2018, we set off from Portland, Oregon to tour the world, from hiking the Andean Mountains in Peru, SCUBA diving the Red Sea in Jordan and adopting an elephant in Kenya. Les mer Portland, United States
  • Dag 728

    Absolutely impressive Iguazu Falls

    10. januar 2020, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    I was a little nervous that Iguazu Falls wouldn’t live up to the hype. It’s not the most convenient place to get to and so many travel blogs and photoshopped pictures these days make places look more amazing than they are in reality. But fortunately Iguazú was incredible as they say.

    First we visited the Argentine side. With 7 miles of trails, there are plenty of viewpoints, most of which allow you to look down on the numerous falls (240 in total!). Seeing the massive falls called Devil’s Throat was amazing. Powerful gushes of water roaring down the cliff, how does it not run out of water eventually??

    We were caught in a complete downpour which was kind of fun and refreshing, as it was still 95 degrees with 87% humidity. 🥵

    Given the weather and all the spiders, this was the perfect amount of jungle for me. We saw a small toucan in the trees, a cayman floating in the water, and so many cute little coatis, which are like tame raccoons eager for tourists’ food. Not as cute with their claws climbing up your leg, begging for food!

    Off to the Brazil side tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 726

    Chao for now, Buenos Aires

    8. januar 2020, Argentina ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

    One great last night in Buenos Aires. A pool party on the roof, picnic in the park then pasta dinner. We may have had a few too many bottles of wine, but it was a fun night out with some good new friends, lots of laughs, and a strong desire to return to BA.Les mer

  • Dag 724

    Back to baking

    6. januar 2020, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    In our last week in BA, I finally got myself to a baking class to make alfajores with Vicky Pe Bakery. These cookie sandwiches are found all over Latin America but are made with slight variations depending on the region. The one we made was from Mar del Plata, the beach south of Buenos Aires, made with Nutella and cocoa powder, filled with lots and lots of dulce de leche, then dipped in dark chocolate. 😋

    It was a fun afternoon chatting about life in Argentina, drinking mate, learning a bit of Portuguese from the Brazilian couple who were also in the class, and of course eating lots of sweets.
    Les mer

  • Dag 723

    Team Tigre

    5. januar 2020, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Toured about Tigre with this fine crew on Sunday. This small town just 40 minutes north of Buenos Aires is part of the Paraná delta with hundreds of natural canals and interconnecting rivers.

    We did all the touristy things: We took a boat ride down the murky-looking river to see the canals and gawk at the homes that are only accessible by boat. We wandered through the massive Sunday market which was like one big HomeGoods store - it wasn’t as artisanal as I expected and was super crowded but at least Daniel got a lamp 😂 And we enjoyed beers at a rooftop bar.

    Our trip to Tigre wasn’t as “tranquilo” or as much of a reprieve from the city as some people say it can be, but overall it was one fun day. #teamtigre #eatchillsweat
    Les mer

  • Dag 719

    How do they stay out so late?!

    1. januar 2020, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    I have no idea how the Argentines do it. They go to dinner at 10pm any day of the week. For New Years, we were proud of ourselves for making it until 2:30am - for us Americans, that is quite late and when the bars close. But here, oh no, that's when the party is just getting started and plenty of people stay out until the sun comes up. Do they ever sleep? I'm not quite sure.

    But we at least had a good time with some new expat friends. NYE is a little different here, nearly every restaurant and bar is closed as people spend time at home with their families until midnight. They ring in the new year, then hit the clubs which open at 1am (!!). We found a couple casual bars in a touristy area that happened to be open at 8pm for our American schedule. Service was slow but we had a good time chatting and enjoying the evening, like it was any other day of the year. Only because big fireworks started going off did we realize it was midnight. No countdown or ball dropping here!

    It was a relatively low key New Years but thankful we got to celebrate it with great new friends in a fun city we are loving.

    Happy 2020!
    Les mer

  • Dag 716

    BsAs - part 2

    29. desember 2019, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Life has been good here in Buenos Aires. A little mellow and some days I feel a little guilty that we haven’t done more touristy things or venturing outside our nice neighborhood of Palermo. But then again it’s been relaxing after numerous weeks being on the go to just work out, get a few things done at cute cafes and enjoy all the parks.

    That being said, we are slowly working through our list of “Buenos Aires Must Dos.”

    We finally did a walking tour of the city center, where we learned a bit more about Evita and other aspects of Argentine history.

    We took advantage of the crazy exchange rate and went to a fancy closed-door restaurant - this one was a sommelier who decided to turn his gorgeous 19th century home into a dining space for 10 guests 2x a week. We got a delicious multi-course meal, a lot of good wine (too much it turned out!) and great conversation with fellow diners.

    I’ve been taking Spanish classes from a great tutor who is teaching me all about Argentine culture and lots about the different words and weird pronunciation here (double Ls are not like a y in other Spanish speaking countries but rather a sh- sound).

    Finally after 3 weeks here we’ve been making a few more friends. While I don’t love a lot of things about Facebook, I do love the way it allows you to connect with fellow travelers.

    But sadly since we only have a week left here, time to get the final activities off our to do list - a day trip to Tigre, a river delta area north of Buenos Aires; an alfajores baking class; and a tango show. Time to get it all in!
    Les mer

  • Dag 693

    Life in Buenos Aires

    6. desember 2019, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Dog walkers - they have an intense job here where walking 10 dogs at once is not uncommon. It is impressive.

    Graduation celebration - friends and family come out to celebrate the graduate by spraying them with silly string, confetti and paint. Very festive!

    Food - man do they love dulce de leche, so much so the grocery stores have entire aisles devoted to various brands of the sauce.
    As for eggs, in the little stores that are on most corners, you can buy them by the egg - whether you want 1 or 7, no need for a full dozen here. Then they get wrapped all nice and snug in newspaper for you to take home.

    Enjoying our first week in Buenos Aires, the beautiful parks, charming cobblestone streets, and chaos and grit. The cheap prices of everything doesn’t hurt either!
    Les mer

  • Dag 688

    More hiking!

    1. desember 2019, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    For our last Patagonia stop, we spent a few days in El Chaltén, a super tiny tourist town at the edge of the Glaciares National Park. The mountains surround the whole town, and you can easily start several great hikes right from your hostel or AirBnB.

    With only 350 year-round residents, it’s quite small but still filled with restaurants making homemade pasta, microbreweries, and bakeries making solid empanadas and alfajores (I love these little shortbread cookie sandwiches with dulce de leche in the middle!) Plus the town has a fun vibe of hikers and rock climbers from around the world, all there to enjoy the best of nature.

    After one day spent wallowing and sitting mostly in the hotel with a terrible head cold, we got in a couple more lovely hikes with some amazing views of Mt Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre. Brice even suggested going on a second hike in one day - is he beginning to somewhat like hiking?!

    We once again got great weather to close out our 3 weeks in Patagonia. Certainly wasn’t as cold or dreary as I feared or expected and I’m a-ok with that luck!
    Les mer

  • Dag 684

    Where are the White Walkers??

    27. november 2019, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    We have made it to Argentina! On this side of Patagonia, we got to adventure about at Perito Moreno, a 97-square mile glacier with a massive ice wall that is 200’ high. We were lucky enough to hike on the ice and to see a few calvings (where huge chunks fall into the water), which sound like the booming crack of lightening. I was shocked by how blue the ice is - simply gorgeous.

    Also couldn’t help but think of The Wall from Game of Thrones the whole day...
    Les mer

  • Dag 680

    W Trail - Day 5

    23. november 2019, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Day 5: Mirador de Torres; 13.9miles

    Wow that was exhausting. The hike to the mirador was super crowded with people (unlike our other days). It was also just straight uphill - definitely a slog but not too bad until the last .8 miles. We finally made it to the mirador after 4+ hours, there was some cloud cover and some wind but otherwise it was quite nice views with the big towers and the blue lake below. We were exhausted and hurting a bit though so didn’t enjoy it as much as possible perhaps. The route down was slow going and painful, so many big rocks jamming on my knees and steep downhills smashing toes in my boots. Once we made it to the flat part, I was beyond thrilled.

    I am happy to have done the hike as I would have regretted not, but also feel sadly it was a little underwhelming, as it is the quintessential hike of Torres del Paine. The other hikes were certainly better.

    It was so nice being back in time for a hot shower and dinner at the lodge instead of getting on the bus, even if it meant another night in a dorm.

    We shared a bottle of wine with a super nice couple from Bilbao and celebrated our final evening on the trail. We did it!!! 🎉
    Les mer

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