Khwai River Lodge

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    • Giorno 14

      Letzter Ausflug per Auto

      27 ottobre 2021, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Da wir unsere private Elefanten/Hippo-Party auskosten wollten, fahren wir heute etwas später ins Gelände. Gleich am Anfang sehen wir zwei Safari-Autos, von denen wir sonst nie etwas gesehen haben. Die Guides haben eine Löwen auf einer Anhöhe entdeckt. Wir machen ein paar Fotos, verziehen uns aber gleich (zu viele Menschen). Dann entdecken wir eine Leopardenschildkröte und erfreuen uns wieder an allem, was uns vors Auge kommt. Da es unser letzter Abend ist, machen wir keinen Stress, genießen die tolle Flusslandschaft, winken unseren tierischen Freunden zu und versuchen alles so gut wie es geht ins Gehirn zu brennen. Es ist wirklich unfassbar, was wir in den 10 Tagen erleben durften. Wir empfinden das alles als großes Privileg und sitzen häufig schweigend im Auto.
      Abends werden die Reste verputzt, unsere Hyäne vertrieben, dann geht es ins Bett.
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    • Giorno 14

      Gamedrive am Morgen Kwai River

      27 ottobre 2021, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wir wollen heute früh los um am Fluss nach Tieren zu suchen. Darum geht es früh los. Wir haben gut geschlafen und auch gestern Abend ist unsere private Hyäne vorbeigekommen.
      Es ist fast frisch heute morgen (23 Grad) und los geht es. Wir bewundern wieder einige Hippos, die im Fluß liegen und fahren in die Marsch. Weit weg entdecken wir an unserer Vogelinsel einen Löwen, bald darauf 3 weitere Exemplare. Dann stellt sich heraus, dass in unserer Nähe eine weitere Löwin ihr Frühstück verputzt. Die vier anderen, zwei Weibchen und zwei Jungtiere kommen auf uns und die Löwin zu. Es scheint, dass die Jagd geprobt wird. Sie teilen sich in zwei Gruppen auf und wechseln immer wieder ihre Positionen. Ab und zu sehen wir im hohen Gras nur die Rücken, dann wieder die ganzen Tiere. Das Schauspiel dauert eine ganze Weile, bis alle an unserem Auto sind, die zwei Großen sich in den Schatten verziehen und die Kleine darauf warten, dass das dritte Weibchen ihr Essen stehe läßt. So bleibt für sie auch etwas vom Impallas übrig. Schwer begeistert fahren wir weiter und begeistern uns weiter an der Tierwelt, die von uns entdeckt werden will. Gegen 10:30 sind wir wieder im Camp, essen ordentlich und hoffen, dass die Mittagshitze nicht zu doll wird.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 13

      Another wild night in Moremi

      7 marzo 2022, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Not having had much sleep and what with the hyenas waking us up at 4am and keeping us awake, everyone was up early and packing up by 6:30am.
      After a quick coffee we loaded up and hit the dirt roads driving deeper and deeper into the wilderness. We had already been warned by the lady at Moremi Camp that we would probably be the only ones there and it was a 40km private game drive all the way, first we saw a herd of Zebra, then impala, then elephants and then we saw giraffe elephants and zebra altogether, it was the best drive we had, had so far.
      At 10:30am we arrived at the south entrance of the Khansi game reserve and the lady at the last camp was right, we are the only ones here, and this is dangerous territory.
      The campsites are unbelievably overgrown because nobody has been here for 2 years so just getting to the site was a problem as the elephants and hippos have decided to make wallowing holes on the tracks leading in. 3 years ago a man was pulled from his tent by a leopard and a few months later a hyena tried to take a child.
      As soon as we pulled up the monkeys were on us, Pieter was trying to make lunch while the rest of us pitched our tents and the a monkey stole a packet of 6 rolls and an onion and when Pieter started shouting at the monkey who was now at the top of a tree the monkey through 2 rolls at him, it was hilarious watching a grown man screaming at a monkey and the monkey just sat in the tree tucking in to our lunch.
      After lunch we went on a drive, I don’t know how many times we nearly got stuck in deep water, at one point it came up as far as the windows and we all got covered in mud, but it was a serious adventure and I think Pieter was in his element driving through a real jungle looking at elephants, zebra, coodoo, tortoise, and hundreds of different birds.
      At 5pm we drove back to camp and thought we’d take a walk over a rickety old bridge and try and spot the hippos but before we got there, right behind our camp was a huge matriarch elephant, we were so close, well with 10 meters hiding behind a bush so we wouldn’t scare her, we stayed there for about 20 minutes until she turned around so we headed back to camp and the elephant came up from the embankment and into the camping areas and wandered off.
      Pieter cooked us a fillet steak for dinner and we think it was probably the best we’d ever had but there is something very unsettling about eating your dinner whilst keeping a lookout with torches for any predators, the only thing that came close was hippo’s because they’re in the river right behind us but once out of the water they scare easily and we shone the torch on them and they disappeared back into the river. At 8:30pm, after dinner and another group toilet break in the bushes, it was bedtime. The lions are already roaring in the distance, hippos are groaning behind us, hyena have just started whooping the other side of camp. This could be a long night.......
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    • Giorno 14

      Hyenas, Hippos & Elephants

      8 marzo 2022, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Despite being up early this morning nobody was in a particular hurry to get going. Last night seemed pretty quiet in camp but on checking the camera traps it was revealed that a hippo and a hyena passed through. Fortunately I think we were all so tired that we just slept through it.
      At 8am we left camp and went on our final game drive here. Rather than take the wet boggy road we took yesterday we passed by the South Gate entrance and the roads were much better. Apart from the odd impala, and lots of different birds we didn’t actually see much this morning and I think it was probably all the rain we had last night.
      At lunch time after a lot of turning around and trying to avoid deep water we arrived at the Dumbo Hippo pools where there were lots of Hippos talking to each other and lots of waterfowl. We spent about 2 hours there and had a bite to eat and took lots of photos.
      Leaving the hippos in the early afternoon we came across a tower of giraffes. They are such gentle and inquisitive creatures, that while we watched them they moved closer to a nearer tree so they could watch us whilst eating.
      And then the rain broke and we headed back to camp only to find that we had been raided by monkeys. Mine and Ellies storage box had, had the lid removed and everything thrown across camp. Pieter and Hilda’s tent had actually been completely unzipped and they had been in and searched the place, but Becky came worst off as they broke through the zipper on her tent and then filled it with sand.
      It was annoying but funny.
      We strung a tarpaulin between 2 trees and Caren the car and while the rain was heavy we all sat around the table with beers and wine.
      After dinner at 6:30pm, when it was pitch black we heard lots of rustling in the bushes behind our tents and as we shone the torch through a huge tusked elephant came walking through the camp about 19 meters away from us, it was amazing but scary all at the same time.
      At 8:30pm, like the hardcore people we are we all headed for our tents. The camera traps are set, hippos and elephants are directly behind our tents and it’s now a waiting game to see if any predators come to camp.
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    • Giorno 15

      Khansi to Planet Baobab

      9 marzo 2022, Botswana ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      We were all awake by 5am with the birds. As usual I was first up and really wish Pieter would show me where the stuff was to boil the kettle and make coffee so I could just get in with it rather than wait 2 hours for everyone else.
      As everyone else was still in bed I grabbed my camera and took some pictures of the woodpecker that visited our camp every day, Then I checked the camera traps and to everyone’s surprise we had been visited by an elephant and a hyena in the middle of the night, and nobody had seen or heard anything.
      After coffee we all packed up and then hit the road heading for Maun.It would be an 80km drive on nothing but dirt roads doing a game safari outside of a national park.
      We set off around 9am and the first 40km were pretty quiet as we expected but also slow with a top speed of 30kph then at 1pm we stopped for breakfast/lunch and as we ate a huge black cloud started forming. By the end of lunch at around 1:30pm, the rain had started and it got heavier and heavier, the roads turned from sand and clay into a boggy mess and then into a river. It was quiet scary and we lost sight of the road several times as Caren the car sunk up to the windscreen.
      About 90 minutes down the road as the rain eased a little the car started to make a scraping sound so Pieter and I jumped out and realised that the fuel tank protector had been pulled away from it’s mountings by the water.
      To fix it we needed to get under the car, and it was still raining and the road was also 2 inches deep in running water. To get underneath I decided to strip down to just my boxers leaving my dry clothes in the car and then dived under the car in the freezing, gravel soaked water.
      We managed to push the protective cover back up but we knew it wouldn’t hold without a bolt, which we didn’t have, and there was nothing to cable tie it to. So we made the best of a bad job and then I stripped completely naked before jumping in the car and putting my dry clothes back on.
      The rain continued for hours. We found a baby terrapin in one of the puddles it was so bad, then we saw a tower of giraffes with 3 babies and finally, with the rain still coming down we got to the campsite of Planet Baobab.
      4 days ago we all had the chance to do laundry but we checked to see if we should and Pieter said no, we’ll be able to do it here, there will also be electric WiFi and food served.
      It had rained all day so you can image how pissed off we were when we realised we had to sleep on flooded campgrounds. There was no argument in that, we certainly didn’t have a choice and if there had been one, Ellie, Myself and Becky would have chosen somewhere else, but being good sports we just went along with it. Then, on opening the trailer with all our bags and clothes in we realised it had Been flooded and all our clothes were soaked and so was Becky’s mattress. And then we found out we had no electric at the site we had paid for, and there was no WiFi.
      I was really annoyed, and what was Pieter going to do about it? Have a shower......,
      Now I was more annoyed, but we set up the 2 tents under a bbq shelter so hopefully they won’t get any wetter, and fortunately Ellie had her blow up mattress so Becky borrowed that.
      We had dinner in the restaurant, which somehow Ellie and I ended up paying for so now Ellie is annoyed aswell but on the way back from dinner we found an African Pygmy Hedgehog and that cheered everyone up. I’m really hoping the sun is going to be shining tomorrow and everyone will be in a better mood. Now you can see why people in the UK are so miserable all the time.
      At 10pm we all went to bed, it’s still thundering and raining.
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    • Giorno 13

      Morgenstund …

      26 ottobre 2021, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wir wollen heute ganz früh Löwen schauen und es wurde uns gesagt, dass wir die Wege nach Nordosten abgrasen sollen. Ohne Frühstück machen wir uns auf den Weg. Entlang des Kwai-Rivers fahren wir mit unserem Auto und finden bald Badende Hippo, die wie Schildkröten im siechten Wasser ruhen und noch ganz müde dreinschauen. Erstaunlicherweise hat es über Nacht auf 22 Grad abgekühlt und Bini braucht eine Jacke. Wir bewegen uns weiter auf dem Marschland und haben weite Blicke über die Landschaft. Diese ist vollgestellt mit Zebras, vielen verschiedenen Antilpone und einer großen Büffelherde. An einer Wegbiegung springt ein recht großes Kroko aus dem Gebüsch und verschwindet im Wasser. Viele Vögel finden sich au fadem flachen Inseln. wir machen Löffler, Gänse, Reiher, Enten und Fischadler aus. Ganz nah kommen wir an einen schönen Storch mit rotem Schnabel und von weitem sehen wir wir ein paar sehr seltenen Kraniche, die wir dank unseres Buches identifizieren können. Immer wieder halten wir an, um die Eindrücke in uns aufzunehmen. Gegen 10:30 sind wir zurück auf dem Platz und wir machen erst mal Frühstück. Ein Affe klaut den ersten Muffin, danach sind wir wachsamer. Die Hitze nimmt wieder zu. Uns besuchen am Zeltplatz eine Menge netter Piepmätze. So könnender entspannt relaxen, zwischenzeitlich mal Duschen ( gegen die Hitze) und auf 16:00 warten.Leggi altro

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    Khwai River Lodge, Khwai, KHW

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