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    • Day 12

      Endlich Hummer...

      October 7, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Endlich hat Krisi ihren Hummer gegessen. 😋😋😋 Ganz schön aufwändig das Ganze und so richtig Hunger darf man auch nicht haben. Aber sehr lecker.
      Peter hatte einen Burger und Luca Haddock mit Fries. Endlich mal keine Nudeln 😏Read more

    • Day 8

      Travel to Baddeck, Cape Breton Island

      June 11, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Today, we spent most of the time on a bus trip to Beddeck. First stop was at an education center on the Mi'kmaw First American people. The second stop was at the Alexander Graham Bell museum.

      A replica of the first Canadian plane to fly is there.

      We found a hummingbird that had flown into a window. After a few minutes it started to try its wings.
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    • Day 17


      September 3, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Baddeck ist eine Ortschaft in Nova Scotia in Kanada und ist der Verwaltungssitz von Victoria County. Sie liegt am Westufer des Bras d’Or Lake auf der Kap-Breton-Insel. Der Name Baddeck wurde, gemäß einigen Historikern, von dem Wort Abadak der Mi’kmaq-Indianer abgeleitet, was „Ort mit einer nahen Insel“ bedeutet.Read more

    • Day 17

      Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck

      September 3, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Dieses Museum zeigt das Leben und die Karriere von Alexander Graham Bell anhand einer umfangreichen Sammlung von Artefakten und Dokumenten, die Dr. Bell und seine Familie während ihrer Zeit in Nova Scotia gesammelt haben. Alexander und seine Frau Mabel Bell sind beide in Baddeck gestorben und begraben.Read more

    • Day 12


      October 7, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Wir sind heute bis nach Baddeck gefahren.
      Angekommen sehen wir die Stadt
      dann mal näher an und schauen
      uns dann mal das Hummer-Restaurant an das wir heute Abend besuchen.
      Dort gibt es leckeren Hummer.
      Jetzt sind wir auf dem Campground an gekommen und essen erst einmal.😁🥞
      (von Luca geschrieben)
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    • Day 3–4

      Starting Point - Baddeck

      June 2 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Cory and I packed up the car earlier this morning to start our official bike packing trip. We left Halifax around 12:30 and arrived just before 4. As you can see, the drive was very wet. It poured off and on for the majority of the trip but cleared just as we arrived in Baddeck at the Silver Dart Lodge. I’m happy it was pouring today as we are expecting cloudy conditions tomorrow and I didn’t pack my full rain kit 😬.

      After checking in we prepped our bikes and packed all our gear. It’s pretty amazing how small everything can compress and how much those bike bags fit. I definitely would need panniers if this was a camping bike pack trip, but we’re going fast and light, so credit card bike packing was the way to go.

      The view from our room and front patio is amazing. It still a little chilly out and I’m wishing I brought over tights for the week as I expect my legs may get a little cold with the low temps and potential rain on Tuesday. However, my back up plan is to just wear my technical pants for off the bike, fingers crossed it’s not necessary.

      For dinner tonight we went to The Freight Shed, an amazing waterfront restaurant. Our starters tonight were steamed mussels and scallops followed by a Vegetarian flatbread for Cory and Crab cakes for me. It was an awesome meal, exactly what I was hoping for at the start of our trip. There was a lighthouse in view from the patio, too bad it was chilly with a little mist coming down which meant we could eat out there.

      In preparation for tonight’s Oilers game, we picked up some salty crunchy snacks from the local convenience store. Unfortunately, our hotel doesn’t have Sportsnet 🤬. Of course, it’s not a smart tv so we couldn’t stream to it and I didn’t bring an adapter to connect my phone to the tv, it was on my original packing list but didn’t make the cut.

      The good news is we’ll able to stream the game on own phones, thank goodness for technology!!!

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    • Day 7

      Ingonish Beach to Baddeck Part 2

      June 6 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      After we left the road remained relatively relaxed with mainly rolling hills with a few little climbs sprinkled in to keep us working the rest of the day. We started to spend more time inland and the temperature started to rise as the sun came out. We were pretty fortunate with the weather the entire trip, with the exception of day 3, which in comparison was pretty gross. However it could have been torrential and I’m grateful we were so fortunate.

      As we wiggled our way back to the shores of the inland lakes, the ocean was no longer visible, but that didn’t mean the views wouldn’t be amazing. There was several stunning spots and we stopped to take a few pictures along the way. When we hit the 80 km mark on our adventure, we were back on a main highway with shoulders big enough for us to ride comfortably at quicker speeds, in fact, our last 10 km lap was second to only our 3rd, which is a pretty amazing feat. We eventually turned off the main highway which would lead us back to Baddeck, “…the beginning and the end of the Cabot Trail.” As we inched closer to the end I tried my best to convince Cory to ride another few km to get us to 100 for the day, but he was having no part of it. 😆

      We ended the day back at the Silver Dart Lodge, where we loaded up the car and changed into some clothes that didn’t have a padded bum next stop was the gas station for some fuel for the car and well earned junk food.

      The plan for the evening is pizza and beer!!!
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    • Day 14

      Halifax, again.

      July 16, 2018 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Day fourteen.The ferry provided a pleasant wake up call promptly at 6am, by alerting us with nautical tones on the speaker system with no volume control in our room... in my fitful sleep my initial thought of abandon ship was quickly replaced with thank god this is about over.
      We pulled into Sydney at 7am and slowly purged ourselves from the ferry, following the long line of cars out off the little port town into Nova Scotia. The plan was to distance ourselves from the busy restaurants and gas stations that surround the ferry terminal and find someplace quieter along the way towards Halifax, about a 4 hour drive away.
      We did find that spot in Baddeck; a small lake side town that had a beautiful harbor and quaint little restaurants and mom and pop bed and breakfast joints sprinkled about. We all settled down in such a place with the morning fog slowly lifting around us as we ate a delicious breakfast on a wide covered porch that belonged to lovely little Inn. In reality the hostess wanted to segregate our toddler infused group to the chilly, still damp, outside deck so we wouldn’t disturb the other guests... No matter, it was the better option anyway and one we were all glad for. Afterwards we walked down to the harbor where there were many sailboats tethered in the bay and ample room for the kids to get out their energy. We also spotted a huge, beautiful double masted sail boat that was at port with lots of people milling about it. We discovered it was the famous “Bluenose II”, the “sailing ambassador of Nova Scotia”. The Bluenose II sails around the world for the most part with a crew of 23 full time sailors. Today we were lucky enough to catch them here in Baddeck, a stop for them during their summer sailing schedule. They open up the top deck for anyone wanting to see first hand what a classically trimmed sailing vessel looks like. It was beautiful and shiny, the deck just recently washed and all the brass just polished. We spoke to a few crew members who were scattered about answering questions for people. Like, how in the hell does anyone get so lucky to call this a job? The crew are mostly young 20ish folks who still have freedom in their lives, that committed to a six month stay aboard the Bluenose. The crew is then run by 6 officers and one captain as they sail around Nova Scotia and other far away ports spreading the nostalgic image of their beautiful ship wherever they go. It made me a bit jealous I have to admit, sailing has always been something I’ve wanted to do. So I pulled Addie aside and tried to plant as many seeds in her head about doing something like this when she’s a bit older... I’ll live vicariously through her.
      When we finished drooling and wishing about future sailing adventures...that may of just been me... we loaded back up in our caravan of two and drove the rest of the way to Halifax.
      For the last night we found another airbnb, an apartment near other apartments that could easily accommodate us all. So the ensuing debate of room selection and dinner options commenced, for one last time...
      I’ll just say here that my suggestion of staying at the harbor front Marriott, that had next to it the boardwalk, the restaurants, the view, the all things I thought we would enjoy on our very last night here...was rejected unanimously in favor of this apartment in the apartment district of Halifax next to nothing... but hey, I’m just along for the ride and need to keep my mouth shut and drive the car!
      Ok, the Marriott was very expensive...but I’m very easily able to rationalize such things while on vacation, especially when it’s our last night. Anyway... to celebrate our last night in Nova Scotia, we got pizza take out and ate it in the apartment. Ok... so everyone, including me was tired...the kids were bordering on mutiny and if we did drag them out for one last hoorah they probably would of suffered a complete breakdown and made us all, and the rest of the restaurant, miserable. So, it was probably a good decision to stay in...damnit. At least we had one more night’s worth of 14 year old whisky.
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    • Bell site

      June 22, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      This is the Alexander Graham and Mabel Bell National Park thing. He founded a team that designed and flew the first powered flight in Canada. Once that was done he helped design a hydrofoil that set a speed record. The first person to die in an airplane crash was a member of bell's aviation group. The museum was quick to point out it was in a wright bros plane in the US lol. Plus a lighthouse picture. Any good Maritimes tourist takes lots of lighthouse pictures.Read more

    • gas stop

      June 27, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Saw 2 rabbits fighting this morning. Must be tons of little wildlife up here no one notices. Lots of hummingbirds at the restaurant's feeders.

      The lock on the car top carrier is rapidly breaking down. I smelled more fumes coming over so I moved my saddlebags into the trailer. Doing that was tiring. Heading home.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Baddeck, بيديك, Badaig

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