Beauvert Lake

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    • Day 103


      August 17, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We arrived in the central Rockies - the famous Jasper national park. Right next to it is Mt Robson , the highest peek in the Canadian Rockies at just under 4000m . We did a nice backpacking trip and were positively surprised about our tents performance in the 🌧️. Jasper is full of German tourists and we have a chance to practice our native language on the campgrounds and on the lovely hikes in the surrounding mountains.Read more

    • Day 7

      Bus trip to Banff

      July 7, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Today we left the Jasper Park Lodge for our bus ride to Banff along the Icefield Parkway- the must spectator scenery I’ve ever seen- the mountains are huge - our first stop was the Athabasca Falls and then on to the Columbia ice fields for our walk on a glacier- after the glacier we walk along the 1 klm sky walk built on the side of the deep Sunwapta canyon an amazing experience with more spectacular sights.Read more

    • Day 8

      Birthday surprises continue

      September 6, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We arrive at Jasper Park Lodge, room keys are issued & we’re dying to get settled. I’m a little confused because there’s two different room numbers. Maybe we have adjoining rooms???? Not quite, we’ve been upgraded to a two bedroom, 3 bathroom, lounge with lake views villa..... OMG 😲
      Then I spy a fruit & cheese platter and a couple of bottles of wine. Pity we’re not here longer, we could really go a nice quite sit at the lake. Watch the world go by.....
      While I’m dreaming of all things peaceful the phone rings, it’s the front desk - Mrs Sloan, executive chef Christopher (didn’t catch the surname) is waiting for you in the lobby, he wishes for you to tour the facility...... um - ok....

      These kitchens that were like rabbit warren’s all through the building. And they service 72 acres of facilities, today there were 5 weddings & a golf tournament on, Chris took time out of his day for mum.... I personally believe he was just tickled pink that someone was wanting to see into his world.

      No sooner was the tour over that we only had enough time to change and head off for dinner at Moose’s Nook - steak house. Wow the food was delicious.

      Back to the room for a nice cuppa with our dinner guests from the tour - Maria & Adina. Two Italian ladies that had us in hysterics all night.

      What a sensational day, travelling miles & making memories. 💕
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    • Day 5

      Jasper - dag 2

      August 8, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Vi vågnede op til et massivt regnvejr… som nok ikke slår det der har været i DK, men nok til at vi måtte overveje dagens program🥳

      Men vi skulle holde Ford Edge kørende, så vi trillede ud på tour de vandfald… iført regntøj og bjørnespray
      Det første vandfald, Athabasca Falls… det var fantastisk og et brusende vandfald med flere tusinde liter vand i sekundet. Derefter kørte vi videre til et andet vandfald, Sunwapta Falls, som var endnu mere imponerende end det første. Vi startede ved det øverste fald og hikede 1,3 km ned til det nederste fald. Igen var bjørnesprayen klar… men ØV ingen Bjørn at spore, selvom vi går som en anden vagthund, da der er mange lyde🤩
      Turen tilbage tilbage til Jasper kørte vi på Icefield Parkway, som vi også skal køre på i morgen.

      Vores køreture er fortsat med mange wauw og fantastiske øjeblikke omkranset af bjergkæder - idag dog med lavt hængende skyer… MEEEEEN vi mødte Hr. Wapiti, måske faren til familien vi mødte igår.

      Vi sluttede dagen af med shopping, en lækker canadisk burger med Alberta beef, vin og GT

      I morgen skal vi tidligt afsted (kl 5.30), for der venter både den længe ventede tur ad Icefield Parkway, en af verdens flotteste vejstrækninger, og et lækkert ophold på Cathedral Mountain Lodge, som vi skal suge masser af energi ud af (vi har masser af energi, men det lyder godt 🥳)
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    • Day 5

      Day 5 - Drive to Jasper

      June 19, 2019 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      After breakhast, the tour headed out of Lake Louise to take the Icefield Parkway to Jasper. We first stopped a scenic stop at Bow Lake where we could see the Crow Foot glacier. We then headed to Peyto lake, which was a beautiful, brilliant blue. However, the weather finally cuaght up with us and we got rain and snow for most of the rest of the drive. The parkway is at a fairly high elevation, so much of the scenery along the drive was shrouded in clouds. Oh well, we head back the same route in two days when we return to Banff, so hopefully we get to see everything then!

      We had a nice lunch in Sunwapta. And then we stopped at Athabasca falls just outside of Jasper. This is one of the most powerful waterfalls in the Canadian Rockies. We'll be rafting on the same river tomorrow - but not this portion!

      We checked into the Jasper Park Lodge, another Fairmost property that is a cabin based resort. The lodge is exactly what you would expect from a big mountain resort. Very cozy with a big fireplace in the middle of the resort lobby. We had a few cocktails with Carolyn and Dennis, and another couple we met from Tallahasse, FL (Heidi and Elliot). Then we had a very nice dinner in the Moose Nook's Chophouse. After dinner, Lisa and I hit the hotel gym to try to work off some of that dinner!
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    • Day 25


      October 4, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Ca 3,5 h Fahrt von Clearwater.
      Stopp Nr.5: Jasper🇨🇦

      Wahnsinn, was für eine Landschaft und Natur! Und das ganze auch noch im Herbst Gewand🍁🍂😍😍😍
      Die Anfahrt über den Mount Robson ist schon sehr beeindruckend🏔 vorbei an herrlichen Seen und imposanten Gipfeln, wäre dies schon eine Reise wert. Etliche Kilometer weiter kommt dann der Jasper Nationalpark, wunderschön😃👍
      Wir waren am ersten Tag am Mount Edith Cavell. Ein toller Berg mit einem Gletscher-See voller Eisschollen, traumhaft🤩
      Am Tag 2 haben wir den Magline Lake und Canyon erkundigt. Waren an den Athabasca Falls, dem Pyramid und Princess Lake und am Old Fort Point Lookout. Dort haben wir Wapiti's (eine nordamerikanische Reh-Art) und Chipmunks gesehen 😊
      Wir hoffen noch auf Nordlichter🌌 mit viel Glück können wir vielleicht welche sehen✊️🍀

      Morgen geht es den Icefield Parkway entlang, in Richtung Banff🏞

      #weltreise #travel
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    • Day 4

      Lac Beauvert

      September 29, 2021 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      This was a nice easy hike around a very beautiful lake. It had a little of everything, a resort with golf course, some wilderness and some very photogenic geese. Take note of the resort's party room🙂

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