Day7 for 2 nights at Smithers

Having a brain/body catch up day, the rest are off hiking this afternoon. Will walk into town(15mins) later. Smithers a bit like taupo, fishing and skiing. Here's pics from yesterdays journey, more ofRead more
Having a brain/body catch up day, the rest are off hiking this afternoon. Will walk into town(15mins) later. Smithers a bit like taupo, fishing and skiing. Here's pics from yesterdays journey, more ofRead more
Rakstu atkal par 2 dienām, jo vakar bija īsta pārejas diena starp upes un sauszemes aktivitātēm. Krāmēšanās ilga kādas 3 stundas, kuru laikā Didzis mainīja savas domas, paņēma zilo laivuRead more
Tire repair and TransCan 16 Yellowhead Hwy
Some pics from my wander around Smithers in the heat +++++ phew
Finally got to prince Rupert at 1.30am to discover the booked hotel didn't have our booking or any empty rooms,ahhh.they Finally found another hotel with space, so Finally got to bed at 2.30, then upRead more
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Bigelow Creek