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    • Day 3

      Bleu: a 400+ year history of Quebec

      June 21, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Last night I got out my clip on bike lights to attache to my backpack and headed up to Parliament for a light show after dark. This is a special event just happening this week. It was advertised as the history of Quebec which covers a lot of ground considering that it was founded in the early 1600s!

      It actually was only a 15 minute walk just past the old part of the city, and I was not alone. The crowds were already gathering, and I got there an hour before it started.

      And a show it was. It was interesting because in the US if there were an event like this, I think it would get rowdy pretty quickly. But as the show started a silent almost reverent attitude took over. These people are really into their “country”. I don’t want to be the one to break it to them that they are still part of Canada and really only a province!

      I was also struck by how many people were wearing down puffer jackets. I was fine in my polar fleece, but there was a brisk feel in the air.

      The narrator of the story was obviously someone who was known to the Québécois because they did ooh and ahh as soon as she started singing. She and her grandson were in a magic canoe that time traveled through all of the important events and contributions of Quebec. It was so well done as these things tend to be in Canada.

      I do wonder about the name of the show, “Bleu” . There were people walking around with big question mark signs, and I was so tempted to ask them about why it was called that. However I held back because I was afraid they would think I was a smart aleck and that was not the type of question they were there to answer. I’m guessing it has something to do with their flag and that will have to be good enough for now!

      This event is just the kick off to the big day on June 24th when they celebrate their “national” holiday for the first time in person since 2019 . They are getting excited, for sure!
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    • Day 3

      Language success!

      June 21, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      This morning I got up and headed down to the Place Royal to get coffee at Maison Smith. I felt pretty proud of myself for ordering in French and understanding the basic café language (for here or to go, hot or cold, is that all?). I felt even more proud when the server spoke to the guy behind me in English. She did not switch for me which means I had her fooled! Or it was just easier for her to use French since I seemed to know what was going on!

      After that I did some more wandering. Around every turn there was some new view of the Chateau Frontenac that I had never noticed before. I can understand why it is the most photographed hotel in the world.

      I also found a little secret passage way that I didn’t know about, which was exciting!
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    • Day 3

      Quiet on Petit Champlain

      June 21, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Petit Champlain is a street below the Chateau Frontenac with lots of quaint little shops. It gets mobbed by tourists from buses and cruise ships during the day, but I’ve discovered that it is really nice and quiet in the early morning.

      I found a park with a swing there this morning and sat there for awhile. Until a big gas tanker truck came barreling down the street. When it stopped in front of me, I noticed that the side read “vegetable oil”. They had big fire truck hoses. It was right outside of a restaurant, but I didn’t think restaurants buy their oil for cooking that way!
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    • Day 3

      Notre Dame

      June 21, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      I was going to wander around some picturesque streets that I had seen others write about, but on the way there, I discovered that Notre Dame opened at 7:30 so I stopped in and found that I had the whole cathedral to myself.Read more

    • Day 3

      More doors, of course!

      June 21, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      I got back to my wandering and remarkably found a little hole in the wall “laundromat” which really is almost a hole in the wall. However, I’m going to need that service in a few days and it is close by!Read more

    • Day 3

      Nun in the gate/Holy Trinity

      June 21, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Quebec City is the only walled city in North America north of Mexico. This morning I found a gate that I never knew about. And there just happened to be a nun walking through. There are several things torn up around the old city; there is an enormous street project outside of Notre Dame, and The Church of the Holy Trinity, the Anglican church, is undergoing major work on the outside, but it was open for visitors so I stopped in. Again, I was the only one there. I think most tourists assumed it was closed based on what the outside looks like.Read more

    • Day 10

      A quiet morning at the Monastere

      June 28, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Yesterday was just the second rainy day of the trip, and it really only rained until noon and then cleared up. We had a very wet guided walk in the morning. This time she took us up to the Ursuline museum and talked about the friends of the Augustinian Sisters. The Ursulines and the Augustinians made a pact to always help each other out.

      Since it was so rainy I stayed at the monastere and saw the rest of the museum. The first part of the museum is dedicated to the founders and the process of becoming a nun. The rest is more about the hospital that they founded and medicine.
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    • Day 11

      Jour 11_Montréal -> Québec

      October 22, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Aujourd'hui, nous poursuivons notre immersion dans le quotidien des montréalais en découvrant une institution du dimanche matin : le brunch.
      Tout le monde y va, et à toute heure de la journée. Cela peut nous paraître totalement incongru, pour nous qui vivons à la campagne, mais même des parents avec de très jeunes enfants s'y rendent avec jeux et bandes dessinées pour passer un moment en famille. Il faut le reconnaître, c'est absolument délicieux, rien que du régressif qui fait du bien, alors que le froid pluvieux s'abat sur la ville depuis hier.
      Puis nous prenons la route en direction de Québec. Progressivement, la pluie s'atténue et lorsque nous y arrivons, nous pouvons profiter de la ville by night, totalement vidée de ses touristes. Je me répète, mais le soin apporté aux décorations de Halloween est vraiment époustouflant !
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    • Day 8

      Back to "France"

      June 7 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Mit dem ersten Flug ging es heute nach Québec Ville. Ja Flug, mit dem Bus/Zug wäre ich 18 Stunden unterwegs gewesen und schlicht und ergreifend erfroren. Und dann hättet ihr, liebe Leser auf diese phantastischen Romane verzichten müssen 🤔

      Der Flug war total angenehm, in einer kleinen Maschine die nur zu einem Zehntel vielleicht besetzt war ging es ab durch die Wolken der Sonne entgegen und nach einer Stunde waren wir schon in Québec. Während dieses kurzen Fluges gab es 2 mal Getränke Service und Snacks. Davon könnten sich die europäischen Airlines mal ne Scheibe abschneiden ;)

      In Quebec dauerte es erstmal ne Stunde mit dem Bus in die Stadt. Dort angekommen begrüßte mich die Bretagne. Shiet Wetter und der Duft nach Crêpes und Galettes 😍 aber majc etwas Stärkung ging es dann los durch die Straßen und das Wetter besserte sich allmählich. Aber Treppen haben sie viele hier. Also Cardio Training gleich inklusive. Das habe ich aber mit einer kräftigen heißen Schokolade und einer Praline kompensiert 😜

      Mal sehen wie morgen das Wetter wird und was ich draus mache.
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    • Day 9

      Ein Regentag

      June 8 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Den ganzen Tag gab es immer wieder leichtere und stärkere Schauer. Daher waren Museen angesagt und dazwischen immer wieder hastiges ein und auspacken des Regenschirms - der ja nur noch so halb funktionierte (hat aber auch nur 2 Dollar gekostet 😅).
      Zunächst ging es ins Musée de la Civilisation mit Ausstellungen zum Thema Wrestling, Sprache, Geschichte Quebec's und Natur/Umwelt/Inuit. Ein sehr bunter Mix also. Danach folgte Nachmittags das Musée des Beaux-Arts mit einer herausragenden Austellung zu Rembrandts Kupferstichen - empfehlenswert falls jemand noch bis zum 20.06. nach Québec Ville kommt 😜
      Abends ging es dann mit zwei Mitreisenden noch in die Altstadt wo wir noch immer hocken. Ist ja aber sozusagen der letzte richtige Tag. Morgen geht es nach Montreal zurück und am Montag dann wieder der große Sprung über den Teich.

      Auf dem einen Bild haben mein Gesicht und die Wandfarbe übrigens den gleichen Ton. Ein Sonnenbrand ist es allerdings nicht - fand's aber interessant ✌🏼

      Und ich hab ein Murmeltier gesehen! In der Stadt. Und es war keine Ratte 😜
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Québec, Quebec, Quebecstad, Quebecceaster, مدينة كيبك, Kvebek, Горад Квебек, Квебек, Kebek, Ciutat de Quebec, Κεμπέκ, Kebeko, Quebec Hiria, کبک, Cathair Québec, Kévek táva, Québec-sṳ, קוויבק סיטי, क्यूबेक नगर, Քվեբեկ, YQB, Kota Quebec, Siudad ti Quebec, Québecborg, ケベック・シティー, კვებეკი, 퀘벡, Quebecum urbs, Kvebekas, Kvebeka, क्वेबेक सिटी, Bandaraya Quebec, Altepetl Quebec, Québec-chhī, Tchubec, Vila de Quebèc, ਕੇਬੈਕ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ, Quebec City, Kébéc Vile, کیوبک شہر, Quebec llaqta, Куэбэк, Quebec Ceety, Kebeku, Jiji la Quebec, கியூபெக் நகரம், ควิเบก, Lungsod ng Québec, Kwébék, Thành phố Québec, 魁北克市

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