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    • Day 1

      Border Crossing

      August 25, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      We didn't know if we would get tunnel or bridge. Since the weather isn't great today, we were glad for tunnel. Not going to lie, I got a little claustrophobic but it was all good. One lane each way tho!

      The border patrol intimidated us a little. Luckily Sophia had to answer most of the questions for us.

      Where are we from? Where are we staying? When are we leaving? How do we know each other? Why are we visiting? WHY NOW? And what we do for work (and what college I go to)?

      But we got through well and now we ARE IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY!
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    • Day 1


      August 25, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Look, we had to see how it was different.

      1. My chicken nuggets spoke French.
      2. Paper straws, ew.
      3. Sweeter ketchup
      4. Coke not as good.
      5. Donuts (Sophia got a different flavor Mcflurry AND instead of fries I could have gotten poutine.)Read more

    • Day 3

      Gaye, Ross and Wonder were nearly here

      May 4, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      The passenger rail service in Canada is limited but the trains that do run are comfortable and efficient. We take a 4-hour ride to the city of Windsor, which has been an overspill from the car industry of the USA. In fact, the river that separates the USA from Canada is only about the width of the Thames at the Dartford Bridge (500 yards) and the skyscrapers of Detroit are so close, you could almost touch them. My phone is getting texts from the network saying "Welcome to the USA"! It's a surreal feeling to be so close to another country but with border regulations, so far. And also that at this point the USA is north of Canada. Image 1 confirms that spring in Canada lags that of Britain, while the second image is a view from our hotel window.

      A walk along the river front is eerily quiet, unlike our South Bank which is teeming throughout the day. It's quite nice to be free of crowds but it's almost as if the city were still in lockdown. But solace follows at the excellent Craft Heads Brewery, which makes 16 (yes, SIXTEEN) brews on site. No thirsts in Windsor!
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    • Day 7

      Sparta KY to Windsor ON

      June 3 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Last day on the road, we started the day with a lobby breakfast at the Sparta Ramada, and then crossed the road to the Kentucky Speedway - closed since 2020, but still used for the Richard Petty Driving Experience. We only took photos, not lessons!

      Our first stop heading out of Kentucky was at Rabbit Hash, located on the banks of the Ohio River, to see the historic General Store, operating in the same site since 1831. We enjoyed browsing the Artisan shop and General Store, and learning a bit of the area's history.
      A quick lunch at Wendy's and then we got on the Interstate 75 for a direct drive home (eta 4.5 hours)

      We did get off the highway for a short shopping trip at Hobby Lobby, and another stop for gas and snacks.

      The border crossing was quick and painless, thanks to having our paperwork in order, and we slipped into Windsor before the sun set.

      Dropped off Suzanne at home at 8pm, and picked up Chinese for a late supper.

      I'm not ready for our trip to be done!
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    • Windsor

      February 21 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      🚴🏼‍-------Parks and Trails-------🏞🚴🏼
      🏺⚖️--Museums & History--⚖️🏺🗡
      🐘🐅🦓-Zoos and Gardens--🌿🌵
      ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦--------Casinos---------♠ ♣ ♥ ♦
      🎟🤹‍🔔------Live Shows----🔔🤹‍🎟
      * live entertainment *
      -----------------------------------------💲 💲 💲
      🚚-----------Food Trucks-------------🚚
      burgers * fries * poutine * peameal on a bun * fish & chips * mushroom caps * hotdogs * hot sandwich * wings * fried chicken * sausage on a bun * wraps * tacos * pizza * subs * salads * Italian food * Funnel Cake Fries * ice cream *
      Habitat reStore *

      Hope for a Cure [Thrift Store] *

      St. Vincent de Paul *

      🏕️------Overnight & Camping-------🏕️
      🎪--------Festivals & Events---------🎭

      💲 💲 💲
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