Nanning Shi

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    • Dag 128


      4 januari 2015, China ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We are spending 1 night at Nanning before heading into Hanoi. China has been great for me and eye-opening for Kevin. Ready for the next stop and excited to be on all the regular social network/ media again!Meer informatie

    • Dag 20


      18 september 2016, China ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Zum Mid-Autumn-Festival sind wir mit den Mädels, die uns am Anfang so geholfen haben, koreanisches BBQ essen gegangen und danach in den Park. Die beiden haben uns Mondkuchen aus ihrer Heimat mitgebracht.Meer informatie

    • Dag 205

      Besuch aus dem fernen Westen

      22 maart 2017, China ⋅ 🌫 18 °C

      Diesen Monat haben wir richtig viel Besuch. Bettinas Freund ist aus Japan zu uns gekommen für einen Monat, Theresa aus Guilin für ein Wochenende und Nathalies Freundinnen, Valerie und Gina, jeweils für ein paar Wochen. Langweilig wird uns hier also nicht 😉Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      Der Himmel in Nanning

      8 september 2016, China ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Die koreanische Flagge auf dem Schild hat mich nicht enttäuscht. Zwei Gassen nach unserem Compound ist ein koreanisches Restaurant. Ein gutes noch dazu!
      Für umgerechnet 13 Euro haben wir drei Hauptgerichte und zwei "Nebengerichte"(, die aber so groß wie Hauptspeisen sind) bekommen. Von der Menge her können wir locker heute Abend noch mal satt werden 🎉
      Mit 0,75 bis 3 Euro für ein Hauptgericht ist das Essen in der Uni allerdings günstiger......Aber nicht koreanisch 😉
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    • Dag 10

      die erste Post in Nanning

      8 september 2016, China ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      .....oder woran man merkt, dass es eigentlich keine anderen Ausländer in deinem paar-und-zwanzig-stöckigem Haus gibt. Wenn auf deiner Post nur ein Vorname steht und der Wassermann am Telefon bei Ausländern generell das Wasser in unsere Wohnung liefert: 外国人办法👍😁

      Achja: wir haben jetzt den Mietvertrag und können uns endlich bei der Polizei melden, damit dann ein Visum beantragen und damit dann unsere Residence Permit: d.h. wir dürfen wahrscheinlich doch im Land bleiben 😀
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    • Dag 11

      Die Ausländer unter den Ausländern

      9 september 2016, China ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wir haben es geschafft. Mit deutscher Pünktlichkeit und Hunger. Wir sind also um halb 8 schon da, obwohl um 8:40 Treffpunkt ist. Damit sind wir unter den ersten 20 von 100 Studenten, die heute zum health test müssen, um ein Visum zu bekommen. Blut abnehmen, Reflextest und so was sollen gemacht werden. Eine ehemalige erzählte uns auch mal vom "Löffeltest"......jemand haut dich mit einem Löffel. Mal sehen, ob uns das auch passiert.

      Fazit: man wird nicht mit einem Löffel geschlagen, aber Hygiene, andere westliche Ausländer (insgesamt 9 mit uns) und Personal kaum vorhanden. Um halb 12 geht's zurück (ca. 45min). Just in time, um noch zur Polizei zu kommen 😥
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    • Dag 20


      18 september 2016, China ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Als wir Samstag im Park waren kam auf einmal eine merkwürdige SMS. Jemand lädt uns zu sich nach Hause zum Essen ein. Wir dachten, dass alle Westler eingeladen sind, aber Pustekuchen. Weder die Russinen noch der Italiener haben es auf die Gästeliste geschafft. Nach ungefähr einer Stunde rumfragen wussten wir zumindest, dass wir den Mann kennen. Es war der Vize Direktor des International Education College.

      Nach höflicher halben Stunde Verspätung seiner seits hatten wir alle richtig Hunger. Da kam die nächste Überraschung: wir müssen das Essen noch selbst machen. Jetzt sind wir also Meister im Jiaozi machen und wohl auch die Stars mehrerer "Ausländer machen chinesische Jiaozi"- Fotos.

      Was wir allerdings noch nicht rausgefunden haben ist: wie man sich elegant verdrückt. Nach fast 5 Stunden und gefühltem Sekundenschlaf an Tisch, mit dem Hintergedanken, dass wir sonntags ja Unterricht haben, wurden wir zu unseren Rädern gebracht. Damit will ich nicht sagen, dass es langweilig war! Es war einfach zu lang am Ende.

      Die erste 关系 (Beziehung) ist damit aufgebaut. It's all about 关系。
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    • Dag 37

      Thomas the tanked engine

      19 oktober 2016, China ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Argh, If I take an overnight train again it would be too soon. Shame that I have another 4 nights of overnight trains to complete on our journey home. Luckily for me the time between them and now is a lot longer than our last rendezvous on an overnight train. Anywho, after a night of broken sleep in between train hoots and clickety clacks, I awoke instantly alarmed to our Chinese cabin man standing over my bed with his arm over my face attempting to plug his cellphone charger into the socket adjacent to my bed.

      Even though exhaustion was seeping through my pores, there was no getting back to sleep after such a sight and I decided to watch some episodes of the Big Bang Theory and consumed articles of our food bag for breakfast until Jamie awoke from his blissful slumber. I'm so jealous of his ability to sleep right now.

      By the time Jamie awoke properly it was nearly 10.30am and I had battled hours of doing everything in my power to not finish the most delicious garlic crostini I have ever tasted before Jamie got to sample any. Being bored out of my brain, the next food break was the only thing I had to look forward to and before I knew it, it was time to head to the restaurant car to grab some lunch before getting off the train. As determined last night, the only two vegetarian options were ordered and I looked forward to my egg and eggplant dishes to give me some proper sustenance instead of the snack food that has plagued my diet whilst being on the train. Our eggplant was brought to the table quickly followed by a plate of cabbage. Incensed, tired and hangry, I made Jamie ask if they had made a mistake but it turns out the kitchen had run out of eggs. I wanted to cry but instead drank my beer and ate my rice in silence cursing China for the 1 millionith time in 5 days.

      We returned to the cabin to prepare to get off at Nanning and switch to our overnight train to Hanoi (oh yeah I forgot I had another night on a train). At 3.35 (our supposed arrival time), we arrived in a big pretty station called "Nanningdong" where everyone was seemingly getting off, so we strapped on our bags and jumped off the train thinking we were so awesome and we got this train stuff down. Our arrogance lasted all of 5 minutes when we realised that we had got off a station too early and now had to negotiate the ticketing hall with our minimal Mandarin to try and get another train to the right station. Fortunately, we had 2 hours or so until our train departed the actual Nanning Station, and by the time we boarded the train to take us to the right station, we had eaten into that time by 45 minutes.

      The Nanningdong station was fancy and new and came equipped with lots of fine food outlets which would have been perfect to grab some more hearty products that would suffice for dinner in case our next train didn't have a restaurant car, however given our limited time there we thought we would wait and grab some food at Nanning Station because if international trains departed from there they surely must have better food options right? WRONG. On arrival at the station, we quickly determined that we were in some glorified warehouse with the only food options now avaliable in vending machines. With supplies running low, I grabbed a packet of crisps and some things like pockys but in the shape of mushrooms, and they were eaten before getting on the train.

      At 5.40pm we were finally allowed to board our train leaving at 6.09pm, and whilst walking to our carriage we noticed no restaurant car. Once settled in our cabin, our worst fears were confirmed and there was no restaurant car on board. Dinner was now going to consist of our last cup a soups, a muesli bar and apples. Breakfast in Vietnam cannot come soon enough, but we are a little bit unsure what time we actual cross the Vietnam border and our Visa entry is only valid from the 20th October and today is the 19th... so depending on the time we cross it will either be just before or just after the clock in Vietnam strikes 12....

      We made it to the China border at 10.20pm where we were required to exit the train with everything we own and put our bags through additional security checks while awaiting a visit to passport control. This was all done with me muttering under my breath how much I hate China with Jamie nodding his head in agreement. However, for the first time since we arrived in China, everything was pretty straight forward and within 40 minutes we were back on the train and left the station not much later heading towards the Vietnam border. This was probably the only time I have hoped for more time on the train or for it to break down but alas we arrived at the border at 12.20am Chinese time which unfortunately was 11.20pm Vietnam time. We again had to exit the train with everything we own and I was trying every delay tactic in the book and waited for everyone else to join the queue before I joined at the very back. Turns out Jamie could use his UK passport without a visa, so he joked about leaving me on the border to fend for myself while he went on to enjoy pho in Hanoi. Jamie, forever the comedian was lucky that I was so tired that I didnt have the energy to rip up his passport right there for him to find out how funny being left at the border was.

      We got to the front of the queue at 11.45pm and stood patiently waiting for the inevitable problems but they never came, we got our stamps and went on our merry way back on the train (I know such a drama queen). Upon our return we discovered that the bathrooms were shut again and would not reopen until the train left the station which turned out was at 2am. This is when I really regretting not picking up a shewee - boys have it so easy. I couldnt be bothered waiting so it was time for a few hours sleep before the train arrived in Hanoi at 5.30am.
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    • Dag 20

      Ausländische Studenten Treffen

      18 september 2016, China ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nach dem wir mehrere male per SMS, wechat und Anruf gefragt wurden, ob wir auch kommen und herzlich eingeladen sind, mussten wir ja irgendwie hin gehen. Es gab Mondkuchen und Obst.
      Und...."lustige" Spiele, wie zum Beispiel: Glasmurmeln mit Metallstäbchen auf Zeit bewegen, 120 mal in einer Minute Seil springen oder Rätsel auf chinesisch lösen (ohne die Wörter zu kennen). Im Endeffekt haben wir alles geschafft und unseren Preis (ein Notizbuch) bekommen.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Nanning Shi, 난닝, 南宁

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