Holy Land 2023

junio - julio 2023
A Visit to See the land of Jesus's Birth and God's Promised Land to the Isralites. Leer más
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  • Día 11


    11 de junio de 2023, Jordán ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    As I had the curtains up I woke up at 5.15am. Had only about 3 hours of sleep, but I knew I could go to sleep in the bus, as today it was going to take nearly 3 hours to get to Petra. Which I did.

    Petra is considered one of the new 7 wonders of the world. it is unbelievable how it has been built. You go through a siq that is approximately 1.2 kms long. They had a living system, a dam system, they had a water drainage system, trading and the list is endless. How did these people do all this? Of the 14 left 8 were living to go to back to Israle today. 6 of us were going to stay one more night in Petra.

    I keep putting google map photos so I know the route we are travelling on, so at a later date I can try and fathome how we got there. We stopped at a look out point and it was beautiful to see the whole valley below us. Breath taking. The photos with hthe obliques are where a person who was wealthy was burried. 4 obliques mean that 4 people are burried there. The rest of teh family lived down below. The photo with a big gap in the wall is where someone was burried but they were burried standing up into the wall and then covered over. The rest of teh family lived in the house, the balck marks on the ceiling are the smoke marks from cooking. mmmmmm....... glad I did not live then.

    We just took it easy, we walked down to what is called the treasury, then just sat down and spoke with Mohamad our guide about life and lising in Jordan. He was 73 and yet worked as a guide as he had not pension system, and so had to make money to live with his wife. He had lived in USA and worked there as a taxi driver, hence the reason he did not have a pension system. George Bush kept promising residency to people living in the states , but that never happened so he had to some back as his family was in Jordan while he was in the states.

    After that the Australian couple and I walked back. It had been down hill all the way, so we knew uphil was going to be hard, but we did it in 45 minutes. We went to where we were supposed to meet for lunch, and had freshly squeezed lemon and mint juice. That was lovely. Then once every one got back we had lunch and then had to part company as the 8 going back were going to the border.

    Another lovely sunset over Petra and dinner for one.

    I had booked a different hotel to the others so we tried to get in changed but couldnt do it, so after a rest and dinner I took a taxi and went and met up with them had a drink and discussed our plan for tomorrow. There is a lot more to see in Petra, and we had done only about one third of the way, but we were going to have a lot more time to do this tomorrow,so we discussed our plans while giving each other a hard time.

    On my way back to my hotel the driver informed me that instead of walking for 3 to 4 hours to get to the end of the Petra trail, which would take 3 to 4 hours of walking depending on our fitness just one way, we could take a car and go to a place called little Petra and then take a golf cart to the last point on the trail via a differnt route, and then walk back to the start. This would cost us about NZ35.00. So once back in my hotel I put it up on our whats app group page, and the consensus seems to be that might be a good idea.

    So now off to beddy bys. It is now past mid night again. What is happening to time. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, as after we do Petra, we weill leave here around 4.30pm then we hae a 2 hour journey to the Aqaba Border to Leave Jordan and then another 4 hour journey to Telaviv in Israel.

    Some thing I do want to mention is the Bedouin normads, what a harsh and tough life they live. I feel so grateful for what we have, but at the same time wonder why we are where we are, and they are where they are. How does life work like that. Why can we all not have the same or there abouts. I have tried to convince myself that they might be very happy, but when you see the shepherd who is sitting or walking or on a donkey tending to his little flock in the harsh sun, with no shade while the animals are feeding, life does not seem fair at all.
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  • Día 12

    Petra in more detail

    12 de junio de 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    As the taxi driver had mentioned to me last night on the way back from the hotel after visiting the others the unanimous decision was to take a taxi with the travel agent to little Petea and then take jeep ride to the other end of the Petea trail. This would mean we would cut down our trip time and walk far less and also it was going to be a lot easier.

    So this is what we ended up doing. We managed to haggle with the manager at the hotel as 2 others from Coster Rico were joining us as well . So off we went in two taxes to little Petra, It didn't have all the decorated buildings, but it was worth a visit while we were there. Then we got into a vehicle that had bench seats, and off we went to the drop-off point. On the way, we saw some Bedouin camps that were built on to the rocks surrounding the landscape.

    Then we were off and upwards we marched. It was supposed to be a 30-minute walk, but it was a 60-minute walk for our group of 8. Was very hard going at times, wandered where my bag boy was, and then realized he was sleeping in NZ.

    But some of the views were breathtaking, and the walk was nice even though we climbed so many steps up and down, walked on rock, took short cuts over a mountain, it was lovely. And I am glad to say that I am blessed to be able to do this. Saw a fociled stone.

    Once we got to the end of the Petra trail, it was supposed to be a monestry facade. It was well worth the hard walk. When we asked a guy who had walked from the start of the trail from the place where we had gone on our trail 5.45pm said it had taken him approximately 3 hours. Now the time was 12.10pm. We were going to have to walk the way this guy had come. Which meant we better start sooner rather than later, as we had to have lunch and get to the travel agents office by 4.15pm for us to get to the Aqaba border.

    People who know me know I like adventure but I am also a big chicken licken. So there was a board saying water fall, so I took off their, but no one else wanted to there from the group of 5 that were together at that moment. The 3 Germans were trying to rescue a hat that blown off. Anyhow I got about 500 meters up and down and there was a shop owner of a way side stall at the top and just me. I thought what happens if he tries to be funny, so turned tail and started to come back, but the 2 of the Germans were coming up, so I was brave again and we walked together. But the water fall was dry and we could only see the dry river bed.

    As we started walking, we were glad we had come from the back end, as the climb was a steep down hill of mainly rocky steps. With desert sand on the rock, some of them were quite slippery. It was hard work coming down I don't think I could have gone up. And this was not just me 7 others said the same thing. People can take donkeys to walk up abs down, but it's sad to see the state of these donkeys.

    There was a little bit of desert wind, so the sand was getting into your face and body. But as the photos will showcase it was well worth the walk.

    When we got to the point where we had walked to yesterday the wind was worse. So luckily we had done our photos yesterday. From there we walked back to the start point, and by then we were buggered. We sat for a while on the steps. We were tired, dirty as anything but glad and very proud of what we had accomplished. 😊. To boot it all we had done the entire walk in a much shorter time than what it should have taken us.

    Then we went up the main street looking for a place to eat. We didn't want to go to the same place that we had lunch yesterday.
    Had a leisurely lunch, with my now favourite drink of fresh lemon juice and fresh mint all juiced together.

    As we had plenty of time we went to the movernpick hotel and got movernpick ice creams for desert.

    Then we went to the travel agents shop and that was hard going as Petra is a very hilly place. Our legs were now protesting at having to walk even one more step.

    Then after a nice ride to the Aqaba boarder in a coach, now seated in the very back seat of a large bus with a American st one end and Mr at the right end all sprawled writing this. The bus lights are dimmed, the bus is just about full, people are snoring, sneezing, phones ringing and carrying on. We left the Israeli border of Aqaba at 8.10pm and it's going to take 4 hours to go to Telaviv. The bus is also going to stop for a 20 minute break. JOY.

    At the boarder when my luggage went through the screening the woman on the x ray machine says to me did someone give you something to carry and when I said no she says are you carrying a gun. So I had to put my luggage on another machine. Stupid B....😊

    Got into the hotel just before 2.00am. But I have got a room on the 14th floor and as usual a glass of bubble as a welcome drink. So shower, and bed now.

    Done more than 20 kms today according to my step count. This is supposed to be a holiday. Haha
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  • Día 13

    The Pilgrim starting in Jerusalam

    13 de junio de 2023, Palestina ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Last night my accommodation was on the 14th floor and as I went to sleep I thought I hope the fire alarm won't go off today. Oh well, guess what it did go off at 8.00am. Honestly I waited to see if the siren would stop. It did, but that was the end of my sleep.

    Went down for my last breakfast at Tel Aviv, and then packed my luggage to get to Jerusalem. Called the ecce homo convent in English this is supposed to mean " behold the man" Words spoken by Pontius Pilet. They told me to make sure I am dropped off at the "Lions Gate" in old Jerusalem. Booked a taxi on Yango. The cost was going to be 271nis. But when the taxi came he said 450nis told him to get lost and booked another taxi the amount was 269nis on the booking. He stops the car, and says it 450nis I said no way it states 269nis, so I said no again to him as well . He then says ok 400 my answer is No. How much he says I say 300. He says no, I said ok then and go back to putting out another booking. The driver comes back and says 350. I thought bugger it, I have 2 suitcases just get the bloody car and go to Jerusalem, because I knew at that end I would have to lug my suitcases from tge lions gate to the convent. I was not looking forward to that. No cars are allowed inside old Jerusalem unless it's work vehicles.

    Traffic in Jerusalem is hectic, the driver was getting stressed and I was making sure on Google maps that he was not going to drop me off at another gate. Finally got there and so here I am trying to navigate my self and 2 hefty suitcases up a cobbled narrow street with people, school children from here to Africa. A taxi driver parked there and does a sales pitch to take me to Bethlehem the next day. He helped me to get one of the suitcases through the archway of the very busy Lions gate. Then 2 teenagers must have been around 11 or 12 wanted to help me carry the suitcases. So I said yes to one of them, the other one wanted to get MT second suitcase and I was refusing to give it to him. His trick was he too wanted a tip. On the way up again he says pretty lady let me take it, then he tries to grab it. Honestly it's funny now, but not at that moment. Finally got to the convent. Paid the tip to just one got them out of my life hopefully.😊

    On the way up the Via Dolarosa 4 army staff went past me with a young teenager. Once again they all had machine guns and two of them were holding this young lady by his arms.

    After doing the paper work I was asked to wait for a sister to come and show me around. A Scottish mum and the son who must be around 16 or 17 came to the reception. I had just enquired from the receptionist about going to Bethlehem and these two were going to Bethlehem tomorrow. So we decided to meet at 8.30 in the morning and go in the bus together. Guess what when the sister came down and we were walking to the lift and she heard I was from NZ she was happy as she was from North Canterbury and did not get much kiwis coming through. She did a high five.😊

    The place is great, the dinner was fabulous. This was my first meal after breakfast and I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach.

    After getting my bag sorted for 2 days in Bethleham. I walked round to Damascus gate and got some currency put on the rav card. This is the public travel card.

    I had passed the church of the Holy Family on my way up to the Damascus gate, so on my way down stopped and went to the chapel and Thanked God for all what he has done so far for me and mine.

    Was back in time for a prayer meeting at 6.00pm. That went till 7.00 pm and dinner is served at 7.00. So dinner and now waiting to talk to Colin. Had a good chat with Shan earlier this afternoon.

    As the photos show I am in the Muslim quarter, there is the Christian, Jewish and the Armenian quarter being the rest of parts of old Jerusalem. The mosque is very close. There prayers are said over the loud speaker . At 6.00pm this evening the Muslim prayers were blaring, the Jewish prayers were not going to be outdone and then the bells were ringing for the church Angelus. 🙂

    Pause for thought.

    I am at the church of the holy family

    Looing at the picture of the HF I am trying to imagine what the birth of J meant to all of them.

    St Jo's would have wondered even though he saw in a dream it was ok to marry Mother Mary. He would have been scared of what did it mean, about the child MM was expecting. Was he human or godly, what would the future be for all them.
    From MM side she too would have been concerned about the child she was having in a very strange way.
    What was the futre going to be for all 3 of them. Would she have other children.
    Would St Jo divorce her after the birth of baby Jesus.

    From J point he would have been I think normal child who was good at times bad at times, playing with friends, eating drinking, having fun as a child.

    MM would have been his mother and
    St J his father.
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  • Día 14


    14 de junio de 2023, Palestina ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    I had decided just to take an over night bag to Bethlehem, but seems as if even my over night bag weights nearly 8-10 kgs, and I felt every one of those grams as I walked to the convent I was staying tonight. At one time walking up hill in Bethlehem I thought to my self just offer it to Jesus, Hee had to carry a cross so stop complaining Sonali and just get on with it.

    Got my self sorted and was at the reception before 8.30am to meet with the Scottish family but 10 minutes later they were not there, so I thought they might have changed their minds, Mary the lady at the reception was very helpful, she tyold me what bus to take, how to get to the convenet as she her self had stayed in this convent when she was in Bethleham, apparently it was a very nice place, and the food was great to boot she said. So I decide to take off to the bus stand on my own.
    Yesterday I entered the Via Dolarosa through the Damscus gate, ( Point to note my Daughter and my Hisband both thought I Was very mean not paying both these yesterday. Honestly the father and the daughter always gang up aganist me, Troy where are you boy????. I need yo in my corner.

    Today I had to take the bus at the Damascus gate, so you gussed it, it's uphill. Jerusalem and Bethlehem is like Wellington on Steroids. I am going to be fit, Poorer, and at least more appreciative and learned about my faith and of Jesus, and hopefully the halo on my head will be sparkling a lot more. Haha

    Oncw the bus came and I was seated the scottish mother and son came, she was so apologatic. But I said that was all good, they had got lIIate. The son made sure I had my passport with me ( cute) because we were crossing the boarder to Palestine. No issues the bus went round the round about, up the hill, down a hill, then up another hill etc etc, you get the gist.

    Once in Bethlehem I was supposed to go straight, then cross the road at the traffic lights and do up the hill, then go through a small market, and by the CD shop was the staires to go doen to the convent. The Scottish mum whoose name was Anne and the son was Aiden said they would come with me, I said please dont as they were going back to Jerusalem today. But the young lad put my convent down and found a different route, and said they would come with me and keep me company. Wasn't that nice. ( Colin what goes round comes around remember that the next time you give me a hard time for going out of my way to help someone. :))

    It was very very hard with a bag that seemed to weigh in proption to the steepness of the hill. One time I thought my heart would just pop out to take a breath from outside my body, because I was hufiing and puffing so much. Any how the young lad says its not far, its all down hill from now on and then later we start climbing another hill, I said Aiden come on now you said it was all down hill, His mother was panting and she didnt even have to carry a bag. finaly we got to th e convent and I put the bag down till the gate was opened. Anne then picked up the bag and said oh my gosh, we should have been sharing the carrying of this bag. It is very heavy, Yep it is.

    Any how they left me then and went down to the church of the nativity, luckily this way too they could get there so it was not a wasted walk for them.

    The Bridgetine Nun was from India, Kerala province so once again someone who had a connection, in my itinerary I was supposed to see the shepheards field, the milk grotto and go to the place of the visitation. ( El Karem). I think I got that wrong as El karem is actualy in Jerusalem, not Palestine. I had been told by the nuns in my correspondence with them once I was here they could help with a taxi. when I asked the nun so, she said she would call someone to find out the availability. Till then I had a quick cat wash as I was sweating like a pig. THe nun said it was going to cost me US$100.00, I said that is a lot, can I try and get it cheaper if I could do whats on my itinerary for tomorrow as well. She was not sure but would try. Then I got a call to say te vehicle was ready. The nun from Kerala so came down to the manger square and we met with the taxi organiser, I said well can you do a good price, and his answer was no tomorrow it was going to cost US$150.00. I said ok then forget about tomorrow, can I just got today to the shepheards filed and I will do El Karem when I am in Jerusalem. But apprently te Palestine cars could not go to Jerusalem, and that car was already on its way and he could not stop it. My fault I should have looked into where El Karer was properly.

    So in I got into this very good Kia car and off we went to see shepherds field, while on the route the owner ( Ronnie who had said $150.00 to me called to say he was doing a good price etc. over the phone with the driver Samir of car) I just kept quite. They do try it on so much. For instance when we were walking to the convent a taxi driver who was going in the other direction yelled to us saying we are going the wrong way. He then stopped his car came running across and says Bethlehem is this way, your going towards Hebron. We told him thats fine we have google maps, which actually does work in Palestine. Then he fished out a map, and shows where we are and how we should begoing this way blah bla blah. We told him no thank you then he starts qutoing prices it was just insane.

    So once Ronnie gets the phone Samir sayswhere do I want to go, and then he starts naming places that were ot in my list but places I would like to go to :) cheeky me I said yes yes I want to go there and there plus all the places in my list. Then he says what did Ronni quote you I told him, then he says how much are you willing to pay and I was silent. so he goes on and I say us $100.00, he says ok I will do it for 130.00 I said no thank you, I do want to help the Palestine people but I hae a budget and its 100.00, he then says ok 110.00 so caved in. But I think this time its worth it. Because its going to be a whole days travelling. He said what time to pick me up and I said 9.30 am and that apparently was not enough time, so we are leaving at 8.30am. Samir was good he took me to the Shepherads field, then made sure I got photos. Then the Israile taxi driver came and picked me up and we were off to El Karim.

    El Karem is actually very close to Jerusalem, so I was annoyed with my self. but it was interesting talking to Sophia, we got to the church of te visitation, she was going to find a park and she would join me, So I start to walk, what must have been at least 500 steps. Honestly there was no end to me getting away from hills. a group of 3 were walking behind me, and apparently the place was closed, but they were hoping it was wrong, but no we walked all the way up there to find the place closed. we had a bit of a chat, and they went off, I thought well I will just sit by the gate on a step and say my prayers and go back to the car. There was also the church of John the Baptist and Marys spring to see the people I had chated to informed me. After I finished my contemplation I sttarted walking down, and Sophia was coming up. When I told her how the church was shut till 2.30pm she suggested I stay and look around she had to go some where then she would come and pick me up. Thought I will go and see John the Baptist Church, that too was shut, coming back the American lady came out of a cafe and says to me come and join us, this cafe has good reviews. We ended up having lunch together. This was going to be the first day I think since I left NZ where I would be having 3 meals in a day.

    After lunch I went and saw the church of St John, then dragged my self up to the church of the visitation, then to Marys Springs. While at the visitation church a group I think from a Sounth American Country came through. and one of the franciscan priest who are looking after the place asked this group to sing, it was lovely to hear that, I have recorded it and put it as a vedio in this journal.

    Had some time till Sophia came ot pick me up, so just sat and eatched the world go bye, and took photos of the grapes in the gazebo that I was sitted at, there were too many people around so I could not jump on a bench and try to taste some. Sophia bought some hot hot pita bread to take Home she shared one with me too.

    At dinner it was just me and another gent, the seating had been set for us on two adjoining tables, we got talking as in just where, when , what kind of chatting and then when the first course was bought out he said to the nun, I am going to change my seat and he sat with me. I asked him is he a catholic, and he replied I am priest, so he said grace, and we chatted and ate. He was from Malta, and was a wealth of information. If the taxi driver allows it he is going to join me on my travels as I asked if he would like to join, and so I might have company other than Samir. His name is Father John, and he said he would go half on the cost, but I said no to that, he is a priest and I know how much they earn, God will be ashamed of me I said to him if I did that.

    One of the photos is for you Shan, guess which one.

    I am proud of my self , just when I was talking to Colin I realised my Samsung watch had died and I had not bought the charger for it, but I remembered that I could charge my galaxy buds by leaving it on the phone. so looked up on good old google and now charging my watch the same way. you live and learn.

    Pause for thought

    I am at the church of the visitation of mary. Once again it was a big climb.

    I can well imagine MM coming to visit her cousine on a animals back. What a distance for her to come while she herself was pregnant.

    The act of giving of oneself is a lesson in do unto other as you would want others to do to you. To spend the time with her cousine compare notes on the coming motherhood, the strange circumstances surrounding the confinement would all have been a discussion points.

    We know that Zachariah who was Elizabeths husband was a high priest. So that family might have been richer than Joachim and Anne who were Mary's parents. But the distances between Nazareth and El Carem is quite a distance. Travelling on a donkey or on foot would not have been an easy journey. The heat, Bandits, and who knows what else thectravellers faced. Do we today understand these hardships.

    Next time I want to winge when my earthly comforts are not to my expectations let me remember the statements above.

    Sandy pattu via dola rosa
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  • Día 15

    Bethany, St George Monestry & Jericho

    15 de junio de 2023 ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    As mentioned in yesterdaays journal I invited Fr John to join today if he would like to do so, and provided Samier the taxi driver did not mind it.

    We had breakfast together in the convent and then off we went to meet with Samier. He had no problems with Fr J joining us. We started by driving out of Bethlehem over the Judaean Desert. Samir mentioned that yesterday an arab had been killed in gun fire in Bethany and we would need to see if it was safe to go in to the city. He did not know the facts surrounding the killing. The road was very good, first it climbed up, then right down, and then again it climbed. We had two places to visit here one was the Tomb of Lazerus situated in the West bank town of Al Eizariya in bible known as Bethany. This town was on the way to Jerusalem from Galilee. and he was friends with Lazarus and his two sisters Martha and Mary. In parishes around the world there is the Martha ministry as she was the one who was looking after her guests, cooking, cleaning etc. Where as Mary preferred to listen to Jesus. Lazerus was sick and the two sisters sent word for Jesus to come and heal his friend their brother, but he did not come and Lazurus died and was buried in the cave. When he finally did come the sisters were not too happy with him for not coming and saving their brother, as they knew he had cured many people before and he could have done this for his friend too. But Jesus then gets the cave opend and asks Lazerus to walk out, of course as in the customs of those days the body is washed, annointed and bandaged for buriel. Lazerus does walk out in his bandaged body. This was one of the miracles of Jesus stated in the gospel of John Chapter 11:1-45.

    To Imagine that this happened so many long years ago, The bible stories were true, someone did not just write these because they had too much time in their hands. In 2021, I had made a new year resolution to read the entire bible from the first page to the last. and for the first time in my life I did do this. and now the bible was comin to life for me, I was in a place, town, area that Jesus frquented what a privilage to do this. We first went to the church of Lazerus, there was a mass going on. Mosaic remants from the old church were on display at the new church.

    From there we went off to see St Georges Monestry, this place has no Biblical reference instead there was a monk who wanted to get away from people so he went and camped up in the Judaean Desert, but then people came to see him, so he went in further to the desert and yet again people came loking for him. He did this 3 times, finally he gave up and started building this monestry. It is litterlay in the middle ofnowheree. A story to say here is that, there is parabel of Jesus where he talks of a shepherd. Who has 100 sheep and if he looses one sheep he will go looking for this sheep. Looking around me I see a Bedouin looking after his flock and could so well relate to his parable in a real life value way and the spiritual message of the parable too. After turning back on to the main road we come to the point where we are below sea level.

    After that we were off to the oldest and lowest city in the world known as Jericho to see the tree of Zacchaeus & the church of the prophet Elisha. Yesterday Samier had been quite talkative, but today as Fr J was giving me a tutorial of the Bible, history and theology, Samier was quite most of the time. but when we came to Jericho,Samier says do you know where the true sycamore tree is in Jericho, and Fr replies "Yes", it is in the Greek Authodox church compound. Not where some of the tourist are taken too. As the true tree is dead now, and only the stump remains. So Samier says ok Fr you know your stuff, how many times have you been to the Holy Land and Fr J says about 35 times. The Greek A Church had very beautiful colour paint all through it.

    Tomorrow Fr J is off to Hebron, but after that he was comin g back to Jerusalem, so we are hoping to meet in Jerusalem. At this moment I will like to say coming to Palestine had been a concern, as I mentioned yesterday, and going out of Bethlehem on my own had also been a worry. I always said though I have to Trust God, in 2020 I wanted to do this trip and it was cancelled due to Covid. This year I had read all of Fr James Martin's book, made note, under lined, cross referenced, made my itinerary based on fact. ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT GOD HAS INDEED TAKEN CARE OF ME, BY NOT ONLY MAKING THINGS FALL INTO PLACE , BUT ALSO GIVING ME A SHEPHERD WHO WAS LEADING ME IN THIS JUDEAN WILDERNESS. Are these things happening as a co incidence. Fr J and two friends were coming to the Holy Land, his two frineds could not take the flight as they did not have their travel insurance to Israel, which is a must since Covid. He came to the same convent that I was staying, and today he had no plans. He came here only because tomorrow he was off to Hebron. chances are if he arrived with his friends they would have been group and I would be alone. To find some one who was teaching me stuff, making events and places in the Bible click into place did not just happen. So especialy to my family I say, I know you do not believe in God and the faith I have, but remember these things that are happening did not just happen, but some internvention is taking place. :)

    Then we were off to the Mount of Temptation. This was where Jesus had been fasting and praying for 40 days and 40 nights. One might say that 40 days the body cannot go without food, and that would be true in todays life. but remember in Jesus's day there were hardy people, who did not have cars and planes, but mainly walking, donkeys if your lucky etc. He was also in the prime of his life. When you see the Judaean Desert such a harsh place to survive, the heat, the snakes, wolves, scorpians to name a few of the obstacles it was indeed a feat. We looked at the caves from a far, as if we wanted we could have taken an gondola to the top, but Fr J said there was nothingmuch to see there so we did not bother going up there.

    Then we were off to see the baptisamal site, This and the mount of temptation were not in my list of places to see, so these were added bonus. :). Once we got to the baptisimal site yet again it was a spiritual experience to be in a place close to or in the visinity of what the actual place would have been. to imagine Jesus being baptised and the holy spirit landing and all of this happening was more real now. I could smell and see where the actual even happened. Fr J then said would you like to be baptised again, I could do it for you, and you could do it for me. So we went down to the water and baptised each other.

    Then we started coming back to the convent in Bethlehem. It had been really hard for me to get up this morning, my body was saying no and my spirit was saying yes, so I was indeed happy to be on the return trip to the convent. Once in Bethlehem I wanted to see the Milk Grotto, and Fr Said he would come with me. I will though have to go there tomorrow again as my camera ran out of batteries.

    On the way back walking to the convent we had fresh Orance Juice and they have this contraption that squeezers and entire orange in one go. Takes about 6 oranges to make a glass. Lovely Jublee. After a rest and a much needed cat nap and wash I heard a lot of noise coming from the city below, so I scooted up and saw that a procession was going through the town. apparently this was the Hamas Muslims doing a protest parade.

    After arest and dinner Fr J says lets go for a coffee, so we went off and had Tiramisu and Tea and came back at 11.00pm. At that time of the night the town square was full of young men, saw only 2 women.

    Pause for Thought

    Lessons learnt from Fr J The four Marian dogmas are  "Mother of God", is "The Immaculate Conception", "The Perpetual Virginity", and "Assumption" form the basis of Mariology.

    All the 4 gospels teach us to discover who Jesus was and then how to be a follwer of Jesus is the 2nd lesson learned from Fr J
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  • Día 16

    Nativity Church, Manger Square, Milk Gro

    16 de junio de 2023 ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    At around 5.00am got up to go to the bathroom, and I could see a beautiful sunrise. So I went off to the top of the roof and it was lovely. Photo does not do it justice.

    At 8.00am went down for breakfast, and found it was not yet ready, so sat down and read a book, it was around 8.10 then. One of the nuns then said to me there is mass at the nativity Manger at 8.30am. Also after that the would be closed till 10.00am. So decided to skip breakfast and rush out to mass. By the time I got there the mass in the manger had started and no one was allowed in. A tour group was turned back. I tried to go down and the Franciscans Freire would not allow me to come down the cave steps. But I joined the Italian mass by saying the prayers in English at the top of the cave steps.. When it came to the time of receiving communion, I was allowed to go down and receive holy communion and then sit by the Manger. After the mass before they started to clean I got to say a prayer on the star where Jesus was born.

    Then went through the rest of the complex, went to the milk grotto. The milk grotto is where a drop of milk from mother Mary has dropped and the cave ended up becoming white. Down into the caves in the main church and I was sorted. There is one photo of the Graves of the children that Herod killed after the the Wiseman told Herod how a king had been born, and they followed the star. When they did not come back and tell where Jesus's birth was he ended up killing all tge children under 2 years of age. I am so Lucky the nun had told me to do this as by then the que to the Manger was the entire length of the church and 4 to 5 people wide. There were tour groups from here to Africa.

    After that went back to the convent, exchanged email addresses with Fr J, and then walked all the way down to the bus stand again. At least this was downhill compared to the uphill walk on Wednesday.

    Now seated at the bus halt writing this as its Friday and the buses only come once an hour. It is 11.44am now been here for more than 30 minutes. Apparently after noon the bus does not come till 2.00pm. Stops for Friday prayers for the Muslims.

    The bus came and everything I thought was ok, till we came to the check point to get into Israel from Palestine. Different story when you are coming into Israel in a Palestine bus. We had to get down and Israel soldiers were in no hurry to check our paper work. Had to stand in the sun for close to 25 minutes or so.

    Came to the convent where I stayed on Tuesday, but the receptionist was not there, so went and did the stuff I had in my itinerary for today. They were on the Via Dolarosa, and very close to the convent.

    The Church of the Flagellation first. Christian tradition places here two moments from the Passion of Jesus: the flagellation and the condemnation to death. I was the only one there. I love it when it's like that, so I can commute with God without any noise around me, or people taking selfish and photos etc. Then went off down the street a little bit further and found the next 3 items on my list to cross off. The St Anne's Church after whom I was given my first name. Again not a single soul. I was winning. Then to the place where mother Mary was born, then to the Bethsaida pools where Jesus cured a cripple man. I have a good orientation ability, but Colin will tell you I am hopeless at reading maps. So today I am looking at this map of the excavation site of these Bessaida pools and could not make head or tail of it. Decided I would go around the site and try to work it out, didn't have much luck yet. So there was was a priest I went to ask him about Sunday mass and then asked the question where the North pool was and where was the South pool. He came outside and explained it and also showed me where to walk down to the pool where the miracle happend. I had missed that place completely. Honestly Donkey!!!!. Some mothers do have them.

    Came back to the room was very tired, no breakfast, no lunch luckily had some snacks left from my trip back from Petra gobbled that down, and had a wash and slept.

    After dinner got talking to this lady, and she mentioned how she had her daughter in NZ. I said really was she born in Nelson, and she wondered how I knew that. To see her daughter was this lovely young lady who had been very nice to me at the hotel in Tel Aviv. What a small world.

    The photo of the nun in the chapel is an order of nuns who pray 24/7 365 days of the year. The first vedio is from last night when I took Fr J to see the night lights of Bethlehem and the second was an English group mass at St Catherine's in the nativity church, during communion they sung Silent Night why not this is the birth place of Jesus. Yes very appropriate.

    Pause for Thought.

    Divine Grace at work.- Many are the times on this journey so far that I have felt it's not coincidence but God's hand at work. A atheist or a cynic might say it's coincidence. But when things happen in a way I never anticipated from small minute facts to much larger events I think it's my duty to recognize God's hand at work. Yes I prepared for this journey, but some of the things that have taken place were not in my radar, so I cannot take any form of credit.

    When I mentioned I was doing this on my own, some thought I was being naive, so thought it was a big ask. But I said I had the Holy Trinity travellibg with me, and I can honestly say I truly have had unseen company along this journey.

    Sometimes I wonder where God is, is he even there, can he not hear me, why oh why is this mess on earth. The experience of his presence on this journey may I remember when I am like doubting Thomas back in NZ
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  • Día 17

    Mt of Olives, Gethsemane

    17 de junio de 2023, Palestina ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

    My plan today was to cover the East side of Jerusalem ie the Mount of Olives Gethsemane and the Kidron Valley area. I found out how to get there and then went off. After I had gone maybe about 10 minutes of Walking I realised you stupid stupid girl. today is Saturday and there is no public transport. Well change of plans go see what I was hoping to do tomorrow now because that was I think walking distance. back to my digs. The lady at the reception said oh your back already, so I explained to her that today was Saturday I guess there is no public transport. I could have walked there to the Mount of Olives, but I did not want to be to tired as I was staying up at the church of the Holy Sepulchre church tonight. The receptioist informed me "No" today there is no Israeli buses but Mt of Olves is East of Jerusalem so there is the Arab buses going there. Talk about confusing us poor toursists.

    So turn around and go back again, as if I do not walk enough in a day. Even my sandles were slipping quite a bit today. Not sure if this was the Salt after the dead sea swim. ( I did wash them well, but who konws there was a lot of slipping and sliding going on today). so back again to the plae I was originally trying to get too, which was at the Herods gate to get Bus number 275. I come out of the gate and see the bus stand and bus number 275 was at the halt. Tried to make a dash for it, but I was too far away the bus went off. Oh well, you win some you loose some!!!.

    It did not take long another bus came along and off to the Mt of Olives. Got down at the Lutheran church as I had heard thhat it was worth a visit. The tower of this church was so high we could see it from the viewing point of St Georges Monestry when we were in Bethany. When I got in there the young lady says I have to pay 10 NIS. After I had piad and get my ticket she tells me the lift is not working. I rolled my eyes at her, and asked her how many steps to the top, and was informed a mere 223 steps to the top. Sat down first in the church and contelplated the simple beauty of the Mosaic work, and then did the walk up to the tower, and back. Was it worth it, no becasue there was netting all around so you could not een get a decent picture and the saw much better view later on over looking Gethsemane and the Kidron Valley.

    Then walked all the way to the Church of the Ascentention, which is a Byzantine church. This church was originally built by St Helena, but differnt empires and kindoms that ruled Jerusalem had put their mark or distroyed it depending their belief and faith. So the structure was not what was important but the history is per the gospel it was some where here that Jesus was on earth for the last time, before he was taken up to Heaven. A rock inside the octangle building with a dome has a rock inside on the floor and the verbal messgae passed down from generation to generation is that is wher Jesus stood for the last time before he was taken up to Heaven.

    After that walked down to the Pater Noster church. This is where Jesus taught his disciples the "Our Father Prayer" This was a very simple church run by the Carmelite nuns. Then started walking down to the viewing platform of the Garden of Gethsemane and the Valley below and the Western Wall. I could see lots of people in the distance that was how I knew to walk down there. But I had a very nasty experience. All along this journey I have been pretty relaxed in my walking, I know I have stamina to walk km after km, but I ma not the fastest. So there is was meandering my way it was around 12.15 pm and then a moron and I am truly using that word because I cannot use another worse word in this journal. He was walking up towards me and has this panaroma view pictire which was over a meter long and says 1 dollar do you want to but it. I say No thank you and keep walking, Normally people respect that, worse case you might have to say it 3 times. but no this sos and so says why dont you want to buy it, why, why, why, why this, why that, by then i was ready to blow a gasket. but he was walking side ways to me, and then someting told me to stop. not sure what he is up to behind me with this long picture draped over his arm. so I stop and sai to him can you please stop this I am not interested, and he says "WHY" well that was that I said Because I say so in a frustrated and angry voice. I know I should not be using that tone in a foreign country but I had, had it. I said stop this I am not interested leave me alone. and I did not allow him to be behind me. So he stopped. I went further down the road and stopped and made sure m back pack was ok, guess what he had opened my pack zip half way. I had put my neck wallet in there to start this morning, but thought nah thats jusyt going to add weight, so I had put my passport and money into the inside zip pocket of the pack. He had opened it but he could not see anything that he could get easiy. My Water bottle was at the very bottom, and I had bought a wooden plaque of the "Our Father" and some oil from the Nuns at the same church. this was in a paper bag. That was yet there. He might have flicked it, if I had not stopped, but gone on with him walkin beside me. But alls well and ends well.

    The rest of my day is going to sound boaring after that bit of adventure. Went to a viewing point that i saw people from a far. the view was beautiful, then came down the Gethsemane hill. Fact that I did not know before but heard a guide telling a tour group, the East Gate was where Jesus walked into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, So when the Mouslims conqured Jerusalem they bricked up that gate so Jesus could not come through there. As it is written he will come back to Jerusalem on the last day. Then they made a cematary there. So the Jews to retaliate to that made a cemetary on the oppwesite side of the hill. A fact I heard from one of our tours earlier on in the peace was that to be burried in the Jews arrea you had to have around US $30,000.00 other than being a Jew. Coming down the hill was risky as my feet kept slipping. I had been told this morning that it was going to be teh hottest day so far this month and they were not wrong. So not sure if it was my sandles or the stones were more slippery due to the heat. Once I just went down hill with the momentum and no tracktion. thought I was going to land on my face on the stony pathway. But made it safetly walking gingerly holding on to the pole on the side when ever that was on the sie walls of the road I was walking on.

    Then came to the shurch of all nations, again it was lovely. The Church of All Nations, also known as the Church or Basilica of the Agony, is a church located on the mount of olives in East Jerusalem next to the Garden of Gethseamne. It enshrines a section of bedrock where Jesus is said to have prayed before his arrest.
    On the way down I wanted to visit two other churches on my list but it was now closed till after 2,00pm. So decided to to the room and rest for the evening plans. But then when I got to the reception the sister from NZ was there. So she said it was best I made sure i knew where I was going to night. So had to walkd another 10 minutes each way. but it was a good idea to have done as she adviced.

    Got up at 6.30p, and after litteraly gulping down my dinner I took off at a trot to the HS church. I had thought the church was closing at 8.00pm but actually it was not closing till 9.00pm. so prayed the rosary, and took some photos. then when 9.00pm came around wached the closing of the door ceramany. After that it was lovely to be able to pray, contemplate, read my JM book. it was fantastic, so glad I had done it. I had been wavering about the fact that I was going to have to come back at midnight on my own. On a saturday they open the doors at Midnight as the Armenians have a service. normally they do not open the doors till 4.00am I am told. Then I had a tube light moment and put a message on our family group chat asking Shan and Troy to take my call at midnight or thereabouts and talk with me on whats app while I walk back to my accomodation. They agreed, but yet I was worried to start with, then once the doors were shut that went out of mind and I enjoyed the prayer time. It was lovely because I was able to move around, sit and pray, visit Golgatha which is reached by steps , this is where Jesus was crusified, here you can kneel under the alter and touch the place that Jesus was crucified. Then go to the Holy Sepelcure, and pray there along with the few inside the church. The Tomb of Jesus signifies nit just his death, but also his resurrection. For me it means learn to look forward more than dwelling in the past. Went and sat in St Helenas Chapel, Adams Chapel, the Finding of the Cross Etc.

    When the doors were opened, came out and rung the Whanau, and not one, not two, but three people took my call. Thank you my family. I had the camera pointing out, so they could see who was coming towards me. Arrived at the door to the convent safetly and there were some otheres just leabing, so managed to get in without much issues. Then saw that Shan was at pottery, so so glad to see Shan back doing what she loves, to nature her artistic and relaxing side. Had a catch up on the roof top of the convent showed everyone the skyline of Jerusalem city at night time, and now finishing this and then off to bed.

    It's past 1.45am now and I am off to bed now, as I have Sunday mass to attend at 7.00am. 🙂

    You are my Lord, you are my God, you are my Saviour, you are my Brother, you are my friend, you are my Shepheard.
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  • Día 18

    Mt of Olives again

    18 de junio de 2023, Palestina ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Getting up today at 6.00am was hard, but had to go for service and I had told the priest at St Anne's I would come there for 7.00am mass, even though the mass was going to be in French.

    Because there was only a handful of people and about 4 other concelebrant priests we were invited to come and sit by the alter sides. Didn't understand a word, I followed it in English on my phone.

    Then took off to see the place that Mary was assumed into heaven and the dominus Flavit church. The first church was a Greek aothodox church. They have so many lamps in their churches.

    The second church is where Jesus wept over Jerusalem looking from the otherside of the Kidron Valley. I was the only one there at 8.15am. So it was just so beautiful. Communing with God on my own, my happy place.

    After that I came home had a snack for breakfast and went to sleep/ rest. Got up when the Muslim prayers started, went looking to eat lunch. I have not had lunch for a long time now. Today I paid NZ 50.00 for some lamb kebabs and a fresh lemon juice. 🍋. It is very expensive.

    Walked round the block and got back. On the way stopped to see the prison of Jesus.( orthodox). Tomorrow I have to cover the rest of Jerusalem on my list of sites to visit. I leave Jerusalem on the day after tomorrow. But come back. I can then just be a tourist and rest.
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  • Día 19

    Peter in Gallicantu, The Upper Room

    19 de junio de 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    The last lot on my hit list for Jerusalem needed to be covered today, and if I did that, I will not only be a happy chappy, but also very proud of myself.

    The receptionist had told me yesterday how to get to the Upper Room or Cenacle. But that was a long route, because that was the least likely way of getting lost. Good old Google was showing me 2 different ways. So off I went the first way, but that was blocked off by a police sentry point. So went off on the other option. Got to the Upper Room much quicker than I thought I would take. Saw the lovely lady who I had met at the HS the night I stayed there. Waited for the few people to move out and there was just me and another person. Spent a bit of time, imagining what the place would have looked like, what Jesus would have felt like knowing how one of his friends was going to let him down.

    From there, I went to see kind Davids Tomb. This is just below the Upper Room. It's in a Jewish Synagogue. It was Was interesting how different faiths have different manners of praying. (Buddhist, Hindu, Mouslim, Jewish Catholic, etc).

    Now, down to the last two more places to go to Jesus Pit and Peter in Gallicantu. Looked up on Google how to get to Peter in Gallicantu and could not find Jesus Pit, but knew it was at the bottom Caiaphas's house. So you should have seen my relief when I found all 3 was in one church. Obviously I was not concentrating properly when I read the book. Gave myself a high 5, I was done after this. Jerusalem I came to see, and now I can leave a very happy person.

    I ended up being at P in G for over 2 hours. This my friend is the difference between doing a group tour and doing on your own. No rush, praying in the blessed sacrament chapel, contemplative prayer time, is not a part of organised tours. I am so glad to have done it this way.

    One of the vedio's is of a tour group singing in the pit of Jesus. Psalm 88 is in a folder for people to read. This was where Jesus was lowered down and kept overnight on the night of the last supper after he was betrayed by Judas.

    After that I was free to do what ever I wanted, so I went gallavanting. Went there, turned down this road, now where will this lead me, who cares I am sure I can get back, if not Google will tell me how to.😊

    While doing this, I cam across excavation sites and a market place called David's Market. This was actually a re creation of what it was like in King Davids time. All of the stuff was beautiful.

    Went into a shop thinking I was looking at some Sherry glasses in the show case up the front but actually when I enquired they were Shabbath candle sticks. There was a Kiddush Wine Decanter that was very nice too. Then went to a art work shop. Udi was a Jewish artist and brought some thing from the shop. Got to speak to him too, and later got him to sign what I bought for our home. Later when I saw his reply painting for Banksys flower bunch throw painting was not too sure of how I felt about him. But also Saif to myself I don't know enough of all the ins and outs of the struggle and strife between the people of this country. What a complicated nation this is.

    Last night when we had just finished dinner and came on to the roof terrace we heard a commotion on the street below. The Mouslim prayers were blaring through the speakers, and then this commotion. When we looked down from the terrace, it was a procession of Jews men, women, teenagers children, toddlers all dancing on the street with music blaring through speakers going down the Muslim quarter of the old city just when their prayers were on. There was police in the front, police in the middle and police behind and the side road. I saw some Muslim ladies being pushed into a shop by the police. Must have been to keep them safe. Have added a video of this commotion.

    The rest of the day has been getting organised for my trip to Galilee tomorrow.

    Most of the people from the last few nights shifted out today. There was only myself and another gent. He had a friend from the states who left today too. This guy was from Ireland. We had said that we would keep each other company tonight as we were the only two left. At dinner tonight at our table there was anothet couple. They were from USA. As we kept taking it came out, this Irish guy was actually a priest, and he was a professor in Theology. They were asking the priest about the places to visit, and then he told them better ask her because she has seen more places than me. The lady thought I was a nun. Because I have visited so many places of interest in Israel. I had to put them right. My halo was round the bottom of my feet. When they heard how Col is happy for me to do this, they thought that was great

    The photo of the tree is a pepper corn tree.

    This afternoon while having some down time picked up a paper back book called "The Shattered Lantern". In the tea room of the convent. Liked it so much taking it with me to Galilee.

    So now time to say nighty night I am off to buddy byes.
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  • Día 20

    Tiberias (Galilee )

    20 de junio de 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Had a very good night's sleep so much so did not hear the Muslim prayers in the middle of the night or the early hours before sunrise. Looked at the time and I had 4 minutes to get to mass by 7.00am. Jumped out washed face, cloths on and rushed down stairs. Was just a tad late.

    At breakfast the priest was off today, so was I and I think the American couple felt a bit sad. Gary the man said to me I hope I get to meet your husband one day. I think you've got a fan Colin. He was the one and the same who thought you were great. Haha. If only he knew. 🤣🤣🤣

    Any ways checked out with one heavy as bag, got to Damascus gate, then in a tram,( had to ask for help to start with I didn't even know which direction the central bus station was!!!!.. off the tram everything is in Arabic and Hebrew and both of those is Double Dutch to me so asked a young lad where the bus station was. The priest and his friend had mentioned how they git confused with the train station and Bus terminal. He pointed to the building on the oppersite side. So off I marched after I had gone half way this young guy comes running and says to me sorry it's over there my mistake. At least he was good enough to come running after me and let me know. So back again I crossed the street and went to the bus terminal. Up to the 3rd floor and then asked a cinscript how to get to Tiberias. He said which number and which platform. Even managed to add on money to my Rav card as that is all that is used as payment on the busses.

    Very fast bus, must have been going well over 100kms at times. 175 kms came in approximately 1 hour 45 minutes. Comfy journey. Thanks to Google found my way to Casa Nova. This is run by the Franciscan priests. There was a notice to say check in was at 4.00pm. The time was now 12.30pm. Rung the bell a lady answered, I said could I please leave my bag. She was the house keeper, she went off and checked my room, said it was all good to go, and I was able to check in.🙂

    She thought I was brave for coming on my own, when people say that my reply is " not sure if I am Brave or Stupid". I think it's a mix. 🙂.

    Sat and decided my plan of attack for the next few days. Sat on the roof top terrace and looked across the waters and the surrounding hills. Approximately 2000 years ago Jesus walked on these hills, he sat and looked across the water as I am doing now. He had a plan, a mission to accomplish, and a very short time to do so. Now 2000 years later there are humans such as I who believe in him, his way of life. In the gospels, we read about him first, what's he teaching. Then decide ok I like it, and now how do I learn to be like him, what are his core beliefs and values. His Birth was in Bethleham, his earthly ministry ended in Jerusalem. Both these two places I have visited which has helped me to understand the teachings and the writings. "In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. I have seen this terrain now and can relate to it.

    Now I am in the region where Jesus did most of his teachings and ministry work. So starting tomorrow I am hoping I can be a listener to hear the teachings and their echos in my minds eye and heart by contemplative prayer and reflection.

    Went for a walk and to have a look around the water front. The casa Nova is by the water as well. To have a meal of what's called Peter's Fish. It's like a trout grilled or fried with chips and salad is NZ 45-50.00.
    Made a reservation at the waterfront dinner for one. Went for a walk in the blazing, blazing hot sun, a pizza costs NZ 35.00. Had a focaccia bread with garlic and Feta cheese NZ 14.00.

    When Marita was with me and she was converting Israeli New Shekals( INS) to Euros I was telling her off, now I am doing it. Marita where are you???? You should be here to stop me doing this mind game.🙂

    Any ways I have enjoyed my lunch on the roof terrace over looking the sea of Galilee, watch fighter jets zooming by and now might even have a nanny nap.

    My nanny nap turned out to be a 3 hour sleep. Hmmmm..... the stress of working out in how to get here must have been more than I realised. Anyways after a wash went out for dinner of the St Peter's Fish.

    Only 7500 steps the lowest I have walked since being here. Hope I make up for it tomorrow.
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