Eva’s Holiday of a Lifetime

августа 2017
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  • День 1

    All aboard...

    6 августа 2017 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    The trip began with dad getting up at 05:00 and driving from Cirencester to Ranmore Common to pick up Eva for her holiday of a lifetime. She loaded her gear into the taxi that I had booked and informed me that she was travelling light as I could buy her some clothes in New York...very kind of her to consider this option.

    We arrived at the VIP Upper Class check in at London Heathrow at 08:00, with plenty of time to spare, to have a marvellous breakfast and board the 11:30 flight to New York...quite simply the only way to travel!

    Virgin are a delight to travel with...excellent food, great choice of movies and great service.
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  • День 1

    New York

    6 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Touchdown in New York JFK at 14:15 bang on time! We soon cleared US customs with the custom chap actually giving us a smile, which is quite unusual.

    A fairly long queue and we were whizzing our way into Manhattan to the Standard High Line Hotel in the Greenwich area of the city. Many thanks to my good mate Bruce Robertson for sorting this out for us. Bruce is the man who knows all the best hotels and locations - a real gent even if he is Scottish...cheers Bruce...even a room upgrade with views of the Hudson River.

    We then decided to shoot over to Soho House New York which is a members club I have joined in the UK but with worldwide membership. Here, much to Eva's dismay we found out that to partake of any alcoholic drink she had to be 21 years of age!

    Oh well the detox will do her good after her week away last week clubbing in Crete with her mates...how the other half live.

    A couple of beers and some iced water we moved on to grab a bite to eat and ended up over the road from the hotel at Sugar Factory. We only went in there because people were queuing to get in...apparently the rich and famous and now Eva go there. It is supposed to be the most Instagramed restaurant in the US...whatever that is.

    It seems to us that the only reason for it was that you can order these massive cocktails with dry ice in them and Haribo sweets...I can't see it lasting long myself. A couple of non alcoholic cocktails and we headed off to the German Beer Keller which consisted of some very drunk ladies who looked like they had just been dumped and people playing ping pong.

    Iced water was forthcoming for Eva who was buy now getting the hang of it.

    After so much excitement we called it a night and headed off to our rooms with me looking forward to ur shopping expedition the next day. drink she had to be 21 years of age!

    Oh well the detox will do her good after her week away last week clubbing in Crete with her mates...how the other half live.

    A couple of beers and some iced water we moved on to grab a bite to eat and ended up over the road from the hotel at Sugar ....We only went in there because people were queuing to get in...apparently the rich and famous and now Eva go there. It is supposed to be the most Instagramed restaurant in the US...whatever that is.

    It seems to us that the only reason was that you can order these massive cocktails with dry ice in them and Haribo sweets...I can't see it lasting long myself. A couple of non alcoholic cocktails and we headed off to the German Beer Keller which consisted of some very drunk ladies who looked like they had just been dumped and people playing ping pong.

    Iced water was forthcoming for Eva who was buy now getting the hang of it.

    After so much excitement we called it a night and headed off to our rooms with me looking forward to our shopping expedition the next day.
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  • День 2

    Shop & Rain

    7 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    Eva was still in bed asleep at 05:30...I don't know the youth of today just can't seem to get out of bed.

    After much coaxing I managed to get her to agree to meet me in the foyer at 09:00 and we headed off to...5th Avenue. The weather was like an October day with constant rain and drizzle.

    We invested, after some hard negotiation, in two umbrellas for $10...half price...a good start.

    This shopping thing is definitely Fiona's domain but I tried my best and after 30 minutes lost the will to live and sat down on a display whilst Eva continued to find the items she absolutely had to have. I received a couple of facetime calls off Fi who found it highly amusing.

    I think Eva must have been the only person to buy sunglasses on a rainy day at Sunglass Hut but that is what we did...

    Finally by 14:00 she was shopped out and we went for a much earned lunch to Gallaghers steak restaurant. If it's one thing with Eva that can be guaranteed it is that in any restaurant we go to she orders steak. Mind you, it always takes her half an hour to go through the menu, asking what everything is and what do you think...only to come back to steak...so lets narrow down the choice and go to a famous steak restaurant.

    There is a loop hole in the US regarding anybody being able have an alcoholic drink under 21 years of age. Apparently if you are under 18 and dining with a responsible adult then that adult can give you a drink. However if you are 18 or over then you can't. Which all seems a bit strange as young people can go to war and kill for their country but not have a beer. Oh well, we couldn't find a responsible adult so Eva drowned in water again.

    It was a very good choice and the food and service was superb...so I tipped a whole dollar and we moved on.

    By five we were back at the hotels and decided to have bit of a ziz to rendezvous a couple of hours later...oh well, the sleep was very nice and the rendezvous never happened as we slept through until the morning.
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  • День 3

    South Beach Here We Come

    8 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    After a good 12 hours kip and Eva's 15 hours we met up at Soho House ready to embark upon the next leg of our journey to Miami.

    We checked out of the hotel and thanked Elijah for his wonderful hospitality and informing him that there may be a few packages being delivered to me to collect on our return journey.

    I always know if it has been raining in France, where Fiona spends a lot of time, as I end up with lots of packages from eBay. For some reason Fiona seems to have this compulsion to shop, even when the shops are not open, so I have packages following me all over the world. It wouldn't surprise when I return back to my office in Blueberry Wave that it will resemble a Royal Mail sorting office...I pray for sunshine and Eva not to copy.

    We are flying from La Guardia and Eva can't understand why we now have to queue for our check in. I explained to her that not all of the holiday is going to be first class travel.

    To say the seats are a bit cramped is an understatement. The lady in front of me with dyed red hair who was follicly challenged almost end up in my lap when her seat reclined. I could have given her a head massage. Never mind only a four hour flight.

    Time soon passed as I was able to write some of this blog, much to Eva's enjoyment, as she said I looked like a dinosaur with short arms as I attempted to type in a cramped space.

    We were an hour late but we're just a short hop to Soho Beach House and arrived at just after 19:00

    A quick change and a cheeky Grey Goose vodka from the mi I bar we headed out for something to eat. We asked the front desk to book us a restaurant where the locals dine. However you can't book where they recommended and we were told it was a bit rustic.

    None the less our intrepid adventurers headed away from Miami Beach down into Miami. A suppose rustic it was. You climb up a flight of stairs into what looks like a bar and then outside on the terrace are the high tables overlooking a river.

    A marvellous fish restaurant called Garcia's Seafood Grille and Fish Restaurant.

    We ordered some grilled squid, octopus and prawns and a couple of glasses of Chardonnay. I explained that Eva was only 17 but technically as she was with a responsible adult (the waiter looked around) she could have a glass...he disagreed but gave up. Absolutely delightful food.

    The owner, Juan Garcia, introduced himself after we had eaten and insisted on us trying on the house, another glass of wine, the best Mohitos in Miami and another 6 grilled prawns.

    Juan was from Peru and when he was a younger man his parents had sent him away from Peru to avoid the civil war with little else than a smile. He ended up in Miami and worked on the fishing boats to then eventually set up his own establishment. What a lovely man. He does look a bit worried in the photo.

    After find farewells and a promise to return we then Ubered our way back to Soho Beach House, a cheeky night cap and off to bed.
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  • День 4

    South Beach Sunshine

    9 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Eva managed to get out of bed before lunch.

    The way I figured it was that I was paying for the room so there was no point waking her and she may as well get the most use out of it.

    We decided to spend a couple of hours on South Beach. The hotel is right on the beach so we just walked along by the swimming pool and out over the boardwalk to the hotels private beach area, complete with waiter service.

    As it was by now lunch time Eva ordered a wood fired pizza, as you do, and promptly scoffed on that whilst applying suntan cream.

    I had to give up after a while as even in the shade the sun manages to turn me a cooked lobster pink. We ubered ourselves over to Monty's Sunset bar and restaurant in South Beach for our early evening dinner of one of Eva's favourites, Nachos, which was enough to feed a large family.

    After such a hard day she obviously felt exhausted so we left early and retired our rooms for the night.
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  • День 5

    Quack Quack

    10 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    At 09:00 Eva was still in bed...goodness that girl can sleep. I had been up since 06:00 and also had received a call from Fi at 13:30 as she thought we might still be up and out clubbing as Miami has some great clubs...(certainly not with sleeping beauty). Anyway I went off to the gym and eventually she got out of bed and joined me.

    After changing we met in Cecconis, which is the small restaurant at the hotel. It's part of Soho House Group and they are at most of the hotels and also as independent venues. Eva went and got herself a croissant and a boiled egg. When it came to the bill they were charging me $20. Apparently because she got it from the breakfast bar and not from the a la carter then it was $20 and not $4....ahem I think not.

    After the manger arrived, due to me refusing point blank to pay the bill, they reduced the bill to $4 for the croissant and $4 for the egg...hello....I could buy a bloody live chicken for that let alone a boiled egg. The manger also informed me that she would not do that again for us...very kind indeed...I informed her that was very good indeed but not to worry as we wouldn't be dining there again.

    After a non confrontational start to our day we went for a tourist excursion. The weather was very overcast so we thought that now was the day to do it as I was still resembling a half cooked lobster whilst Eva was beautifully tanned.

    We booked with Duck Tours which is one of those amphibious things for $37 each, a very outgoing guide and Captain Cruz the driver and sailor.

    Basically the trip consisted of driving around a bit, putting the thing in the water and then driving past the back gardens of multi million pound homes with enormous yachts. I don't know about you but I would be highly pissed off if I had just spent $30m on a house to park my yacht and this quack quack thing comes around the corner with a load of tourists snapping away at your living room. I would probably spend another few million and hire a mini sub and torpedo it.

    And yet I suppose it may not matter too much...as Trump is about to go to war with North Korea and who knows where we will all end up. Let's see if we can reach the end of the holiday, but anything could happen in the next 16 days....oh, Cuba is on the list to visit...could be quite apt.

    We then drove down Ocean Drive and our gregarious guide started rapping or something and told us to raise our arms just as we passed a poor chap begging on the street with no arms....definitely not pc. After disembarking on shore opposite Burger King we ubered our way back to the hotel and decided to eat out for obvious reasons.

    The venue was Mango's Tropical Cafe at 900 Ocean Drive in the heart of South Beach. Now actually, the Mexican food was really nice, a bit pricey but good. We were on the street as the cabaret venue part of the establishment was sold out. So we watched the cars cruising up and down Ocean Drive doing 5 mph and nothing much else. Don't buy a Mustang they are two a penny and we saw a family in one that looked like the Fockers...not street cred.

    After Eva had finished doing her impression of red faced Chipmunk after drinking too much Coca Cola (she has progressed from water) we paid the bill and headed off from the delightful ladies in leopard skin pants and tops.
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  • День 6

    Urban Art

    11 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    It's all starting to blend into one day...I was up early so I went for a mile swim in the pool, Eva eventually got out of bed and we went onto the beach for an hour. A lazy lunch and a sit down. I booked up the scuba diving for three days for when we hit Mexico and also arranged the pick up from Cancun airport to the Mahekal Beach Resort in Playa Del Carmen.

    Late afternoon we went over to Wynwood in Miami which is at the epicenter of Miami’s thriving arts and culture scene with unique art galleries, studios and more than 200 street murals. Quite amazing some of them, the detail was incredible.


    It is located in what must have been a very run down area but what a way to revive the place. Very urban and very retro.

    We had a couple of drinks in some fairly dodgy looking bars


    and decided to dine at Garcia's again. The drive there from this side of town was quite enlightening...very run down and a total contrast between the have and have nots. Within one block it moves from run down to a run of restaurants that cater for the large motor cruise yachts moored on the river.

    We climbed the stairs up to Garcia's restaurant and sat outside. Ordered exactly the same food as we did a few nights ago...it was that good...convinced the waiter that Eva was 21 and had no ID and that our mate Juan was cool with it. We downed a couple of marvellous Mohitos, eat superb seafood and departed back to Soho Beach House.
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  • День 7

    Where's the Wall(y)?

    12 августа 2017 г., Мексика ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Probably in the White House...Mexico should be safe from North Korea as they don't like Trump either...hope we get past the wall to continue our adventure.

    In the morning we just chilled....again! (I don't think my heart can take too much of this inactivity)... and waited to Uber on out to the airport for our 15:00 flight to Cancun.

    A short flight with American Airlines to Cancun and then a dedicated pick up to take us to Mahekal Beach Resort.


    We are here for four nights before we move on to The Hard Rock Hotel. I booked this as it is on the beach and there is a diving school here so Eva can do her PADI Open Water Diver Course. The only thing is that she has to do some studying, which she has never been keen on. So the first thing we were given was the manual and we had to read chapter one (77 pages) for our morning start at 08:30...will she actually be able to get out of bed?

    Just along from the hotel we went to 5th Avenue...no, not quite the same 5th Avenue as previously. We went for a stroll to try to find a bank, but I mucked up the directions and it was to no avail. I couldn't even get an ATM to give me some money. So I rang the bank in the UK that gives 24 hour service and explained the situation. They told me that the cards were on stop due to some unusual activity. Had I bought a few items on Amazon etc?
    'No' I replied. Hang about, I suspect that Fiona has been online...it must be raining in France...and my office in the U.K. will soon be resembling a Royal Mail sorting office.

    So we wandered around getting rather hot and sweaty, with the locals saying hello or Ola every few meters and me replying accordingly. Eva was quite intrigued as to how I could speak Mexican...bless. This wall that Trump is on about building certainly won't have to be that high if the locals are anything to go by. They all seemed very nice and pleasant to me, so perhaps all the bad guys are already in the US in which case the wall will succeed in keeping them there.

    Eva was complaining a lot about how hungry she was. So we returned back to the hotel and went for dinner and did our scuba diving homework.

    After which she challenged me to a game of pool (the idea is to pocket your coloured balls into the pockets Eva) and then a game of table tennis (the idea is to hit the ball so it goes over the net and lands on your opponents side of the table Eva), all very exciting and embarrassing.

    'Dad when we go scuba diving tomorrow will I get sea sick?'

    'No darling not in the swimming pool'

    'Night Eva'

    'Night Dad'
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  • День 8

    Scuba doo

    13 августа 2017 г., Мексика ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Our big learning to Scuba Dive day so that we can get our PADI Open Water Certificate.

    The biggest surprise for Eva was getting out of bed earlier, the next surprise was that it was back to school for most of the day and on top of that it involved a bit of maths!

    We spent all morning in class watching videos - PADI ones...no not Paddy, the spelling is correct, videos on scuba diving safety, protocol and how to survive if you think you can become the Man from Atlantis.

    A 170 page text book and then a Q&A at the end of the three chapters. All proper stuff.

    Eva's face was a picture. All she wanted to do was go and cuddle some sea turtles and dive with dolphins....she will thank me in the end...hard love.

    She was very protective of her work.

    'Dad stop looking at my answers, do your own!'

    Well that's gratitude for you.

    After lunch we had a further session and a debrief with another Q&A exam...she passed with flying colours...yeah go Eva go!

    Tomorrow we can actually get in the swimming pool to do a dry run, so to speak, and then out to the open water.

    Dinner in the evening involved a band...quite good really...click on the video for a taste of the evening.

    Oh...and here is one of my favourite movie scenes...

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  • День 9

    Dive, Dive, Dive

    14 августа 2017 г., Мексика ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The first part of the PADI Scuba Diver certificate is in the swimming pool. So after a hearty breakfast we set up our Scuba gear, donned the wet suits and in we went. All good trading for our excursion to the bottom of the sea bed later in the morning.

    Various exercises included all the safety checks and then underwater filling your mask full of water and then using air to evacuate the water, getting your trim correct with the right amount of air, taking you respirator out and throwing it over your shoulder then recovering it and putting it back in your mouth whilst trying not to inhale water and coming to a premature death.

    At least in the pool one can stand up if in trouble, but under 11m of water things are a bit different...that was for later.

    We headed off on the dive boat to our dive site about 10 minutes away. We checked our gear and flipped backwards into the sea. Our instructor Roman then descended with us onto the bottom of the sea bed and we repeated our training exercises of throwing away our respirators and then recovering it and reinserting it into our mouths, purging the sea water and happily breathing again.

    Off we then popped for a glide around the reef which involved coming al out face to face with a massive moray eel...yikes!...40 minutes later we surfaced for the boat to collect us.

    This my third dive and Eva's first. It really is something special and a whole new experience. She loved it.

    Tomorrow would be a bigger training challenge.
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