Lyon is pretty

Yesterday I started and finished the day by going up to the Basilica of Notre Dame of Fourviere. This late 19th century church is certainly not the oldest I've seen but, it may have the prettiestRead more
Yesterday I started and finished the day by going up to the Basilica of Notre Dame of Fourviere. This late 19th century church is certainly not the oldest I've seen but, it may have the prettiestRead more
Irgendwann ist jede Reise zu Ende. Zum Abschluss bin ich relativ zeitig in den Parc de la Tête d'Or, nordöstlich von Lyon gelegen, spaziert. Anfangs noch ganz ruhig mit nur vereinzeltenRead more
Anfahrt nach Lyon im Wesentlichen problemlos.
Am Weg von Lyon nach Vienne hat uns ein Gewitter überrascht, es war leider kein Unterstand in der Gegend. Etwas durchnässt in Vienne angekommen, einRead more
Thomas bought a new leather belt! Our lovely guide Bruno took us around all the must sees in Lyon and organized a little wine and cheese tasting. We saw the Basilica of Notre Dame of Fourvière andRead more
After 2 flights I arrived in Lyon, tired but happy. The flights were very smooth and the dinner and free wine were good. No complaints Air Canada👍✈️. Now to sightsee as I can't check in to myRead more
Today we woke up and were feeling hungry. We decided to go to a nice little bakery called Bakery Albon. I don’t know what the French do to their croissants, but I would like the rest of the world toRead more
Hahaha you’re so funny
Traveler Lyon looks amazing. Enjoy ❤️
Awesome. That was very nice of him.