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  • Day 11


    May 23, 2023 in Germany โ‹… ๐ŸŒง 15 ยฐC

    We are travelling around the Bavaria area killing time really until we get to Salzburg for maybe a three night stay and a guided tour of the City, and an improving weather situation. Today we are at Lake Chiemsee and it’s a day for doing nothing. Attempted a cycle and got soaked. But we are in Bavaria and the scenery is amazing.

    Das leben ist gut
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  • Day 46โ€“48

    Lake Chiemsee

    September 29, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ˜€๏ธ 13 ยฐC

    A couple of nights here. Fab spot by the lakes especially for the Boyz but a pricey stellplatz at €22 with everything extra. Even have to pay to use the toilet! Unfortunately boat trip o wanted to do cancelled as it’s flooded here,Read more

  • Day 2

    Come on eileen

    August 21, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ›… 20 ยฐC

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  • Day 30โ€“33


    May 19, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ˜€๏ธ 16 ยฐC

    Eigentlich wollten wir nur 2 Nächte bleiben bei schönsten Wetter,aber aufgrund der Unwetterwarnung haben wir uns entschlossen noch eine Nacht zu bleiben da wir hier sicher stehen.
    Das Unwetter hat es dann aber bevorzugt uns aus dem weg zu gehenRead more

  • Day 39

    39. Bad Tรถlz - Oberaudorf

    March 14, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ˜๏ธ 15 ยฐC

    Today we had to wait until 2.00pm to use the showers at the swimming pool, so we had a lazy morning deciding on whether to take the van in to a local Citreon garage.. After seeking lots of advice (thanks, Leigh), we decided to leave it as the van is running fine now, with no fault codes showing. We therefore carried on driving the Alpine route after having our shower. The drive was very fun, we weaved in and out of Austria which was cool. We also passed some lovely lakes & towns whilst driving some awesome mountain roads.

    We did a big mountain pass and went over 1200mtrs again, mad that this is close to height of Ben Nevis. Enroute we stopped at a very scenic waterfall and walked down to a viewpoint to view it looking up. This was really nice but sketchy taking Maddy as she throws herself down the steps...

    Afterwards we headed along a small mountain road to our next parkup, probably the most scenic one yet, with huge mountains the one direction, surrounded by the foothills around us and a big fishing lake. We predict only 1 day left on our Alpine route- we recommend this as its been super scenic and at times has put the swiss alps to shame!
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  • Day 12


    September 13, 2024 in Germany โ‹… ๐ŸŒง 8 ยฐC

    Half een was t droog, direct gaan rijden want dat blijft niet zo. Snelweg op want de passen zijn verboden voor motoren omdat er boven 1000 meter sneeuw ligt. Autobaan richting Salzburg gaat ook 1300 meter over, ook daar dus sneeuw en verrekte koud....... Later regen, niet normaal. Half zes bij Rosenheim hotel genomen omdat t donker werd en mijn snelheid nog maar 70 was op de snelweg, eenvoudig weg te donker en te veel regen om nog iets te zien. Aangezien de vrachtwagens wel met 90 voorbij komen vlug plekje gezocht. Hele warme douche en lekker eten, morgen zien we wel weer. Is hier code (diep) rood dus waarschijnlijk nog wel ff afzien. Anyway, motor staat netjes binnen, kleren hangen op droogrek en eerste ๐Ÿบ is besteld.Read more

  • Day 5

    5 - Chiemsee Herreninsel e Berchtesgaden

    August 16, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ˜€๏ธ 28 ยฐC

    Dall'Austria ci spostiamo in Germania per un giorno per la visita di Chiemsee e dello splendido castello di Herreninsel. I biglietti li avevamo già acquistati online per evitare code. Prendiamo quindi solo i biglietti per il battello che dal molo presso il posteggio porta direttamente sull'isola dova si trova uno dei castelli di Ludwig II.
    Vale la pena trascorrere l'intera giornata passeggiando su questo isolotto che offre tante cose da vedere oltre il castello. Ma l'ultimo orario di ingresso, in estate, è alle 15:00, quindi bisogna organizzare bene la visita. L'interno del castello è uno spettacolo per gli occhi, purtroppo però è proibito fare foto e video. Delle 70 stanze esistenti, solo 20 furono terminate a causa di mancanza di denaro e Ludwig II ci rimase per soli 10 giorni.
    Anche il museo dedicato a questa controversa figura è molto interessante. Si possono vedere tutti i progetti di opere e palazzi che avrebbe voluto realizzare, ma che, in molti casi, non furono mai iniziati.
    Nei pressi del molo poi c'è il vecchio castello, poi adibito a monastero e poi birrificio, che adesso ospita una bellissima mostra di opere di Exter.

    Lasciamo Herreninsel per recarci a Berchtesgaden. Qui ci fermiamo solo per una breve visita per vedere questa caratteristica cittadina. Ma da queste parti dopo le 17:00 i negozi e i ristoranti chiudono ed in giro c'è pochissima gente.
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  • Day 28โ€“29

    Overnight after disasterours day

    August 9, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ˜๏ธ 27 ยฐC

    Our planned Stelplatz was full outside Salzburg. We headed towards Innsbruck but most were full or not accepting dogs!! Eventually we found this little gem, took 8 Motorhomes. No electric. But a good stop. We now think we will ditch Austria and Germany and try and rush into France where we have familiar places to visit.Read more

  • Day 13

    End of the Journey?

    July 15, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ›… 29 ยฐC

    I arrived Roseinheim as a stop to Munich. While walking my service didn’t work so I ask directions to the people that I noticed speaking Turkish. They were so happy to see a turkish traveler on the road and they offered me food. We spend time together about an hour and then I intended to continue to my journey, head to next town but I realize my little shoulder bag is missing. Turks help me to search it on the station but all the offices were closed. So I decided to go to Munich and try to talk with the authorities there.Read more

  • Day 8


    May 2, 2024 in Germany โ‹… โ˜€๏ธ 22 ยฐC

    Départ de Wolfgangsee pour Hallstatt. Un village incontournable en Autriche.
    Lieu magnifique où les maisons s’accrochent à la paroi.
    Repas : une petite truite du lac…..
    Cet après-midi nous avons roulé et atterri au Chiemsee (toujours au soleil), sur un spot en bord de lac que l’on connaît déjà. Demain roulage pour descendre vers la Suisse. Donc journée on the road car le temps se gâte.Read more

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