A couple of nights here. Fab spot by the lakes especially for the Boyz but a pricey stellplatz at €22 with everything extra. Even have to pay to use the toilet! Unfortunately boat trip o wanted toRead more
A couple of nights here. Fab spot by the lakes especially for the Boyz but a pricey stellplatz at €22 with everything extra. Even have to pay to use the toilet! Unfortunately boat trip o wanted toRead more
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ืื ืืืืชืRead more
Today we had to wait until 2.00pm to use the showers at the swimming pool, so we had a lazy morning deciding on whether to take the van in to a local Citreon garage.. After seeking lots of adviceRead more
Dall'Austria ci spostiamo in Germania per un giorno per la visita di Chiemsee e dello splendido castello di Herreninsel. I biglietti li avevamo già acquistati online per evitare code. PrendiamoRead more
Our planned Stelplatz was full outside Salzburg. We headed towards Innsbruck but most were full or not accepting dogs!! Eventually we found this little gem, took 8 Motorhomes. No electric. But a goodRead more
I arrived Roseinheim as a stop to Munich. While walking my service didn’t work so I ask directions to the people that I noticed speaking Turkish. They were so happy to see a turkish traveler on theRead more
Oh wow!!! tropical here in Yorkshire!
Traveler Must be beautiful - and the beer?
Traveler Vodka and the last of my Irn Bru stash ๐