Arrival into Germany 🇩🇪 and Cologne

Cologne certainly was a city I went to. It sure is a place on the Rhine that exists. Jokes aside, the gothic cathedral was awe-inspiring and the view from the Cologne Triangle was pretty good. WhatRead more
Cologne certainly was a city I went to. It sure is a place on the Rhine that exists. Jokes aside, the gothic cathedral was awe-inspiring and the view from the Cologne Triangle was pretty good. WhatRead more
Well we're on our 4th train of the day. Been to Dusseldorf and Wuppertale. Now on our way to Stuttgart. Seen some really cool things like the flying train in Wuppertale. Had some terrible chineseRead more
Heute fliegen wir zurück nach Deutschland. Wieder mit ein bisschen Wehmut, da die beiden Wochen Auszeit einfach schön und chillig waren.
Abgesehen von der stoppeligen S-Bahn Fahrt verlief dieRead more
Tonight we signed up for a Brauhaus tour with dinner and sampling local beer from Cologne. None of us are real beer drinkers but our traditional German dinner at Peter's and the beer at the otherRead more
Friday was a day for chocolate and Kölsch! Apparently, Germany consumes more chocolate than any other country in Europe, both per capita and in total, and there is a large chocolate museum inRead more
A nice breakfast at the hotel before heading over to Köln Hbf to start the journey to Nürnberg.
I picked up a laugenbrezel from Kamps, got an S Bahn ticket (having annoyingly timed my Kölncard outRead more
Wir sind nun in Solingen, haben Carola und Christoph (Uschi's Bruder) besucht, und fahren am frühen Abend zur Geburtstagsfeier vom Marco, der heute 60 wird.
Zuvor besuchen wir die Jutta und denRead more
Traveler Great looking cathedral
Traveler looks like the duomo
Luke Palmas No it doesn't