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  • Day 11

    Arrival into Germany 🇩🇪 and Cologne

    November 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Cologne certainly was a city I went to. It sure is a place on the Rhine that exists. Jokes aside, the gothic cathedral was awe-inspiring and the view from the Cologne Triangle was pretty good. What was not good was using German trains. I arrived 99 mins late to my next location Freiburg Im Breisgau.Read more

  • Day 23


    August 25, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Adelaide has been reading a book by Dam Smith called The Wall Between Us, about the Berlin Wall while we've been on holiday. She's absolutely loved it so we thought why not stop off at Berlin on our way home so she can actually see it. So we did and we visited this morning. Unbelievable sight.Read more

  • Day 4

    Peppers zu Hause

    August 9, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Na, was denkt Ihr.
    Pepper🐕 ist noch der Alte.
    Wir sind kaputti aber angekommen. Schön wohnen die hier. Hier gibt es einen riesen Wald 🌳 Den mir Pepper nach Kaffee ☕️ und Kuchen 🍰 erst mal gezeigt hat. Oh man war das da schön. Abends haben Sie Feuer gemacht und Fisch 🐟 warm gemacht. Schön wars❣️ Heute morgen vorm Frühstücken waren wir noch mal im Wald 🌳 unterwegs. Nach dem Frühstücken🥐 ging’s dann los weiter Richtung 🧭 Norden und was da so auf der Fahrt war erzähl ich in der nächsten Geschichte. Emil 🚙ist ne richtige Flitzebiene 🤭

    Danke Renate und Wolfgang das wir bei Euch sein durften. Bis ganz bald. Euer Toby
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  • Day 9

    Bike Tour of Cologne

    September 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We woke this morning to the smell of bacon frying. Klaus was busy making us an egg with fried onions, tomatoes and bacon. After breakfast we put on our biking shorts and headed out to tour the area on bikes Klaus had borrowed for us. The route Klaus had planned took us through a wooded area near his home on the outskirts of Cologne down to the shores of the Rhine River. From there we followed a bike path that hugged the shoreline and took us many kilometres to a point where we were able to take a small ferry across the river and continue cycling along the city side of the river. We took a break for a drink at a restaurant overlooking the river.

    Once in the city we took a bridge back across the Rhine that had a railing absolutely covered with thousands of locks! We now followed along a section of bike path directly across from the city centre where we got a great view of the cityscape including the Cologne Cathedral. Continuing along this side of the river we eventually arrived back at the point where we had originally arrived at the river. We took a short rest break and then rode to an outdoor pub near Klaus’s house where we had beers and dinner. I was rather hungry because all we had had to eat on the 60 km journey was a banana and a few pretzels!
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  • Day 18


    October 7, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    A very cold day out and about in Cologne as our guide showed us around the massive Cologne Cathedral. The allied forces largely spared the cathedral during WW2 due to it's value, so it is in original condition.

    Also checked out the Eau De Cologne store (Farina fragrance museum), Lovelock bridge, and the city shopping precinct.

    We were warned about pickpockets, so were careful, but one of the young male passengers from our ship was shoulder charged by a young german bloke in the city...probably an anti-American sentiment we think.
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  • Day 47


    October 20, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Brief history: established by the Romans in 50CE it has been a merchant city ever since. The Cathedral took 600 years to build and narrowly avoided being flattened in WWII with the rest of the city which required massive rebuild.
    Music scene is healthy and diverse. We found ourselves in an Irish pub listening to Aussie music and a quirky Jazz bar that has had live music every day for 1,400 consecutive opening days.
    Transport hub on the river, by road and rail. The train bridge over the Rhine has 6 tracks. The quality of the train services that we have used are amazing.
    Very large Turkish population here. It the largest ethnic minority in Germany. Thank for bringing yummy food here.

    Trivia: our first train stop into the Netherlands was Arnhem. The town gave its name to a ship that sailed into the Gulf Of Carpenteria in 1623 and in turn gave its name to the massive land mass we now know and love as Arnhemland.
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  • Day 13

    Abschied von Fuseta

    October 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Heute fliegen wir zurück nach Deutschland. Wieder mit ein bisschen Wehmut, da die beiden Wochen Auszeit einfach schön und chillig waren.
    Abgesehen von der stoppeligen S-Bahn Fahrt verlief die Rückreise problemlos und flott.
    Zuhause wurden wir mit einem tollen Racelette-Abend empfangen, der uns über das schlechte Kölner Wetter hinweggetröstet hat.
    Der Vollständigkeit halber soll erwähnt sein, dass das Event nicht für uns, sondern von den Geschwistern nachträglich zu Max Geburtstag ausgerichtet wurde 😉.
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  • Day 8

    Beer tour of Cologne

    September 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

    Tonight we signed up for a Brauhaus tour with dinner and sampling local beer from Cologne. None of us are real beer drinkers but our traditional German dinner at Peter's and the beer at the other establishments was tasty. Even had Schnapps at one!Read more

  • Day 43

    Wolfgang and Uli’s Village

    August 26, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Uli and Wolfgang live in a small village which is now part of Cologne. I think the old village name is Weiß. On Monday Uli walked us around it.

    There is a very old church; massive of the outside; simple on the inside.

    The village is in a bend on the Rhine which has a lot of barge traffic. Container barges go by all day and night.

    After touring the village, we stopped in the local bar for a drink.

    The whole scene was so different and so much calmer than downtown!
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  • Day 41

    The Big Day

    August 24, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Saturday was the Big Day! And big it was!

    It all started with champagne at 11:00 at Uli and Wolfgang’s house. We walked the 3.8k (2.3 miles) along the Rhine. The house is spectacular. They largely rebuilt it on an existing site and both the inside and the outside are beautiful.

    After everyone had a glass of champagne, Edward and Lena spoke to the family and friends from the neighbor’s roof. Not sure what they said since it was in German, but it was well received by the crowd and Edward sounded very fluent.

    After a lavish lunch, the musical members of Lena’s family (which is pretty much all of them) sang, accompanied by Lena’s uncle, Christoff, on the flute. (He and Lena’s aunt, Heimi, are professional musicians who play for the Munich opera.) the song was an adaptation of a very popular song in the kölsch dislect the about Cologne, adapted by Uli (I think) to refer to Edward and Lena. (I’m working on getting a translation to post). Lena’s cousins, Billig and Jacob, dressed up as Lena and Edward. It was a great performance!

    Everyone then gathered for group photos.

    All this time lots of beverages were available; so many that Uli and Wolfgang brought in a refrigerator trailer to keep everything cold. Jacob tapped the keg of Kölsch.

    The party continued until the next event, cake at 4:00. Two huge cakes. We made short work of them.

    And the party continued until the final food event, reinekuchen, brought to the house by a food truck. Reinekuchen are potato pancakes similar to latkes. The guests ate them as fast as the truck could fry them up and they definitely filled up any empty spaces in our stomachs!

    By 9:30 or so we were all partied out and had to call it a day, although the party went on until the wee hours. Patsy and Steve walked back to our hotel with us. Since it looked like a thunder storm was brewing, we tried what was supposed to be a shortcut through the fields and woods but a wrong turn slowed us down. We hurried through the fields as the lightening and thunder began. The rain burst down just as we got in.

    We never thought that, on a trip which included crossing the alps, our most exciting walk would be in Cologne!
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