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- Kongsi
- 22 Okt 2024, 8:27 PTG
- 🌙 24 °C
- Altitud: 172 m
NepalḌhuṅre Kholā27°34’43” N 84°29’43” E
Chitwan Jungle Safari Day 1

Anthony had a fever last night but woke up feeling better, thankfully. Today was an absolute highlight of our vacation. We had to cross the river in boats to get to the jeeps we would be riding in. Our first adventure of the day!! We had a full day in the jeep covering 70+ km hoping to get a look at some animals in their natural habitat. We saw lots of cool birds, crocs, monkeys and then our first rhino which was standing in a clearing staring at us. We sat and watched it move around a bit. We saw different kinds of deer, a wild boar from a distance, a rat snake ( not venemous) and several domestic elephants with their riders taking them to the water and then they go walkabout for the day eating.
After lunch we saw a momma rhino with her 4 year old baby ( they live to be 50-60 years old). They walked around about 40 ft from us. Then a male rhino came in and tried to get to the baby and momma protected him and charged at the big male rhino. It was really crazy to witness this. The mom then took her baby and crossed the road and away from the area. After a few minutes the big male came out onto the road, faced our jeep and looked like he might charge, then went across and into the bush. It was an intense encounter. Our guide shared that recently a rhino was poached for its horn. One of the poachers was caught and is in jail for 20 years. The army is stationed at lookouts throughout the jungle, they have cctv cameras through certain parts and the army does patrols. We were hoping to get a glimpse of a tiger soon after seeing the rhinos, which the guides were saying was nearby ( we could hear a deer bellowing in warning), but it didn't come out. Gopal told us about two incidents where a motorcycle driver and female passenger were going through the jungle and a tiger attacked the woman on the back. Another was a farmer recently near the banana plantation working and the tiger was hiding in the grass and attacked and killed him. The hazards when farming and the jungle are side by side. We visited the breeding center for the Gharial needlenose crocodiles. They had the babies and then different ages to view. They are odd looking with interlocking teeth and teeth on the end of their snout. We had some fun with a domestic elephant who we petted and fed apples to. A fun way to end our day. After dinner Anthony was running a fever again so went to bed early while we enjoyed an hour of local cultural dances.Baca lagi
Pengembara Looks like you had a great day and saw some amazing animals. Hope Anthony wakes up feeling all better.
Pengembara It was such a cool experience
Or my…