Pantano de la Grajera

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  • Day 14

    Day 11

    September 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Left Logrono 6.45 am arrived Navarrete 11.45am
    12.5ks today. It is our rest day.
    Very little signposts to show the way out of Navarete this morning. It took 45 minutes to get out to the city fringe. We walked mostly on paved footpaths today, very hard on our feet. We need to get some washing up to date and have time to rejuvenate.
    We have noticed that the locals are very helpful, and even though the language barrier is there, we get ourselves understood. Lots of laughter.
    We are managing with our packs really we now we don't have the intense heat.
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  • Day 37


    March 10 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

    This morning , we took the bus across town and out near a park that is about halfway between Logroño and Navarette. There were a few tense moments as I tried to figure out the bus transfer from Bus 1 to Bus M1, but a nice lady pointed out the correct bus shelter for us.

    It was kind of a cool, dreary day, but not raining. We are walking now in Rioja, which is a state in Spain and also a well-known wine region.

    We passed the site of a 12th century pilgrim albergue. In the Middle Ages, they were often called hospitals because lots of pilgrims got sick on the journey.

    Tonight, we are staying at El Cantaro. The last syllable has an accent mark that I can't figure out with my phone. Anyway, a cantaro is some kind of water pitcher or clay jug.

    We are cleaning up, and then we'll walk around town a little. Tomorrow we walk to Najera.
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  • Day 11–14

    Longono to Najero

    October 10, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

    Another long day, 29 kilometers. But at the end of the day, there was a pizza pie and some beers. Walk thru a lot of farm land. There were some long distances between cities.

    Motivation here is the cafes --- food and drink.

    Usually, the cafes serve sandwiches and totidas (quiche) . Drinks could be Coke, other soda, beer, or liquor 🤔.

    The Camino App ---- Camino Ninja --- is terrific for tracking the trail and finding places to stay close to the Camino trail.

    I usually get 8 to 9 hours of rest for the next day.

    Miss you all.
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  • Day 16

    Legrono to Navarette

    September 15, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Harder day today. The surrounds were beautiful as we walked, lush farmland. Not far 12.5km but there was a headwind and I was tired and out of sorts. Ed’s first day on bike. We strapped his mochilla to his pack with occy straps which didn’t work very well. It was a bit hilly, not too bad riding into the wind made it pretty hard. We stayed in the municipale albergue which was ok. I met a lovely old Japanese woman who was catholic so on this pilgrimage. She didn’t speak English but we gave her some chorizo pasta and she gave us some chopsticks.. Both of us had upset tummies today so neither of us in great spirits. I didn’t even get any photos of him on bike.Read more

  • Day 15–16

    Torres Del Rio to Legrono

    September 14, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    One of life’s perfect days. We rose early and I started walking just after 7 when the sun was still coming up. The light was so beautiful it’s hard to capture with my limited skills but I tried. We walked 22 or so km and wanted to be there by 1 when the municipale albergue opened as you can’t book & they have been filling up. We got there about 12:45 & people put backpacks in a row as the queue so we could relaxe rather than stand in line waiting to open & check in. We then did the standard pilgrim things, showered, did our washing, & got food. we tried small plates they call pintxos which are the tradition in this area. Delicious. Then we walked out into the suburbs to the Decathlon which was not so perfect, hot & lots of big box shops, but ok. We got Ed a mountain bike to finish the Camino on. They have a buy back scheme which we will utilise when we get to Santiago. I got food to cook for dinner but by the time I walked back I was tired & so happy that a Mexican woman offered us enchiladas, another pilgrim wine & later an Italian a bowl of pasta al tonno (pasta with tuna & tomato). It was all simple and good. I offered up a bowl of figs to share. A lovely communal evening in rather than eating out was lovely. Ed walked the whole distance seemingly happily & then the walk to Decathlon too & was in a good mood. We went to bed tired & happy.Read more

  • Day 39


    September 4, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    I have found many things in Spain quite clever. Like the toilet paper that comes out like tissue. Wouldn't that stop a mess at schools! The main door knobs on houses being in the middle so both left and right handed people are equal. Using thin wood and exterior closing devices that are simple with a knob that can also hold a purse. Clearly marked bike lanes (not after thoughts) and having separate stores for fish, meat, bread, wine, and produce in the neighborhood. No packaged food or fast food anywhere.

    Wonder if the US could learn from any of these?
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  • Day 39

    Rested and Refreshed & Mystery Solved

    September 4, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Mystery Solved...I stopped at a pharmacy and when I said I had blister trouble, he turned his sign over to say closed. This meant business. He looked at my feet, my socks, my shoes, and my orthotics. Finally, he said, aha! My orthotics were 1 cm too short for my shoes and kept slipping causing the blisters. Ugh!

    Solution: buy the best insoles they have, cut so they fit, soak, cover, and wrap my blisters for 3 days.

    Today I walked in no pain for the first time! The green tape is KT tape and I watched many videos to learn how to wrap my feet and knees correctly. I need to support my flat feet since I don't have my inserts in. So far, so good.

    I went 6 miles on the trail today in an overcast cool day. I think there should be special stickers just for getting out of the cities! It took me over 2 hours to find the trail. I concidered it a city tour that people pay money for. I saw all sorts of interesting neighborhoods.

    We are speeding up our lives and working harder, in a futile attempt to slow down and enjoy it.
    Paul Hawken. What can you do today to slow down?
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  • Day 13

    Day 10 - Logrono to Ventos

    August 24, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Well, I may have been premature on the leg thing. Our legs were tired today and seemed heavy most of the day. We started to regret not taking a rest day as planned. We trudged on through the vineyards on a mostly flat (spain style) path. The walk out of Logrono was through a nice park system with trails and paths for walkers and bikers past a huge reservoir.

    Towards the end of the day, we met Begonia from Barcelona. We started talking and walking with her, and the next thing we knew, we were in Ventosa. She helped us pick up our pace without even realizing it.

    There's a festival here in Ventosa tomorrow, which would be awesome to see. They have 4 pigs being cooked and the town will go from 200 population to over 2000.

    We had a good dinner of frozen pizza with several others we've seen on the path. Mitch and Mira and Hans from the Netherlands and another couple from Norway. Nice people.
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  • Day 12

    Day 9 - Sansol to Logrono

    August 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Our legs are getting used to walking, and boy, does it make a difference. Don't get me wrong, the feet and legs are tired at the end of the day, but most of the soreness is gone.

    It was a good day walking as we transitioned from fields of cut grain to vineyards as we entered La Rioja region of Spain.

    Tonight we went to the famous pinchos street Calle de Laural and had pinchos for dinner. It was awesome, a ton of people out and good food. I tried the olive, pepper, and anchovies skewers...not bad. The mushrooms were probably the best.

    Buen Camino!
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  • Day 12

    Day 8 Villamayor de Monjordin to Sansol

    August 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    I've caught the crud from Teresa so I went to bed early last night. Started out great and the walk was not bad. As Teresa mentioned, it's mostly up hill into these little villages so getting to our albergue at the end of the day feels good. We drink about 4 cold drinks, take a shower, do laundry and then relax until dinner.

    Since we're starting to get our walking legs and figured out to leave earlier in the morning, we're making better time and arriving early to our next stop. We beat the heat and then can take advantage of siesta time!
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