United States

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  • Day 107–108


    October 15, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    We made a stop to see a friend that we met a few years ago in Panama in his hometown of Philadelphia. We spent a good amount of time with his adorable dog Dude, who was our “tour guide” around the city 😃Read more

  • Day 7

    Wet Philadelphia

    July 24, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    The first few hours of my time in Philadelphia were spent dashing between sights when the torrential rain gave me a moment.

    I saw the city hall, JFK square and Reading Terminal Market. I sheltered under a tree in the park whilst I called my Auntie Sandie (and family) on her 60th birthday! Sorry for exposing your real age Sandie.

    I also did some reading in the mall, looked for a new pair of shoes to carry me around America and saw another Ryder lorry!
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  • Day 52

    🇺🇲 😁Philadelphia 😁🇨🇭

    July 20, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Die Nacht war ein wenig mit Lärm durchzogen. Das hätte Moll ahnen können, denn das Red Roof Motel hatte nicht die besten Reviews und war zum Teil von Dauermietern besetzt, vornehmlich mit schwarzer Hautfarbe. Müde stand Moll nach 5 Uhr auf ass sein fürstliches Frühstück. 😩
    Um 6 gings los. Wie immer um die Zeit waren die Straße leer, sodass Lichtsignalanlagen Moll nicht interessierten. Da auch keine Steigungen zu bewältigen waren, kam ich gut voran. Schon bald war Columbia erreicht und gegen 8 war ich auch schon in Lancaster. Auch diese grössere Stadt konnte relativ schnell durchquert werden. Dann gings weg von der Hauptstrasse und auf Nebenstrassen hatte Moll dann deutlich mehr zu kämpfen. Die Route führte kreuz und quer durch Agrarlandschaft. Dies auf schlechteren Strassen und mit einem ewigen rauf und runter. Das einzig positive an dieser Streckenführung war, dass Moll auf einmal Amische Leute auf Pferdekutschen oder Fahrrädern sah. Nach guten 20km war ich dann wieder zurück auf der Hauptstrasse. Auch hier gings nun rauf und runter, aber kein ewiges kreuz und quer und auf besserem Belag. So hatte Moll um 11 bereits 100km abgespult. Nach weiteren 25km kam dann der abschliessende Schuylkill River Trail. Dieser führte am selbigen River bis ins Downtown Zentrum. Molls Kräfte liessen merklich nach. Etliche Radfahrer fuhren um einiges schneller, aber Molls Beinchen mochten nicht schneller strampeln.
    Nun ist es also vollbracht - die USA von San Francisco nach Philadelphia zu durchradeln - und dies wird der letzte Post von mir sein. Es war eine anstrengende Reise und immer wieder mit Zweifeln verbunden. Was ich jedoch definitiv gelernt habe, ist, man kann von Grossem träumen, aber das Grosse muss anschliessend in kleine Teile zerlegt werden, sonst geht man am Grossen zugrunde.
    Ich hoffe es hat Euch Spass gemacht und wir sehen uns in der Schweiz wieder.
    Hier noch ein paar Zahlen
    Kilometer: 5735
    Stunden auf dem Rad: 282
    Höhenmeter: 40505
    Kalorien: 87362
    Platte Reifen: 0
    Ersetzte Teile: 1 Kette
    . 1 Reifen (Pneu)
    Arbeiten am Rad: Speichen
    . nachziehen
    Bier: 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺
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  • Day 95

    American History in Philly🇺🇸📜

    January 4, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Ein anstrengender aber cooler Tag geht zu Ende. Mit dem Zug sind wir am Morgen früh von New York nach Philadelphia gefahren. Bereits vor 08:00 sind wir dort angekommen🕰️

    Ich muss zugeben, dass ich, wenn ich alleine gereist wäre, wahrscheinlich direkt nach Washington D.C gefahren wäre. Aline wollte aber Philadelphia besuchen und ich akzeptierte ihre Entscheidung 😂 (es war echt viel cooler als gedacht, also danke aline😘🤩)

    Nach einem Kaffee (für mich natürlich Tee😉) besuchten wir am Morgen das Franklin Institute. Das Museum war spannend und vielseitig. Der Eintritt (25.-) hat sich gelohnt.

    Danach besuchten wir die historische Oldcity von Philadelphia, welche einen besonderen Ort in der amerikanischen Geschichte einnimmt! Die Liberty Bell🔔, die Philadelphia City Hall, die Independece Hall🏛️ und weiteres sind historisch! In der Independence Hall wurde die amerikanische Unhabhängigkeiteserklärung und die Verfassung📜 im Jahre 1776 unterzeichnet ✍️. Mit dabei waren unter anderem George Washington (welcher, dann auch Präsident wurde), Benjamin Franklin oder Thomas Jefferson. Die Tour war gratis (nur im Januar und Februar) und hat sich somit extrem gelohnt. Ich wusste unter anderem auch nicht, dass Philly bis 1800 die erste Hauptstadt der USA war :)

    Die Zugfahrt 🚅 später nach Washington lief dann reibungslos und wir sind direkt nach Ankunft um 19:05 Uhr zum Hostel. Der Tag war lang aber super interessant!

    Noch kleine Zusatzinfo: Für mich war Philly vorallem wegen der extremen Drogenproblematik bekannt (über 1400 Überdosis-Tote pro Jahr). Die ganze Schweiz hat ca. 130🪦. Man merkt der Stadt schon an, dass das Drogenproblem allgegenwärtig ist💉. Trotzdem fühlte ich mich sicher. Philly ist die ärmste Grosststadt der USA. Also aufpassen, aber nicht abschrecken lassen!😁
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  • Day 11

    Eastern State Penitentiary

    October 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Eastern State Penitentiary, once the most expensive, largest, and most modern prison in the world. Today a ruin that has been converted into a museum. The most famous prisoner was probably Al Capone. The staff as always super friendly. The audio tour is exciting and well done. Halloween tours are also offered, which are certainly good in this oppressive atmosphere.

    Eastern State Penitentiary, einst das teuerste, größte, und modernste Gefängnis der Welt. Heute eine Ruine, die zu einem Museum umgewandelt wurde. Der bekannteste Gefangene war wohl Al Capone. Das Personal wie immer super freundlich. Die Audio-Tour ist spannend und gut gemacht. Es werden auch Halloween-Touren angeboten, die in dieser beklemmenden Atmosphäre sicherlich gut sind.
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  • Day 10

    Sculptures of Philadelphia

    October 9, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Seriously, I've been walking around for 6 hours and I took over 500 pictures. FindPenguins is limited to 10 per post. So I'll throw out some xyz of Philadelphia footprints and you can decide, which you like to look at.

    Im Ernst, ich bin 6 Stunden lang herum gelaufen und ich habe über 500 Bilder gemacht. FindPenguins ist auf 10 pro Beitrag begrenzt. Also poste ich ein paar xyz von Philadelphia Fußabdrück und ihr könnt entscheiden, welche ihr euch anschauen wollt.
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  • Day 22

    Last day in Philly

    February 27 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We woke early again today ready for another day of exploring however the weather had different conditions ideas for us as it was quite heavy rain.

    We waited around in our room until after lunch waiting for the rain to ease before heading out.

    We had lunch at the Reading Terminal Market before browsing shops looking for an Phillys Eagle shirt for Kenz. The thing we have noticed with Philly that is different to all other cities we have visited is there are no souvenir shops. We found one very small one in the back streets while we were walking the river yesterday but other than that no others.

    Philly has the most amazing old buildings, ones I could walk for miles looking at and photographing.

    We had to head back to Trader Joe’s to get a salad for dinner as the fridge in our room froze mine and nothing worse than eating lettuce that has been frozen!

    Tomorrow we get the train to Lancaster before picking up our hire car to drive to Bird In Hand which is about 20 min drove from Lancaster. This is Amish countryside and we will spend 5 days exploring Lancaster County.

    Only 6kms walked today.
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  • Day 21

    Exploring Philly

    February 26 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    After a much needed rest day yesterday and a pretty good night’s sleep last night, we were up early ready for a full day of exploring.

    We opted for breakfast in our room today instead of the free breakfast as it really wasn’t that appetising yesterday.

    Breakfast done, showered and ready to go, we headed out the door Rocky Statue and Steps bound.

    It has always been a dream of both Dave and mine to visit the iconic scene of the Rocky movies. Anyone from our generation grew up on the Rocky movies and Rocky running those stairs was iconic.

    Walking to the steps we walked through some beautiful areas of the city. We sat around the steps for quite a while just taking in the scenery.

    From here we made our way down to the Schuylkill River to take in more beautiful views and a gorgeous walk along the river.

    We made our way back to our room stopping off at the Reading Terminal Markets for Dave to get a Philly Cheesesteak and I got an Amish pastrami on rye (I just didn’t eat the bread). Dave loved his cheesesteak however my pastrami was no where near as delicious at the one from Katz we had in NYC.

    We had a short rest before heading out again this time to view the Liberty Bell, which is a symbol of freedom and independence in the United States.

    As I knew we were close to the water and when we went to the basketball game the first night, I knew the Benjamin Franklin Bridge should be close so a quick google search and we were on our way. This bridge is a pretty good rival for the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges in NYC. This bridge leads into New Jersey. We have now seen New Jersey from Philadelphia as well as New York City (the Hudson River runs between New York and New Jersey).

    So glad I talked Dave into following me along my crazy plans to see different parts of the city because if we hadn’t we wouldn’t have seen the most amazing cobblestone roads tucked away along the streets we took.

    We sat at the Race Street Pier, overlooking the Delawere River just taking in the atmosphere before heading back to our room which happened to be in Race Street.

    On the way back we took in the awesome sights deep in Chinatown (we are staying in the outskirts of Chinatown) before calling into the Reading Terminal Markets to get a slice of Baked American Cheesecake for me and a slice of Chocolate Mousse Cake for Dave for dessert tonight. Both did not disappoint at all.

    We truly had an amazing day today, walking another 16kms!
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  • Day 20

    Streets of Philadelphia

    February 25 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    As we were both too wired from the basketball game, we only got to sleep between 1.00am and 2.00am so we were both a little tired today.

    We got up at 8.00am and headed down to the breakfast room for breakfast before asking reception where the guest laundry was only to be told that they no longer have a guest laundry.

    As we hadn’t done laundry since Chicago we were both running low on clothes so a quick google search we found the closest one was 2kms away.

    This is the not so glamorous part of extended travel holidays - if only the washing went on holidays as well.

    So with laundry in hand we made a beautiful 2km walk through the streets of Philly to the nearest laundromat and as the washing being done we enjoyed a Starbucks coffee and hot chocolate while we waited.

    On the bright side, it’s a great way to see the streets of cities you wouldn’t normally go through.

    After we finished the laundry we came back to our room, put it away before heading out the door again this time Trader Joe and CVS bound to get some food for lunches and dinners.

    By the time we got back to our room it was around 2.30pm and after finishing lunch it was 3.30pm. As we were both exhausted we decided to have a lazy day in the room, an early night ready for days exploring over the next couple of days.

    We walked 8kms today.
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  • Day 19

    Onwards to Philly

    February 24 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Well our time in DC has come to an end, we now head by train to Philadelphia for a 4 night stay with our basketball game tonight.

    Our time in DC has been great (we won’t talk about the no power for 3 days), we have seen and experienced things we never thought we would get to in our lifetime.

    The highlight for me was the Arlington Cemetery, a place I have wanted to visit for many years now! Dave’s highlight was the sheer size of all the buildings and monuments.

    The only underwhelming thing was The White House.

    Like San Fran and Chicago, we felt very safe in DC and we found our way around extremely easily, never getting lost (just like in San Fran and Chicago) and all cities have been easily accessible by foot.

    The train station in Washington was easy to find your way around with a big waiting around for Amtrak customers. Before long we were boarded the Acela train destination Philadelphia.

    The trip was only an hour and a half and it went smoothly. We arrived at William Gray station in Philly, made a quick exit, found our Uber and we were at our hotel in about 10 minutes.

    We really didn’t have much time to settle in before it was time to get another Uber to the basketball at Wells Fargo Center.

    Our Uber driver was half an hour early so we arrived way before we needed to and had to wait in the cold before the gates opened.

    Dave had a Philly cheesesteak and I had chips for dinner, both weren’t very appetising at all. All Dave has been wanting in a Philly cheesesteak so hopefully the ones in the city are better.

    We saw Philly 76ers v Chicago Bulls and our seats were right on the floor. Even though both teams aren’t top teams at the moment, I have always, since Michael Jordan days, wanted to see Chicago Bulls play and tonight I got to.

    Whilst, because the teams weren’t top teams, the game and atmosphere weren’t as amazing as our last game we saw in San Fran in 2023, we still both had an amazing night with the Bulls winning 142 to 110.
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