Starting this blog, because I am going to be doing my first pilgrimage - the Camino Frances. I will begin September 2021. Until then I will be walking around the Akrotiri, near Stavros, Crete, Greece. Read more Chania, Greece
  • Day 8

    Day 4 Valada to Santarem

    September 12, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Day 4 - Valada to Santarem. 12 September. Started at 07:33. Finished at 12:03. 20.2k/12.6m. Walking time 3h42m. 24,108 steps. 914 calories.

    As I was typing in the calories I realized the figure is based on my body weight. Wonder what it would be if I added 12# for the weight of my pack. Let’s face it carry around a 12# dumbbell for over 12 miles you use more energy.

    It was a very good day for walking. Weather was absolutely perfect. The toes were good. I think my body is beginning to adapt to my 12# pack.

    Got a great sunrise photo over the Tejo River. Many would find today’s path very boring. Not much to see. Landscape pretty much the same all day. But I like days like this - filled with farm fields and smells that take me back to North Dakota. Something about smelling fresh tilled dirt!

    Followed the dike for a long time and then cut through a vineyard. Having the high dike provided some great shade! Also, adding to today’s boring side - only one town. And that was 3k from the start, so too soon to stop. Had a 3+km hill at the end leading into Santarem. I love hills - going up. Saw two pilgrims on the trail. So those staying in the hostel did not catch up to me.

    Played tourist in Santarem. Had a good filling lunch/early supper. Staying in a modern , new hostel. Right now only two of us in a 6 bunk room.

    Okay, I know you all want to hear about my toes! Well did not have a restful sleep. They were not hurting, but my brain just had to find a solution to my toe dilemma. I believe I found it. Since I wear sandals my toes were not hitting the front or top of my shoes. But I grip with my toes and the first small toe joint, instead of rounding up it presses down. Sort of like it’s double jointed but it is not. That joint compression pushes down right below the nail bed. Anyway, how do you prevent that from happening. My solution was to take a small wad of cotton ball and tape it to the bottom of my toe where the joint bends in. Well it worked. Still had to drain the blisters but not much fluid and no swelling, redness or pain.

    Photos had captions. Also added a couple videos. Hope you enjoy the journey. Bom Caminho.
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  • Day 7

    Additions to Day 3

    September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Additions to day 3. After yesterday’s posting I went to find a place to eat and discovered a whole new landscape to the small town of Valada.

    There is a huge dike wall between the Tejo River and the town. The place I ate was right on the river.

    Enjoy more from Day 3 with photos & captions. Bom Caminho
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  • Day 7

    Day 3 Azambuja - Valada

    September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Day 3 - Azambuja to Valada. 11 September started @ 08:12 & stopped at about 11:45. 13k/8.1m. Walking time 2h32m. 16,642 steps. 581 calories.

    Before I share my day want to remember September 11, 2001. Those that died. Their families & friends. Unfortunately, it is a date many of us will remember - where we were & who we were with. The world changed on that day.

    My day started a bit later, because I had a short walking day. I needed one! And I didn’t go off the wrong direction!

    Before leaving Azambuja had a coffee and pastry. From the photos you will see it was sort of foggy & overcast. Great walking weather. The clouds cleared about an hour in.

    It was a day of walking among the tomato fields. Periodically there were some laying along the road. Yes, I did pick up a good one, rubbed off the dirt and ate it! Just like growing up rub off the dirt & enjoy.

    The hostel did not open until 2 pm, so I had some time to put my feet up & people watch.

    Photo captions give a bit more.

    Enjoy the journey! Bom Caminho.
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  • Day 6

    Day 2 Verdelha to Azambuja

    September 10, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Day 2 - Verdelha to Azambuja. 10 September. Started 6:07 am. Stopped 2:45 pm. 30.5k/18.9mi. Walking time 6h7m. 40,866 steps. 1,427 calories.

    Great weather for walking. Clouds kept temperature down. Long day for walking. Took a route that was marked & then not marked, which ended up with me on the wrong side of the railroad tracks! Could not see a way around ‘legally’ & safe, so back tracked 3.5 km. The town was right there! So instead of 6k to where I would spend the night, with the backtracking, it was 13k. I was beat, so did the smart thing & took the train the last 6k.

    Seeing a few more pilgrims - 4 on the path & 5 in the town we were all sleeping. Didn’t get the chance to walk with anyone. Maybe tomorrow.

    That was my day! Enjoy the journey. Bom Caminho Photos have captions.
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  • Day 5

    Day 1 - Parque dos Nacoes to Verdelha de

    September 9, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    Day 1 - Parque das Nacoes to Verdelha de Baxio. 24.1k/15m. Walking time 4:57.
    Steps 31,156. Calories 1166. Mike D know you want to know!

    My first official day of walking started outside of Lisbon, because I walked Lisbon to Parque das Nacoes on Thursday. It was very nice to cut off almost 10k.

    This morning, I headed out the door and it immediately started pouring rain, so went back in & waited about 15 minutes.

    One thing I know for sure - wet cobblestone is like ice! Instead of walking down the steep hill from my room took one last funicular Gloria ride. Then the metro to Parque.

    No rain. Partly cloudy. Sort of warm & sweaty, but when you have a 12# pack on your back you are working hard.

    Highlight of the day: ate lunch at the only cafe, in the very small town of Alpriate. It was the gathering place for all the locals. I snuck a photo!

    I did not see another pilgrim until leaving Alpriate (15k mark). Alex, from the Netherlands, just finished high school & is taking a gap year. We walked together for about 4K. Time/distance sure flies by when someone is doing it with you.

    Had quite a bit of dirt trail walking. One section was quite muddy. Otherwise good path conditions.

    Staying in a hostel with my own room & bathroom. A gentleman from Mexico arrived before me and he walked from Lisbon. Yikes! About 34km.

    Enjoy the journey. Bom Caminho.
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  • Day 1

    Being a Tourist in Lisboa

    September 5, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    Hola from Lisboa! Before I start walking the Caminho Portuguese, I’ve been playing tourist. What a busy city. Locals are very friendly. Getting around I’ve mainly relied on my two feet, but have used the metro/buses, which is very easy to use. A lot of hills. All sidewalks are cobblestone, plus most of the older streets. Have not seen anyone wearing high heels!

    Instead of going into all that I’ve seen I’ll touch on highlights. Checkout the Sandemans New Europe they have free walking tours not only in Lisbon. The guide Bruno was excellent. You should put seeing a Fado show on your list. I did a simple ‘Get Your Guide’, 50 minute program with two singers & 2 guitarists. Simple but excellent.

    Not sure how many photos I’ve taken, but those I’ve attached have captions to give more info.

    Tomorrow, Saturday, I start walking. Thursday I did 10km/6.2 miles of the route, so I’m not starting out with a 32.7km day. Late morning I will take the metro to the point I stopped on Thursday.

    Enjoy & welcome to the journey. Bom Caminho.
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  • Getting Ready

    September 2, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    Time for another Camino!

    In 2021, I walked the Camino Frances about 800 km/500 miles, from St Jean Pied de Port, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

    On Tuesday, September 5, I’ll be leaving for Lisbon, Portugal. On Saturday, September 9, I will begin walking the Camino Portuguese, from Lisbon to Santiago. Approximately 640 km/400 miles.

    The attached map shows four main routes. I will follow:
    = Leaving Lisbon on the Red/Camino Central all the way to Porto
    = Leaving Porto will take the Blue/Senda Litoral (along the coast) for 1.5 days
    = 10km/6.2 miles after Labruge, I will cut inland and join the Red/Central at Sao Pedro de Rates.
    = Cross the border into Spain at Tui.
    = Stay on Red/Central all the way to Pontevedra
    = At Pontevedra switch to the Purple/Variante Espiritual
    = At Padron back on the Red/Central into Santiago de Compostela, Spain

    So about 85% of the walk will be in Portugal. I’ve never been to Portugal, so am excited to experience the culture and people. Plus meeting other pilgrims!

    I am planning to post on most days, so if you choose, go on the journey with me. Keep me in your thoughts for a safe & healthy pilgrimage.

    Bom Caminho/ Buen Camino

    Note: you do NOT have to register (get an account) to view my posts. You will not be able to make comments. If you are on Facebook, I’ll be posting same narrative, but more photos. Search for Lynne Nitschke Newark
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