And so another day begins . . . Not too much planned today as the weather looked a bit mixed.
We weren’t up overly early and after breakfast pottered about with some chores and a couple of admin things.
We then attempted to transfer some money which turned into a drama - when the bank is trying to protect you from fraud but ultimately stops you getting access to your money when you need it . . . Like today!
Anyhow - it was resolved after some very lengthy phone calls, Tre staying decidedly more calm than me!!
That all sorted finally we decided we needed to go to Sauze to get a couple of bits - so we hopped into Rox and set off, remembering we really did now need fuel.
When we set off the sun was glorious and we stopped to take a couple of photos as we drove the back roads. 20 minutes later as we arrived at SuperU, with my intention of fuelling up immediately before the the weather changed, it changed and started to pour down.
At exactly the same point I got a call from a local bee keeper who I had made contact with, just asking what I was looking to do and giving me some advice on bits and pieces. He was really helpful and I’m sure I will be speaking with him again . . . When I have some bee’s.
By the end of the call the rain had eased and we did our shop. Once back out we fuelled up before the rain started again.
We decided to take a drive past the Chenay house - can’t keep away now as the days are ticking towards our possible ownership.
Not much had changed and no-one seemed to be about.
As we drove home I took a couple more photos of the rapeseed and turbines - they look brilliant out here, but the photos never do them justice.
Once home Teresa set about making a new chorizo salad we’d seen - the only downside was I had to hunt through my spices box to find the fennel seeds that I’d safely packed away.
The salad took no time and was bloody lovely.
The rest of the evening drifted away, the light outside now keeping the evenings alive a little longer - spring has defo sprung and summer is on its way.Read more