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    • Tag 58

      13.11 Day 58 . . . . Lazy Sunday

      13. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Not surprisingly no-one was in a rush to get up today and we didn’t really make it downstairs til gone 10am.
      Sitting on the patio area Mr H noticed the Hummingbird Moth that was mentioned here a few days ago - back on its favourite flower. At the same time Teresa noticed we were now growing our own mushrooms in the flower beds. A little research provided us with all the info we needed about adding them to our breakfast regime . . . . Er No! Apparently they are called Ink-caps and not particularly healthy eating.
      The sun was glorious today and so after a quick breakfast all four of us located out to the pool area.
      The pool was way to cold to tempt a dip and besides, Hannah had fitted the winter cover so it was more of a trampoline than a swimming pool.
      Sun loungers and cushions set out we all settled back for a day in the sunshine and warmth of the day.
      We pretty much stayed out all day with the exception of trips to get drinks and ice creams! Ice creams by the pool in November . . . WTF !!
      Nothing other to report for today, apart from some glowing pink faces come 7pm and some rested people.
      Along with pork chops and roasted vegetables we introduced the Hollywoods to our new smashed potato concept, which being the potato queen he is Mr H was surprisingly gracious about.
      That was it for the day - sunshine and rest, lovely!!

    • Tag 59

      14.11 Day 59 . . . . La Rochelle

      14. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had already decided that today was going to be a little bit of an adventure for all of us, so up and breakfasted we hopped into our ‘Ronaldo Upgrade’ Peugeot 3008 and off we set for La Rochelle.
      Heading west the weather wasn’t too good - in fact it was raining heavily. The only hope was, that as we gazed west we could see blue sky in the distance - a long way off.
      We passed some stunning countryside as we trundled along towards the coast and it was pleasing not to be asked once ‘Are we there yet?’
      As we rolled into La Rochelle we attempted to head for the old port but found on almost getting there that the last couple of roads were blocked. Another route ended with the same result on different roads. Not wishing to walk too far in the still wet weather we decided to head out of the town centre and over the bridge to Îlé de Ré, which I hadn’t known was even there until we were searching the maps for a route to the port. We paid the fee to cross the Pont de L’Îlé de Ré which is quite a spectacular bridge spanning on what seems like a curve to the island.
      Once onto the island we stopped to admire a couple of lovely beaches on both the north and south sides of the island. The sun had now decided to make an appearance although the breeze was quite fresh. The tide was out and so the entirety of the beach could be seen. It did remind Tre and I if our days at West Wittering.
      Further down the beach we could see men working with tractors on the beach and we guessed it may be to do with mussel or oyster farming - but we were to far to see.
      Obligatory photos taken we decided to drive further down the island. We hadn’t quite realised how large it was and it wasn’t long before we decided that as the weather had now changed for the better, that perhaps now was the time to return to La Rochelle. A quick coffee and sandwich grabbed at a cafe and we were heading back over the bridge, looking to head to the old port from the opposite direction than previously.
      Off the bridge we hung a right and found our way straight to a parking area near the port.
      The sun was still out and so our little explore of La Rochelle could commence.
      Heading south on Rue des Fagots (which obviously incurred sniggers from Mr H) we found ourselves at the Tour de la Lanterne (The Lantern Tower of La Rochelle). The Lantern Tower is one of the three medieval historic towers in La Rochelle, Poitou-Charentes, France, which guarded the port at Aunis. The Lantern tower served as a Lighthouse and a prison throughout its history. It was also known by other names: Garrot tower, Priest tower, and Four Sergeant tower.
      From there we walked along the battlement to the Tour de La Chaîne (Chain Tower). The Chain Tower along with the Lantern Tower and the Saint Nicolas Tower, is one of the three medieval towers guarding the port in La Rochelle. It is called the Chain Tower because an actual chain was stretched across the port entrance from this building. We then dropped down to Cr des Dames and walked alongside the port area. We noticed here that one of the restaurants were specialising in oysters - fresh from Îlé de Ré.
      After a slow walk around the port we stopped for drinks in the late afternoon sunshine - overlooking the port.
      A further slow walk around many of the back streets and shops found us finally returning to the car park, loading up and heading for home.
      One quick stop for fuel and we were back home for the evening and food - ham and cheese pancakes baked in with tomatoes and onions and topped with even more cheese. May have been a couple of glasses of wine as well - just maybe!
      Tomorrow is market day - early to bed!

    • Tag 60

      15.11 Day 60 . . . Aubigne House

      15. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      So it would not be a holiday trip without us showing our guests our little Lezay market as it was Tuesday. We dragged Mr & Mrs Hollywood out of our place early doors and off we went in the torrential rain to Lezay with Mr H having a drive of the splendid hire car.
      Surprising, we arrived safely and non-dented at Lezay and basically run (shuffled) from the car to the little cafe we often visit. The rain was bloody awful. We weren’t the only ones seeking cover in the cafe as it appeared the busiest we’d ever seen it.
      The waitress came over to take our order, at which point Mr H - buoyed by his driving display, decided to go for gold and order his own drink . . . ‘Un café con lèche por favor’ belted bravely across the table. I was sure the waitress was about to burst into a fit of giggles but instead she simply replied ‘Oui’ and took the remaining orders. I was left speechless 😂
      Most of the regular market stalls had failed to turn up due to the weather, but in a short break from the rain we did a quick tour of the stalls that were on site or within the indoor market. The indoor market allowed Mr H to practice more of his French vocabulary ordering a ‘Pomme Flan’, which again was met with jaw dropping understanding by the market worker. I think I will have a go at the language Mr H uses as it works every time.
      Mrs H had a go as well ordering six pears, although she almost ordered 16 - but saved herself brilliantly.
      The market was however such a damp squib we returned to the car and home with pears, pomme flan a cheese ballon cake and various other goodies safely secured.
      We had an hour or so at home and grabbing lunch before heading out to view a house at Aubigne. There we met Peter the estate agent who showed us a lovely property with a stunning garden, in fact really three independent gardens and a further area of orchard that needed recovery from brambles on acid. The house was actually three houses all joined. The first was in a good state of repair with some interior work required. The middle second needed decidedly more work, more than we had expected. The third was a wreck - so much so it had its own resident bats . . . Yes bats!
      The houses however were in a lovely setting with lovely grounds and Teresa just loved the church nearby, I however was less enthused about bells every hour at a distance of about 50 metres away. After a good period of time we left the property and made our way to Chef Boutonne.
      At Chef we entered a bar we’ve not visited too many times and had a couple of drinks. Then we went to grab some supplies from the SuperU Express - we decided introduce Mr & Mrs H to confit duck.
      Back home we had the duck and another batch of smashed potatoes, all washed down with a few wines, beers and pinau, before calling it a day.
      Tomorrow is due to be better weather - fingers crossed.

    • Tag 61

      16.11 Day 61 . . . Wind Turbines

      16. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Mr & Mrs H seem to have brought some rain with them from Blighty and so it continued this morning, even with us having a lazy get up and ready - it was still a bit damp outside.
      We had no firm plans for today, so decided to do a little road trip around some villages and hamlets that Tre and I hadn’t visited yet, let alone the Hollywoods.
      We headed generally west through the countryside clipping the north side of Chef Boutonne down to visit Cateau Javazay which of course was shut due to the time of year, but worth a quick visit for MR & Mrs H We then headed south towards Fontenille-Saint-Martin-D’Entraigues and then on and through Paizay-Le- Chapt, to Ensigné and then through the forest (where the chasse were out in force) through to Vinax.
      Now ever since Mr H has been here he has attempted to get ip close and personal to a wind turbine, even going off for walks from ours to go attempt to get close the ones near us. Well today was the day - in and around Vinax we got about as close as you can get by car (without using the specifically designed paths to them for the Turbine engineers) and so Mr H took the plunge and headed off across the field to get to one. Even from the car the sound and turbulence from them was obvious. We watched as Mr H hurdled the ploughed ditches of the field and got his photos. Once back in the car we decided it was time for hot chocolate and headed back towards Chef Boutonne. The journey did consist of an awful lot of re-runs of one particular video Mr H had obtained of the turbine and its noise. Little did we know this video and it’s soundtrack would feature heavily upon us over the next few days 😂
      Back in Chef we visited our normal haunt and grabbed some hot chocolate, then SuperU to grab some merguez sausages for tea.
      Back in the car we trotted off to Mellerand to show Paul & Mary the lovely church there . . . It was shut !!
      So we trundled back to ours where we were visited by Hannah our lovely landlady, who over-saw me bypass part of our pellet burner by undoing two cables from there connectors and joining them together with a paper clip. This apparently is the approved method when the pellet burner doesn’t feed pellets correctly - so says the chimney sweep/pellet burner man. He is due in a few days with a replacement part.
      After that excitement we chilled and listened to some music - Mrs H enlightening us on the extensive catalogue of Charles Aznavour and Mr H loads of old stuff none of had heard for ages - 10cc for one . . . . ‘Oh Donna’ probably not being one of their best tracks!
      Merguez sausages in crusty French bread with other bits for tea followed by the ‘Tourteau Fromagé’ the speciality Deux Sevrés cheese cake and the infamous Pomme Flan.
      Early-ish night as Bordeaux bound tomorrow!

    • Tag 63

      18.11 Day 63 . . . Bon Voyage

      18. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Early starts are never easy and meeting Mr & Mrs H downstairs at reception at 4.15am was like torture.
      We trundled out to Roxvanne and the hire car and loaded up. Again Mr H came with me whilst Mary B went with Tre for the four minute drive to the airport. It took longer to de-mist the cars before leaving than it did to drive there.
      Both cars into the short term parking we went with Mr & Mrs H to ensure they were ok and all checked in - I actually just wanted to check Mr H was leaving the country 😂
      Within what seemed only minutes, they were into security, belts and bags everywhere whilst navigating the search process . . . and then they were gone 🙁
      Tre and I then undertook the car park tango, firstly getting one parking ticket paid, out to the Hire car, out of the short term car park, drive to the hire car compound, lock it up, drop the keys in the security box (when we eventually found it), back into the terminal building, pay for the next ticket, out to Roxvanne and then eventually leave the car park and start the drive home.
      We were then back on the N10 heading home, stopping only briefly to grab a coffee for the journey.
      As we drive the couple of hours the sun came up and we were treated to low lying mist across the fields and around the trees. It was a lovely drive we seemed to fly by.
      We had decided we had some jobs to do when we got home, but when we got home ours plans changed . . . Both hopped into bed for a couple of hours sleep 💤
      When we eventually were awoken by a phone call, we talked ourselves into getting up. Tre sorted some bits and I did some home and work admin . . . and bill paying!
      The afternoon drifted into the evening, with just a confirmation that our travelling friends had arrived back at home in the UK . . . and that was it - day finished.
      Telly and bed.

    • Tag 64

      19.11 Day 64 . . . Pisse Dru

      19. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      So - first day back on our own after the departure of Mr & Mrs H.
      Straight away we were off to see anther house and found ourselves up and on our way to Sauze Vassais, to meet Chloe the estate agent who works in the same office as Charlotta. Charlotta was away so Chloe was standing in.
      We decided to take the back roads to Sauze as the morning was bright and beautifully crisp and clear. Some of the road side crops had dew like cobwebs on them as far as the eye could see and with the sun on them, they looked like necklaces of diamonds hanging between the plants. We also noted that the Chasse were out in numbers on this stunning day, what a day to spend walking around the countryside!
      We met with Chloe in Sauze and then followed her to Le Breuil Coiffaud, a small hamlet and a longer type property. Im not convinced Teresa or I were immediately favourably struck by the property, but we always look inside now. The longer had a hanger type barn attached through which you could access the rear garden, some smaller outbuildings and a larger barn adjacent to where we had entered. We were immediately told there was an issue with this barn re joint ownership, which further added to our non favour. Inside was ok, nothing worse than we had seen before, stone floors, fireplaces, a small kitchen below the staircase and relatively small bedrooms upstairs. The outbuildings were all effectively small barns. The garden at the rear was overgrown but was quite large - and it spread along, behind and to the side of a neighbouring property. Quite a large size, however Chloe couldn’t confirm what bit were in the sale and which bits weren’t. Chloe also told us that the owner was a keen hunter, which actually probably didn’t need saying with a boar head hanging on the outside wall 😂
      We left Chloe and the property and drove again through the stunning sunlit countryside, back to Chef Boutonne for chocolate. We then as normal hit SuperU for some food supplies at which point I convinced Teresa that she would like Sausage and Lentils in a tin . . . a bit like you’d get baked beans. I got away with it - however Tre did then hit back by grabbing a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau as it was the first day of its release. I was slightly concerned about the choice of name on the branding ‘Pisse Dru’ - but hey ho, let’s see what its like.
      At home we broke open both the sausage in a tin and the ‘Pisse Dru’ and spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening in the warm, sorting some bits and pieces and also ensuring I had a full schedule of the World Cup games that start tomorrow.
      During the evening I also noticed that a Music Festival Tre and I had visited earlier this year with Mr & Mrs Annals, had used a photograph of our Roxvanne in their next year’s advert . . . without even asking permission.
      I feel an email to them is to be written tomorrow!

    • Tag 67

      22.11 Day 67 . . . . House Hunt Pt 1

      22. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      This morning was the first of two days on a bit of a whirlwind house hunt.
      Up early and out the door at just gone 8am we headed to Souvigné . . . Souvigné 16, not one of the other probably 10 Souvigné’s in France. The hurdle we had jumped last night ensuring we had the right one.
      On arrival it was raining and the house looked cold and damp - but we are used to this now and it normally not very well maintained render which has discoloured - all of which makes the house look damp.
      The house was on the edge of a hamlet with fields to the side a lovely view.
      After a quick five minute drive around the nearby streets we parked up and met Chloe the estate agent.
      The house which didn’t look large from outside seemed huge once inside. Everything was fine - just dated due to the former occupants age and the place having been not lived in and effectively empty for 3 years.
      Some lovely pieces of furniture and detailing within and plenty of rooms.
      The garden was enclosed and not as large as we would probably have wanted, but that just a consideration for us. Outbuildings and a large attic (to be explored on another visit) added to its appeal. Both Tre and I took a real shine to this place.
      After about an hour or so we departed and made our way via back lanes across to Civray for a grabbed lunch.
      Parked up we found ourselves in a small cafe which until we entered we had not realised was an English Cafe.
      Everything was in English down to the fry ups and tea!!!!!
      (Mr Hollywood we have found you somewhere that sells tea) 😂
      The weird thing is every time Tre and I are surrounded by English people it doesn’t feel right. It’s lovely to hear an English voice once in a while, but a cafe like this, I may as well be back in ‘Dirty Bobs Diner in Romford’.
      So after a bacon bap and a sausage roll between us we were out of the door. We grabbed some bread for the evening meal together with another different bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau and then headed north west to Traversay for the next house.
      Traversay is near to the main N10 so we were already concerned about road noise, so when on arrival we could see the N10 as well as hear it faintly in the distance we were not too excited. The property on arrival was . . . well being kind a wreck. More of a wreck that the photos online had shown. Four walls with soil floor and staircase was a bit more than Tre and I had wanted to take on. Across a grass area was what looked like and had signage for the ‘Chasse HQ’, a fenced off compound full of cages and abandoned equipment, a derelict caravan which was inhabited by black sheep.
      Fortunately the agents mobile number was on a board outside, so as we were mega early we called to cancel the viewing - if she had not left the office. We got hold of Nathalie, explained our decision but then got offered sight of a further property 3km down the road from Traversa, which we were willing to view.
      Nathalie arrived about ten minutes later and we followed her to a tiny place we think was called Maret in a area we also think is called Vauthion.
      Immediately Tre and I knew this property wasn’t for us as was enclosed on all sides with no views and no land. The property was like a chalet with lots of wood inside. Quite long and deceptively large - but not for us.
      We parted with Nathalie after the viewing and headed home.
      A lazy evening in the warm, with a fab omelette Tre devised (which all our last bits of various cheeses went into) - which was cheese heaven. A bit of football on the TV and the Man Flu returned. So an early night for me followed somethine later by Tre.
      Tomorrow we have five to view - we lost one today as it’s now under offer. It’s a field day for estate agents here - must be the easiest job in France at the moment.

    • Tag 69

      24.11 Day 69 . . . Like A Bad Smell . .

      24. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      As of last Thursday we are up to do the airport run to Bordeaux, not quite as early as last week but not by much. Yep Munch is returning!!
      Off down the N10 we trundled - leaving an hour extra on the normal travel time due to early morning rush hour entering Bordeaux. All was fine until we got to 15km from the airport when we hit the traffic. We then crawled for best part of an hour never rally going any faster than 10-15km an hour - mostly less than that.
      Messages from Munch said she had landed as we continued to crawl along getting ever closer.
      Finally we turned into the airport and dumped Roxvanne in our normal car park. A quick walk to the arrivals found us both busting for the ladies/gents and with no sign of Munch in arrivals we dashed to the loo’s.
      On coming back out and meeting one another we walked into the arrivals hall - like a bad smell, she was back! Munch had arrived. The usual complete over the top greeting from Tre saw Munch blush in public as last time. Lovely to have her back again.
      So back out to Roxvanne who had only just been turned off and we were back in and off North back home.
      One short stop for a coffee and croissant and we were back on the road.
      Stopping only briefly to grab some supplies in Sauze Vaussais, we found ourselves back indoors.
      I had felt rough all night and for the journey there and back - ‘Ultra Man Flu’ had hit. I left Tre to unpack the shopping and gas with Munch while I hit my bed, only to be disturbed by the occasional beeping of the pellet burner downstairs as Tre turned it on and off and on and off and on and . . . You get the idea!
      So that was pretty much the day written off. When I woke up at about 7.30pm Teresa told me Munch had been asleep for about 3 hours on the sofa . . . I think Tre had a quiet un-eventful afternoon.
      Pizzas for dinner - a salmon one for Princess Munch of course and then an evening chilling by the fire watching TV.
      Tomorrow we are going out out, somewhere in the daytime and tomorrow evening we return to the quiz night, the scene of the bicycle accident a few weeks back. Let’s see if we can all get there and back safely.

    • Tag 70

      25.11 Day 70 . . . Quiz Night Pt 2

      25. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      A really, really, really lazy day today. We all got up late and kicked about until having brunch - which consisted of ham and cheese in croissants.
      While Munch ‘tittervated’ herself for going out and Teresa got herself sorted and fussed around the place, I duly watched more football. The Man Flu Extreme version that I had been suffering from had seemed to have passed, well almost.
      After a mad dash to get ready myself, we set off to our evening entertainment. This was a re run of the same quiz night that had ended so badly a few weeks back, with hospitals and broken bones involved.
      Parked up we met our beloved team mates and settled in for a few drinks, a meal and very competitive quiz.
      In the background of all this was the England v USA World Cup map, which due to the quiz I luckily missed watching!! 😡
      A lovely evening was had (apart from the football) and this time we hadn’t come last - so an improvement.
      Due to the beers, Teresa brilliantly drove us home and we parked up back at ours. On getting out of Roxvanne we were greeted with the most stunning star filled black night - it was incredible. Trying to get photos on your phone after a few beers is not to be recommended - hence there aren’t any to be seen.
      Back indoors, tea and bed were the last requirements for the day.
      Tomorrow is market day at Niort and some clothes shopping for Munch and Teresa. I shall be visiting the vinyl shop.

    • Tag 71

      26.11 Day 71 . . . Niort Shopping

      26. November 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Today was Niort visiting day.
      Tre wanted to take Munch to get some clothes so that she had some to leave here and I wanted to go to the vinyl record shop. Also would be a good morning out for Munch to visit a bigger French town, Niort is certainly bigger than most around here.
      My cunning plan of telling Munch I wanted to leave by 9am as we arrived home the night before worked perfectly. So the fact that I actually wanted to leave by 9.30am was easily achieved when Munch finally descended the stairs to say she was ready at 9.15am. In her mind she was ‘only’ 15 minutes late, but in mine we were leaving 15minutes earlier than I had wanted.
      We arrived in Niort about 45 mins later and after a bit of a pfaff finding a parking space, we found ourselves in central Niort.
      We grabbed hot chocolates and then wandered through a couple of streets down and into the market, which was busier than the last time Tre and I had visited.
      I love walking the stalls and looking at the fresh produce, Niort seems to sell so many oysters - Tre and I have have spoken about what happens to them each day, those that aren’t sold. Everything on the stalls are laid out so precisely, not just stacked, but stacked in obvious rows and levels and patterns.
      After a little while musing the stalls we decided that Tre and Munch could go clothes shopping and I could visit my now favourite Niort shop that sells vinyl records.
      So we split and I hit the vinyl shop. Vinyl seems as expensive here as tin he UK, with old well known albums up at the 60-70€ mark. After a good 45 minutes of searching god knows how many boxes I drew a blank.
      I found my way to a little cafe and settled down with a drink and a baguette to await the arrival of Tre and Munch about 45 minutes later . . . and simply people watched.
      Surprisingly on time the dynamic duo appeared clutching bags and Munch with a broad grin across her face - yep mum had caved in again I guessed.
      We then found our way into a restaurant - Bouillon Du Marche in Place des Halles, where we had lunch (Yeah, Yeah I know . . . after a baguette), which was lovely. As we were enjoying our relaxed lunch, Munch thankfully reminded us we had 15 minutes left on our parking - some five minutes plus walk away. Then ensued an episode of speed eating and bill paying that had to be seen to be believed.
      Back at ‘Roxvanne’ we drove out of Niort and back towards the main road leading to Melle. At the main roundabout on exiting we were held for well over two minutes due to a convoy of motorbikes. The roads had been closed to allow them access - there must of been hundreds of bikes if not into the thousand mark, was actually quite a spectacle, as long as you weren’t trying to get anywhere in a hurry.
      Back in Melle we flew into SuperU to grab more food and then home.
      At home we spent the late afternoon chilling and watching some rubbish TV - enjoying the lovely warm fire once again.
      After snacks for our evening meal we called it a day - as tomorrow was gonna be a long day taking Munch back to the airport.
      Thats her visit done again - time fly’s out here!

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