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    • Hari 12

      Day 11 Roland Garros

      3 Juni, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      The sun is out but a cold start!
      Yummy P'tit Pain for breakfast near our place then an uber to Roland Garros.
      We headed straight to Court 7 as many Aussies were playing there during the day and we wanted a good position!!
      Jordan Thompson and Max Purcell were first up but were beaten in 2 sets.
      Next was Matt Ebden and Rohan Bopanna. Inspite of their age, they played really well, showing skill and class. It was an entertaining match with amazing shots. They won on 3.
      While this was going on Alex deMinaur was playing Daniil Medvedev. I was watching it on the big screen behind our court!! He won in 4 sets, first time in a quarter final for an Aussie since Lleytton Hewitt!! Very exciting.
      Rinky Hijikata and partner followed. They played 2 French guys with the crowd going berserk with every point. Sadly they lost on 3 sets. We had a great day watching the tennis in the sun and wandering the grounds.
      We decided to call it a day about 6pm and head home via somewhere for dinner. A bowl of pasta and cocktail went down very well.
      Now to pack for the Loire.
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    • Hari 10

      Day 9 Notre Dame

      1 Juni, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Woke to no rain just overcast and 13 degrees. Umbrellas packed just in case!!
      Metro 9 to Strasbourg Saint Denis then Metro 4 to Cite. Cite is on the island with Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelel. 2 minute walk to Notre Dame. Hoarding in front but there is a viewing platform. Still as breathtaking as ever just not how I remembered it!! Great to see and take photos though. Sadly we didn't get to go in as it doesn't reopen until December. Crossed the river into the St Germain area for lunch. Omelettes all round with coffee and yummy crumble for dessert. Then it started raining. We had been so lucky until now.
      Luxembourg gardens was next stop despite the rain. Everything was very green and some flowers were still in bloom. It was nice to see the pond with the ducks swimming not skating on the ice as they were in December 2008 when we were here with the children. Also seeing the statues as they were not boarded up. The rain was relentess as we walked towards Pont Neuf through more narrow streets, past many quaint shops interspersed with tourist ones. The Seine was flowing and we could see Notre Dame from Pont Neuf. Metro 7 was in our sights so we headed home. With more tonic, cheese and chips in the bag, we sat and watched Zverev battle it out with Griekspoor from the
      Netherlands. After a tight 5 set match with a 10 point tiebreak Zverev won 10-3.
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    • Hari 6

      Day 5 Monet's house and garden

      28 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Early start this morning as Monet's garden and house is in Giverny which is 74km west of Paris. Sadly it was drizzling so not looking promising but fingers crossed. After an uber to Saint Lazare station, driving past the Arc de Triomphe on the way, we caught the TER to Vernon Giverny. Actually it took the 4 of us and 2 ticket machines to work out the tickets so we could board the train, then we sat in 1st class without realising until the guard suggested we move or pay the extra fee!! An hour later we followed the masses to find transport to the gardens.
      From the carpark, it was an easy walk to the gardens past souvenir shops and cafes. Once inside the you could smell the roses and perfume from the other flowers in bloom. We headed straight to the Lily pond! Along the way the flowers were out and everything was very green as it had been raining. Luckily it stopped for us to walk around! The colours were amazing and the gardens just how I had imagined. Many many photos of beautiful flowers later, we stood on 'the bridge' posing with all the other tourists. Meandering along another path we came to Monet's house. Again, magnificent greenery and colour with raindrops still on the petals and leaves. The blue tiles in the kitchen were stunning as were the copper pots hanging up. The gift shop called followed by more of the gardens as we walked back to the shuttle for the station and train back to Paris.
      Yummy Italian dinner next door for 4 weary travellers!
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    • Hari 9

      Day 8 Sacre Coeur and Montmarte

      31 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Another very slow morning after getting home late from Roland Garros. I think we were all exhausted after a few busy days and especially the nights. Woke to clouds and no rain...very exciting.
      Metro 9 from Billancourt to Saint Augustin then Metro 12 to Abesses which is the closest station to Montmarte. Enjoyed a yummy Italian lunch and coffee before sightseeing. We continued down the road following the masses towards the funricular up to Sacre Coeur. Our first real experience being with all the tourists in narrow streets and lots of tourist shops! Chris climbed the stairs to Sacre Coeur while Janet, Peter and I caught the furnicular up. Then the rain came again!! Even so, we enjoyed walking around Sacre Ceour and listening to the bells toll. Umbrellas up and battling the crowds, we wandered through Montmarte and saw the painters doing portraits and caricatores. Many cafes and restaurants all around the outside with people taking refuge from the rain. We headed down side streets admiring the houses before heading back down. The rain had slowed so we walked down through the park in front of Sacre Coeur. At the bottom was the carousel that the children had gone on in 2008!! We settled into a cafe for a well earned Aperol while watching the passing crowds and looking up at Sacre you do!!
      Walked back to the station but got distracted. Firstly for the most amazing ice cream, then Pylones, a shop that is full of colour and wonderful things! Bought a gorgeous scarf in bright pinks and blues. Look out for it in tomorrow's photos. Then we found the 'Paris Duck Shop'!!! In we went...bought Stephen a rubik cube duck...couldn't resist!
      Finally made it to the train and home via the supermarket for more cheese, crackers and chips! Gin and tonics all round with bubbles to follow!!
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    • Hari 7

      Day 6

      29 Mei, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Woke late to a wet and cold day. We had a quiet morning in unit after our long day yesterday.
      Yummy panini and coffee at a Boulangerie around the corner, some grocery shopping and home. Still raining with a few breaks and 14 degrees!!
      Mid afternoon we walked to Billancourt, our closest Metro, bought a pack of 10 tickets (carnet), worked out how to access the gates and the rest was easy. Sadly the rain did not stop so walking along the Champs Elysees was not quite as spectacular as I had hoped. Nevertherless we persevered up towards the Arc de Triomphe, taking photos in the middle of the road and admiring the designer label shops. The Gucci shop must be used to the rain because all the beautiful shopping bags had plastic covers specifically made to fit the bags!!
      Hot chocolates and coffee along the Champs Elysees were a must but sadly inside. We did warm up and dry off! From here we continued down towards Place de la Concorde then right to the Seine over Pont Alexandre III. This bridge is going to be part of the 2024 Paris Olympics at the end of July as there was a grand stand already set up and only pedestrians were allowed over it. As it was still raining we found a pop up bar on the Seine and had glass of bubbles or 2! Walked over 10000 steps so we had earned our bubbles not that we needed an excuse!!
      Our sunset dinner cruise started at 9pm....we were starving...3 course dinner which was lovely as we cruised towards past the Musee d'Orsay and Notre Dame. My first time seeing it after the fire. We were hoping to have a look through but it is opening in December. The boat turned around and we headed to the Eiffel tower. It was lit up and looked amazing. Many many photos were taken and you can see the rain drops on the camera lens! Lots of fun and laughs.
      Another late night as we caught the Metro home and walked the streets to our apartment....130am is way past my bedtime!!
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    • Hari 2


      9 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Fernverkehr mit Kind ist Gegensatz zur Pariser Metro wahrhaftig ein Traum. Während die 5h im ICE völlig entspannt laufen, bricht beim Betreten der Metro der Stressschweiß aus. Hitze, Gestank, volle Bahnen und zahlreiche Stufen erschweren uns den Weg vom Gare de l'Est in den Vorort Meudon.

      Die Freude über das Wiedersehen mit Lisas ehemaliger Gastfamilie ist groß. Matteo, Agnese, der 9 Jahre alte Kater Pepsi und der 6 Monate alte Dackel Lapo empfangen uns auf der wunderschönen Terrasse, die von einer Blütenpracht überdacht wird. Lorenzo ist über die Feiertage leider mit den Scouts unterwegs, weshalb wir seinen 16. Geburtstag doch nicht zusammen feiern.

      Die von Agnese erst diese Woche eröffnete Metzgerei besuchen wir im Anschluss auf einem kleinen Spaziergang. Nicht nur qualitativ hochwertiges Fleisch, sondern auch italienische Feinkost können hier erworben werden. Im Anschluss genießen wir den wunderbaren Ausblick auf Paris von der Avenue du Château. Dann geht's auch schon zurück zum Abendessen, das von Tonys Tochter Alessandra für uns gekocht wurde. Man schmeckt der Focaccia an, dass Ale ihre Kochausbildung in Italien absolviert hat.

      An Ostersonntag verbringen wir den Vormittag im riesigen Garten der Familie und entspannen bei 20 Grad und Sonne auf der Terrasse. Mittags dürfen wir ein paar Gerichte aus der Metzgerei testessen: es gibt hauchdünn geschnittenes Rosbif, Lasagne, Karottensalat mit Nüssen und Feta, Ofenkartoffeln und Salat. Natürlich muss es heute auch eine kleine Ostereiersuche geben: unsere Mitbringsel verstecken wir mehr oder weniger offensichtlich an schattigen Plätzen, damit sie nicht dahin schmelzen. Nachmittags machen wir nochmal einen kleinen Spaziergang, um sich die Leftovers vom Mittagessen abends auch verdient zu haben.

      Nach einer wieder mal eher unruhigen Nacht begeben wir uns um 7 nach unten zum Frühstück, das neben rotzelndem und quengeligen Kind bespaßen eher so zur Hintergrundaktivität wird. Wir denken uns nur: der Reisetag kann ja heiter werden... Dazu mehr im nächsten Beitrag. Nachdem wir uns verabschiedet haben, fährt uns Agnese netterweise ans Terminal 4 des Aéroport Orly im Pariser Süden, was uns einiges an Metrostress erspart.
      Die zwei Tage vergingen wie im Flug und ein Trip nach Meudon fühlt sich immer noch ein bisschen an wie ein Besuch daheim.
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    • Hari 24

      Lethargy sets in

      29 Juli 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Wandered 40 odd kms further north yesterday to a berth which has power ( so we can operate the fans - still pretty hot around 30 degrees most days ) . Water much greener and psychedelic looking. Biked this am to the Abbey Port Salut , where the cheese most of you know was first made by the monks, and onto Entrammes, a small village 3 km away on an off road winding path - a nice change from the Chemin de Halage. ( the flat tow path along the river ) for baguettes and broccoli ! Lethargy set in after lunch and we all slept for the early afternoon…. A drink at the riverside cafe by our mooring, and now a bbq on board. Alain and Maurisette cruised by heading further north and waved hello. Boys biked to Laval, where we were unsure if the boat would get under a low bridge, and decided not worth trying - whew ! Have a plan to turn back tomorrow and head south . A demain xBaca selengkapnya

    • Hari 1

      Rainbow Greeting 🌈

      26 Maret 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      First walk through Vanves neighborhood, i spotted a rainbow while looking around. What a beautiful welcome in France!
      Saw some really cool Graffitis on my way to the city center.
      It's finally springtime, so many beautiful flowers are blooming right now🌷Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 1


      26 Maret 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      I made it to Vanves and checked into my Airbnb.
      Got my first Baguette and Pain au chocolat it's so good! 🥖
      The weather is good, a little bit cloudy but a lot of sunshine ☀️
      Now I can start into my first day in Paris, I will explore the neighborhood and walk around in the city of love ❤️Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2

      Tag 2 - Twitch Con

      9 Juli 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Am Morgen von Tag 2 wollten wir gerne in der Nähe vom Hotel frühstücken. Leider hatte alles zu und auch insgesamt war das Hotel von der Lage nicht so toll. Man musste entweder den Bus nehmen oder ewig zur Metro laufen, was bei dem heißen Wetter nicht so toll war…

      Am Ende haben wir etwas vom Supermarkt geholt und sind dann mit dem Uber zur Messe. Als wir ausgestiegen sind habe ich eine andere bekannte Streamerin getroffen. Irgendwie hatte ich in dem Aspekt echt Glück… die Messe selber war sehr gut organisiert. Sowas habe ich wirklich noch nie erlebt. Kaum Schlangen, kaum Menschenmengen, viel Platz. Es gab allerdings auch nicht so viele Stände. Ich denke die Messe lohnt sich nur wenn man Freunde treffen will oder bekannte Streamer. Wegen den Ständen selber würde ich keine Empfehlung geben.

      Wir haben ein paar Goodies eingesammelt und ein paar Freunde getroffen und uns auch ein Panel angeschaut, was leider nicht so hilfreich war aber immerhin konnten wir uns eine Stunde setzen.

      Auf dem Dach gab es aber eine schöne Terrasse mit Blick auf den Eiffelturm und Ständen zum Essen. Es war echt schön gemacht. Gegen Ende haben wir einen Freund getroffen und wir und Freunde von ihm sind gemeinsam Essen gegangen. Die anderen waren mega nett und wir sind in ein Restaurant mit einem lustigen Klo das wie ein Raumschiff eingerichtet war.

      Im Anschluss sind wir zum Eiffelturm und haben Bilder aufgenommen und die Musik dort angehört. Wir wollten noch zur Rue de l’Université aber leider fing es an zu regnen und wir sind ins Hotel. Es war insgesamt aber ein sehr schöner Tag 😍❤️
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