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Top 10 Travel Destinations Seine-Saint-Denis
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    • Day 2

      Paris sera toujours Paris

      July 8 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Ça y est . Deuxième étape faite . Nous voici à l’aéroport Charles de Gaule au terminal 1 après une aventure en avions et bus ! Oui bus .
      Explications ? Allons-y …
      .À Maurice pour prendre notre avion , nous avons pris un bus pour faire 50 mètres . Entassés comme des sardines mais pas longtemps 😁 et pour fatiguer personne 😜.
      À notre arrivée sur le sol français , à la sortie de l’avion, devinez quoi ?🤔 Nous avons pris un bus pour aller au terminal 2F. Puis nous avons repris un bus dans l’autre sens , repassés par là où nous sommes descendus de l’avion, pour aller au terminal 1, lieu de notre prochain avion.
      Donc histoire de bus et d’avions 😜

      Petite anecdote sur notre vol Maurice -Paris : dans les avions, je suis une dormeuse « tête sur tablette ». Position très bien quand le fauteuil de devant n’est pas baissé. Hier soir, j’étais tout contente. Personne devant moi 🎉🎉🎉
      Puis une heure après le décollage, un Mr d’une certaine corpulence a décidé de changer de place, non pour prendre la place devant Paul … mais devant moi …. Devinez la suite pour le reste de la nuit 🥲……

      Allez. Un petit chai latte, un double expresso et un cinnamon roll et bientôt Chicago 🧚‍♀️
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    • Day 3

      Le TGV

      September 20, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We are on the TGV to Bayonne. Travelling at 186 MpH! Update, the train seems to have peaked at 198 Mph!

      We made 3 Camino friends in the train station, people seeking out fellow travelers in backpacks.

      Fran, a woman from Rockville Maryland. She is meeting a friend in Saint Jean.

      And Kevin & Patsy from Portland ME. Kevin is a recently retired Firefighter from Auburn ME. Kevin told me Malden Firefighters let him park at the station in Malden whenever he goes into Boston on the Orange line!
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    • Day 12


      August 24, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Hier hätten wir dann unsere Interpretation von Paris. Einige Kilometer geht es durch Auf- und Abfahrten nur stockend voran, was uns mit der Banane ein wenig nervös macht. Bisher läuft sie aber tadellos. Weiter so!Read more

    • Day 50

      Toad’s tidbits debut!

      February 25 in France ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      While on the phone yesterday with mother, I came up with a grand idea. In one of my favorite French movies, the main character Amelie kidnaps her father‘s beloved garden gnome and makes it appear as though it is traveling around the world, sending him commemorative postcards at each destination. I don’t have have a garden gnome, but I do have a small stuffed toad (from the frog and toad series) that my mother knitted for me. I figured might place him in silly destinations around Paris, with a snarky caption, as a small creative project.

      While taking this first series of pictures at my favorite local grocery store, Auchan, I noticed something peculiar. I often struggle with social anxiety in public places, particularly in Paris where it’s crowded and I don’t speak the language very well. But the act of doing something small and ridiculous (and ultimately harmless) in a public place, accompanied by my pet toad, made me feel strangely relaxed and unbothered by the prospect of being judged. It was really cool. I think I will take him to more places soon.
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    • Day 51

      Hoppy birthday Sigrid!

      February 26 in France ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      Hi everyone! Nothing special on my end but certainly for my lovely mother, who is turning an undisclosed age today. How she has managed to keep it together for this long baffles me. Alas I do not have the funds to send her France‘s best wine, chocolate, macarons, and yarn, which is everything that this incredible woman deserves and more. My mother is the person who most encouraged me to come to Paris and to write a penguin post every week sharing my life. She’s the person I call when I’m sick, tired, lonely, and homesick. Her patience with my whining and petty problems is (almost) infinite. Without her it’s safe to say, I’d be very lost, and not the sort that google maps can help you with. So my trusty toad and I got together and decided to make her this little birthday card. We hope she likes it as much as we do. Happy birthday Sigrid! 🎉🎁🥂🐸Read more

    • Day 70

      Saturday stroll in le neighborhood

      March 16 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      I woke up this morning in a horrible state of anxiety. The kind where your lizard brain thinks your house is on fire and you need to flee immediately. Sometimes this happens to me during high-stress periods (applying to internships, planning travel, meeting school deadlines etc. etc), but I’ve recently been trying to put more of an effort into healthy coping. So instead of pulling the covers over my head and drawing my curtains to block any ray of sunshine from entering the room, I pulled myself together, got dressed, and took a walk outside.

      These are some of the pictures that resulted. Saturdays are a lively time in France where parents, kids, old couples, and randos who haven’t done their grocery shopping for the week emerge from their apartments and fill the streets with bustling activity. I love the 13th because of the endless number local businesses that line the narrow streets, affording it a delightfully crowded and communitarian vibe. The corner only a step away from my apartment represents a microcosm of the middle class arrondissement in Paris. We may all come from different walks of life, but we all need to grocery shop.

      France fact #1: France is the epitome of the phrase «parts sold separately ». French people are notoriously suspicious of big business, « la grande distribution », and supermarkets have only recently come into fashion because of their convenience. However, even convenience has its drawbacks. Who wants to buy imported pomegranates from India and ham packaged in plastic when you could get a juicy slab of « jambon de Paris » from your local butcher and cheap, delicious apples grown in the south of France at a market. In the second photo you can even see the business had won a gold medal for their sauerkraut in 2012, giving their products extra credibility.

      So instead, we have a poissonneries (seafood store), boucheries (butchers), fromageries (cheese shops), épiceries (local grocers), and traiteurs (vendors of cooked food). The traiteurs in the 13th are particularly diverse, encompassing Lebanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Greek, and Italian cuisine, to name a few. All of these stores are a bit more expensive than standard grocery prices but always come with the benefit of better quality and support for local businesses. I don’t shop there often, but when I do it’s worth it.

      Enjoy these pictures of my lovely neighborhood everyone. I hope you feel as charmed as I do, especially by the last photo of the lady in the blue coat with her husband. I tried extra hard not to violate their data privacy.

      A bientôt :)

      - Leah
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    • Day 3

      Mit Madame Amy....

      October 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      ins Moulin Rouge 🥰

      Vorletzter Punkt auf Amys Liste ...abgehakt.✅️

      Amy hat sich richtig schick gemacht um mit ihrem, O-Ton "alten Vater der sich ganz gut gehalten hat", ins Mouling Rouge zu gehen.

      Bedauerlicherweise ist absoluter Film 🎥und Fotografierverbot 📸🚫während der Show aber....

      Es ist schrill, bunt, lustig und beeindruckend. Das Theater 🎭selbst hat genau den Charm den man erwartete. Umgeben von Sexshops👉👌 und Häusern mit Herzen ❤️auf den Wänden liegt es in einer Art Amüsiervietel voll mit Bars🥂🍹, Pups und Restaurants🍴🥘🥓🥗.

      Die Bühne wirkt total schlicht und alt und verwandelt💥 sich in der Show in ein farbenfrohes🎨 Kunstwerk in dem plötzlich ein Pool🏊‍♀️ steht.


      Von überall kommen die halb nackten Frauen stolziert👯‍♂️👯🏼‍♀️👯 oder fliegen über dich hinweg. Es wird getanzt💃🏽🕺, gelacht😅 und gesungen🎤. Der Champagner 🍾fließt in strömen. Kein Tisch auf dem keine ganze Flasche steht und die Stimmung🥳 teilweise überkocht.

      Amys überraschtes Gesicht zeigte mir ihre Freude. Den Mund 🥹weit offen, suchte sie immer wieder Blickkontakt. Als wäre sie 3️⃣ Jahre alt und wolle mir einen besonderes Laubblatt😍🌿 beim spazieren zeigen.

      In ihren Blicken👀 war deutlich zu erkennen...

      Papa...schau mal! 😊😁
      Ihr war völlig entfallen das ic die Show doch auch sehe 😅

      Wunderschöner Abend mit meiner nicht mehr so kleinen Prinzessin👸🏼

      Aka Madame La Amy🥰
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    • Day 5–9

      IN paris 🇫🇷

      May 7 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Have just spent the last 4 days in Paris! It's been actually unreal. We did a river cruise, went to the top floor of the Eiffel Tower, walked through the louvre, we had French pastry's, French mc Donald's & walked EVERYWHERE but saw some of the most spectacular places! (Sometimes even discovering them by mistake)
      And the weather has been top tier
      Tomorrow we're off to the south of France 😁
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    • Day 4

      First day on the trail!!

      September 2, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port to Orrison
      Day 1 - 13km

      Those who know us well won't be at all surprised to learn that at the very first intersection we came to after leaving SJPP, we turned the wrong way. 🙄 We turned right instead of left...This resulted in us hiking 6 km in the wrong direction, up hills, and in a massive thunderstorm ⛈
      However we walked through beautiful country side with amazing views over the mountains and still got here ( soaked to the skin!) at 1pm.
      Nothing that a hot shower and a glass of wine couldn't fix!!
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    • Day 24

      Paris: More Agnes and More Sights

      May 12 in France ⋅ 🌩️ 23 °C

      Saturday night was a late night - battling French Swifties for seats on the midnight Metro is not the sort of thing that gets you to sleep early.

      Breakfast (good) in the basement (not so good) around 8:30, then some reading and planning and we set off on another quasi-Agnes exploration day around 10.

      We walked south-west to the Luxembourg Gardens, meaning we had to cross Rue de l’Odeon. The gardens were exactly what might have been pictured in the school texts 50 years ago. We strolled around under the trees as joggers slogged by, then went mainly west though quiet, unspoilt streets to 2 Rue Brea. It is a nothing building now with neither plaque nor historical interest, but in the 1920s and 1930s it was the shop where all Parisian artists bought paint, canvas and other materials. Agnes bought things there, too, because the shop's sticker is still on the back of one of her paintings from 1925. Marc Chagall had his studio just minutes away.

      From there we went north east for about an hour and a half, through the universally ugly blob of a train station at Montparnasse and the bland, modern tower that seems to blight many Parisian street scenes, then around the foot of the Eiffel Tower, where we saw the balcony on which we stood last night. From there we went past the half-built Olympic stands, over the Seine and up to the 16th district and 7 Rue Eugene Manuel, (nearly) where Agnes died in 1939.

      In many ways Rue Eugene Manuel was like Rue de l'Odeon: short, narrowish, blocks of 5-storey buildings on both sides and character-full. Agnes died in "7 bis Rue Eugene Manuel" (like 7A) in August 1939, three weeks before the start of WW2. 7 bis was behind 7, and was (at least from 1947) a hospital, but was then pulled down in the 1990s and replaced by an apartment block. We had to assume it had looked a little like 7, and we know it was tucked in behind No 9, so we were in the right spot, regardless of which buildings stood there. The fact that the building was later a hospital might also explain whey her last days were spent there, away from the avante-garde hotspot of Rue de l"Odeon.

      From Rue Eugene Emanuel we walked back to the Eiffel Tower area and Trocadero Gardens, then on up to the Champs Elysees, did some Sunday shopping, then back along the CE to the river and to the hotel. There was a minor revolt when I stopped at a florist and Anne said (rather tersely) that buying flowers lacked logic as they would be crushed when packed next morning for traveling (or words to that effect) but I had been commissioned by Alistair to buy her a flower for Mothers Day. All forgiven once explained.

      The forecast said that it would rain from 3pm, but at 3pm the midday clouds had lifted... although at 4:15 there was thunder and lightning and some pretty heavy showers. By then we were back in our room and planning an early dinner ahead of a 6am departure to catch a 7:15am train to Bamberg in Bavaria.

      We walked out and turned right then right to find s place for dinner. The streets were mostly restaurant-less, but then we found a few cross- streets tucked behind the Pantheon that were full of Sorbonne students, cafes, and restaurants.

      26,900 steps, 20.5km and 6 flights.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Département de Seine-Saint-Denis, Departement de Seine-Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, Sena Saint Denis

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