Département des Hauts-de-Seine

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    • Dag 3

      Descending to the Land of the Dead

      29 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      This morning we took the metro south and did a tour through the French ossuary AKA the Catacombs. Learned about the underground limestone quarries, and the history of the millions of dead that live under the streets of ParisMeer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Seine walk and Musée d’Orsay

      28 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Jet lag is a mindset!!! (Kidding, we are very tired but powered through). Such an exciting day getting to share my favourite museum and restaurant in Paris with Thomas. ❤️ A highlight for us today was all the incredibly friendly and helpful locals that made our transition day go swimmingly.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Art Day

      16 juni 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We had early morning tickets to see some art so after a lovely breakfast and good strong coffee we hit the bikes again and risked our lives in the Paris streets. We were 30 minutes late for our time slot but Aiden said it was very Parisian of us to be late. It didn’t matter anyway because no one even checked our tickets! (Note to self, just walk in like you belong there and save the dough!) Here’s where Daniel shined. He has read every Rick Riorden book on the planet and really knows his Greek and Roman gods. The Mona Lisa was in the new room which is nice considering the last time we were there she was in a dark hallway. I prefer the big art anyway over her. The Wedding at Cana is more my style.

      Then Saint Chappelle- I heard Daniel walk in and say “whoa!” That says it all.
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    • Dag 3

      Eiffel Tower afternoon and French dinner

      29 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      After a needed nap and some errand running to fix our blunder of bringing the wrong adapter (oops!), we went to the Eiffel Tower in the authentic Parisian gloom and rain…
      We ate a lovely French cuisine dinner of escargots, lamb and duck. Thomas asked me what French cuisine generally is. To which I replied, “things… in sauces.” I seem to have been justified.😆
      We ended the night meeting a girl from Turkey haphazardly who asked us to take her photo. We then joined her to a famous jazz club!
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    • Dag 41

      Wonderful last day in Paris

      20 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Last night after the flight delay, we didn’t check in to the hotel till after midnight (after walking 1.8 kms through terminal 2 to get to the little train shuttle that took us to terminal 3 where our hotel is!!) so we slept in till about 8.30 this morning, and felt very leisurely as we didn’t have to pack or check out…

      We got the RER to the city, and our first mission was to collect a watch Amr had taken when we first arrived for repair…long story, but it hadn’t come back from where it was sent…(I wonder if Amr will ever see it again..), but they were officially closed today and at first were very offhand till one person tried to be helpful…so that wasn’t a great start to the day, but then things improved greatly! The watch people said May 20 is a French holiday - they didn’t know why, and I must look it up…but anyway, Paris was surprisingly manageable, and not fighting crowds etc, which was good.

      Our next goal was to go to Chez Denise to see if we could make a reservation for dinner tonight…but when we arrived the whole entrance was blocked off with black covers..and they were filming..(we found out it was for a film about de Gaulle)…we couldn’t even enquire or go in at all…one person said she thought they would be open tonight…so that was another not so good thing, but we did keep positive about the chance of going tonight, but it was an uncertainty! Then we stopped for coffee and pastries having not had dinner last night, and only a mandarin and banana at the hotel, much needed.

      After that we had a shopping mission to Galeries Lafayette…quite a session there - the enfant floor to find something for Amr’s godson Harry’s daughter, the Mariage Freres section for Amr’s special teas, and the perfume section for Denise….After that we (I) was weak from hunger and shopping (not really my thing) and we went to a favourite cafe near the Opera and had a perfect “French” lunch of onion soup and a goat’s cheese salad and a glass of rosé. That was perfect, and we were both rejuvenated. Even enough to have a look into Uniqlo! On our way from there to the Tuileries where we planned to sit and read, Amr spotted a man carrying a TWG bag, which is a very special tea shop that he didn’t know was in Paris. So he asked the man where it was and it is a special shop in the Ritz, in their gallery of special shops!! So with heads held high we marched into the Ritz, asked where to find it and walked the hallowed halls…very beautiful, and Amr bought more tea, and also coffee at another shop!!

      After all that excitement we did go and sit and read on chairs round the pond in the Tuileries until the weather changed (which had been predicted - we even took umbrellas) so we scuttled with everyone before there was a downpour, and found a cafe where we took refuge in an upstairs hideaway, had a drink and didn’t actually notice much rain, but when we emerged there were puddles everywhere, but again we were lucky as it stopped by then and I never did use my umbrella!

      We then thought we’d try our luck with Chez Denise, found it open - or not open, but people there and all the film covers gone, and made a booking for 7.30…a wait of about 45 we wandered in the Forum Les Halle’s which is now an enormous Westfield mall and rather ghastly, but we discovered we could pick up the RER back to CDG from there - the dread Chatelet/Les Halles metro and RER interchange which we have many times got lost in - but it looked straightforward- and after dinner we tried it and it worked and we were expressed back to the hotel.

      To fill in more time till 7.30 we looked into the enormous church we always see near there - St Eustache…it is huge, and beautiful, and we managed to see and admire before it closed for the day. Then we went back to Chez Denise and had, as usual, a wonderful meal. You always get chatting to your neighbours as you are so close, and we had 2 Frenchmen next to us, then at their table a young couple from HongKong were seated next to them…so they were delighted to have Australia on one side and HongKong on the other, and very good ambiance. We had the chef’s terrine and the kidneys (they are big servings and we now know to share) and I had to have their enormous ile flottante!! I have to add that I don’t have my phone with me so Amr is in charge of the pics and will not wait till you are posed and smiling…)

      Anyway, a lovely end to the day, now back and semi packed ready to start the big flights home tomorrow morning.
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    • Dag 87

      Elf Monate auf der Erde :-)

      17 september 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C


      Eines Tages, Baby, werden wir alt sein. Oli 👶 Baby, werden wir alt sein
      und an all die Geschichten denken, die wir erleben werden.

      Also lass uns Geschichten schreiben,
      die wir später gern erzählen.
      Lass uns nachts lange wach bleiben,
      auf´s höchste Hausdach der Stadt steigen,
      lachend und vom Takt frei die allertollsten Lieder singen.
      Lass uns Feste wie Konfetti schmeißen,
      sehen, wie sie zu Boden reisen
      und die gefallenen Feste feiern,
      bis die Wolken wieder lila sind.
      Und lass mal an uns selber glauben,
      ist mir egal, ob das verrückt ist,
      und wer genau guckt, sieht,
      dass Mut auch bloß ein Anagramm von Glück ist.
      Und – wer immer wir auch waren –
      lass mal werden wer wir sein wollen.
      Wir haben schon viel zu lang gewartet,
      lass mal Dopamin vergeuden.

      „Der Sinn des Lebens ist leben“,
      das hat schon Casper gesagt,
      „let´s make the most of the night“,
      das hat schon Kesha gesagt.
      Lass uns möglichst viele Fehler machen,
      und möglichst viel aus ihnen lernen.
      Lass uns jetzt schon Gutes sähen,
      dass wir später Gutes ernten.
      Lass uns alles tun,
      weil wir können – und nicht müssen.
      Weil jetzt sind wir jung und lebendig,
      und das soll ruhig jeder wissen,
      und – unsere Zeit die geht vorbei.
      Das wird sowieso passieren
      und bis dahin sind wir frei
      und es gibt nichts zu verlieren.

      Lass uns uns mal demaskieren
      und dann sehen, wir sind die Gleichen,
      und dann können wir uns ruhig sagen,
      dass wir uns viel bedeuten,
      denn das Leben, das wir führen wollen,
      das können wir selber wählen.

      Also los, schreiben wir Geschichten,
      die wir später gern erzählen. Und eines Tages, Baby, werden wir alt sein. 😆
      Oli 👶☝️ Baby, werden wir alt sein und an all die Geschichten denken, die für immer unsere sind.

      ( Text von Julia Engelmann in etwas 😉 abgeänderter Form )
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    • Dag 88

      Einkaufen mit Oli :)

      18 september 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Die Vorräte gehen zu Ende und Oli packt fleißig mit an 😜 ...der Einkaufszettel ist aber dennoch klein, da die Lebensmittel wirklich preisintensiv in Frankreich, und sowieso in Paris, sind.

      Nun denn, Obst, Gemüse, Wasser, Käse und natürlich das obligatorische Baguette sind auf jeden Fall dabei 😆 ...Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Le TGV

      20 september 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We are on the TGV to Bayonne. Travelling at 186 MpH! Update, the train seems to have peaked at 198 Mph!

      We made 3 Camino friends in the train station, people seeking out fellow travelers in backpacks.

      Fran, a woman from Rockville Maryland. She is meeting a friend in Saint Jean.

      And Kevin & Patsy from Portland ME. Kevin is a recently retired Firefighter from Auburn ME. Kevin told me Malden Firefighters let him park at the station in Malden whenever he goes into Boston on the Orange line!
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    • Dag 5

      Day 4

      27 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      After a late night from Moulin Rouge, we had a quiet morning washing and planning our next few days, in particular how to get to Monet's garden in Giverny tomorrow!
      Cooler today and overcast. The cranes across the road were up and running today as were the military helicopters doing low altitude exercises along the Seine.
      The need for a good coffee finally got us moving. We walked in a different direction today along the Seine. A totally different part of Paris. With supplies from the Carrefours the local supermarket and a bottle of gin we went to find lunch. The rain had started so we stopped at the first restaurant we saw. Yummy food and great coffee.
      With happy tummies and the rain stopped, we headed home to watch Rafael Nadal play in potentially his last match at Roland Garros. He played well but Zverev was the better player and beat him in 3 sets. Both were very gracious in their post match interviews. We witnessed the end of an era!!
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    • Dag 4

      Day 3 Celebrating my birthday

      26 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Woke to lots of lovely messages from home for my birthday and a sweet card from Janet and Chris. Another cool start to the day with glimpses of sunshine, 15 degrees to great walking weather.
      We decided to walk to Roland Garros and see how far it was from our apartment. Breakfast was first stop at a cafe with outdoor seating. Shame about the smokers and vapers. Despite this we enjoyed our platters of orange juice, coffee, croissant and a piece of baguette with jam. At the same time we marvelled at the traffic and how the roundabout was negotiated by cars, bikes, trucks and pedestrians.
      Continuing down rue Victor Hugo we made it to Roland Garros. Tight security with areas cordoned off and long lines to get in. Discovered we need to be around the other side for our night ticket entry but our side for our day ticket which was good to know.
      Heading home we stopped for a Panochet, shandy at home. Lunch and started watching the tennis on TV.
      Snoozes all round in readiness for the Moulin Rouge.
      On approach the outside was just how I remembered it from years ago. Sadly the windmill is not there. The path into the Moulin Rouge was lined with beautiful mosaic tiles showing the iconic windmill. Our table was close to the front and shared with another a group of Australians!! Champagne flowed as the cabaret style band played dinner music and sung. We had a yummy 3 course dinner, starting with prawns, then salmon with a red rice risotto and dessert was a mandarin jasmin tea ganache with crunchy rhubarb and almond crumble.
      The show went for 1.5 hours and was incredible. The combination of dancing and circus acts were amazing as was the iconic Can Can. It lived up to expectation and more. The costumes, music, choreography and dancing was entertaining and well performed. Lots of smiles, thrusting, gyrating and energetic dancing right up close and personal. To quote Chris, 'not a pimple in sight'!! Oh to be so fit and flexible.
      The end of a great day of birthday celebrations.
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    Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Departement des Hauts-de-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, Altos de Sena

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