Département du Lot

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Département du Lot
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    • Hari 37–38

      Day 37 - Limogne en Quercy to Vaylats

      28 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      A reasonable night in the caravan - slept in to 8!!
      Enjoyed our petit dejeuner, packed up and headed into town to send some unneeded vetements back to Blighty. Emily be warned!
      Nearly headed off in the wrong direction 😳 but realised before too many wasted steps.
      It was a hot and sunny day so we both donned our shorts for the first time on this walk 🦵 a shock to the world!!
      A pleasant walk today through fields and woods - Simon spotted a deer.
      We stopped in the town of Vairers for a welcome lemonade and once again set off in the wrong direction as some helpful French guy pointed that this was the way 🤦🏻‍♀️
      It was only when I saw our distance to destination had increased from 7.9 to nearly 12 we realised and had to double back - much to Simon’s annoyance.
      We heard and saw our noisy frogs again.
      We passed fields full of oxeye daisies that were lovely.
      We arrived at our destination for the night - another convent! And have been put up in a very nice room that overlooks a moat - that is full of - you guessed it - noisy frogs 🐸 I’ve recorded the sound and will see if it uploads.
      Supper was a task - stewed beans with marinaded pork - rather salty - needed many glasses of water to get it down! The Plodicus already had an iffy stomach 🥴
      Let’s see what the night brings- and we have a much longer walk tomorrow!!
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    • Hari 46–47

      Tournon d'Agenais, Lot-et-Garonne

      18 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Wending our way slowly north we have moved into Lot-et-Garonne where we are staying in another Beau Village at Tournon d'Agenais; a royal bastide overlooking the green Boudouyssou valley.
      Our aire which is provided free is at the foot of the town. We didn't mind a steep walk to the historic part of town; it was worth it!
      We enjoyed exploring the town and finishing off with a walk around the ramparts.
      We were accompanied by lovely weather today.
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    • Hari 36–37

      Day 36 - Cajarc to Limogne-en-Quercy

      27 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We snacked on saved bread and a tin of posh pate we found in the only store open on a Sunday. We chilled in the garden with this snack and one of the many mischievous cats. Simon experimented with the hammock. Quite a restless night due to ‘church’ feet. (Restless feet!)
      Met a nice couple from Estonia and Holland but who actually live in Germany. Chatted over le petit dejeuner.
      Set off for Limogne-en-Quercy - a fairly short 15k distance. Once again we bumped into Cliff - a fellow pilgrim - we regularly have seen over last fortnight. We did whole walk non stop despite rain ☔️ once again half way through.
      We found the only cafe in Limogne that was open - yes it’s Monday!- and it was heaving. Decided to have lunch here rather than waiting to 7 to eat - very reasonable €14.90 for 3 courses👍
      We saw a chap we had noticed on several occasions at other locations who is walking the pilgrim route, quite young, but always seems out of it. Today while we had lunch he was downing the beers, went to get up and knocked his table full of beers flying, he must of fallen on the glass as the next thing we know is the ambulance arrived to sort him out 😕
      We finished our lunch and made a trip to the local launderette which was conveniently in the supermarket car park so we got washing and shopping done in one fell swoop 🙌
      Staying once more in a mobile home on a campsite. Cheese, crackers, fruit and wine for supper!!
      All is peaceful as we unwind for the night 😴
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    • Hari 38–39

      Day 39 - Cahors to Moissac

      29 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After a lovely night in our medieval apartment in Cahors we had a hunt for a bakery that served breakfast. The Plodicus led the charge through the morning drizzle. After a few false starts we hit gold with the great smells of coffee and fresh pastries. As we tucked into these delights our friendly Dutch/Estonian couple spotted us and joined us for breakfast. They had finished their walk and were returning home tomorrow.
      As we returned to the apartment to collect our rucksacks and head for the station. Today was a rest day from walking but we were hopping along our route to Moissac - a time saving device to ensure we finish our pilgrimage in the brexit defined 90 days!!
      Simon has named our sat nav Trevor and he did a sterling job getting us to Gare du Cahors.
      So we had 2 short train journeys before arriving into the ancient town of Moissac.
      Simon became exasperated when an Austrian/German woman latched onto us. He is now feeling a little uncharitable about this! Why and how - he says- do these people appear out of the ether?
      After marching twice around the town we settled on a small pizza place for lunch. The sun was in and out the clouds throughout the afternoon.
      We then headed for the Abbey which has many links with the Abbey in Cluny - our starting point. It also reminded us on a smaller scale of the Djomo in Florence. We were accompanied by a large tourist group of Spanish people. We lit 2 candles for you all so feel the blessings coming your way.
      We headed for tonight’s accommodation at 3.30 to be greeted by our hostess Veronique. A former teacher turned guest house owner. She has an amazing house with a beautiful garden - and I think we are the only guests tonight. She has recommended a trip to the canal quarter of the town this evening. We shall see …
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    • Hari 34–35

      Day 34 - Figeac to Grealou

      25 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After a wander around Figeac soaking up the atmosphere we decided to eat at our hotel - a good decision as they did a lovely meal at a great price 😋👍
      An odd night in our hotel with people wandering up and down the corridors to the shared toilets 🙄
      Up early for another great breakfast then time to say goodbye to Helen and Andy as we set off and they stayed another day in Figeac before flying home tomorrow. It has been so lovely sharing this experience with Helen and Andy. We will miss them 💕
      So we set off on a warm, sunny day. The sat nav on my phone was sending us a strange way to link up with today’s walk. We then met an English woman who gave us directions. We still managed to miss a turn and started following the wrong markers taking us to the wrong place. This meant we completed 5000 steps without leaving Figeac 🤦🏻‍♀️ not great when we had practically 20 km to walk!!
      Finally on the right route we headed out of Figeac up the hill.
      Got the heart bumping and a pumping. Very hot and sweaty. We hit the village of Faycelles and the cafe ‘petit pause’ provided us with nourishment to power us on.
      We took a deviation through wild woods and groves full of wild flowers and the air was filled with the hum of insects. These ranged from bees, hover flies, butterflies, cicadas and a couple of asiatic hornets.
      We limped into our destination exhausted and on our last dregs of water - time to start carrying more.
      We are staying in a little hippy hobbledy hoy gite and are bracing ourselves for a lentil supper 😳
      We have navigated the shower scene with postage stamp towels. We are resting and hoping for a good sleep following 7.00 supper.
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    • Hari 33–34

      Day 33 - Montredon to Figeac

      24 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After a lovely night with Frank in Montredon we were up in good time for a spectacular breakfast of cereal, homemade yoghurt and jam, homegrown strawberries and especially for Simon boiled eggs 🙌 a fab start to the day.
      As we sat on the loo with the view the early morning mist was slowly burned away to reveal a dry and sunny day.
      We set off on our 19km saunter. We passed through more fields of barley and wheat as well as cute French hamlets that sadly failed to provide a loo so the wild wee was needed on a number of occasions 😳
      We were enticed in by exiting adverts of ‘Chez Thierry’ promising omelettes and coffee. However after 11 km of walking we discovered this delight was
      ‘Fermé pour cause de maladie’
      😭. So needed to replan and find a shaded embankment for lunch. Thank goodness we’d had the foresight to order sandwiches from Frank that morning 🙌
      So onwards and forwards to Figeac our destination for the evening. The rain from yesterday meant we passed through many muddy sections 👣👣 this left our shoes looking like dug up remnants from an archaeological dig!
      We reached our destination with plenty of time to spare before check in so there was one main option- coffee and ice cream 🍨 😋
      Up the hill then to our accommodation for the evening a budget hotel full of pilgrims!
      Figeac is a town full of character with a cosmopolitan buzz. A mix of old and new that keeps on swinging…
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    • Hari 32–33

      Day 32 - Decazeville to Montredon

      23 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Our fellow pilgrim turned up just before dinner - she was Noamy - I think French version of Naomi - probably spelled incorrectly too 🤔
      Evening meal that our ageing hippy Jean-Marie provided was tasty but challenging with our lack of French and others lack of English 🥴
      Simon escaped as soon as he could 😆
      We retired to our gendered bedrooms for a fairly restless night.
      Breakfast at 8 as planned then a relaxed start to the day as only an 11 km stroll ahead of us.
      We set off in sunshine and hit Livinhac en Haut an hour or so later. We had a couple of hours to kill so did some shopping had a very nice lunch and bumped into the Aussie crowd from 2 weeks ago.
      We were debating leaving when the heavens opened so we scuttled back under the shelter and met the chatty Jonathon a pilgrim from South west France but originally from Wiltshire who was travelling our route having started like us in Cluny. However at 35+km a day at a much quicker pace 😳👣👣👣. He collected a picture of us all for his blog.
      As the rain subsided we hit the path once more and walked through much mud, fields and country roads to Montredon. An area of outstanding natural beauty.
      We are stopping at Frank’s place which is so welcoming. We have a pool that Helen and Andy took advantage of for 2 mins before the rain came hurling down again.
      We have all had a lovely evening with good food, music and friendly company.
      Off to bed now as 20km beckons tomorrow!!
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    • Hari 10

      Manoir de la Malatrie breakfast feast

      27 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today we are sadly leaving to complete the loop back to Les Eyzies. Graham headed off earlier but I am still not well so will be hitching a ride. I am sitting in the parlour reading my book overlooking the river. It's not the way I expected the holiday to go but it is still wonderful.
      Speaking of wonderful, I have added photos of our breakfast spread so we can remember later how amazing it was. And this is all for four guests. Wafa is an amazing chef and Graham was in raptures with everything he tasted.
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    • Hari 8

      Stage 3 Tour de France - Geriatric Div

      25 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Fortunately I woke this morning with a rotten cough so my bike and I got chauffeured to our next destination at La Roque-Gageac. Graham headed off for the 5 hour ride on his own. He had one word to describe today's ride - brutal. I have never been so happy to be sick! He came in, had a shower and slept for over and hour.
      On the upside he said the scenery was fabulous and well worth the sore legs and backside. Luckily tomorrow is a rest day.
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    • Hari 85

      Schönheit im Moment

      24 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Ich verlasse Lauzerte bei grauem Himmel und schon erstaunlich früh: da Martin Nr. 5 bereits um ca 6 Uhr auf den Beinen war, hat auch der restliche Schlafsaal beschlossen, den Tag nicht lange nach ihm zu beginnen. Also bin ich um 7:15 auf dem Weg.

      Abermals ist die Etappe nicht von landschaftlicher Schönheit geprägt und die Wolken tun ihr Übriges, aber ich bemühe mich, die Schönheit in kleinen Momenten zu finden: eine Wiese voller Mohnblumen, frische Kirschen am Wegesrand oder eine stimmungsvolle Kapelle. Es findet sich immer etwas.
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