Eglise Saint-Jean-de-Latran

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    • Day 59

      Day 3 Paris.

      May 31, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      9.45 Taxi to the Lourve.
      Spent several hours looking through.
      What an amazing experience.
      The building is just mind blowing. Incredible design structure and the ceilings are so ornate and lavish. The marble stair cases are spectacular.
      The works of art, painting and sculpture are astounding.
      The antiques are equally spectacular.
      So glad we made the effort to go.
      Just the best experience. I loved every minute.
      After we were totally saturated with museum overload we left and walked to Saint Michel, for lunch at Saint Michel Cafe.
      4.15 we arrived back at the hotel a little weary.
      Great weather, a sunny 26 degrees.
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    • Day 11

      Arc de Triomphe & Louvre

      May 2, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Up early again today and we had a nice breakfast in the hotel before heading out on a short walk to the Louvre.

      We had a guided tour booked for the Louvre this morning and were a bit nervous when we saw the monstrous queue! It snaked around the pyramid and out of the courtyard. BUT, luckily we knew a secret entrance and only had about a dozen people ahead of us so we walked straight in.

      Once again we had a fabulous guide who brought a bunch of the famous artworks to life by explaining their meanings and origins. We saw the Mona Lisa (which was actually bigger than I had expected), Venus de Milo, The Winged Victory of Samothrace (suspected to be the inspiration for the Nike symbol) and loads more. It really does make a difference to have a guide when you have no idea about art.

      Afterwards we strolled through the Jardin de Tuileries which would be absolutely gorgeous on a warmer/sunny day.

      There is loads of preparation for the Olympics everywhere we turn - temporary stadiums and roadworks etc. I reckon it will be crazy in a couple of months because the traffic is already madness.

      We did some window shopping as we strolled up the Champs Élysées, as the most expensive shopping street in the world, it Waa quite the experience. The Louis Vuitton shop is a suitcase. Bizarre, but very cool.

      Once we arrived st the Arc de Triomphe, we successfully talked ourselves into getting the lift rather than walking up the 300ish stairs (thank goodness).
      Unfortunately it was raining but we still loved the views. The tree lined streets that fan out from the Arc de Triomphe are simply stunning. The traffic from above however, is crazy!!!

      We found a lovely little restaurant and enjoyed a meal and cocktail before doing a bit of souvenir shopping and heading home after another jam packed day.

      One more full day to explore this beautiful city.

      Walked 14km
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    • Day 9

      Paris - a lifelong dream

      April 30, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We left our 16th century hotel in Bruge this morning and got an Uber to the train station. We travelled to Brussels then on to Paris

      As soon we walked out of the train station we were in love!! The buildings, the French signs, gorgeous flowers on loads of restaurants, the language, oooooh la la!!

      The traffic was INSANE but we arrived at our hotel and checked in. The location is fabulous.

      We decided to meander over to the Eiffel Tower, window shopping as we walked. A quick lunch stop with some delectable French cuisine and then we arrived.

      We rounded our last corner and there she was; absolutely stunning and surrounded by so much greenery. It was so overwhelming and there may have been a few tears. I can't believe I am here!

      Whilst awaiting our time to go to the summit, we sat at a cafe and enjoyed a French Kiss. Then Julie, Di and I headed over to the tower and took even more photos before it was finally our turn to take the lift up the very top.

      We were incredibly lucky to dodge the rain and were just mesmerised by the sight of Paris from above. With twinkling lights as far as we could see, the views were simply magic. We spotted The Arc de Triomphe, Seine River, the Pantheon and so much more.

      Bucket list items are being ticked off at a rate of knots!! This is a day I will never forget, and I am truly grateful to be here with my very best friends 💛

      Walked 11.5km
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    • Day 1

      Mal kurz etwas umschauen

      January 3, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Wir sind bewusst so früh gestartet, damit wir den 1. Tag in Paris noch nutzen können. Sich im fremden Nahverkehr zurechtzufinden dauert immer kurz. Wie die 1000 anderen Ankömmlinge haben wir das Metro Ticket ebenfalls NICHT online vorher gebucht 😬 (obwohl wir uns das vorher vorgenommen hatten), egal wir umgehen die lange Schlange in dem wir den Bahnhof erstmal zu Fuß verlassen und in der nächsten Metro Station ganz ohne andere Menschen unser Ticket ziehen. Als wir das erste mal die Metro Station dann an unserer Haltestelle „St. Michel Notre Dame verlassen, weiß ich, das ist „Liebe auf den 1. Blick!!! 💕
      Wir bringen unser Gepäck zum Hotel, das unweit von Notre Dame liegt und laufen direkt mal los. Schade, dass der Großteil immer noch eingerüstet ist. Trotzdem ein sehr beeindruckendes Gebäude. Notre Dame liegt auf der île de la Cité, dem ältesten Teil von Paris, die unter Anderem aus vielen kleinen Gässchen, Läden und einem Blumenmarkt besteht, den ich unbedingt sehen möchte.
      Also beschließen wir, erstmal die älteste Brücke Paris, Pont Neuf anzuschauen und dann über die Insel zu schlendern und erstmal dort alle Sehenswürdigkeiten anzuschauen. Von dort aus sehen wir auch das erste mal den Eiffelturm, der von Weitem garnicht so beeindruckend aussieht und etwas an das Gerüst von Notre Dame erinnert. 🫢 hab ich jetzt aber nicht geschrieben!!!
      Wie das bei uns aber immer so läuft, sehen wir von der Pont Neuf, den Louvre und entschließen uns kurzerhand einen Abstecher dorthin zu machen, woooow!!! Von dort aus das Riesenrad, um das direkt der Weihnachtsmarkt gebaut ist. Karsten möchte gerne eine Merques im Baguette, was aber aus zweierlei Gründen nicht eintrifft. A) weil es garkeine merques gibt und B) weil wir vom Regen überrascht werden. Und wir den Versuch starten ein Café zu finden um uns vor dem Regen in Sichherheit zu bringen.
      Das gelingt uns aber leider nur semi gut. Statt einem Café finden wir uns in der Einkaufsstraße wieder. Also hätte ich dringend eine Louis Viton oder einen neunen Coco Dress gebraucht wären wir hier richtig gewesen…. So waren wir aber nur klatschnass und so besteht unser erster Einkauf aus einem Regenschirm.
      Und dann taucht aus dem Nichts die Pariser Oper auf, die wir dann, wenn wir schon fast davor stehen auch noch zumindest von Außen anschauen wollen. Wie es dann der Zufall so will, entdecken wir ebenfalls dort die Aussichtsterasse auf dem Lafayettekaufhaus , die wir dann spontan auch noch besuchen. Wieder 💕 Liebe. Der Regen hat inzwischen aufgehört und so taucht ab und zu sogar die Sonne auf und taucht die Dächer von Paris in ein Märchenhaftes Licht.
      Um uns herum der Eiffelturm, die Pariser Oper, in der Ferne Sacré Cœr und all die Bauten, Kirchen und Gebäude.
      Langsam tun die Beine weh und wir würden wirklich zu gerne einfach mal nur hinsetzen. Wir zwingen uns ab jetzt einfach nirgends mehr hinzuschauen 🙈 damit wir nicht am Ende des Tages auch noch bis Versailles laufen 😂. Aber jetzt haben wir soviel Zeit rum gebracht, dass wir statt Kaffee nun eine Portion Muscheln zu uns nehmen.Um 7 finden wir uns dann mit 15km Tagesmarsch im Bett wieder.
      Wir entschließen uns für eine geordnete Sightseeing Tour und buchen im Halbschlaf für morgen die Hop on Hop Tour 😂
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    • Day 3

      Hotel Home Latin

      October 30, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Cambio Hotel per questi ultimi giorni.
      Recensione hotel:
      Posizione: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ comoda, a due passi dal Panthéon e dalla cattedrale di Notre-Dame. Zona tranquilla e illuminata.
      Pulizia: ⭐️⭐️
      Colazione: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ c'era il distributore per le bevande sia calde che succhi ed acqua, formaggi confezionati, affettato solo la fesa e un cesto con pan au chocolat, croissant e un altro dolce ripieno alla mela tipico ma se non andavi alle 7 di mattina trovavi poco o niente. C'era anche yogurt alla frutta e uova sfrittellate. Molto buone le Madeleine confezionate. Insomma poca scelta e poca quantità.
      Camera: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ essenziale, bagno piccolo ma con una doccia grande, vista dal 4° piano molto bella. Temperatura ottima peccato che non potevamo regolare noi i termosifoni.
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    • Day 60

      Day 4 Paris.

      June 1, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Lazy day for our last in Paris.
      Walked to Notre Dame and around the streets, churches and cafe's.
      Had lunch in a Cafe by the river.
      Back to the hotel at 3pm.
      Another beautiful sunny day 27 degrees.
      Our last dinner in a street cafe in beautiful Paris.
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    • Day 1

      Hotel Jardin de Cluny

      October 8, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      It seems like only two weeks ago since we were last here. Oh it IS only two weeks since we were last here! Some Cream on the journey as Ginger Baker died this week. And we are staying in my favourite hotel. Life is good!Read more

    • Day 58

      Day 2 Paris.

      May 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Spent the day hoping on and off the bus to see as much as possible of the city. Great idea in great weather and saw all the main attractions but very tiring.
      Broke the day with lunch at Cafe Kleber, place du Trocadero. Of course sat out on the street and soaked up the atmosphere. When in Paris, as they say.
      Returned to the hotel at 4.30pm.
      Quiet time before drinks and dinner at a new restaurant.
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    • Day 57

      Day 1 Paris.

      May 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Checked out of our hotel and caught a taxi to Athens Airport.
      11.35 flight which left at 12 noon.
      Arrived at Charles De Gaulle Airport at 4pm. Taxi to our hotel one hour heavy traffic.
      Arrived at our hotel, Du College at 6pm.
      The hotel is located in the heart of Paris. A boutique hotel, very quaint, beautifully appointed with loads of character.
      7pm went out to the first street cafe and sat out for drinks and dinner.
      Back to the hotel at 9.15pm.
      A day of travelling to reach beautiful Paris.
      Early night.
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    • Day 4

      From here to there and back again

      September 16, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Walked a HUGE loop from our hotel in the Latin Quarter to the Eiffel Tower, then crossed the Seine to the Arc de Triomphe. Stopped by Saint Sulpice first to confess our sins before heading to Deyrolles to see what’s new in the taxidermy world and take illicit photos. (The priest said we were covered.)

      Picked up sandwiches on Rue Cler for a picnic at Champs du Mars, spent some time examining the rivets under the Tower before trotting over to the Arc and the Tomb of the Unknowns.

      Walked back via the Champs Élysées, waved to the Macrons as we walked past the presidential residence, popped in to Angelina’s for delicious chocolats chauds and some excellent people watching, then tiptoed through the Tuileries, past the Orsay and the Louvre, across Ponte des Artes back to our hotel. Phew!
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    Eglise Saint-Jean-de-Latran

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