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    • Dag 63

      Château de Fougères

      10 juli 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Das Château ist schon eine mächtige Burganlage.
      Die vielen Türme und Gebäude kann man alle besichtigen.
      In einigen Räumen gibt es interessante Animationen, leider wieder nur in französisch.
      Die Sprache, vor allem die Grammatik ist schon schwer bzw. eigen.
      Aber ich bin ja fleißig am lernen.
      Beim nächsten Mal 🇫🇷, geht es dann hoffentlich besser.
      Fougères war unser letzter Ort in der Bretagne.
      Morgen geht es langsam und ein bisschen Zickzack wieder zurück.
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    • Dag 9


      19 augustus 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Fougeres è un piccolo gioiello, un paesino dall'atmosfera medievale dove è possibile tornare indietro nel tempo. Iniziamo la visita dalla chiesa di Saint Suplice, una splendida struttura gotica con vetrate colorate che raccontano le storie del vangelo. Fuori dalla chiesa sorgono maestose le mura esterne del castello circondato da un fossato. È possibile visitare le tre fortificazioni concentriche e le torri all'interno delle mura della fortezza, ma l'ingresso ai cani è vietato, quindi proseguiamo verso il centro storico. Vediamo quindi la chiesa di Saint Leonard prima di percorrere la camminata all'interno dei meravigliosi giardini pubblici per tornare alla nostra auto.Meer informatie

    • Dag 29

      In Which we Perform the Fougeres Follies

      18 september 2017, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today's ride from Combourg to Fougeres was the longest of this section of the European rides. There is no doubt that riding a heavy rental bike is significantly harder than riding your own bike and therefore every kilometre seems at least 50% longer than the kilometres you ride at home. Combine this with a steady succession of rolling hills and it means that each day represents a solid effort in the saddle. The thing that has done the most to lift all our riders' spirits is that the weather has now changed. The past few days have been fine and mild with extended periods of warm sunshine. In addition the wind has dropped almost completely. The net effect of these meteorological changes is that we now have perfect conditions to enjoy our cycling in surely what is one of the prettiest regions of France.

      At the appointed start time of 8.30 am we started to unlock the bikes from the garage, only to find to our horror that Andrea's bike had suffered an overnight puncture. All punctures are a pain, but this unwelcome discovery was made all the worse due to the fact that this was the first time one of the ebikes had punctured.

      The amateur mechanics (ie the men) in the peloton set to work to try to remove the rear wheel and then remove the tyre. Although we had been supplied with a limited number of spare tubes, none of these were the correct size and valve type for the ebikes. Not a promising start to the day.

      We had no alternative other than to insert a skinny road bike tube and then over inflate it to fill the large tyre. I was expecting a big bang at any moment, however the tube did seem to accommodate the extreme stretching without detonating. About 20 mins later we were on our way, riding through the early morning mist. Overhead the sun was shining dimly through the fog and it did little to dispel the freezing early morning temperatures.

      We were actually glad that we started with a series of steady climbs as these helped to warm our frozen bodies. After a few kilometres the first of the layers were removed as the strength of the sun increased.

      This part of Brittany is dairy country and we rode along many peaceful rural lanes through dairy farms. The cows seemed pleased to see us and gave us beautiful bovine smiles as we rode past. On a couple of occasions we paused to listen to the silence. Apart from a few distant birds, there were no sounds at all. The trees stood motionless in the still air and far away a solitary fox made its way across a paddock. This is the real France that the bus tourists never get to see and we were all so glad that we were able to experience it at first hand.

      We have now been cycling almost every day for the past 4 weeks and all of us have grown stronger each day. Not only are we taking the hills more easily but all the riders are enjoying the feeling of being fitter than they have probably been for a long time. Hard work does have its rewards and this is easily evidenced in the group.

      After about 35 km we stopped at a likely spot for lunch. Sandwiches and drinks were unpacked from panniers and we sat happily in the sun for quite some time, eating, chatting and laughing. What a perfect way to enjoy a day with good friends in such a lovely place.

      The second mishap for the day occurred when Claire underestimated the strength of her disk brakes and stopped too suddenly to remain upright. Although she fell somewhat heavily to the road, the damage was not too severe and she was able to remount and continue, albeit it with a sore knee.

      A short distance later the third mishap took place when Claire suffered a rear wheel puncture - the second ebike puncture for the day. The only tube we had was another thin road bike tube, so we inserted it and hoped it would hold. No matter how much we wiggled with the tyre, it would not seat correctly on the rim. Since we were less than 10 km from Fougeres we hoped that it might hold out till we arrived and could buy some new tubes. Unfortunately it didn't.

      Claire limped along for the next few km with her misshapen wheel bouncing and the bike making loud complaints. It would have been a miracle if it lasted all the way to Fougeres and miracles are not common nowadays.

      With about 4 km to go BOTH Andrea and Claire suffered simultaneous rear wheel flats. This was starting to get serious. By this time we had no spares and the only option was to walk the bikes the rest of the way.

      When we arrived at the hotel we asked the girl at the counter if there was a bike shop nearby. Her face lit up and she said "Yes, just a few metres away". While this statement was true, she did not tell us that the bike shop (and many of the shops in the town) are closed every Monday. We tried arranging a taxi to go and collect the two riders but this process took so long that they were already in the town before transport could be arranged. It had been one of those days.

      Fougeres itself is a mid sized town with a huge fortified castle at the entrance to the city. I possibly could have had a tour of the place, but after the experience of yesterday, I would rather go to the all night dentist instead. We settled for a few photos of the huge walls and towers instead.
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    • Dag 30

      Fougeres to Pontorson

      19 september 2017, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The most memorable part of today's ride occurred when we were midway through the day and began looking for a place to buy some lunch. The route skirted a small township called Saint Brice-en-Cogles, so we thought we should detour towards the town to see if there was any suitable cafes or boulangeries.

      We arrived at the main street of the town and noticed a prominent sign for a boulangerie. After parking our bikes we all crowded inside. We were met by a very shy girl at the counter who explained in very limited English that she had only opened the business three weeks ago. She was so eager to please that she literally ran back and forth with our orders, went out the back to her own kitchen to get extra chairs and smiled so widely that you would think her face would break.

      She was so thrilled that a group of Australians would choose to eat in her shop that she was almost overwhelmed. When Carol gave her a small koala she blushed deeply and said that it would be her treasured mascot. It really was a magic moment that meant so much more to us than all the tourist hoopla of Mont St Michel.

      It was a magic moment and one that we will all remember for a long time.

      Not so welcome were the punctures that continued to follow us almost every day of the ride, but the less said about them, the better.
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    • Dag 21


      26 juli 2020, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Eine toll anzuschauende mittelalterliche Stadt in der Bretagne.

      Wir haben das Küstengebiet verlassen, müssen leider an deren Heimweg denken und treiben so langsam wieder nach Osten, in Richtung Heimat.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Fougères, Fougeres, Горад Фужэр, Felger, فوژر, フージェール, Фужер, 푸제르, Filiceriae, 富热尔

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