I started out at 09.00 with a taxi to local station. Icy conditions, so I wanted to avoid falling over if I walked to the station.
Met a lovely lady from Hereford on the train. We both caught the 10.21 London train, so we're able to have a good chat until she got off at B'ham International. Her name is Liz. She has my number, so maybe I will hear from her.
The walk to St Pancras was most unpleasant. Not only was it windy, it was snowing! I had to hurry as I was running short of time.
Managed to get the passport man(French) to smile, and then got stuck in the face recognition booth much to the amusement of the passport guys as well as me.
I then plunged into the melee which is the waiting area. I purchased a croissant, sandwich, muffin, and a bottle of water.
The Paris train left on time. The Brussels train due to depart at 1pm had not even arrived in London. Wasn't due until 2.30pm! Weather problems.
We arrived to thick falling snow. It was very cold. Brisk walk to Gare de L'est and the final train of the day to Metz. I intended to do the 10 minute walk to the property using Google maps. Not only could I not see the road signs in the dark, but it was snowing. Managed to get lost but eventually found a taxi. The next hurdle was opening the shutters to access the key box. I couldn't shift it. They are old shutters and heavy. Fortune smiled. A nice young man yanked the shutter open. I now have 2 keys, neither of which wanted to open the door. It is still snowing! Eventually, after many bad words, a key yielded, and I was inside. I then have to tangle with door to the apartment. More bad words. I go back to lock the street door......failed! Attempted to sort out TV.....failed.. After tea with no milk, warm tomato and cheese croissant, and the muffin, I attempted to lock the street door again. I did succeed using brute force and throwing my less than substantial weight against the door.
I whacked up the heating and went to bedRead more
Traveler Hallo Pia, Metz muss ja eine schöne Stadt sein. Nach deiner Schilderung möchte man sie selbst besuchen. Wünschen Dir noch schöne Urlaubstage.Bis bald.