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    • Día 2

      Day touring Paris

      6 de septiembre de 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      We did Peg’s favorite thing when we only have one day in a new city, a Hop On-Hop Off bus tour. Even though we rode a bus to all the sites, somehow we still walked almost 8 miles. Paris did not disappoint, a beautiful city with amazing landmarks.Leer más

    • Día 136

      Day 136: Paris & Friends (Post 2:2)

      6 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Those of us in the IT World understand the dreaded word “Consultant.” Oui, the consultant from Paris France will come and solve all of our IT problems.

      Back in 2009 Joel (A consultant from France) came to New Haven Ct; together Joel and I were locked up in a room for 30 days (and many nights) building a BPM software solution for Yale University. Yes - it was the Lombardi project.

      When you work this closely with someone you either kill each other - vowing to never see this person again - Or you become life long friends. I am happy to report the latter of the two options is the outcome of our journey.

      Back in 2009 Joel stayed with us for a night - we showed him around Boston. Through the magic of FB we have remained friends - having never seen him since.

      A couple of days before arriving to France I messaged Joel of our arrival and VERY short stay in Paris. Without hesitation he adjusted his schedule (Yes - he is still a dreaded consultant now working in the AI space) and was able to drive into the city to meet up with Donna and myself.

      Having limited time we walked into an area that was once a castle - with a lovely garden and tree lined path. Found a cafe to have a meal and a beer together - and basically picked up right where we left off in 2009. Updated on children, grand-children, jobs, our retirement were all shared.

      Once our meal was done, we walked past the Louvre and Joel got a picture of me kissing my lovely wife on a bridge spanning La Seine River. You know just like in the movies.

      These three hours with such a good friend surpassed anything anyone could wish for in Paris. There just isn’t an excursion in the VIking Daily for this type of time.

      I am sure there are many who read this who understand these types of relationships. Today is a special day on our adventure. What a wonderful way to put a bow on this world cruise.

      Also, having someone who knows how to order in French really helped.

      Please enjoy these pictures.
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    • Día 5


      21 de agosto de 2019, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I needed to be at the bottom of the Montmarte hill by 12.00 midday in order to make it to my entry time stamp of 1-1.30pm at the Louvre.

      This meant catching 2 train lines and lining up for security, for ticket collection and to get into the louvre from the pyramid entrance.

      Well I had no clue what to do, but had every faith in myself to just work it out, and make it happen. It did, I was inside the Louvre in approx 20 minutes.

      Online booking meant I already had my ticket. Time stamp meant had a fastpass in a 30 minute window. I walked past huge lines inside. Until The Mona Lisa!

      I was heading to Vermeer's 'The Lace Maker' in Richelieu wing as this area would be quieter. Not this time. They had moved the Mona Lisa in a room right next to my painting!!!

      Dumbasses. Bloody renovations. I asked staff which direction for Vermeer. They smiled at me as if to say you poor girl, wanting to see a painting next to the most famous one in the world.

      They got it. This was my experience with every staff member I chatted to in the Louvre. They sit there all bored. Then I walk up to them. You see I tried to speak French to them, failed miserably, I would say the magic word 'englais' to them, then their faces lit up with big smiles. They could see in me my joy to be there, a willingness to try to adapt, stuffing it up but smiling anyway. Now where can I find Delacroix?, Canova? and so on.

      Julie asked me to find Eugene Delacroix's 'Frightened horse leaping from water' in lithograph. I looked, nothing in the French artists section. I asked where it is? I was told that if I came back tomorrow, and booked a time, the director could take me into a special room to see the drawings. You see the drawings are not on display, due to their delicacy. Well so sorry Jules I am not coming back tomorrow as will be flying to Italy.

      Walking the Louvre by myself, best thing in the world.

      My arts history teacher, Mr Ross Miller, has taught me about these world famous paintings and artists with huge passion when I was 16 years old. Every slide he showed me has stuck.

      I treat these works of the masters of any era like my old friends. Even tearing up, when I face one unexpectedly. Recognition. I totally know these guys. I see a painting and the artists name comes out of my mouth. I get to really celebrate my own appreciation for these works.

      I eat Quiche at the corner Cafe while staring through the windows at the crowds outside the pyramid.

      I come across my favourite pieces - Canova's 'Cupid and Psyche' and 'Winged Victory of Samarance' (Which always reminds me of Carolyn)
      Bought them on way home in a model shop for 10 euro each. In Louvre were 110.00 euro.
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    • Día 3

      My plan was the Louvre….

      3 de marzo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      I got to the market around noon. Enough time to grab an omelette before my 2:30 ticket for the Louvre. Or so I thought. Arrived at 2, only to get pushed into a long line. Stood there for awhile, thinking about it. Long line to pass security, once we started moving. The. Another to get to the entrances. Then the massive crowd inside, to get past, to get to the Egyptian rooms. After 5 minutes of standing there, I left. If I’d never seen the Louvre before, I would have suffered through. But—the Louvre has sucked all the joy out of a visit. Oh well. Off to Place Colette to have a glass of wine and look at my favorite metro entrance. :-)

      By the way, the Seine is running fast and very very high right now.
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    • Día 56

      Getting reigned on

      29 de octubre de 2023, Francia ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      This morning started slowly, with a cup of coffee in bed before we went off to Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, a century old department store used by rich locals and cashed up tourists alike! While unfortunately we are neither, there was another reason to visit -- it has a great view of the city on the roof!

      Once done, it was time to head over to the main attraction for the day: The Palace of Versailles, an 18th century Château which was the home of generations of French royalty. The interior was very impressive and stoked a lot of thoughts such as "Yep. Another royal chamber, this one's a different colour!" Admittedly, there were some incredible paintings in the palace, including a "hall of battles" which was about 50 metres long and filled with some of the largest works we've seen depicting famous French victories. This guy Napoleon showed up a few times, not sure what that's about.

      While on this trip we've seen a few royal palaces and their grounds, none of which held up to the sheer scale of the palace grounds at Versailles. Near the palace there was beautiful contoured gardens and water features... But it just kept going, it went past impressively large and became almost comical! (We walked for almost an hour at it still hadn't ended) There were even multiple smaller "palaces" that other members of the royal family would live in (ones that you wanted on the same estate, but didn't want to risk seeing more than once a month)

      Once the sun had gone down and we decided we had explored enough of the gardens, we took shuttle train-car-thingy back to the main palace and walked back to the real train which took us back to the city.

      On the way back we grabbed a baguette and some butter for a classic Parisian dinner, before planning tomorrow and hitting the hay!

      Step count: 23.8k
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    • Día 54

      Parlez vu Français?

      27 de octubre de 2023, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We said goodbye to the beautiful city of Zurich this morning and took a 4 hour train ride to Paris.

      We walked an hour to our accommodation (not a shared dorm, yay 🎉) before rallying ourselves to go out and explore some more.

      We walked for another hour in the drizzling rain to watch the sunset on the Eiffel Tower and we got to see it sparkle while we enjoyed some wine, apples and leftover Lindt chocolate balls.

      The tower was quite impressive - not bad for something that was built to be torn down again. We decided not to walk back, so we caught the metro.

      We spent the rest of the night planning tomorrow and doing a cheeky laundry in our kitchen sink.

      Step count: 22k

      PS. I think penguins has fixed whatever issue it was having and I can upload videos again!
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    • Día 2

      Louvre - später

      10 de julio de 2022, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      So, jetzt war ich also das zweite Mal im Louvre. Die Mona Lisa ist noch da und auf den ersten Blick unbeschädigt. Aber: um möglichst dicht heranzukommen, ist sehr, sehr viel Geduld gesagt. Diese Warterei habe ich mir gespart.

      Meine eindringliche Empfehlung: Bucht! Tickets! Vorab! Ansonsten heisst es warten, ob noch etwas geht. Keine Garantie auf einen Besuch des Museum. Der Einlass nach Zeitfenstern - auch hier mit Freizeitpark-Gittern - funktioniert gut. Es gibt aber eben auch keinen Schatten und Warten in der prallen Sonne ist angesagt.

      Was ich ausser der Mona Lisa noch gesehen habe? Meine Empfehlung: in die Abteilung der europäischen Maler gehen: dort habe ich Rubens, Rembrandt und Vermeer gesehen. Dort ist das Museum auch wahnsinnig leer: wahrscheinlich, weil die Mona Lisa genau am anderen Ende ist. Auch die französischen Kronjuwelen sind einen Blick wert.

      Aber insgesamt ist der Louvre so voll mit Kunst, dass ich nach 30 Minuten im Overload-Modus war. der Plan war: Vermeer, Mona Lisa, Kronjuwelen. Den habe ich dann auch in 3 Stunden abgearbeitet. Leider sind viele Beschriftungen nur in einer Sprache, was mir als ohne jegliche Französisch-Kenntnisse die Beschäftigung dann auf "was? so alt ist das schon" und "gefällt mir" beschränkt.
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    • Día 28

      Oct 17 - La Madeleine

      17 de octubre de 2019, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We then went to the Galleries Lafayette, an upmarket French department store. Apparently, it caters to all budgets, but we seemed to see only the really, really expensive sections. The Gucci section had a velvet rope across the entry and two ladies controlling the number of shoppers inside. The architecture of the store is art nouveau, with a remarkable dome. It was worth navigating the hordes of people to see it. But best of all, there is a free panoramic view of Paris from the 6th floor. It pays to go on guided tours - it was Nicholas who gave us the tip. Fabulous views on, dare I say it, a dry, almost sunny day!

      We found a little sandwich shop and had a late lunch. My entertainment was watching two young people canoodling at the table in the front window. I sure hoped the guy wasn’t going to propose in a sandwich shop. He didn’t. Hope they went straight home - things were getting hot.

      Next stop - the flower market by La Madeleine. Parisians love their flowers. If I lived here, I’d probably have fresh flowers very frequently.

      La Madeleine is a Roman Catholic church occupies a commanding position - from its front doors, you can see Place de la Concorde. The church was designed in its present form as a temple to the glory of Napoleon's army. It is surrounded by 52 Corinthian columns. In the peak of the front facade is a sculpture of the Last Supper. The bronze doors of the church display the Ten Commandments. Inside, above the high altar, stands a statue by Charles Marochetti depicting St Mary Magdalene being lifted up by angels during her daily prayers. The half-dome above the altar is fresco entitled The History of Christianity, showing the key figures in the Christian religion with — a sign of its Second Empire date — Napoleon occupying centre stage.

      On the way home, we stopped at street art exhibit at the Petit Palais and Grand Palais museums. There were lots of food trucks and funky exhibits.

      We strolled home and enjoyed the sunshine to enjoy some downtime with the windows open showcasing the blue sky and the Eiffel Tower.
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    • Día 10

      Eat Nice Paris Baguette

      16 de septiembre de 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The night before, when we got to our airbnb, we tried to break into a different building first before realizing that we were at the wrong address. The airbnb was small and smelled very strange but was in a great location. We walked past the Louvre and then drank coffee and ate baguettes. Then we went to the Musee d'Orangerie and saw Monet's water lilies.Leer más

    • Día 3

      Samstag Morgen

      23 de marzo, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Bonjour mes Amis. Nach einem kurzen Frühstück 🥣 habe ich mich heute Vormittag alleine auf Erkundungstour begeben.
      Erster Stop: das Louvre!
      Ein beeindruckendes Gebäude 🕋, wobei, das Durchhaltevermögen der Menschen in der Schlange bei Regen ☔ ist nicht weniger beeindruckend 😂Leer más

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Palais-Royal, Quartier du Palais-Royal

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