Paris 02 Ancien - Quartier Palais-Royal

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    • Day 11

      Paris Tag 2

      July 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Nachdem ich gestern so müde war (und vielleicht auch, weil ich jetzt zum ersten Mal auf dieser Reise ein Zimmer für mich alleine habe), habe ich heute wieder etwas länger geschlafen. Sobald ich wach war und gefrühstückt hatte gings aber auf zum Louvre, wo ich dann mehr als 3 Stunden verbracht habe. Die verschiedenen Ausstellungen waren sehr interessant, aber die Größe des Museums und die Menge an Dingen, die ich mir hätte anschauen können, war etwas überfordernd. Am Besten haben mir die afrikanischen Skulpturen und die verschiedenen bemalten Keramikobjekte aus der islamischen Sammlung gefallen.

      Nach dem Mittagessen gings dann auf die Dachterrasse der Galeries Lafayette, die mir Ollie empfohlen hatte. Der Ausblick von dort oben war hervorragend und ich konnte einen großen Teil der Stadt bewundern. :) Danach bin ich zum Triumphbogen gefahren. Hinein bin ich aber nicht gegangen, weil die Schlange sehr sehr lang war. Von dort aus gings dann noch zum Eiffelturm, den ich bis dahin nur von der aus Dachterrasse gesehen hatte. Nachdem ich ihn von einem Aussichtspunkt gesehen hatte und ein bisschen im Park vor dem Eiffelturm gesessen bin, habe ich mich wieder auf den Weg in die Wohnung gemacht, dort was gekocht und mir noch einen entspannten Abend gemacht.
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    • Day 1

      Arrived in FRANCE! 🇫🇷

      July 21 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Arrived at Normandy de Chantier hotel! 🛏️ SO nice and looked super French, loved the curtain print :)) looked like milkmaids or something! Gave me some decor ideas - sheer linen patterned curtains are SO pretty.

      Also went walking around on the bridge to the Musee d'orangerie and had some McDonald's just to snack, their table service is so nice?? I didn't know they served with plastic fry boxes and cups!

      Bought a Peach Riot figurine at Pop Mart, always love how quality these items are omg, like little pieces of art 😭
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    • Day 10

      Flâner dans Paris

      July 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Another day wandering the streets of Paris:
      Place Vendôme
      Musée du Louvre
      Le Centre Pompidou
      Musée des Archives Nationales
      Place de la Bastille
      Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
      Hôtel de ville de Paris

    • Day 176

      FRA - Place Vendôme

      June 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Bike Tour day! First stop: Place Vendôme.

      One of the most posh places in Paris, where some iconic people lived there , as Coco Chanel and where Princes Diana was before her car accident. At the center there is a monument made by Napoleon to celebrate a war victory in 1806.Read more

    • Day 2

      Colonne Vendôme & Opéra Garnier

      October 5, 2019 in France ⋅ 16 °C

      Die Siegessäule Colonne Vendôme kam mir sofort bekannt vor. Da ich vor 2 Monaten in Rom war fiel es mir ein 💡: Die Trajanssäule sieht fast gleich aus. Die Säule in Paris ist jedoch 1700 Jahre jünger. Sie wurde zwischen 1806-1810 nach dem Vorbild aus Rom auf dem Place Vendôme errichtet und wird von Nepoleon I. bekrönt. Die unweit entfernte Opér Garnier wurde 1875 eingeweiht und gilt heute als eines der schönsten Opernhäusern der Welt. 🎶Read more

    • Day 1


      August 4, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute morgen ging die Reise los. Um 07.34 fuhren Esther und ich mit dem TGV ab Zürich. Eine Stunde später kam Daniela in Basel dazu. Die Fahrt ging weiter via Mulhouse und Belfort nach Paris. Je nach Streckenabschnitt waren wir sehr rasant unterwegs. Nach Ankunft im Gare de Lyon um 11.38 lösten wir uns ein RER-Ticket und schon ging's mit der U-Bahn Richtung L'Arc de Triomphe und weiter zu unserem Hotel Le Tsuba. Am Nachmittag besuchten wir zuerst die Ausstellung von Andy Warhol und Jean-Michel Basquiat in der Fondation Louis Vuitton. Anschliessend ging's weiter via Eiffelturm zum L'Arc de Triomphe.Read more

    • Day 6

      Grande Roue de Paris

      August 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      An der Seite des Jardin des Tuileries steht im Juli und August auf der Fête des Tuileries das Pariser Riesenrad „Grande Roue de Paris“.

      Das ist was für uns 😍

      Es gibt sogar eine spezielle Gondel, in die Matteo mit dem Rollstuhl kann.

      Von oben haben wir noch einmal einen tollen Blick über Paris und wir haben einfach viel Spaß.
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    • Day 12

      Day 12: Paris, France

      July 18, 2016 in France ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Today we had a later start than we would have liked. It feels like we've been traveling for weeks and our bodies are tired and losing stamina. The sun didn't set in Scotland until 10:20 and it rose at 4:45 so we feel like zombies in the morning. Now that we're in Paris with AC, blackout curtains, and a comfortable bed, all we want to do is sleep, but we want to see everything, too. The good thing is that everything is closer in Paris than it was in London. Paris may be sprawling, but the main attractions and neighborhoods (or arrondissements) are incredibly close and the metro stops are very close together if you need to use them at all. Some other differences between the metro and tube is that the tube was used by everyone (businessmen, tourists, locals) where the metro seems to mainly be poorer to average locals and some tourists. Paris' boulevards are much wider (thanks to Napoleon) and therefore driving is possible where in London it was not. Today we walked to Ile de la Cite where Paris began in the 50s AD. It's a fairly small island in the middle of the Seine next to Ile de St. Louis. On the Cite there are several iconic places including St. Chapelle church (didn't tour), Conciergerie (where it was first a palace then a prison especially during the French Revolution where Marie Antoinette stayed) and of course Notre Dame. Notre Dame is the most visited monument in France (that's what the brochure said) and is stunning with it's 2 towers, rose windows, flying buttresses, and is the best example of gothic architecture standing. We took some pictures, but with the heat and long line, we decided we'd try early another morning. We walked across the bridge to the Latin Quarter (oldest quarter with iconic Haussmannian architecture) to Shakespeare and Company bookstore. This little independent bookstore is famous for the people who frequented it like Fitzgerald and Hemingway during the 20s. It was opened by an American and houses all English books. I bought a Madeline in Paris book and received their official stamp in the front cover. We then went to the Musee de Cluny. This is a medieval museum in a monastery most well-known for the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry ("I've come to see the tapestries" keeps running through my mind) which is shrouded in mystery since it's unlike anything else made at the time. Nice museum with few people. The building itself was really neat with it's gothic medieval architecture. We then walked to Jardin du Luxembourg and had a salad and cold tea and people watched. This is probably the most famous garden in France where people come to lay in the grass, eat, and let their poor cooped up city children run around. Kids also rent little sail boats to put in the murky fountain in front of the palace. We then walk to the Pantheon where King Louis XV built a secular building to the Saint Genevieve and where thousands are buried in the crypt below with lots of famous French people (like Rousseau, Voltaire, Hugo, Dumas, Braille, etc.). I found it amusing that the godless were buried here because they couldn't be buried in a church. After cooling off there, we headed back to the island, grabbed a chocolate crepe made fresh, jumped on the metro and headed back to the hotel to shower, cool off, and give our feet a rest. Some side remarks: I read in several places that everyone under the age of 35 knew English- that is so untrue. Except those at front desks, I'd say most do not know English here. They may know a few words, but they cannot carry on a conversation or understand anything specific. I'm totally blown away. I didn't learn French before we came here, so we've been going off Joel's high school French and it's saved us several times already ordering food, maneuvering the streets, and reading placards (which are all in French even in the museums). The children at church didn't know English (and their grandmother is American) and a teenager at church last night began in English and switched to French when he got too frustrated. Anyways... After our rest, we made our way down Champs-Elyses where they are getting ready for the tour de France next week. We decide to grab a cheap and healthy dinner at Pret-a-manger because last night's dinner was super annoying with our waiter not understanding Joel explaining allergies so he gave him more potatoes, not no potatoes. Sometimes our French is better than their English- and that's bad. We decide we're going to do 2 nice dinners with reservations and pre-explain the allergies and do pret the other nights. After dinner we walk to the Arc du Triumphe (walked under the street to get to it) and then used our fast pass to walk right by the line again. Joel thinks we're going to save ourself an entire day of waiting when this is all over. We walked the 200 or so steps to the top and we got an awesome view of the entire city as the sun sets. Everything is so close- you can see the modern downtown to the west, the eiffel tower to the south, the champs-elyses and the ferris wheel to the east and sacre-couer church NE. Totally worth it. We walk down and walk the other side of the boulevard until we want to take the metro the rest of the way to the Louvre to take some awesome night pictures. We're super tired and go back to the hotel to rest our weary little legs.Read more

    • Day 22

      Notre-Dame Tower

      April 16, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      The visit to the Notre-Dame Tower is a climb of around 400 steps and only costs a few euros (or is included in the museum pass I bought). The downside, besides the stairs, is that they only let 20 people up every 10 minutes so only a small queue can mean a long wait. I waited for just over an hour and passed the time chatting with a lovely couple from Ottawa behind me. We tag teamed and went to the toilet and got coffee etc so it passed quite quickly.

      The climb was pretty hard with the steps getting steeper and narrower the higher we got. The first level saw sweeping views and the chance to get the classic shot of a gargoyle looking towards the Eiffel Tower. Tourists before me had ripped holes in the netting to allow easier picture taking. On this level you got to see inside the bell towers and admire the luckily inactive bells.

      The next climb was even narrower and not for the claustrophobic but led to the very top viewing area. The views were from this high point stunning. It was nice to be able to see all the parts of the cathedral from this angle. The climb down was almost as tough with the spiral downwards making you a little dizzy.
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    • Day 22

      Notre-Dame Cathedral

      April 16, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Despite staying so close to the Notre-Dame Cathedral I had not yet been inside. So it was that I found myself doing it on Easter Sunday (I had checked it was still open to the public). There were some signs saying Mass would going on throughout the day and that visitors were allowed but needed to be quiet and no flash was allowed. As I walked around taking photos with the lovely rhythm of the Mass being sung in Latin and French by the priests and a group of Nuns, it felt a bit surreal (and a little disrespectful). I found myself shushing the groups of tourists ignoring the signs in multiple languages to be quiet. However my sympathy for the church waned a little when I came to the shop (inside the church) which was still open and selling. Obviously tourist business was trumping religious activity.

      The cathedral is truly stunning and the music and mass made the visit even more special. I had come to think of it as my special place after staying so close for the past five days.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Paris 02 Ancien - Quartier Palais-Royal, Butte des Moulins

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