Paris 09 Ancien - Quartier Hôtel-de-Ville

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    • Dag 3

      And then we walked ... a lot #2

      22. august 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Leaving the Arc de Triomphe we headed down towards the Seine and the Eiffel tower. We had a brief stop in the Jardins du Trocadero for a bite to eat and then continued on to the tower. Any thoughts of actually visiting the tower quickly evaporated when we saw the lines and the millions of people queuing… we took photos and then headed off to the Bir-Hakim Metro.Les mer

    • Dag 38


      7. august 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      (… )
      Bonnes nouvelles!
      Maintenant acheter ce pointeur laser, nous vous donnerons un lame saber laser et 8en1 tête laser libre.
      100% tout neuf et haute qualité rechargeable port USB, pratique et portable Super lumineux, Mise au point, la bleu visible laser !
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    • Dag 1

      paris, france

      1. desember 2007, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Here I created the wildly popular photo series: People viewing the Mona Lisa (it's not really popular)

      I also paid homage to the grave of Jim Morrison, which does seem quite popular, and viewed works of art by Salvador Dali, and many, many others.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      A word - or 2 - about the Metro

      22. august 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We have certainly got good value from our metro ticket today (7,50 Euro for an all day zone 1 and 2 ticket). The Metro system is large and rather complex but it has got us where we need to go in a timely manner. There are trains on lines A, B, C and D run by RER and then there are the “metro” lines which seem to share stations with the trains a lot of the time and range from industrial feeling metal and concrete structures deep underground linked with long tiled tunnels to elevated platforms and tracks. The RER have actual trains while the Metro seems to be a train/bus hybrid – they run on tracks and have 3 carriages but have tyres. They seem to turn up about every 4 minutes and go like a bat out of hell.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Paris @ night by bike

      23. august 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Our next stop was the Dupliex metro station for our Paris by Night Bike tour. We were duly issued with bright red, retro bikes and helmets - optional (Ah yes please if I am going to be riding in Paris traffic – I do prefer my brain intact and the drivers in Paris seem a tad lax about the road rules!!). We headed off to Notre Dame, via the Latin Quarter with stops for interesting information and stories along the way as provided by our cheerful – and possibly entirely manic - Scottish Guide (Jack). One pertained to the guy who did the Gargoyles on Notre Dame – apparently, he REALLY hated his mother in law so the 4th on the left and side is carved in her likeness (an ugly old women in a hat). We stopped for ice cream and then headed back to the Seine via the Louvre (which was pretty impressive that time of night). At the river we boarded a boat an took an lovely trip up and down the river while drinking wine (included) before getting back on our bikes and heading back to the office of Fat Tire Tours with some great views of the illuminated Eiffel tower along the way. It was great fun, the total ride distance was about 13km and I would recommend it as a different way to see Paris – although it was a later night than I expected as it was after midnight when we finally got back to the hostel.Les mer

    • Dag 36

      Museum of Shoah & Ober Mamma

      9. oktober 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      After the Louvre (and lunch), we strolled around the Latin Quarter some more. Then went onwards to the museum, saw outside of Notre Dame on the way. Beautiful. Then had a crepe, continued walking and window shopping.

      Ended up at the Museum of the Shoah (Holocaust). Great museum. A brass monument outside with names of camps on it representing a chimney stack. And a wall of names of the 76,000 Jews from France who were sent to Germany (most of whom died). Lots of details and personal stories - quite sobering and touching exhibits. Also had a special exhibition of how the Holocaust was dealt with in comic books which was very interesting.

      After the museum, went to the host-recommended Ober Mamma. Opens at 7pm with no reservations so we turned up at about 6.35pm ... to a line of about 25? And 25 more joined after - a very popular one... and for good reason. A very delicious meal of truffle pasta and ham, mozzarella, mushroom and truffle pizza. With wine and cocktail, and two desserts to follow - a tiramisù and a lemonemisu  (very hard to say while trying to speak French!). So good!

      A great night out and home to bed.
      Les mer

    • Dag 15

      Day 6: Louvre and Night Train

      20. mai 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today was a very interesting day. I finally got to meet the Mona Lisa and was lucky enough that I didnt get the crowd of people and manage to see her right up front. I came back around 30 minutes later to see how many people were wanting to see her and was shocked by the crowd of people, that I had to take a picture of them. I also laid on the ground for about three minutes to try and take the picture Simon wanted and a crowed started to form around me and I became the sculpture. I also took the iconic foto of me touching the point of the glass triangle inside and out. And lastly our night train ride. That for me was a very unique experience and even though it wasen't the most comfortable sleep, I really loved it. I felt really close with everyone in my room and the most mesmerizing part was waking up around five in the morning and seeing from afar mountains covered with snow. Two things I've never seen before.Les mer

    • Dag 1


      2. februar 2018, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Hier sind wir, inmitten so viel Geschichte. Wir besuchen ein Museum nach dem anderen und spazieren durch die wunderschönen Parks. Leider ist es so unglaublich kalt und nach dem zweiten Tag beginnt es zu schneien. Paris hat schlussendlich mehr Schnee als die Schweiz! Als wir zu fest schlottern, machen wir uns auf und besuchen das nächstgelegene Museum: das Pantheon, wo alle berühmten und wichtigen Franzosen ihre letzte Ruhe haben. Das Gebäude sieht fantastisch aus, es ist jedoch kälter als draussen. Deshalb kuscheln wir uns in die Ecken mit einem Heizstrahler während wir Infos und Facts vom Audio Guide erfahren. Ich sehe meinen ersten richtigen Superball, jedoch um 1 Uhr morgens und ohne Nachos und Bier. Und Ryan hat seine erste squad down shower.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Paris, france

      10. august 2018, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We made it to Paris for our connection. No sooner did we sit down when the captain tells us in multiple languages (and I think I understood the French better than the English) that there is an electrical problem on the plane and they need to get a part so we are delayed an hour or two. Ok. No big deal. We are in no hurry. The ship sails in two days. He did say two hours not two days, right? Oi.

      We made our way to the restaurants past some beautifully displayed French Macaroons, a delishly displayed case of seafood (but not at 8 AM) and there it was...Paul! Who, grinning from ear to ear, spots the place to eat? A restaurant bakery called “Paul.” Ooo La La. Paul got himself a chocolate croissant and I, an espresso. What two things do not go together? French pastry and Gluten Free. Oh well. Neither does French pastry and bikini. Wink. They had nice cushy chairs so we plopped down and vegged. Layed like broccoli for a while. After a while, we made our way back up to our gate to see if there were any changes when no sooner did the captain say that he was not satified with the outcome of the repair. Everyone perked up to hear what the next delay would be. You could almost tell by the wave of sighs as everyone listened to the announcement in their native tongue. Everyone is looking at everyone else like “What?” Then the mad scramble started as everyone was trying to get on the next flight to Venice because he had cancelled the flight. Delta had already texted us saying they were in process of rebooking us. We weren’t too upset because we weren’t in a hurry. We just needed to know if we were having croissants for breakfast again. All part of the adventure.

      After a bit, we saw there was a flight out in 15 minutes so we ran back to that gate to see if we could stow away. We ended up at our gate where another family was working with an agent to get on a flight to Amsterdam to Venice as another agent came running up. Paul worked is magic. That agent, Silvia, wanted us on that flight. Her fingers were typing a mile a minute while reassuring us that our bags will make it to Venice (from a different flight? we will see). Then she said, “Come with me.” You have never seen little legs move so fast. We bolted through the airport, concourse after concourse leaving the other family at the other gate in our dust. We never saw them again. I don’t know if we bumped them out. Yikes. We could hardly keep up. She was the sweetest lady determined to get us on that flight. She handed us our tickets with a smirk and said, “Business class.” Thanks!. Wish it was on a longer flight. To Amsterdam.

      It is all part of the adventure.

      We made it to Amsterdam and hopped the flight to Venice. We were getting tired for sure. I fell asleep while we were delayed on the tarmack and slept until about 20 minutes left in the flight and watched our decent over Italy and into Marco Polo Airport. A little unnerving on my side of the plane where there is mostly water and bits of land. Very strange land and water formations and nothing that looks like a runway. Eeesh. We landed and our adventure continues.
      Les mer

    • Dag 31

      Paris, france

      28. september 2018, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Quelle grande ville!! 2 jours de visites non-stop pour prendre avantage de notre Paris pass. Ou commencer.. !! Premierement 2.5 jours a Paris n'est vraiment pas assez! Je crois quil faudrait un 4 jours afin de visiter tranquillement. Mais bon - nous avons compacter le tout et sommes contentes avec nos visites! Nous avons pris le bus ‘hop on hop off’ qui nous a permit de visiter plusieurs choses! Deux églises (Sacre Coeur et Notre-Dame) Arc de Triomphe, jardins trocado, petit palais et grand palais, tour Eiffel, tour Montparnasse, chateau Versailles et ses jardins, musée Louvre(un dixième lol). Nous avons aussi fait le bateaux sur canals et un beau wine tasting dans les caves du louvre. Nous avons mange de la gelato en se promenant auprès de les canals. Wow nous aurions pourrions être ici pour plus longtemps! Les Parisiens en general on ete tres gentils avec nous mais tu as les typiques qui te coupent en ligne ou ne se donne pas la peine de te faire un sourire. Aussi - il n'y a pas de toilettes nul part et quand tu en trouve il faut payer!? Une chose - nous realisons a quel point nous sommes bien et choyees dans notre pays!

      Nous avons terminer notre sejour a Paris avec un petit picnic en avant de la tour eiffel et sommes presentment en route pour la Belgique. Je pense bien d'y revenir un jour Paris pour faire les choses unpeu moins touristique et juste vivre leur quotidien (cafes, magasinage, restos, promenade a velo).

      Bruges- nous arrivons!!
      Les mer

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    Paris 09 Ancien - Quartier Hôtel-de-Ville, Paris 09 Ancien - Quartier Hotel-de-Ville, Fidélité

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