Paris 11 Ancien - Quartier Luxembourg

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    • Day 16

      ein Garten für die Seele

      June 8 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      In Paris werden Parks und Gärten von der Bevölkerung gern genutzt. Sie sind ein Ort, an dem man sich trifft, Sport treiben oder liest. Es gibt viele bewegliche Stühle, die zum Verweilen einladen.
      Regeln, wie zB. den Rasen nicht zu betreten oder nicht Rad zu fahren, werden in der Regel von allen befolgt.

      Mir hat es am Samstag Nachmittag sehr gut gefallen, um mich herum viele Leute aber genügend Geruhsamkeit und Innehalten während des Wartens auf den Bus.
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    • Day 5

      Cycling in Paris

      September 9, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Well we took our life into our hands yesterday & cycled around Paris. It was so much fun despite the heat, you get a bit of breeze when your biking thank god! We covered a lot of miles & were knackered last night.Read more

    • Day 4


      March 18 in France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      The bus arrived at 6:00am at Bercy by the Seine.

      I spent the morning waking in Paris. I walked around Notre Dame which is still covered in scaffolding, though the reconstructed spire stands proud.

      I found my way to the Gare Montparnasse to catch the train to Bayonne, and from there another one to St Jean-Pied-de-Port where dinner awaits and where I will spend the night.

      Being in an unfamiliar city (and not speaking its language) means depending on the kindness of others to navigate it.
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    • Day 2

      Jardin du Luxembourg

      July 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Der Jardin du Luxembourg im Quartier Latin ist eine grüne Oase inmitten dem hektischen Treiben von Paris. Hier kann man sich ein freies, schattiges Plätzchen suchen und den Parisern beim Picknick, Sport treiben oder flanieren zuschauen 😊. Im Palais de Luxembourg tagt übrigens der Senat, das Oberhaus des französischen Parlaments.Read more

    • Day 3

      Dan v izi

      March 22, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Nasti zjutraj šiba na šiht, jaz pa še malo pospim in nama pripravim sendviče za na pot. Opoldne se dobiva v Luksemburškem parku, kjer zmazneva sendviče, ravno ko začne počasi kapljati. Obema se ideja kavice in sladice zdi super, tako da se sprehodiva do bližnje kavarne, kjer si privoščiva kafe in deliva en brownie in peacan pie.Read more

    • Day 4

      Luxembourg gardens

      April 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      The metro was crowded as we made our way to the Luxembourg gardens, but I was fairly impressed with our ability to navigate the maps, ticket booths and turnstiles. It helped that I could ask some questions in French and generally people were friendly and helpful. When we arrived at the Rennes station, we saw that the street was lined with police cars and further down the street were fire trucks lined up to deploy if needed. This made Doug and I uneasy, but nothing seemed to be going on right now.
      Using a map on my phone that had the European sim card, and then verifying our route with a friendly passerby, we found the Luxembourg gardens. Apparently Queen Maria de Medici, who came from Florence, grew tired of living in the Louvre. So she had the Luxembourg Palace built and surrounded by beautiful gardens and now we came to stroll through her Royal pathways.
      The Luxembourg gardens are very popular with Parisians, who come there to play chess, walk, jog, read books and race small boats on the pond by pushing them with sticks. In the summer, it can be hard to find a spot to sit in this park, but this early in the season meant we could eat lunch at a chess table, and we could sit in the green metal lounge chairs near the brightly coloured gardens.
      We took pictures of some of the statues that were found throughout the gardens, watched children riding the old fashioned merry-go-round, and then found the petanque courts. We sat in chairs surrounding the gravel courts and watched this game that reminded us of the bocce ball that is played on grass.
      Petanque used metal balls that are about half the size of bocce balls, and players threw 3 balls each, but the idea of trying to get your balls closest to the centre smaller ball was the same as bocce. The players even had coat racks with hangers down the middle of the courts so jackets could be hung out of the way during the games. Nearby there were two small structures that had a hinged door on the side. As petanque started shutting down for the day, the players opened up the door on the structure to reveal rows of numbered boxes inside. In French, I asked a player about the boxes and he slid his out to show me that they store their 3 metal petanque balls in their box covered with the small cloth that they clean the balls with between throws. He told me that they play every day except in bad weather and I could see that these retired men and a few women spend most of their afternoons in good natured, yet serious competition at these beautiful courts.
      Next we came to the beehive area of the park. The old fashioned wooden beehives were a buzz of activity in the shade of some trees. I had read that people can sign up to take actual beekeeping courses through the Luxembourg gardens and become legitimate beekeepers to oversee hives in other areas. So cool!
      Finally we arrived at our preselected exit gate, only to find it locked! As we had approached the perimeter of the gardens, the sounds of sirens and explosive booms had become very loud. We realized that the police had locked the gates to prevent any protesters from harming the gardens. Luckily we found one of our petanque players heading home and he told us to follow him as he knew which gate was still open.
      We made it safely back to the metro and rode the train to the Montparnasse station with no problems, but when we exited the station near our hotel, the streets were full of protestors and the edges of the demonstration were lined with police. Loud booms that sounded like bombs ricocheted throughout the square and made me feel very unsafe. Our friends seemed intrigued by the noise and commotion until I explained that the blasts were huge triggers for a retired police officer. While they were welcome to stay and watch, Doug and I needed to return to a quieter and safer atmosphere which we did.
      Vivre le cite de Paris!
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    • Day 35

      Art, and a bit more Paris

      April 2, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Some of my favourite pictures from the exhibition (Leon Monet Collecteur at the Musée du Luxembourg). By the way, did you know that Claude Monet's first me was actually Oscar?

      And a handful more Paris pictures. The observant among you might notice that I like taking pictures of doors, especially Parisian doors.

      It will be weird not uploading multiple photos every day when I'm home.
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    • Day 54

      Eights Weeks Without a Selfie

      October 13, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Eight Weeks Without a Single Selfie - Oct 13th 2017

      On our final full day in Paris the sun broke through in full force to give the city a temporary return to summer. Gone were the winter hats, scarfs and coats that had been everywhere for the past couple of weeks and back out came the short skirts and sun hats. It was a perfect way to end our stay in this amazing place.

      Maggie and I took the opportunity to continue our recreation of the walk of Adele and Simon. We had begun this the previous day but exhaustion had overcome us before the task was complete.

      We set off to resume our walk at the famous Notre Dame Cathedral, however we did make one important detour on the way there. The Musee Nationale Du Moyen Age (Museum of the Middle Ages) is situated on the Rue D'Ecoles (Street of Schools), just a block away from our hotel. We had walked past it many time over the past couple of days and thought that it deserved a proper visit.

      We decided to pay the 9 Euro entry fee (no seniors concession here) and see what was inside. We certainly were not disappointed. The collection included an amazing array of artefacts and art works from the 6th to the 16th centuries. The building itself was worth the visit. It certainly was a fascinating insight into the creativity and skills of the people who lived in that period.

      Our walk then continued past Notre Dame and along the I'sle De La Cite to the Louvre. Although tourists had been conspicuously absent from most of Paris at this time of the year, we discovered just where most of them seemed to have congregated. I had forgotten what a thousand simultaneous selfies actually sounded like, but this is exactly what was happening. Wherever we looked there were people posing in front of every possible vantage point. Stand on one leg, look to one side, hold the selfie stick high, smile, click. It made me nauseous.
      I still cannot understand the selfie mentality at all. It always strikes me as a type of "technological tagging". It is obviously not sufficient to just visit some place, but you must prove you have been there by standing right in front of it, taking a selfie and then immediately share it to something like facebook or twitter. Surely if you know you have been there, why do you feel a need to prove it to the rest of the world ? I just do not get it. I am proud to say that we have now been travelling for 8 weeks and still have not taken a single selfie. Not one. Nor do I ever intend to. My own memories are what are most important to me.

      By the middle of the afternoon, the sun was actually quite hot and we took refuge by the fountain in The Tuileries. The council provides hundreds of free green chairs to relax on and we were glad to take two of these and spend some time dozing in the dappled sunshine.
      We are now back at the hotel, our bags are packed and we are almost ready to bid a final au revoir to France. But we will definitely be back in 2019.
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    • Day 3

      Giardini del Lussemburgo pt.2

      July 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      C'erano un sacco di luoghi tematizzati, alcuni in cui c'erano solo turisti, altri in cui c'erano solo persone che leggevano, altri dove c'erano gli apicoltori che belloooooooo.
      Le statue erano bellissimeRead more

    • Day 2


      June 28, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      A big day of walking, and sight seeing. We popped out to a traditional French market to pick up meats, cheeses and pastries before heading to Luxembourg gardens for a picnic. A huge day of walking, was paired well with a huge day of eating.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Paris 11 Ancien - Quartier Luxembourg, Section du Luxembourg

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