Eiffel Tower

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    • Day 5

      Eiffel Tower

      April 18, 2016 in France ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Another day, another croissant, and another walking marathon. Thank heavens for the sun, however temporary it is. We got off at a metro station a couple of kilometres away. We were heading in the direction of the Eiffel Tower when we saw a crowd outside a shop. The Asian in Flora was awoken. Crowd = bargains = win. We got into the line not knowing what it was about. It turns out it was for a very popular boulangerie (bakery). WIN!

      In a mix of broken French and brilliant hand gestures, we left the shop with 2 baguettes. We'd like to think of it as a Kinder Surprise - who knows what you've just ordered. We set off to find some sun to devour our prizes. We found a spot along the Seine river, just outside of the Louvre. What a beautiful, beautiful day.

      Fueled by food, Flora found her second wind and charged along to the Tower. Walking is not her favourite pastime. Why walk when you can run? We got there some time later. Great - Flora is hungry and tired again. We rest in the sunshine and contemplated climbing the Eiffel Tower by stairs. Stairs to the second platform it is. Just think of how many croissants we were burning off!

      The panoramic view of Paris from the tower is pretty amazing. We probably preferred the view from the second platform (approximately 1/4 of the way up) rather than the very top as it wasn't obstructed by a cage. You can get to the second platform by stairs, but a lift will be required to get right up to the top for an extra fee. It was worth the experience.

      We fail at being tourists. Every other person has a selfie stick which they wield expertly with one hand. We had a camera, mobile phones and short arms which unfortunately cannot give the same bird's-eye-view effect. Excuse us if the Eiffel Tower looks really small in our photos. Our heads are just very big.
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    • Day 23

      The Eiffel Tower

      April 17, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The Eiffel Tower has to be the most iconic thing to visit in Paris and one of the things I prebooked to make sure I got a timed entry rather than waiting in queues. When I got there I was grateful for this forethought a couple of months ago as the lines to enter normally stretched and snaked for what seemed like miles.Timed entry even had a special security line and that was a first!

      The ride up in the elevators was fascinating, particularly when you consider the shear number of people and times they make the trip up and down. The free app you can download for audio had the actual numbers and made the visit much more ubeteresting. We stopped at the 2nd floor area and switched to the elevators that take you to the very top. The view from there was truly amazing and there was no time pressure so you could work your way around all the sides admiring the view.

      I then got the elevators back down to the 2nd floor area and took some more shots of the view. Actually almost better for photos as the top level is so high. Again there is no pressure to rush so I relaxed and did a little people watching as well. I must say I do not mind waiting for people to take photos but the length of time it takes for some is ridiculous. Not a quick shot but a performance while each shot is checked and either rejected or another pose chosen.

      I stopped briefly at the 1st floor to admire the restaurants and step on the glass floor there. It was then a short walk down the stairs to complete the visit (you could take the elevator).
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    • Day 14


      August 5, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Headed to Paris as the finale for Laura's leg of the trip. We got in too early to check in, so we dropped our bags at the hotel and started walking. We were only a few blocks from the iron lady, so we headed straight there to take it in. It was fun to watch all the other tourists jump around and do other silly things while posing for pictures. We kept ours pretty simple.

      We had a quick lunch, and headed on over to the arc de triumphe. Took us a while to figure out that you need to go underground to actually get to it. We watched the chaos of the heavy traffic of cars and busses going around roundabout, and then hopped on a hop on / hop off bus to see the other landmarks.

      We rode for a good ~90 minutes, before hopping off at the Louvre. Our sunscreen was still in the bags at the hotel, and we were starting to turn a little pink sitting in the sun, and the music selection on the bus was more than a little repetitive.

      Once we finished admiring the glass pyramids, we walked to Notre Dame, and then back to the hotel along the river, stopping for another crepe (cinnamon).

      We had champagne and dinner at a French restaurant near the hotel, which seemed like the perfect way to end the trip.
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    • Day 1

      Pariz + prihod v Bogoto

      February 6, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌫 5 °C

      Prvi dan je bil res dolg. Najprej jutranji let ob 6:40 v Pariz. Tam sva se sprehodila, videla sramežljivega strica Eiffla in preizkusila lokalne delicije (rogljiček, čokoladni žepek in macaron). Pa kava za 5,20 € je bila baje zeloo dobra :)

      Na drugem, 11 ur dolgem letu, do Bogote sva pogledala vse kar sva našla in popila ves šampanjec, ki so si nama ga upali ponudit :)

      Ob prihodu v Bogoto sva se srečala z voznikom, ki so nama ga poslali iz hotela in z majceno Kio Picanto sva odbrzela proti postelji. Dan sva zaključila okrog 00:30 po lokalnem času oz. 4:30 po slovenskem. Vse skupaj sva torej potovala kar 24 ur.
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    • Day 12

      Tour Eiffel

      July 2, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Woke at 8am to a bright, clear day and on the road by 9am. Took Metro to the Eiffel Tower (after exchanging our tickets that I wiped being next to my credit card).

      All of us were pretty excited and loved seeing the structure in person. Sold out of pre-purchased tickets, so we waited in a relatively short queue and then started climbing stairs. I went more slowly than the others, focusing on how my physical therapist coached me, to not irritate my knee (especially after climbing Arc de Triomphe yesterday) and I'm in less good shape. Great work out, up 674 steps!

      The views were stunning! Perfect day with a nice breeze. We beat much of the crowds, but still busy. Walked 360 around the first level and then up to the top level. Tons of photos. About 1pm before we spiraled back down - much easier than up! ;-)

      R excitedly spotted koi fish in the pond at the bottom. Walked along the Champ du Mars, continuing to snap photos. A short ways away, we stopped at a bakery for chicken curry baguettes and pasteries.

      Wandered along with no real destination. Ended up at Invalides, where Tom and the kids decided to check out the military museum. I said my goodbyes and headed to Gare de Lyon to catch my train. Easy to get there once I found the Metro station and very nice trip - only two hours by TGV.

      Will update more once I know that the boys did...

      Don't know all the details yet, but apparently, when the guys got back to our building, Tom walked up while the boys took the tiny elevator. I gather R jumped up and down and the thing stopped (key to flat on L's pocket of course!). Tom texted me after they were unable to get it going again. I texted Airbnb. Airbnb called an elevator technician since no one was answering the number on the elevator that Tom tried numerous times. This is all going on while I'm on the train and trying to navigate to my Airbnb in Lyon. Finally, as I am walking up to the stadium, more than two hours into this whole ordeal, Tom texts that the kids are out of the elevator and they're going to eat. Serves the little one right, although I feel bad for L being stuck there with him...will see if they find it amusing by the time I get back to them tomorrow. Certainly memorable!
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    • Day 3

      Paris, 2. Tag

      August 3, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute waren es nur fünf Stunden. Paris ist eine angenehme Mischung aus Touristenversammlung und Großstadtghetto, i like. Und viiiiel Historie. Eifelturm und Triumphbogen nur von unten bewundert, das kommt beim nächsten.Read more

    • Day 26

      Eiffelturm & Louvre

      October 6, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nachdem wir an Christians Geburtstag und hauptsächlich kulinarisch uns in Paris die Zeit vertrieben haben, besuchten wir gestern zuerst den Eiffelturm und im Anschluss das Louvre.
      Erstaunlicherweise war am Eiffelturm überhaupt nichts los, somit sind wir ohne anstehen direkt nach oben gefahren. Zu Fuß liefen wir an der Saine dann zum Louvre und bestaunten die unzähligen Werke. Am Bild der Mona Lisa konnte man sich für ein Foto anstellen (bestimmt 30 Minuten) , um ein Bild von vorne zu schießen... naja von der seite tut es dann auch. Mit müden Beinen ohne jede Chance überhaupt alles gesehen zu haben, ging es für uns zurück ins Hotel.Read more

    • Day 3

      Best Easter Ever! 🐣

      April 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Early start to beat the queues for what was going to be a cultural overload of a day!

      Spent over 2 hours in the Louvre and got to see the Greats .... can you see the resemblance between Mona and I?

      Then remembered it was Easter and just had to have macaroons from Ladurie in the absence of any Easter Eggs.

      Still hungry, we tried a hip, modern place called Kith. Ordered French toast which actually came out more as a French loaf!!

      Then off to 59 Rue Rivoli, to explore local french artists on 5 floors of pure creativity!

      Then a romantic stroll down the Champs Elysee with obligatory Eiffel Tower selfie!

      But the hands-down, best visit was to the grandiose, opulent and breathtakingly beautiful Paris Opera House. Can't quite describe the majestic ceilings, amphitheater and stage.... just know I desperately wanted a ball gown and some glass slippers!
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    • Day 11

      Eiffel Tower Stair Climb

      May 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

      This was a dream come true... Éowyn told me it was on her bucket list. Then she freaked out about it.

      You guys, it's a lot of stairs. A LOT. We all made it, but thank goodness they have a cafe and toliets at the second level.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Tour Eiffel, Eiffelturm, Eiffel Tower, Eiffeltoring, برج إيفل, Torre Eiffel, Айфелова кула, আইফেল টাওয়ার, Eiffelov toranj, Eiffelova věž, Eiffeltårnet, Eiffel-Turo, Eiffeli torn, Eiffel Dorrea, برج ایفل, Eiffelin torni, מגדל אייפל, Eiffel-torony, Menara Eiffel, Eiffelturninn, エッフェル塔, ეიფელის კოშკი, 에펠 탑, Birca Eyfelê, Eifelio bokštas, Eifeļa tornis, Ајфелова Кула, Eiffeltoren, Wieża Eiffla, Turnul Eiffel, Эйфелева башня, Eiffelova veža, Eifflov stolp, Ајфелова кула, Eiffeltornet, ஈபெல் கோபுரம், หอไอเฟล, Eyfel Kulesi, Ейфелева вежа, Tháp Eiffel, 艾菲爾鐵塔

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