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    • Day 5–10

      Pool First Then Beach

      July 25 in France ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Mummy and Lina woke up at 7.30 and after breakfast, quietly headed to the pool for about 8.40, leaving Daddy having a little rest. We had the pool to ourselves for a short while, which was lovely and decided that the pool first in future might be a good move. Daddy joined us at 10am and jumped in for some synchronised swim action with Lina (Mummy snuck off for a matcha!) A bit of reading by the pool for Mummy and more swim fun for Daddy and Lina, then back and a quick turnaround for the 12.03 bus to Vias for lunch. The town was incredibly quiet, and we lapped it up - even Lina, I think. We had crepes, played Uno, had a wander, some moments in the church and another coffee and juice at a small cafe besides a couple of locals stopping for a rest. A short shop at Aldi and then the bus back home, via the ice cream counter of course! We then chilled at home, more Uno and suncream and then headed for the beach at about 4pm. Fun in the sea swimming - Mummy capsized Lina (by accident) whilst pushing, spinning and splashing her in her hoop to Daddy. A bit of bat and ball, sand castling and sunbathing, then back for tea - whilst Daddy picked up the rotisserie chicken (salad, and rice again) Mummy and Lina read their books. After a lovely tea, sat together and chatting, we had showers, some more reading for Lina and Mummy and bed, hoping for some sleep for a trip to Montpellier in the morning.Read more

    • Day 4

      Venture into Visa

      July 24 in France ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Lina and Mummy got up this morning and went to the boulangerie for une pan au raisin, une pan au chocolate et une croissant for breakfast. We might have got a sneaky fruit smoothie on the way back for our troubles. Back home, we enjoyed our pastries together and a few games of Uno and then made our way to catch the bus to Vias for the market. It was extremely busy and the first thing we did was stop for a drink (and a wee) in a bustling square before heading to the market, which wound up the side streets and around the church. There were lots of wares, including two tiny piglets from an animal sanctuary trying to raise funds. Lina spent some of her N&G pennies on a hat and keyring before getting the bus back. Of course, we needed an ice cream between the bust stop and home. Left over chicken, salad and a fresh baguette at the van for lunch, a few more games of Uno and then to the campsite pool for a splash...Mummy nipped to the sea for a proper grown up swim before joining in the fun on the slides. Back at the caravan, we had more Uno and a bit of Scooby Doo - Lina definitely has the nack now! Impressive perseverance. A decision to get some bits for tea quickly turned into 'can we eat out', and as we're on holiday, the answer was yes! We checked for a table at Mac Moules but it wasn't open for ten mins, so we had a look at the games fair where Lina painted a butterfly saying 'this is a really lovely craft Mummy.' Ready for tea, we popped back for our table and promised Lina she could finish her art work after. Mummy had (all you can eat!) moules frite, first with roquefort sauce and then marniere a la creme, Lina calamari and chips and Daddy carpaccio. A very busy but well-ordered restaurant and quite an experience. People queue on the street every night to get a table after about 7 pm. All full, we headed back to finish Lina's painting and Mummy did her own. After we had finished, we all had an ice cream and wondered back where Lina had a play on the park - currently still there at 9.15 whilst I write this footprint and read my book.Read more

    • Day 3

      Playing in Vias Plage

      July 23 in France ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We got up, had breakfast and made our way to the beach again. No breeze today, much hotter (34) and the beach was busier. Once we got settled, it felt like our own as we swam and played together - with Lina's new rubber ring, bought with her N&G pennies. The sea is much colder than expected and Mummy took her time getting in (again.) It's a really easy place to swim and after a bit of sunbathing and digging, we made our way back to the van for some Uno and a bag drop, before lunch over the road at La Fabrique. Galletes for Mummy and Daddy and a crepe with Nutella for Lina, then a very little walk for an ice cream and slushy for Lina for dessert. Home for more Uno and suncream before heading to the pool - also very busy, but fun. When we got back, Lina wrote postcards whilst Daddy picked up a rotisserie chicken and salad for tea. As our tea went down, we did some scooby doo - very tricky for little fingers, but Lina persisted. We then had a walk to the beach, with a brief stop at a children's games fair (including Uno) which had popped up along the way. After we relaxed with a drink at the beach - a virgin mojito for Mummy with her N & G pennies, whilst Lina splashed in the sea then played football with her Daddy. Back home and sleep for all - exhausted but happy.Read more

    • Day 2

      Beach Bums

      July 22 in France ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      All got a good sleep and enjoyed breakfast in the caravan before heading to the beach. Sun was out with a cooling breeze, and it took Mummy a little while to get in the sea. After the beach, we walked back for lunch at our home for the next two weeks - a rotisserie chicken and salad - very simple but yummy. Then Mummy and Lina headed to the pool whilst Daddy went to purchase pool regulation skimpy swimmers. Only to find no one was following the rules! We had a swim, slide and then headed back for showers before an ice cream. Lina was overcome by choice and managed to decide which flavour she wanted at the third ice cream place we went to. Next to Spa shop for the essentials and then home for tea - pasta, tomato and salad. Midges were enjoying us sitting still a little bit too much, so we had a stroll to the beach, where Daddy and Lina played chicken and dipper - a game Lina made up in Anglesey. Whilst Mayo, aka Mummy, had a walk up the beach. When we got back, we had a relaxed bedtime whilst the campsite disco raged on.Read more

    • Day 1

      Arriving at Camping Le Napoleon

      July 21 in France ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      And we're off...

      A 4.30 am start for an 8am flight from Manchester, landing in Beziers at 11am in the middle of a storm - grey clouds and rain! At Bezier airport we took the 660 bus the wrong way to Bezier but managed to get a train to Gare Agde (after a little wait and a few games of Uno) and then a taxi to the campsite. By which time the sun had come out. We couldn't check in until 4pm, so we walked to the beach and Lina had a play on the campsite park. The are is way more lively than we'd like - might even go as far as to say its not really our kind of place, but there's a beach, pool and the suns out, so I'm sure we'll get over it! Tea out at Le Saint Pierre - moules frites for Mummy and Daddy and chicken and chips for Lina. Straight back to bed, which we were all MORE than ready for after such an early start and exciting travel adventure.Read more

    • Day 59

      Mediterranean sunrise and sandy bay

      June 22 in France ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Darren woke me up with a prod again at an unGodly hour to watch the sunrise. After cursing him just a little I managed to raise an eyelid, followed five minutes after by the other one. It was worth waking up for though, quite beautiful and full of promise.
      After a couple of coffee’s we drove back down the wiggly winding road looking for a place where we could top up the water tank. Not too far away was a vineyard with a water tap, so we filled up and continued our journey back along the coast in search of a beach. Not too hopeful of getting a spot where we could park for the night close by we tried anyway and found a place down a tiny track. The kind of place only a local would know about. Right on the beach itself in a small bay tucked behind a caravan park. One of the very few places where we could take Bliss onto the beach. It was the perfect spot apart from the other people who were there, not loads of them, but enough. We would of course have preferred it if it were just us, but we made the best of it. Bliss was just so excited about being at the beach, we had to immediately go in the sea. I went in for a paddle with her and was surprised by how warm the water was. I would have liked it a few degrees warmer to entice me to swim if I’m being perfectly honest ,but it was a lot warmer than the waters surrounding the Isle of Wight at this time of year, and is way clearer and altogether cleaner looking and more inviting.
      We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening relaxing, drinking some wine and lying on our bed looking out of the rear doors at the Mediterranean Sea. In the evening when all the people had gone home and there was just us and one other camper a bit further along, it was lovely just listening to the gentle waves coming in and watching bats darting around the sky as the sun went down. It reminded us a lot of when our kids were young and we used to take our battered old transit camper to Bembridge, which at that time you could park on the beach just like this. After the kids had gone off to sleep (eventually!) there’d just be us and the romantically rhythmic sounds of the waters lapping at the shore. So I reminisced and mourned for our passing youth a little while, reflecting on just how lucky we are to be reliving it again in our autumn years, still in love.
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    • Day 15

      Vias Plage Mittelmeer

      September 11, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Über die Pyrenäen ⛰ ging es für uns weiter ans Mittelmeer ☀️ Um genau zu sein nach Vias Plage auf einen Campingplatz. Hier bleiben wir nun die nächsten 5 Tage bevor es dann weiter in die Camargue geht 😊Read more

    • Day 5

      Wer sucht der findet

      December 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Der Himmel ist bedeckt, der Strand ist trotzdem geil und vooooller Muscheln. Wenn jemand einen Menschen kennt, der sich wünscht, Muscheln sammeln zu können - here is the place to be.

      CAP und ich haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, eine Stunde lang zu laufen: 30 Minuten hin und 30 Minuten zurück. Dabei entdecken wir unter anderem kreative Muschelkreationen - ziemlich versteckt. Umso mehr freuen wir uns - oder zumindest ich.

      Da ich gerade auf der Suche nach schwarzen Muscheln bin, fordere ich das Universum heraus: ‚Hey, Universum! Wenn es dich und deine endlose Energie gibt, dann bring mir schwarze Muscheln. Liefere sie mir vor meine Füsse!‘ Während ich das denke, laufe ich dem Strand entlang, keine 20 cm vom Wasser entfernt. Keine einzige schwarze Muschel. ‚Na ja!‘, denke ich und beobachte, wie CAP den Rückweg antritt und die breite Seite des Strandes wählt, ganz weit weg vom Wasser. ‚Was macht der da?‘, denkt mein Kopf und mein Herz empfiehlt, ihm zu folgen. CAP bleibt stehen und als ich bei ihm bin, sehe ich, dass es das Universum gibt: Überall schwarze Muscheln. Ich bin überwältigt und vergesse, ein Foto zu schiessen.

      Nach unserer Rückkehr, dem Frühstück und der Grundreinigung des WoMo’s geht’s los zum nächsten Stellplatz. Wir fahren an Rebstöcken vorbei, die Muscat hervorbringen. Im Winter sieht das Ganze ziemlich unsexy aus.

      Unsexy sind auch die vielen Touristendörfern der Küste entlang. Club an Club, Restaurants und Imbissbuden ohne Ende. Alle geschlossen. Wie geht es hier wohl ab in der Hauptsaison? Ich will es nicht erleben.

      Trotzdem ist VIAS unser nächstes Ziel. Oder genau deshalb. Keine Menschen, keine Touristen. Das erste Ziel floppt - alles geschlossen, wir kommen nicht durch.

      Das zweite Ziel braucht etwas Kreativität (befahre eine Einbahnstrasse, auf welcher eh niemand kommt) und siehe da - wir sind auf einem Parkplatz, direkt am Meer, ohne eine einzige Menschenseele. Die Polizei auf Motorrädern hat den Parkplatz inspiziert - und nichts bemängelt. Juhuuu.

      In der Zwischenzeit hat unsere Züchterin uns wieder mal ein Bild von Eddie (der süsse Fratz rechts) geschickt. In einer Woche gehört er zum Schiffi-Clan.

      Peter blüht heute Abend vollends auf. Er kann eeeendlich ein ‚Stück‘ Fleisch auf den Grill werfen (nachdem er das Teil erfolgreich repariert hat - den Grill). Zwischendurch hab ich bei einem guten Glas Champagner meine Homeoffice-Aufgaben erledigt und kann den Abend mit meinen Jungs geniessen.

      Ich freue mich auf morgen früh. Es ist wieder Sonne angesagt und CAP hab ich schon versprochen, dass wir wieder einen laaaangen Spaziergang machen.
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    • Day 6

      Völlig unspektakulär schön

      December 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Der Wetterbericht korrigiert unsere Reisepläne. Wir fahren nicht weiter südlich sondern gehen heute wieder zum Plage Napoléon zurück. Der ist einfach der Wahnsinn, weil man direkt am Meer ist MIT Meersicht.

      Leider ist unser Mastermind kaputt und aus dem Spieleabend wird ein ‚wir-gehen-früh-ins-Bett-Abend‘. Ich freue mich sehr auf morgen früh - Sonne ist angesagt und das verspricht einen mystischen Sonnenaufgang. Würde ich am Meer leben, wäre ich jeden trockenen Morgen am Strand. Mit Yogamatte. 🧘‍♀️

      Nun denn. CAP weckt mich pünktlich, ist total hibbelig und beim Versuch, Peter nicht zu wecken, scheitern wir beide kolossal. Er verzeiht es uns und los geht‘s ins Abenteuer Strand am Morgen.

      CAP ist genau so aufgeregt wie ich und springt von A nach B und von C zurück nach A. Einfach herrlich.

      Zurück im WoMo werden wir mit einem Frühstück verwöhnt. Der Einsatz des Eiersollbruchstellenverursachers will geübt sein und fast hätte ich es verhauen.

      Nun noch den Einkaufszettel machen und losfahren. Wir wollen möglichst viel Sonne heute noch am Strand erleben.
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    • Day 3–8


      May 31 in France ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Nach einem langen Frühstück, mit aufgebackenen Brötchen und Croissants aus unserem Campingbackofen brachen wir zu einer schönen Radtour auf. Es ging fast nur über Radwege, entlang von Flüssen, durch kleine Dörfer und ein bißchen am Meer vorbei. Danach machten wir es uns am Zelt gemütlich mit Buch und Gitarre, um uns herum scharrten die Hühner. Dann packten wir unsere Outdoor Küche aus und kochten unser Mahl.Read more

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    Vias, 34450

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