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    • Day 143


      January 12 in Gambia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Nach einem langen Ausschlafen fuhren wir heute Morgen auf den Markt nach Serrekunda, um Fisch für das Mittagessen zu besorgen und Frühstück zu essen. Danach ging es weiter nach Banjul. Auch wenn diese, auf einer Insel gelegene Stadt deutlich kleiner ist als Serrekunda, ist sie die Hauptstadt Gambias. Super viel gibt es dort nicht zu sehen, hauptsächlich das Parlamentsgebäude und den "Never Again Memorial Arch". Letzterer wurde von dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Jammeh als Erinnerung an seinen Militärputsch errichtet, ist aber 2022 zu einem Erinnerungsort an die Opfer seines Regimes umgewidmet worden.
      Nach dem kurzen Stadtbesuch aßen wir wieder Fisch in einem kleinen Hafen zwischen Mangroven, bevor wir an den Abukostrand fuhren. Er ist zwar nicht unbedingt als Badestrand ausgelegt, aber ich erfrischte mich trotzdem, nachdem ich es mit Tipps von Fischern geschafft hatte, einen steinfreien Einstieg zu finden.
      Am Abend fuhren wir wieder zum Fahrradladen, um ein paar Schläuche zu flicken. Sarjo schlief dann dort, während ich nochmal nach Yundum zu Buns Haus fuhr. Gemeinsam mit ihm und ein paar Freunden, fuhren wir mit dem Auto in die Stadt, um etwas zu Essen in einem Restaurant zu bekommen. Angesichts des Verkehrs war es jedoch nicht ganz leicht, und als der Highway ein Stück komplett verstopft war, parkten wir und liefen die letzten Meter zu Fuß.
      Es gab eine gute Portion Fleisch mit Zwiebeln und Brot. Da ich am nächsten Morgen früh aufbrechen wollte, ging es dann zurück nach Yundum, wo wir noch einen Tee tranken. Wenige Meter vor dem Haus hatte ein Reifen einen Platten - zum Glück waren wir schon da!
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    • Day 98

      Banjul, The Gambia

      March 19, 2023 in Gambia ⋅ 🌩️ 82 °F

      New-to-us Port#22.

      First off, why The Gambia and not just Gambia? I posed the question to Mamadou, our guide. He said the country is named after the river that runs through it. The story goes that the name was changed from just Gambia because a lot of shipments were being mis-directed to Zambia. Take that with a grain of salt 😄

      When you look at a map of The Gambia, the name actually makes sense. Surrounded by Senegal on three sides and the Atlantic on the fourth side, the country consists of little more than the Gambia River and the floodplains on either side. Mamadou said that they are the smallest African nation on the continent.

      Later, in the museum that we visited, I saw an exhibit where the country was described as being 15 to 30 miles wide … 295 miles long. And yet, over 2.5M people are squeezed into this small area … which may well contribute to the unsanitary living conditions we would be seeing on our interesting and eye-opening tour.

      Onto the tour organized by Carol & Gary … which did not get off to a good start. This time, it wasn’t a delay in clearing the ship that was the problem. And it wasn’t Carol’s fault either since she was texting the guide the entire time we were waiting. I could write at length about the comedy of errors that ended with us watching our guides running down the pier on the other side of the port where a Phoenix Risen ship was docked over to the pier where Insignia was docked. But I won’t. Suffice it to say that it all ended well … if a little belatedly.

      Once we connected with Mamadou, he directed us to a 4x4 … with two bench seats in the open truck bed that seated the six of us comfortably. It worked out well, actually, because it never got very hot today, and the breeze while the vehicle was in motion, was quite welcome. Mamadou, instead of sitting in the front with the driver, hung off the back of the vehicle, the entire time.

      Finally, at 8:30a, we were on our way … joined by Sonia & Boris’s party in an SUV. Our first stop was at Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral. Mass had just ended and the congregants were streaming out, women in colorful dresses … the pastor wearing a neon pink chasuble and the minister sporting a stole in the same bright color. We would later see that the altar was decorated with the same color. Everyone was shaking hands with the pastor and the minister … and chatting with them and each other, so it took a bit of time for the church to empty out. Then, it was our turn to be introduced to the pastor and enter the church for a few quick photos.

      Next stop was Albert Market. The Main Street was like pretty much like any other colorful market we’ve seen in our travels.

      Shops selling fabrics by the bolt; dress shops with well-endowed mannequins in party attire and everyday city clothes; street vendors displaying their wares on cloths laid out on the ground; mobile coffee vendors; kiosks with bags of nuts and spices. There was a vendor selling what may have been raw licorice sticks that Mamadou explained are chewing sticks … toothbrushes are expensive. Another with a cage full of cocks … sold for the purpose of fertilizing eggs. Yet another displaying ladles, and strainers, and pots and pans made out of recycled aluminum soda cans.

      A bag of colorful nuts — which Mamadou simply called red nuts — turned out to be a cultural lesson. He explained that if you’re going to ask a family for the hand of their daughter in marriage, you take a bag of these nuts to the parents. They eat them. And if they say the nuts are dry … well, you can bid your marriage aspirations goodbye.

      Then we entered the back streets of the market where foodstuff is sold. What can I say about this place that does not come across as offensive or judgmental, and still portrays what we experienced?

      I apologize for using it, but filthy is the only word that comes to mind! But it is what it is. The stench … the smell of blood from the butcher shop mingling with the smell of less-than-fresh fish! The black flies covering every inch of recently butchered meat! The dead rat next to a vegetable display. It was terrible. But we persevered, following Mamadou as we walked the narrow lanes through the shacks, trying to wrap our heads around what we were seeing.

      From the market, we went out to the riverfront. The good news is that there was a nice breeze here . I’ll leave it at that. Something interesting we saw here was an odd-looking ship just offshore. It was named “Karadeniz Powership Göktay Bey” and had a Turkish and a Gambian flag on the side. Mamadou said it was sent here by the Turkish President, Erdoğan and is designed to generate power for the city. (We later saw a joint Turkish-Gambian military base as well.)

      From the market, we went to Arch 22 for a quick photo. Built in 1996 to “mark the rise to power two years earlier of President Yahya Jammeh.” The landmark commemorates the Second Republic of The Gambia. At approximately 105 feet, it is the tallest structure in the country.

      After this photo op, we drove along the river for a while, going through wetlands where we saw some distant birds … great egrets and a whimbrel are the two I managed to identify. There were some crocodiles here as well … but too distant for any serious viewing.

      At one point, we stopped by piles of oyster shells. Mamadou explained that the oysters are shucked to sell the meat. The shells are then burned in a very hot fire to reduce them to powder, which, in turn, is made into lime that is used to whitewash buildings. A woman at a nearby stall was selling the oyster meat and brought a basket over for us to see.

      When we arrived at the Kachikally Crocodile Pool and Museum in Bakau, Mamadou escorted us to the ethnography museum that is run by the community. The interconnected buildings are constructed to resemble rondavels. Exhibits include initiation rites, with a number of displays showing costumes and masks used during circumcision ceremonies (male and female) to ward off evil spirits; local crafts; and traditional medicine, with display cases showing different jujus.

      Then we followed a narrow path to the crocodile pool, one of three that is considered sacred in The Gambia. Here we found a number of the crocs just lying about on the ground next to the path. A handler explained that the crocs are well-fed, and therefore “friendly.” He invited everyone to take turns petting one of them that might or might not have been an albino … I didn’t get close enough to check the eyes 😵‍💫

      The handler then took us around to the pond where he told us there are about 100 crocodiles. We saw a number of them in the water and along the edges where they were sunning themselves. He also pointed out a partial enclosure where he said women who are having trouble getting pregnant come to bathe using buckets of water from the pond to increase their fertility. In the past, they actually bathed in the crocodile pool! Tradition has it that if the woman then got pregnant and gave birth, Kachikally is one of the names given to the child.

      After our “crocodile experience,” we began the drive back to Banjul. We drove through a neighborhood that looked to be quite modern. No wonder … this is where the embassies are located. Mamadou pointed out the US Embassy, cautioning against taking any photos.

      We made two more stops along the way. The first was in a place that looked like a landfill. Turns out that it is where peanut shells and rejected peanuts are gathered by women for processing. The shells are used as fertilizer; the peanuts to make soap. While most of the women were welcoming, one of them was mad at Mamadou for taking us there and encouraging us to take photos. He tried to explain to the woman that us taking photographs of what we see is no different from photos sent to them by the sons and daughters they send overseas for education. His explanations fell on deaf ears.

      The next stop was at the jetty. Really, nothing for us to see except for a couple of boats. As were looking around, we started to see groups of women making their way to one of the boats. Each one was in a pristine, and quite fashionable, white outfit. At first we thought it might be a wedding, but Mamadou explained that it was just a “white party.” The women were all buying sun hats from a nearby kiosk before boarding the boat that would be taking them on the river for an afternoon of partying. Hey … Sunday after all!

      Returning to the ship, we found the police band waiting to greet us. This time, Mamadou had managed to get permission to drive us to the ship. When we got out of the vehicle, the band started playing. They did this for every vehicle that returned to Insignia from wherever they had gone off to explore.

      There is more to our day, of course. But this has been an exceptionally long footprint with me trying to paint an accurate picture of our experience without offending anyone.

      Let me just finish by saying that we left our berth at 3:30p to continue our cruise in a roughly southeastern heading. Tonight was another Chef’’s Market Dinner — “Fresh Fish Al Fresco” — at the Terrace Café. Great entertainment tonight … “That’s En-tap-tainment” … featuring a British duo called the Tap Step Brothers (who aren’t brothers at all) … tapping to everything from the musicals of Fred Astaire to the Lord of the Dance of Michael Flatley.

      Next, we have two days at sea to get some rest before we continue exploring some of the countries that are along Afica’s Gulf of Guinea.
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    • Day 158

      Weiter geht's

      December 5, 2024 in Gambia ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Heute heißt es Abschied nehmen von der Küste und vom Luxus eines Hotels.
      Wir wollen auf die Nordseite des Gambia Rivers und dann weiter nach Georgetown.

      Mit dem Rucksack auf den Rücken laufen wir Richtung Busbahnhof. Sind ca. 4 km. Etliche Taxis halten an und wollen uns mitnehmen. Würde bei den meisten so 200 D kosten (Locals zahlen für die Strecke 12 D). Wir lehnen dankend ab.

      Bis dann plötzlich wild gestikulierend und laut hupend ein gelbes Taxi neben uns hält und Lamin, der Taxifahrer, der uns zur Lamin-Lodge gebracht hat, herausspringt.
      "I bring you, my friends!" Ok, da können wir nicht mehr ablehnen. Auf 50 D hatte ich mich schon eingestellt. Aber er wollte tatsächlich nichts haben. Auch kein Trinkgeld.
      "Und jetzt nehmt diesen Minibus hier. Kostet 25 D pro Person."
      Perfekt. Der Tag startet gut 😀

      Die Fähre über den Fluss kostet 35 D. Beim Warten im Hafen haben wir Michael kennen gelernt. Er ist mit einer Gruppe von 35 Fahrzeugen aus Deutschland her gefahren. Hier in Gambia wurden die Fahrzeuge verkauft und der Erlös (105 T€) an ein Krankenhaus gespendet.

      Auf der anderen Seite angekommen quatschen uns direkt die Guides an. Jeder will uns irgendwo hinbringen, was zeigen, das beste Restaurant empfehlen, Taxi, Bus, ...

      Wir checken erst mal in einem einfachen Hotel ein. Morgen wollen wir zur Kunta Kinte Island.
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    • Day 68


      March 5, 2024 in Gambia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Nach 5 Seetagen haben wir Gambia erreicht. Unser gebuchter Landgang führte uns mit dem Bus durch die Stadt zum Mangroven River. Die Tour mit dem Flußschiff führte uns am Rand der Mangroven entlang zu einer Sandbank. An den Wurzeln der Mangroven, die gezeiten
      abhängig über dem Wasser wachsen, werden Austern zu bestimmten Zeiten abgeerntet .
      19 Uhr legen wir ab.
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    • Day 158


      December 5, 2024 in Gambia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Wasserahn auf: Wasser kommt.
      Das ist bei uns in Deutschland einfach normal.
      Wenn Du hier den Wasserhahn aufdrehst, ist noch lange nicht gesichert, das Wasser rauskommt.

      Auf der Südseite Gambias, im Touristengebiet, ist die Wasserversorgung noch einigermaßen gesichert. Aber ausgerechnet am Abreisetag, wo wir noch mal schön duschen wollten, kam kein Wasser aus der Leitung. Naja, geht auch mal ohne...

      Im Hotel auf der Nordseite Gambias kam am ersten Tag leider auch kein Wasser aus der Dusche. Und am zweiten Tag kam gar kein Wasser mehr. War schon blöd.

      Wir wollten dann in ein Buschcamp auf der vorgelagerten Insel fahren. Da es Probleme mit dem Auto gab, musste das um einen Tag verschoben werden. Wir sind daher in ein anderes Camp gelaufen für die kommende Nacht. Hier hab es gar kein fließendes Wasser. Wasser musste man sich aus dem Brunnen mit dem Eimer hochziehen und dann für die Toilettenspülung, "Eimerdusche" und Zähneputzen benutzen. Schon etwas abenteuerlich.

      Im Camp auf der Insel gab es dann zwar fließend Wasser aus einem eigenen Brunnen, aber leider war das zu salzhaltig, als dass man es hätte trinken können. Zum Waschen und Duschen aber OK.

      Wir haben übrigens einen Wasserfilter mit, mit dem wir das Leitungswasser filtern. Daher brauchen wir nicht dauernd Wasser in Plastikflaschen kaufen...

      Yeah, that's Afrika!
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    • Day 153

      Banjul, Hauptstadt von The Gambia

      November 30, 2024 in Gambia ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Die Hauptstadt von Gambia ist im Vergleich zum Touristenzentrum um Serekunda sehr unscheinbar. Allerdings gibt es nur hier eine Fährverbindung über den Fluss Gambia, so dass es ein Nadelöhr für den Verkehr zwischen Nord und Süd ist.

      Wir haben heute Banjul besucht und wollten mal die Öffis nutzen, was in Gambia heißt: Taxi fahren.
      Und das ist hier gar nicht so trivial. Außer man benimmt sich so, wie man es von Touristen erwartet: Man nimmt ein grünes Taxi, zahlt den genannten Preis, und wird bequem zum Ziel gebracht. Das sind für die etwa 15 km dann 800 Dalasi (ca. 11,50 Euro).
      Die Einheimischen (Locals) nehmen aber das Shared Taxi. Das sind die gelben Taxis oder die kleinen Minibusse. Die gelben sind für Kurzstrecken und kosten 12 D (0,17 €), die Minibusse für die längeren Strecken kosten 50 D (0,70 €).

      Wir wollten natürlich ein Shared Taxi. Ist aber gar nicht so einfach. Wenn du als weißer ein Taxi heran winkst halten nur die grünen und verlangen der Touri-Preis.
      Eine abgekartete Sache.

      So haben wir für den Hinweg eben ein grünes Taxi genommen.

      Den Rückweg wollten wir aber unbedingt ein Shared Taxi ausprobieren. Aber wie?
      Da kam uns eine freundliche Polizistin zu Hilfe. Sie hat uns erklärt, dass man die Minibusse am Busbahnhof nehmen muss. Das wäre so 1 km entfernt. "Das ist zu weit, das könnt ihr nicht laufen", sagte sie, hielt ein gelbes Taxi an, und erklärte dem Taxifahrer, wo er uns hinbringen sollte, also zum Busbahnhof.
      Da standen etliche Kleinbusse, und wir mussten uns durchfragen, welcher denn zu unserem Stadtteil fahren würde.
      Leider keiner direkt...
      Also sind wir mit dem Kleinbus dann nach Serekunda gefahren und dann noch mal mit einem gelben Taxis die letzten 3 km.
      Waren dann 12 D + 50 D + 12 D mal 2, also 150 D. Deutlich günstiger als der Hinweg.
      Und viel interessanter.
      Auf den letzten 3 km sind übrigens 3x Leute zu- und ausgestiegen, die weniger als 1 km mitgefahren sind. Aber zu Fuß geht man hier nicht.
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    • Day 64

      Dakar, Senegal

      March 18, 2023 in Gambia ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Dakar is the capital of Senegal, in West Africa. It’s an Atlantic port on the Cap-Vert peninsula.

      Instead of 8:00am, our ship got cleared close to 9:00am. Not a problem for us as our tour was suppose to start at 9:00am.

      I booked a tour for 4 people. Erin, Mui and us.
      We met our guide Oamar as soon as we exited. the ship.
      He spoke very good English and almost all the way to Reserve de Bundia talked nonstop. He told us many interesting facts about life, education and history of Senegal.
      The area was colonised by Portuguese in the 15th century. Portuguese established a presence on the island ofGorée and used it as a base for slave trade. French took over the island in 17th century.
      The country gained an independence in 1960.
      Still 40 percent of population is illiterate and 60 percent younger then 19 years old. Unemployment is 50 percent. Big problem with drugs.
      95 percent of the population are Muslims, and the use of drugs is prohibited.
      Our tour guide told us he has 29 brothers and sisters from his father’s side and 9 from his mother’s side. Each man can have up to 4 wives if he can afford them and has to threat them equally.
      It took us one hour to reach the Reserve.
      We got onto safari 4x4 open car and had a wonderful tour for an hour through the reserve. We saw lots of animals, trees, birds. Very enjoyable.
      Then we drove for another for more then 1.5 hours to reach a restaurant for a lunch.
      The traffic was very heavy and the roads are horrible.
      The so called restaurant was on the property of the hotel.
      The meal was in the form of the buffet: rice, chicken, pasta and bananas.
      I had a small piece of chicken and two bananas.
      The restaurant was close to another attraction- Pink lake. This lake has a very big concentration of salt and used for salt mining. The lake is suppose to have a pink colour because of algae. Recently there were lots of rain and the lake was flooded.
      Because of the this, the algae died and the colour of the water is changed and now it is a normal water colour.
      We needed to be back on the ship by 5:00pm and were a little concerned about the traffic.
      Our driver took a short cut on unpaved road, but avoided the traffic.
      We were back on the ship after 4:00pm, took shower and had a great dinner at the specialty restaurant.
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    • Day 2–3


      December 27, 2023 in Gambia ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      I landed at Banjul airport, the capital of The Gambia, early in the morning. Interestingly, the country is called "The Gambia", named after the river that flows through it. My plan was to explore Banjul for the day and travel to Senegal the following morning. I had read that EU citizens didn’t need a visa for Senegal and assumed this would apply to Norwegians as well. Luckily, I met a Norwegian woman on the flight who asked if I had arranged my visa for Senegal. She informed me that there is a Senegalese embassy in Banjul where I could get the visa on the same day. Conveniently, the embassy was right next to my guesthouse in Serekunda.

      After securing my visa, I made my way to the historical center of Banjul on St Mary’s Island. Officially, the capital is limited to this island, making it one of the smallest capitals in the world. While having lunch on the street, I met a young man named Salam, who generously showed me around in Banjul and took me to the fascinating National Museum of The Gambia.

      In the evening, I rented a bike and enjoyed a bike ride along the beaches of Serekunda.
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    • Day 153

      Banjul, Gambia

      May 23, 2024 in Gambia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Um 9 Uhr in Banjul und um 9.45 mit
      Bus zur Bootsanlegestelle der Mangroventour. 5 Stunden durch die
      Mangroven und Gambia Fluss. Sollten dann baden. Ev. Schlangen und Krokodile, sehr witzig. Auf Boot Mittagessen. In die Stadt zum markt
      Und dann alleine zum Triumphbogen.
      Fuer 6 Dollar hoch. Schöne Aussichten. Zu fuss zum Schiff durch
      Zweifelhafte Gegenden
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    • Day 19

      BANJUL, Gambia

      March 19, 2023 in Gambia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I think there is a saying that the port you just left was the most memorable and then 3 ports later, they kind of run together. For me, this will stick out. First, the vehicle (4×4) that was provided for our tour and then the living conditions. Poverty can just about be overwhelming. Majority of population is Muslim. But as it was Sunday, our visit to the Catholic Church was at the end of their service, so witnessed the parishioners leaving the service. Woman were dressed in colorful dresses as was the priests cloak. Our visit to the Albert market and surrounding homes emphasized the poverty. Off the shore of this area is a ship providing power to Gambia. We then passed by the Parade Grandstand , the Arch 22 & Gambia National Assembly Building. What a contrast from all the poverty. On to Crocodile Museum and Crocodiles. Museums gave us some inside as to traditions of the people. What surprised me the most in the museum was a map of Gambia. The country is long and narrow, 15 to 30 miles wide, 295 miles long, surrounded by Senegal except for shoreline. Then on to see all the crocodiles. Very docile group as they are well feed. On way back to the ship visited a site where soap is made from rejected peanuts. Saw a group of women dressed in white attending a white party. Amazed how well dressed the woman in Gambia were, especially with the living conditions.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Banjul, ባንጁል, بانجول, Горад Банжул, Банджул, བཱན་ཇཱུ་ལ།, Μπανζούλ, Banĵulo, בנגול, बाञ्जुल, Banjoul, Բանջուլ, BJL, バンジュール, ბანჯული, 반줄, Банжул, Bathurstopolis, Bandžulis, Bandžula, Банџул, बंजुल, Banyul, ਬੰਜੁਲ, Bandżul, பஞ்சுல், Банҷул, บันจูล, באנזשול, 班珠尔

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