Bergisch Gladbach

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    • Dag 3

      Dag 3: Keulen

      22. august 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Na simpel ontbijt vanochtend zijn de helft van de groep weer vertrokken naar gamescom en bleef ik, Melle en de dames achter om zo te vertrekken naar Keulen om lekker in winkel te gaan kijken en misschien goede deal te scoren.

      In Keulen verschillende game, kleren en elektronica winkels in geweest. Ik heb zelf een Xbox one S gescoord met 3 games voor 230 euro. De rest wat games en andere spullen.

      In de avond lekker eten (pizza) besteld in het appartement en magic leren spelen.

      In de avond hebben we Totaly spies gekeken via YouTube op de tv. We hebben de avond vroeg afgesloten om morgen op tijd te kunnen vertrekken. Planning is om 8:30 weg te zijn en bij de Lidl te stoppen voor ontbijt.
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    • Dag 1

      Dag 1: op naar Duitsland!

      20. august 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Vanochtend zijn we vertrokken vanaf bij mij thuis met John, Björn, Mark en ik. Onderweg Jeffrey opgepikt bij hem thuis met zijn spullen.

      Onderweg hebben we de hele groep bij elkaar gekregen bij de MacDonald in Duitsland. Daarvan zijn we gaan rijden naar Düsseldorf om lekker in de stad rond the gaan scharrelen.

      Bij Düsseldorf werdt het even spannend. De parkeergarage kon maar tot 1,90 hoog dat zou net aan moeten kunnen. Na 6 etages naar boven gereden met maar 5 cm speling tussen het dak van de auto en het plafond van de garage, hebben we een plekje hebben bemachtigd.

      In Düsseldorf lekker curry worst gegeten en lekker rond gesnuffeld in een paar winkels waaronder een Saturn van 4 verdiepingen.

      Rond 4 uur kwamen we aan bij het appartement voor de komende dagen. Mooi ingericht en erg ruim. Helaas zijn er alleen 2 persoons bedden dus wordt wel delen vanavond met één van de jongens.

      In de avond naar een Duits restaurant gegaan waar we vaker geweest zijn voor een lekkere snitzel en na afloop naar de Real om inkopen te doen voor de volgende dag. Waaronder dus ook veel drank.

      In de avond zijn de meeste op tijd gaan slapen. Morgen eerste dag gamescom.
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    • Dag 17

      Boxing Day or 2nd Christmas

      26. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      In Germany today is known as the second Christmas and unlike in Australia, all shops are still shut. Even the bakeries.

      A long sleep in and a slow start was the order of the day with brekky that happened at lunchtime.

      Philipp and Vern went for a long walk on the Rhine whilst Katrin and I took the three youngest boys to the climbing centre to burn off some energy. We also checked our helmets and goggles ready for our snow trip on Saturday. This made for some fun bobsled impersonating.

      Karla joined us at home for afternoon tea and then dinner where we sampled cheeses from all over Europe. It was quite the tour!

      Another wonderful day spending time with wonderful family.
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    • Dag 13

      Raclette for Dinner!

      22. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Last night we had the most fun and fabulous night eating Raclette together. The photos show what I am talking about but you put boiled potato on the small grill plates and top it with your favourite meat. Perhaps ham, prosciutto, venison or beef and then a special cheese, that I cannot remember the name of. Then you put it under the special grill that sits in the middle of the table. Each person does their own and you sit around and chat, or in Philipp’s case, sing! It is a really social meal and we all loved it. It is traditional Swiss, so I am told we will have it again next week in Switzerland.

      We all totally loved it and of course drank plenty of wine and then enjoyed some great music.

      Oh and another similarity between Vern and Philipp that I discovered is that Philipp plays the saxophone as well! Also philipp and Katrin were married the same year as Vern and I. Just a bit freaky!
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    • Dag 10

      Ski Fitting

      19. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Today we did a little local shopping and a trip to the park after a sleep in. Silke (Vern’s cousin) then arrived and stayed to chat for a few hours. It was a great opportunity for Vern to get some information on other members of the family and to spend some quality time with Silke who is such a wonderfully cheerful person and such fun to have around.

      In the late afternoon we all went for our ski fitting! Oh what fun. Lochie was so excited and just beamed from ear to ear. Kids thought walking around in ski boots was very funny but lochie was thrilled that his ski boots were brand new straight out of the box. They even had boots big enough for Vern’s enormous feet. We took the helmets and stocks home and we go back on the 27th to collect the boots and skis.

      The weather has really warmed up today and we briefly hit double digits. It’s even forecast to be 14 degrees on the weekend. Compared to the 2 degrees we have had, 14 is balmy!

      Tomorrow we are off to Bonn which was the capital of west Germany prior to the reunification. Some really historically interesting things to see there.
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    • Dag 9

      Vern's 50th Birthday Begins!

      18. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Happy Birthday Vern! You made it!

      What a beautiful morning it is today with the sun shining. We had a great German breakfast and Philipp and Katrin set up a fantastic birthday table for Vern. After singing happy birthday and blowing out the candles on the “beer cake” Vern opened a gift from Philipp and Katrin. It was a beautiful book with a page for each of Vern’s trips to Germany beginning in 1973. Katrin has sourced some great old photos to create a beautiful book with awesome memories. A tear or two may have been shed. So thoughtful and beautiful.

      This afternoon we are off to a different Christmas market for more Gluhwein and food before a special dinner at a Brauhaus that Philipp has booked with the rest of the family.
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    • Dag 13

      Cristmas Tree

      22. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Today was Christmas tree day!!
      We had such a great time choosing a Christmas tree and Philipp let Vern have the honour of cutting it down. I think Philipp just didn’t want to get his jeans dirty. Kids got a ride on a beautiful old tractor back to the shed where the tree was put through a machine shaped like a jet engine to be covered I netting for transportation. On the roof racks it went for the trip home. I have included a photo of louise which was taken for The Mercedes in the background. You will see they didn’t have roof racks so they just put the tree on a blanket on the roof! Inside the Barn was beautiful and had such a great atmosphere for having hot chocolate and bratwurst. I could have sat there for hours listening to carols.Les mer

    • Dag 13


      22. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      After the Christmas tree was safely delivered home, we met up with Sonja and Maybrit and headed to phantasialand. This is the German version of Disneyland and I have to say I was really impressed. I was expecting something a step down from Disneyland but I was pleasantly surprised. I know many people say you can’t beat Disney, but for rides and atmosphere, this was right up there.

      Kids road one of the roller coasters over and over again with their German relatives and said it was the best! More food was consumed and after the fireworks we headed home.

      It was another amazing day of wonderful experiences. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
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    • Dag 28

      Birthday Cake at Sonja's

      6. januar 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Today was a slow start with the big traditional German brekky followed by an unpack from skiing and a partial pack to head home.

      Silke arrived about lunchtime and then we all headed to Sonja’s house for the famous Black Forest cake for Vern’s birthday. Karla spent a few days preparing her famous birthday cake especially for Vern. Three other distant cousins joined us and it was such a wonderful afternoon with 5 different cakes in total and yes I sampled them all!

      I totally love the way the Germans have turned coffee and cake into a whole meal on its own. Unlike in Australia where everybody holds back because of the calories, in Germany they all just dig in and enjoy not just one slice, but one of everything!

      It was so wonderful for Vern to enjoy some time with his extended family that were his age and to exchange stories. They also made me feel so welcome. We all can’t wait to come back one day.
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    • Dag 9

      Vern's 50th Birthday Dinner

      18. desember 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      This afternoon Vern got a surprise when Silke (another cousin) turned up to celebrate his birthday. Karla the joined us and we headed out to a Christmas market. We had some more great Gluhwein followed by some Austrian cheese and bratwurst. Such a pretty market with beautiful stalls and a great atmosphere.

      Sonja and frank and their kids then joined us before we walked to the Brauhaus for dinner. It was a traditional Brauhaus that had brewed beer for many many years and the food was awesome. I had a fantastic goulash whilst Vern and Philipp had pork knuckle which was a huge piece of meat on a bone.

      Such a fantastic night full of so much fun and laughter! A big thank you to Philipp for organising it all. As I sit writing this back at home Philipp is pouring the Schnapps and they seem settled in for a long evening.

      A totally awesome birthday with the German relatives. You couldn’t ask for more.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Bergisch Gladbach, بيرغيش غلادباخ, Бергиш Гладбах, برگیش گلادباخ, Բերգիշ Գլադբախ, ベルギッシュ・グラートバッハ, Бергиш-Гладбах, 베르기슈글라트바흐, Jläbbisch, Bergiš Gladbachas, برگش گلیڈباخ, แบร์กิชกลัดบัค, Бергіш-Гладбах, 貝爾吉施格拉德巴赫

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