Berlin Cathedral

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    • Dag 3

      2e journée

      17. april, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Bonjour à tous !
      Aujourd'hui a été une journée chargée !
      En premier lieu, nous sommes allés visiter le Berliner Dom, très belle cathédrale, malgré le nombre de marches conséquent et une vue des plus... vertigineuses !
      Nous avons ensuite été au Berliner Schloss, rénové entièrement à l'extérieur comme à l'origine, avec un intérieur rénové également pour conserver l'histoire du bâtiment.
      Après une pause de midi sous le soleil berlinois, nous avons visité le musée de la RDA. Il était interactif donc nous avons pu tester la machine à écrire ou encore essayer des vêtements de l'époque.
      Nous avons enchaîné avec l'East side Gallery. Un très beau mur rempli de peintures significatives et commémoratives de son histoire.
      Dernier arrêt avant de rentrer nous coucher : le spectacle "Falling in love" qui a fait l'unanimité grâce à ses fleurs et ses paillettes. Les performances scéniques ont été plus hautes que nos espérances.
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    • Dag 11

      DDR Museum

      25. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Spent a couple of hours in this museum based on the lives of people living in the DDR. Highly interactive and an enormous amount crammed into a small space. The replica flat actually seemed quite spaciousLæs mere

    • Dag 2

      Duomo di Berlino

      4. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Il Duomo di Berlino, completato nel 1905, è il più grande luogo di culto protestante della città, luogo di sepoltura della famiglia reale prussiana degli Hohenzollern.
      Questo meraviglioso monumento, pomposo richiamo al Rinascimento italiano, ha unito per secoli la corte prussiana degli Hohenzollern al protestantesimo tedesco ed è stato più volte rimaneggiato, a partire dal Medioevo.

      Dove oggi sorge il Duomo, infatti, già dal 1465 esisteva una cappella di Corte. La costruzione del Duomo iniziò invece nel 1747 e fu completata nel 1905 sotto il Kaiser Guglielmo II. Gravemente danneggiato durante la guerra, l’edificio rimase chiuso durante gli anni della Repubblica Democratica e fu riaperto solo nel 1993, a seguito dei restauri.

      La “vecchia” cattedrale del Lustgarten fu costruita tra il 1747 e il 1750, all’epoca di Federico il Grande (1740-1786), sotto la direzione di Johann Boumann, che realizzò un monumento barocco, coerente con il progetto di Knobelsdorff. Tra il 1817 e il 1822 l’edificio fu rimaneggiato dall’architetto Karl Friedrich Schinkel, pur conservando una certa somiglianza con lo stile alto-rinascimentale della cattedrale romana di San Pietro. Infine, nel 1885 , Julius Raschdorff presentò a Federico Guglielmo IV un progetto che mirava a “riconciliare” i diversi stili. Quando, nel 1888, salì al trono Guglielmo II, questi autorizzo la demolizione della “vecchia” cattedrale, dando il via, nel 1893, alla realizzazione della grandiosa struttura che vediamo oggi.
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    • Dag 2

      Museumsinsel & "Love Parade"

      8. juli 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ausgeschlafen und erholt haben wir die heutige Tour gestartet. Am Weg zur Museumsinsel sind wir bei "Zimt & Zucker" auf ein großartiges Frühstück eingekehrt.
      Gestärkt spazierten wir dann an der Spree entlang, bis zum Pergamonmuseum. Dieses beherbergt drei Museen: die Antikensammlung, das Vorderasiatische Museum und das Museum für Islamische Kunst und zeigt Kunstwerke des griechischen und römischen Altertums.
      Die wichtigsten Exponate sind: Der große Altar von Pergamon und die Fassade des Kalifenpalast Mschatta die gerade restauriert werden, die prunkvolle babylonische Prozessionsstraße, das Markttor von Milet die Alhambra Kuppel und natürlich das Ischtar-Tor von Babylon.
      Danach gings weiter Richtung Alexanderplatz zur Roten Burg und Nikolaikirche und weiter zur Gedächtniskirche.
      Nach einer sehr leckeren Currywurst, sind wir zum "Neuen See" im Tierpark gefahren.
      Sehr idyllisch......mit Technosound, voll aufgedrehten Bässen von der "Love Parade" nicht weit von uns.
      Bevor wir ins Hotel gefahren sind, haben wir uns noch unters tanzende Volk gemischt und bei einem Bier die Atmosphäre genossen.
      Nach einer erfrischenden Dusche, heute hatte es mehr als 30 Grad, bereit gemacht zum Abendessen im "Babel", einem libanesischen Restaurant, wo wir hervorragend gegessen haben.
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    • Dag 4

      Berliner Dom

      12. december 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 30 °F

      All throughout the world there are hundreds of thousands of Cathedrals but only a few will truly take your breath away. This was one that left us literarily with no breath… Although that may have had something to do with the over 260 steps to the top.

      Berliner Dom had it all. The inside of this cathedral was absolutely stunning. With its ornate architecture and stunning size, it was one of our favorite Cathedrals we have seen. While we just missed the midday music, the organ was truly massive with over 7000 pipes.

      After touring the cathedral, we headed up the stairs to the top of the dome for a 360 view of the city. Jake thinks it took 15 minutes where Julie says it was only 5-8 mins. Either way we were both out of breath by the top but it was well worth the steps. The view of the city was amazing!
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    • Dag 42

      First day in Berlin!

      1. juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      It was an early start to the day as the overnight bus from Munich got in at 7:45 am to the city outskirts of Berlin and so we got a train to our hostel and put our bags down before doing a free walking tour of the main parts of the city. We started at the Bradenburg gate and walked from West to East Berlin. We stopped at the Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe which was made to be up to anyone interpretation which was interesting. Then we walked to the parking lot that is overtop Hitlers Bunker where he killed himself as the war was coming to an end. We also walked to a memorial of the Berlin wall and checkpoint charlie where the gate to the other side used to be. The walking tour ended there but then we went to Museum island where we saw the Berlin Cathedral and the Pergamon Museum and met up with some people from the hostel after.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Berliner Dom

      18. august 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The Berlin Cathedral is an amazing piece of architecture. The organ itself is mammoth and you can just imagine how it would sound when played. We were also able to the climb the 267 steps to the top of the cathedral to look out on the city (and the bee hives on the roof).Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      DDR Museum

      20. marts 2022, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Ed ora torniamo alla Museuminsel per visitare il Museo della DDR che si trova di fronte al Duomo. Con la sua formula „Geschichte zum Anfassen“ („Storia da toccare“), il museo inaugura nel 2006 un percorso dedicato alla vita e alla cultura materiale della ex Repubblica Democratica Tedesca. I pezzi dell'epoca provengono prevalentemente da privati e sono presentati in un'esposizione che invita esplicitamente il visitatore a toccare e scoprire gli oggetti. La mostra è allestita come fosse un quartiere residenziale di palazzi prefabbricati in scala 1:20 e suddivisa per ambiti tematici, quali economia della scarsità, scuola, cultura giovanile e tempo libero. I documenti e gli oggetti della cultura materiale sono contenuti in armadi e cassetti che si possono aprire a piacimento. Tra le varie attività interattive, è possibile mettersi al volante di una Trabant o guardare il telegiornale in un tipico soggiorno.Læs mere

    • Dag 41

      Retracing some Steps.

      10. september 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Back to the Brandenburg Gate because we forgot to see the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.
      You should google it as any photos that we might take are insufficient to convey the size and feel.
      It consists of x concrete stelae of different heights arranged in rows and rows and rows.
      The museum was closed. Monday is museum rest day all over Berlin.

      Designed by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold. It consists of a 19,000-square-metre (200,000 sq ft) [2][3] site covered with 2,711 concrete slabs or "stelae", arranged in a grid pattern on a sloping field. The stelae are 2.38 metres (7 ft 10 in) long, 0.95 metres (3 ft 1 in) wide and vary in height from 0.2 to 4.7 metres (7.9 in to 15 ft 5.0 in).[2] They are organized in rows, 54 of them going north–south, and 87 heading east–west at right angles but set slightly askew.[4][5] An attached underground "Place of Information" (German: Ort der Information) holds the names of approximately 3 million Jewish Holocaust victims, obtained from the Israeli museum Yad Vashem.[6] Wikipedia
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