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    • Day 281

      Der Schnee ist wieder da

      January 12 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Als wir von Norwegen wieder Richtung Süden geflogen sind dachten wir, das seis jetzt gewesen mit dem Schnee. Doch auch in Berlin wurde es immer kälter. Das Wetter wurde zunehmend schlechter und aus dem Regen wurde dann Schnee - besser gesagt Matsch. Vorher schafften wir es noch zum Brandenburger Tor (noch bei blauem Himmel) und dann durfte ein Besuch im kultigen Kadewe nicht fehlen. Zum Znacht gabs dann den lang ersehnten Döner im Zimmer 😋Read more

    • Day 61


      April 30, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Gute Reise an Papa und Steffi und einen Riesen Dank an unser Empfangskomitee, ihr seid die Besten!
      Danke auch an alle die fleißig mitgelesen haben.
      Wir haben euch sehr lieb.
      Over and out 🫶🏼Read more

    • Day 7

      Laatste lange dag (voor sommigen)

      September 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Na gisteren nog een laatste keer onze footprint te zetten in het uitgaansleven, (was waanzin, zelfs met danseressen op ne vrijdag), stonden we stilaan op, om op de laatste dag toch nog iets nuttig te doen. Blijkbaar simpeler gezegd dan gedaan, en zo ontstonden er 2 verloren zonen (Arne, en Tok), die tot de middag dodoke hebben gedaan, en dus ietsje te laat hebben uitgechecked. Soit, geen boete dus wij zijn gelukkig :)
      Daarna trokken we de stad in, en splitsten we effie op. Sterre deed een kathedraal die dicht bleek te zijn, de rest bezocht een museum met waanzin Dino’s en vissen enzu, echt gekte.
      Afsluiten deden we met een restaurantje, en dan gingen we rustig aan richting de luchthaven. Morgen vlucht om 7u dus woohoow nachtje in de luchthaven.
      Reisje is hier dus bijna gedaan, Sterre zal ongetwijfeld nog wel een emotioneel eindwoord schrijven, cia adios tchuus gegroet!
      Ah trouwens die danseressen, zie laatste filmke hihi
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    • Day 37


      April 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 27 °F

      What a great trip! Eager to get home now and prepare for the next adventure.
      Spain was a good experience especially renting snd “living” there for a month. So much to see but did manage to visit four other cities. Next time I think instead of s long term rental I’ll move from city to city inconvenient but will allow greater familiarity with each town. The trains in Spain make that convenient. Snd one can decide to stay longer in one place.
      No complaints about the people, food or prices which seemed incredibly affordable. All was terrific.
      Germany prices noticeably higher especially in a large capital city like Berlin. Dinners averaged 25-30 Euros. This morning I saw Shell gas price for premium at $8.28 per gallon. Museum were reasonable 5-8 Euros. Still the city was vibrant, cosmopolitan with a diversity of neighborhoods and large immigrant population as would be expected.
      No complaints about the food or people although some did show a rougher edge. Not unexpected.
      Museums excellent. The U-bahn subway system runs as efficiently as ever. Clean, comfortable making taxis redundant. I was never asked for my fare ticket. It will get you quickly anywhere in this large metro area even to the furthest outskirts.
      German society is disciplined, efficient, well maintained and prompt. One note: there are cameras everywhere.
      Not sure why I waited so long to return but will surely do so as these few days weren’t enough to cover everything this city offers.
      Marbella’s warm sunny days are missed as the still lingering chilly Berlin weather at times forced me to seek a warm shelter. Yet it does give this Cold War city character.

      Thank you all for joining me!
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    • Day 2

      ICONIC exhibition

      June 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      The exhibition guides visitors through eight decades, from the 1950s to today, using its icons, which were style-forming in their respective times and still are today, to allow us to experience contemporary history.

      Icons are the embodiment of inspiration and encourage us to break new ground – in science and technology, in creativity and in society. Their unique history, identity and mission unite them all. ICONIC presents modern day icons, which combine pioneering spirit and passion, with a fresh look at exceptional personalities, technical innovations, visionary architecture and timeless design language.
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    • Day 3

      Banksy - a Vandal turned Idol

      June 15, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The unauthorized exhibition "Banksy - A VANDAL TURNED IDOL" at Berlin's Kleisteck presents a unique collection of original artworks and prints by the world-famous street artist Banksy between the 01.12.2023 and 16.06.2024.Read more

    • Day 2

      Random stuff in Berlin

      June 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Random stuff & soccer fever! Germany vs Scotland game!

      Most amazing vegetarian schnitzel at Schnitzelei Mitte - not fake meat!

      Savoy cabbage, celery, carrot, dried tomatoes and Appenzeller cheese baked in house breading, served with fried potatoes and herb curdRead more

    • Day 2

      Cathedrals in Berlin

      June 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Quick walk with Dana in her neighbourhood then exploring Berlin.

      Visiting the German & French cathedral in Friedrichstadt, Berlin.

      The nine figures on the gable peaks and roof parapets of the tower base symbolize 6 secular and 3 Christian virtues; on the North side we find patience, compassion, and kindness; on the South side gratitude, charity and moderation; on the East side, faith, hope and love.Read more

    • Day 3

      Griechischer Stil?

      September 28, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Für diejenigen unter euch, die sich gefragt haben, ob ich ins Fach der Ringer gewechselt bin - Nein!

      Aber es bleibt eine olympische Sache
      1. Weil die traditionellen 42,185 Km nun mal aus Griechenland überliefert sind und
      2. Dabei sein ist alles 😊

      Nach Amsterdam hatte ich mir ja gesagt, dass 3 Marathons genug wären. Dann hab ich bei der Startplatztombola für Berlin mitgemacht und schon war das Statement nicht mehr zu halten.

      Gestern Abend hab ich mich dann aufgemacht meine Startnummer abzuholen. Die Expo ist derart riesig, dass sie einen Flügel des alten Tempelhof Flughafens benötigt. 45.000 Marathonis, insgesamt 68.000 Starter inkl. aller Rahmenbewerbe müssen auch mal servisiert werden. Die Ausgabe der Startunterlagen, Merchandising, Sales und Verpflegung fordern ihren Platz.

      Und mitten drin der Berlin-Marathon-Frischling Wolfgang: übermüdet, übermütig, übermotiviert, übertrainiert und untergroß. Mann! Sahen die anderen alle fit und sportlich aus. Hätte ich ernste Ziele gehabt, hätte ich sie revidieren müssen.

      Aber das Flair dieses multikulturellen Haufens an Freizeitwahnsinnigen ist schon schwer zu beschreiben. Beim Anstellen zur Registrierung hast du im Umkreis von wenigen Metern alle Kontinente ohne Pinguine kennengelernt. Spätestens hier rächt sich das Vernichten deiner Englischschulbücher. Aber mit Schmäh, Händ und Füßen und Lächeln schafft man jede kommuniktorische Hürde.

      Als Abschluss der Vorbereitung gab's heute am Abend einen Check von KM 41 und Anfeuern für die Teilnehmer am Skating Marathon.
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    • Day 1

      Hello Berlin

      July 22, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      What a city Berlin is. It has such a free, accepting, non-judgemental vibe. Graffiti, squats, community living, no bras, no bling and of course vegan everything. The streets and parks are unbelievably clean, and the people are so laid back, welcoming and full of smiles and vivacity. It feels safe and wholesome.
      We arrived late at night but the train to the city centre was clean (apart from a pile of vomit), bright and on time. We decided to walk the 45 minutes to our home exchange. What a wonderful way to be initiated into Berlin. I soon realised that unlike in the UK or Portugal, I didn't need to scrutinise the dark pavement; there simply was NO dog mess to avoid even in the alleyways.
      I could talk for hours about the genius of the home exchange system. I often thought it was such a waste that homes are empty as people travel and we give our money to hotels living in impersonal boxes often without even a window. Home exchange is the answer!! We had received detailed instructions from our host Angel and easily found the key in the lockbox on the bicycle outside the apartment complex. It took some investigating to find the lift in the dark but then we were in his bright apartment and now it's our temporary home for a week, for free. It's perfect. All the work getting my home ready for home exchange was worthwhile. Watch out world, here we come!
      Our 1st full day in Berlin was spent just walking and absorbing the city, oh and putting Chakra Shaker (and Wild Flower) stickers up. The art on the old Berlin wall, the graffiti everywhere, the green parks, the bridges and canals. Free, earnest people just going about their business. No tourist shops or particularly obvious tourism.
      We wandered back towards the apartment through Kreuzberg, which is so, so cool and then happened upon a window display advertising events at 'Wild at Heart'. What a thrill to see our poster front and centre. A surreal twist for the squarest girl at school to be headlining on a Saturday night at the coolest club in the coolest zone of the coolest city! I was writing to Paul on the plane and said that I often feel numb, like I've been sleeping in snow. Well, playing rock n roll is the defrost, living in the microwave for a couple of hours.
      And the food report for the day is not entirely what I expected, but delicious. A marzipan croissant, green chilli fried chicken and a vinaigrette coleslaw.... and a delicious pasty stout..... and a cherry porter.
      We're meeting the incredibly generous Marcus from 'Frontal Uranus' today. He is not only providing us with drums and backline but is now also driving us to our gig tonight and setting up a show on Friday.... all in exchange for opening for us on Saturday night. We've never even met him. The contact came from Grimm, an old school, true punk friend of Joe's. Grimm has bent over backwards to help. Sadly, he's no longer in Germany, so we won't meet him. ... something to do with being arrested for wearing a Palestine style scarf.... maybe not such a free city after all!
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