Berlin wall, games and spa

On our final day in Berlin we headed to the Game Science Centre to check out some new technologies emerging in gaming. They had some cool games which tracked your vision or finger tips to control theRead more
On our final day in Berlin we headed to the Game Science Centre to check out some new technologies emerging in gaming. They had some cool games which tracked your vision or finger tips to control theRead more
Für diejenigen unter euch, die sich gefragt haben, ob ich ins Fach der Ringer gewechselt bin - Nein!
Aber es bleibt eine olympische Sache
1. Weil die traditionellen 42,185 Km nun mal ausRead more
Tja, wie ist so der Tag danach? Also ich meine der Tag nach so einem langen Rennen.
Wenig überraschend brauchte mein Körper ausgiebig Schlaf - und zwar gleich zwei Marathons lang. Und Kraftstoff.Read more
Der ursprüngliche Plan hatte vorgesehen nach dem Lauf in den Spreewald zu fahren. Spazierengehen, mit dem Boot durch die Kanäle tuckern, einfach ausspannen. Leider hat mir das Wetter einen StrichRead more
Danke an meine Familie, die uns zum Flughafen gebracht und uns von der Aussichtsplattform hinterhergewunken hat. 19,5kg Rucksack und circa 8,5kg "Handgepäck" gehen mit mir an Bord - und ich stelleRead more
We arrived into Berlin fairly late by train from Prague. We shared a first class compartment which just managed to accommodate all the luggage.
Upon arrival we took a taxi to the hotel (about 10Read more
Arrived in Berlin after a 6.5 hour train, all checked in and decided to go for a wonder and find some things to see.
I didn't get lost which is always good
It's so cold so back at hostel Gona haveRead more
Well today was something else.
Visited the Berlin Wall, Reichstag Building, Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the old headquarters of the SS andRead more
I had an Amazing day out walking the streets of Berlin on an incredible street art tour with a new friend Bethany then finished the day off with a traditional curywurst and beer and walk down theRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Land Berlin, Berlin, Berlyn, በርሊን, Berlín, برلين, ܒܪܠܝܢ, بيرلين, Берлин, Горад Берлін, বার্লিন, པེར་ལིན།, بەرلین, Berlinu, Berlëno, Бєрлинъ, Barliń, Βερολίνο, Berlino, Berliin, برلین, Berliini, Bèrlin, Beirlín, 柏林, Berleen, Pelelina, ברלין, बर्लिन, Bèlen, Բեռլին, ベルリン, berlin, ბერლინი, ಬರ್ಲಿನ್, 베를린, Bälliin, Berlîn, Berolinum, Berlien, Berlynas, Berlīne, Pearīni, ബെർലിൻ, ဘာလင်မြို့, Берлин ош, Berlijn, Bèrlîn, Balin, برلن, Βερολίνον, Berlim, Берлін, Birlinu, Baarliin, Berlini, பெர்லின், బెర్లిన్, เบอร์ลิน, Bérlin, בערלין, IBerlini
Traveler Super. What happened from when you got off the plane?
Traveler Be patient! Saved on Matt's phone, we'll upload in good time
Traveler Wow! Awesome day. Wish I was with you