Brandenburg Gate

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    • Dag 45

      Berlin, Germany

      16. juni 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Days 43-44:

      We got to Berlin in the evening yesterday and to be honest, completely planned on taking this city pretty easy. After getting to our penthouse apartment (gross exaggeration, it was a tiny little apartment, but it IS on the top floor!) We just made pasta bolognese, pounded water, watched a little Euro 2016, and went to bed.

      In the morning, we went to make reservations for tomorrow's big journey back to the homeland. Along the way, every plaza along the way was setting up for the Germany game at night. We went to Brandenburg Tor and took pictures as the set up behind for the mayhem to come at night. Which is ironic because the gate has seen its share of crazy through the years. It was originally a gate to the city in the 18th century under Prussian rule as a sign of peace, complete with the goddess of peace, Eirene. It opened to Unter den Linden, a long street lined with Linden trees leading to the city palace, basically a peaceful open door. Then came Napoleon, who after defeating the Prussians, marched his troops through the gate, stole the peaceful Quadriga from the top, and took it to Paris. Then, open your history books to page 1814, Napoleon overextended himself, decimating his army, and allowing the Prussians to invade Paris. The Quadriga (fancy name for a sclupture with someone riding a chariot led by 4 horses, or lions like in Munich) was brought back to Berlin, but was fashioned with a lance with an eagle and the iron cross, and like that she went from the goddess of peace to Victoria, goddess of you-can-figure-it-out. The peaceful gate became a triumphal arch. Fast forward to the Nazis, who used it as a party symbol. Then in the fighting of WWII, it was damaged almost beyond repair, leaving just one horse head intact from the original Quadriga. Then after the war, it was beat up and blocked off, as the Berlin Wall was built right next to it. But strangely enough, the Berlin Wall sort of saved the gate. Media coverage showed Brandenburg Gate as the backdrop to the wall being torn down as the city was reunified. It took another 20 years for the gate to be restored, but now it again stands for peace and unity, despite the war goddess on top...

      From there we had a classic lunch of schnitzel on a pretzel roll with mustard. Yes. Then we made our way back to the apartment and took a nap. We went out for some traditional German cuisine at the local pizzeria, picked up some flags, and got ready to join in the craziness. We took the long way around the city to look at the Berliner Dom, and came upon Stiftung Neue Synagogue. That building, as one can imagine, has a sad history. It was a massive, ornate building with a beautiful hall. It actually survived Kristallnacht, which is a miracle, but then was destroyed during WWII and was demolished afterwards. The saddest part is that the current building is a reconstruction of just the front facade, with the domes and towers. The inside is basically 1 layer of rooms, lacking the main hall and the actual functioning attributes. So it is literally a front.

      Moving on, we actually came upon the Bode Museum, which Jason took for the cathedral on first glance because of its impressive size, dome, and sculptures. Its the crown of "museum island", and really is an interesting historical building. Then we saw the actual cathedral. Apparently it isn't a true Dom for reasons a Catholic person would need to explain to me. We weren't able to go inside, but it was still a nice church, situated along the water.

      Next stop was back to Brandenburg Gate. We got there, saw chain link fences, security guards, and police, and were ushered past the entrance by the gate. We continued along the Großer Tiergarten until we could enter the area to watch the game. We felt good about the situation, despite the expected 3000 people in attendance, since they had CRAZY security. We went in, adorned in red, black, and yellow. It was crazy. 4 or 5 projection screens along the stretch of road up to the gate, food and beer stands, a ferris wheel... wow. They take fußball seriously. We had a beer while watching the first half of the game, then decided to beat the crowds and go back home. On the way out a Poland fan tried to instigate Jason for reasons unknown and for some reason not in front of the police in full riot gear... hmm. But the power of ignoring prevailed. Once out of the park, the streets were eerily empty. They take their fußball VERY seriously. We made it home and will be able to sleep fairly early in preparation for our 10 hour travel day!
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    • Dag 2


      15. august 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      I've been meaning to write out some posts and upload some photos but the last two days we've been up and about from dawn to dusk and knackered by the time we get back to our little place.

      The first couple of days have been focused on museums and learning. The first day involved us checking out Brandenburg Gate followed by hitting up the Deutsches Historisches Museum which is a massive two-floor building that covers the whole of German history. Amazing collection; I especially enjoyed the political posters. The one I've included as photo is a Russian war propaganda poster with images of the various invasions of Russia through history with the text "We have beaten them, we are beating them, we will beat them".

      After an ice cream break in view of the lovely Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral), we then went to the Neues Museum which contains classical and ancient Egyptian artifacts in which we saw that famous bust of Nefertiti that we weren't allowed to take photos of (got to sell the postcards somehow I guess). We finished up (after a general wander around the neighbourhood) with some takeaway falafels.

      We then went to bed at about 9pm exhausted.
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    • Dag 39

      Brandenburg Gate

      8. september 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Despite Bernadette doing a very good imitation of a coma we eventually did wake up and get about for the day.

      First a quick look at what Berlin had to offer in regards to coffee with a little whole in the wall coffee and pastry shop next door.
      Had its own residence wasps in the display cases. We figure everyone has just given up and let them be.
      Trialled a capuchinno and a latte. Well maybe not the latte in the future. At least here you don’t get a bucket of milk to go with the coffee.

      Two tradies out the front had the German equivalent of a bacon and egg roll. Two boiled wurst (sausage), an unbuttered roll and mustard. It was 9:15 after all.

      Off to the Brandenburg Gate by U-Bahn (metro).

      Every other tour bus in Europe had drop off their passengers there so the platz was packed as they say in Germany.
      The good thing 15mins later they are all gone. It’s a bit like watching snow melt on a hot footpath.

      It’s very impressive and like a lot of things impossible to photograph although Mark did try in vain.
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    • Dag 1

      Porta di brandeburgo

      9. juni 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Sole, caldo, tanta gente....... ma nessuno e' stressato! Siamo in vacanza😎. Oggi giornata dedicata ai monumenti simbolo di Berlino, pasando ovviamente anche dalla porta di Brandeburgo. C'ero stata 30 anni fa e oggi l' ho trovata decisamente piu' affollata.Les mer

    • Dag 57

      Berlin - Brandenburg Gate

      22. oktober 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We were at the Brandenburg Gate on a Sunday morning, and a stage was set up right outside the gate with some hip-hop artists singing something, people were carrying placards, rainbow flags waving. Haven’t been able to work out from Google Translate or the web what it was all about. I did read that parliament is reconvening on Tuesday... perhaps related?

      We had a currywurst for lunch, as promised, in view of the Brandenburg Gate.
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    • Dag 12

      Berlin Day One

      13. juli 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After taking a power nap we explored the city a little bit on our first day in Berlin. On the pictures are:
      Reichstag (Parliament Building),
      Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate),
      Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas (Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe), and
      Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche (Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church)
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    • Dag 15

      Under the weather

      18. september 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We both got sick 😷 during the train ride over to Berlin so we took it easy to past two days. Today, we managed to zoom through some common sights before we leave for Munich.

    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Brandenburg Gate, Brandenburger Tor, Porte de Brandebourg

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