Brandenburg Gate

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    • Day 17


      April 16 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had two days in Germany 🇩🇪

      First day was a walking tour through Berlin city centre despite the fact that it was 3 degrees and pouring rain. went to the spot where Hitlers bunker is/was as well as a holocaust memorial and many other beautiful buildings. That night we had dinner with the group which was Moroccan food. And had a street art tour where we were encouraged to drink on the street as it is legal 🤭

      Second day we were mostly on the bus but stopped in Dresden Germany, most of Dresden was bombed during ww2 so many of the buildings have a charred black exterior. We had a small walking tour there before driving into Prague 😌
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    • Day 1

      Paar Stunden in Berlin

      July 1 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Die paar Stunden in Berlin verbringe ich einen Teil davon mit einem Kollegen aus San Diego (Deutscher). Er musste dann wieder nach Hause und ich lief vom Alexanderplatz bis zum Brandenburger Tor. Gleich geht es wieder an den Flughafen und dann ab nach New York.🛫Read more

    • Day 1

      Porta di Brandeburgo

      August 31 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Il mio solito culo. Alzo il telefono per fare una foto e sento una mia canzone!
      Volevo "cominciare" Berlino da qui perché tutti dicono che da vedere c'è solo la porta. Volevo dimostrare il contrario; ma dopo questa scena per me è dura🥲Read more

    • Day 2

      Berlin dag 1

      July 13, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Vilken dag!❤️
      Vi vuxna vaknade ganska tidigt och fick i lugn och ro dricka kaffe och se en gyllene sol sprida sig över gröna fält.
      Dagen har sedan spenderats gående genom Berlin där vi besökt spionmuseet vid Alexanderplatz, minnesmärken, sett en del av Berlinmuren, Brandenburger Tor m.m.

      Barnen var rörande överens om att dagens höjdpunkt var ”laserbanan” på spionmuseet.

      Själv var förintelsemonumentet (Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas) känslomässigt att se.
      Rutschkanan i ”Mall of Berlin” var lång och härlig så jag känner mig mycket nöjd över dagens blandning av aktiviteter.

      Nu vilar vi fötterna på hotellet och ser fram emot fortsatta äventyr och upplevelser!❤️
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    • Day 23

      das Herz Berlins

      September 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Weiter geht's .... Berliner Dom, Museumsinsel, Hacksche Höfe, Bandenburger Tor, Reichstag, Regierungsviertel ... schließlich sind wir geschafft, müde, hungrig ... und Harry findet ein nettes Lokal mit vietnamesischer Küche ganz in der Nähe von unserem Hotel ... das tut gut!Read more

    • Day 15

      🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 Berlin ist unser Ziel

      November 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Wir kommen morgens um 6:30 Uhr in Berlin an. Deutschland: 1. Kontrolle Polizei - 2. Blitzer auf der A10 - Brandenburger Tor von Polizei bewacht - Quick Foto und weiter - später nach Hanover - Treffen mit Jörg und Arek - wir haben uns echt sehr gefreut - danke das ihr uns empfangen habt 🥰🥰🥰Read more

    • Day 16

      Day 16 - Bonus Day Sightseeing in Berlin

      March 14 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Despite the late night, I still woke up at 6.30am. At 9.00am, I went down to breakfast and ate with those of us who were still in the city.

      Lee, Priscilla and I hatched a plan for some sightseeing around Berlin. After updating Josef on my re-arranged travel plans, it was 11am when we checked out of the hotel & put our bags in the luggage room.

      The 3 of us headed to the nearest metro station and purchased a 24 hour travel card for under €10 each. Our first stop was the East Side Gallery, a 1.3 kilometre section of the Berlin Wall that has been preserved and is decorated by artists from around the world. I couldn’t help myself, but to take a photo of literally every section of the wall. We did stop halfway at a cafe beside the River Spree where Lee treated us to a coffee so that he could rest his weary legs.

      After we completed the East Side Gallery, we got on a train to the Brandenburg Gate, an 18th century neoclassical monument. Next we walked over to the Reichstag Building, the historic government building, then through the remembrance garden for those murdered attempting to flee East Germany during the east west divide.

      We then stopped at a Bratwurst kiosk and had a nice cold 0.5l bottle of Berliner Pils, which cost just €3.50 each. Afterwards we walked on to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, with its 2,711 slabs of concrete of varying heights.

      Lastly we took a short train ride to Checkpoint Charlie for the obligatory photo. It was interesting to note that there was no soldier on guard at the checkpoint sentry post, unlike 10 years ago, when Jackie and I last visited.

      We returned to the Mercure Hotel Berlin Tempelhof around 5.00pm, where Priscilla, Lee and I had one final beer together. Priscilla then collected her luggage and after saying her goodbyes, left for her new hotel for the next 2 nights before taking a long convoluted trip back home to Malta.

      Lee was waiting for the rush hour traffic to die down before ordering an Uber to his new Airport hotel, so we went along the road to a pizza joint. We both order spicy meat pizzas for around €8 but I could only manage to eat about half of mine. We returned to the hotel, collected our luggage and said our goodbyes. We will see each other at The Roundhouse in London in May.

      I left Lee waiting for his Uber and made my away across Berlin on the Metro and trains to Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin’s Main Railway Station). At 9.27pm, my train rolled out of Berlin. The train was busy but I did manage to secure 2 seats to myself. The train is a slow train (lots of stops, but travelling at up to 186km between them) and is due to arrive at Ulm Railway Station around 6.00am.

      Song of the Day - Berlin by Lou Reed

      NMA Song of the Day - Innocence (Orchestral Version) Live in Berlin by New Model Army.
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    • Day 129–131

      Finale de l'Euro - Porte de Brandebourg

      July 13 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      L'honneur est sauf ! La France avait un supporter à Berlin en ce jour de fête nationale !! 🇫🇷

      Après plus de 13 heures de Bus pour traverser la Pologne (et quelques péripéties entre voyageurs exclus et contrôle à la frontière), je suis finalement arrivé à Berlin à 12h, ce 14 juillet !

      Le temps d'attendre pour mon check-in à 15h, je me baladais dans Berlin Centre et j'étais impressionné du nombre de supporters espagnols et anglais dans la capitale allemande...

      Une currywurst plus tard, je reviens à l'hôtel pour le check-in et je prends le 1er métro pour la porte de Brandebourg.
      À 15h40, devant la gigantesque fan zone, se trouve des milliers d'ultra, d'anglais et d'espagnols qui n'attendent que l'ouverture à 16h ! L'ambiance est festive et l'attente interminable 🥵

      À 16h30, je rentre finalement dans la fan zone, pas encore remplie. Capacité maximale de 100.000 personnes, de la porte de Brandebourg jusqu'au Siegessäule, centre du Berlin Tiergarten !

      Drapeau français sur le dos, j'attends patiencemment le début du match ❤️
      Je me situe à peine à 15m devant l'écran géant, entre des ultras anglais et d'autres ultras anglais encore ! Garder et étendre le drapeau bleu, blanc, rouge est pas de tout repos mais ça sera fait quelques heures pour montrer que les anglais et les espagnols ne sont pas seul à Berlin 😂 Concerts et animations (la légende était présente 🎷) sont là pour faire un peu patienter les supporters et le match commence à 21h ! ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇪🇸⚽️

      Quelle ambiance ! Quelle énergie !
      Le match est pas passionnant, mais les chants des supporters le sont .
      A la mi-temps la police débarque devant l'écran (à qqlq mètres de moi) pour eviter les heurts anglo-espagnols. Finalement, tout se déroule bien et l'Espagne l'emporte 2-1 🇪🇸❤️

      Viva España !
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    • Day 61

      Brandenburger Tor

      September 17 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Ja ich war auch noch dort 😉

      Das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin ist ein frühklassizistisches Triumphtor, das an der Westflanke des quadratischen Pariser Platzes im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte steht. Es wurde als Abschluss der zentralen Prachtstraße der Dorotheenstadt, des Boulevards Unter den Linden, in den Jahren von 1789 bis 1793 auf Anweisung des preußischen Königs Friedrich Wilhelm II. nach Entwürfen von Carl Gotthard Langhans errichtet. Die das Tor krönende Skulptur der Quadriga ist ein Werk nach dem Entwurf des Bildhauers Johann Gottfried Schadow. Westlich des Brandenburger Tores befinden sich die ausgedehnten Grünflächen des Großen Tiergartens, die in gradliniger Verlängerung der Straße Unter den Linden von der Straße des 17. Juni durchquert werden. Die Platzfläche unmittelbar westlich des Tores trägt den Namen Platz des 18. März.Read more

    • Day 7

      Currywurst und bier

      September 6, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      After a late night arriving in Berlin we have had a lazy start to the German leg of the grand tour. To limit excessive walking for Emily, and Mad's achilles, we bought a ticket for the hop on hop off tourist bus. Taking in the sites in the sunshine with an audio tour was interesting, and we were able to get off at various points to explore more.
      Brunch near the Brandenburg gate was nice - naturally we had to try the metre of beer on offer, plus some sausages.
      The afternion led us to the Hard Rock Cafe, which is becoming something of a tradition when in foreign cities.
      Finally, our night was topped off with a superb meal at Maximillians restaurant where we feasted on traditional Bavarian dishes.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Brandenburg Gate, Brandenburger Tor, Porte de Brandebourg

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