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    • Day 137

      139ème étape ~ Colmberg

      December 17, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 -7 °C

      Quel endroit magique pour notre étape de la nuit. Nous voulions vous partager ce coucher de soleil.
      Nous avons passé la journée à Nuremberg, après avoir réglé des détails administratifs et s’être occupé de notre lessive, nous avons profité de la vue.Read more

    • Day 15

      Colmberg Castle

      September 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      This is our home for the next few days. It has a history dating back through the 700s, with many changes of ownership. The Hohenstaufens (who ruled as Kings of the Germans, and some as Holy Roman Emperors:Frederick I Barbarosa and Henry IV the most famous) had a connection to the place. Not that either of them were ever here, unfortunately.

      After the end of the Hohenstaufen line, the lands reverted back to the local rulers, who got themselves into tremendous debt. The castle, left to various baliffs, became a home for brigands, earning it the distinction of being a robber baron castle, such as were prominent in lawless Medieval times, with the lower nobility turning to highway robbery, illegal collection of fees, and what not.

      At some point in the early 1400s, Frederick IV of the house of Hohenzollern (European history buffs will know that name) bought the castle. He was made Margrave of Brandenburg in 1415, and that began the family's steady climb onward and upward. Spoiler: this is the family that eventually ruled Prussia, and then the united Germany crafted by Bismarck. By that time, however, they had nothing to do with the castle, so don't get too excited.

      It was under Prussian administration for a time in the late 1700s, but when the various Franconian holdings were incorporated into Bavaria, so too did the castle come under Bavarian control. After 1880, it passed through the hands of several individual owners, until being bought by the current family in 1964, who worked to turn it into an hotel.

      More than you wanted to know, but wait... There's more!

      Today they have a private deer park, a restaurant that suspiciously serves a lot of venison, and a renovated "new building" with an elevator. We opted for the old building, because we wanted a more "authentic" stay, and honestly, that's where the cheapest rooms were. And we got the cheapest room in the place. It's nice, but not as fancy as the suites with the real art and the four poster beds and big soaking tubs.

      They also have a ghost. The White Lady, who shows up in the middle of the night, usually between two and three. She wanders the halls, floats around outside windows, and all sorts of ghostly things, or so I've read online. People have actually claimed to see her in the old wing in their reviews of the place, so we shall see, won't we?

      Lots of pictures incoming, and more on the Wolpertinger Wanderings facebook. It's a very interesting place. A lot of public rooms filled with furniture, various decorations, and hunting trophies. The trophies make sense, as the castle has a history as a hunting lodge.
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    • Day 16

      More of the Castle

      September 13, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      We came back from Rothenburg tired and a little damp from the on and off rain. We wandered around the castle and the grounds. This really is a very nice, and interesting place. There are so many different rooms to sit in, so much stuff inside them. Of course staying in a castle is pretty amazing for us, so there's also that. We visited the chapel. Colmberg Castle is a popular place for weddings, and I can see why.

      Dinner in the restaurant was good. Herr Hai might have eaten one of the former residents of the castle deer park. He ordered venison goulasch, and we all know where that comes from.

      Again, after dinner, we walked around. Enjoyed the sunset. Watched the deer. Tonight, if we actually wake up and get out of bed, we're going to look for the ghost.
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    • Day 17

      Who You Gonna Call?

      September 14, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      Not us, apparently. During our late night foray around the castle we didn't find any ghosts. We didn't find anything. Except the deer and the sketchy elevator. I guess that's probably for the best, as we left our Holy Water at home, and obviously, you can't bring a proton pack and a ghost trap on a commercial airliner. I see that Ghostbusting isn't a business we'll be going into any time soon.

      The castle was eerily quiet at night. I'm sure that's because all the normal guests were asleep. The ghost obviously was, too.
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    • Day 17

      Herr Haifisch's Day Take One

      September 14, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      Today was the day Herr Haifisch planned. We were going to hike all around the castle, maybe to the next town, have lunch, and hike some more. Well, it didn't work out that way.

      After our late night ghost adventure, we slept a little later. Not that that was a problem late for us is seven o'clock. Breakfast, then straightening up the room, then off to hike. Except we really never found the right trail. Or at least, we didn't find the one we wanted to find, as per the maps.

      So we just walked around, in the rain for a while. Finally, I said, "Look, I don't want to push in the day you planned, so if you just want to keep walking around, that's fine...."

      He seemed really glad to have other suggestions, then didn't like the one I made, "Let's go to Wurzburg."

      We just went back to the castle, and I think he remembered all of my speeches over the years on vacations, "TIME IS MONEY, WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING." We compromised, and decided to go to Ansbach.

      Why he agreed to that, I have no idea. It was closer than Wurzburg, and he really wasn't enjoying driving, so maybe that was it. Having a rental car is bad enough, having it in a foreign country-- he wasn't a fan. Not to mention the roads are really narrow, and Germans drive really fast, really close, and really aggressively. At least they do here.

      So here's the hike... One good thing, we got to walk on two pilgrimage trails at once, so that was efficient.
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    • Day 2

      Die Quelle der Altmühl

      September 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Nach einem netten Frühstück in zünftiger Gasthaus Atmosphäre starten wir in unseren ersten gemeinsamen Tourtag. Die Luft ist herrlich frisch und vor allem trocken. Ich bin begeistert, dass das Gewicht nicht auf den Schultern liegt, sondern mein treuer Drahtesel wacker trägt und dahingleitet als wäre nix.

      Die Herausforderung des Tages mit 16% Steigung liegt bereits auf den ersten Kilometern. Danach rollen wir durch ländlich, weitläufige Landschaften. Viele Ackerflächen und dementsprechend viele Trecker.
      Die Anzahl der Radler ist erstaunlich gering bzw wir sind überwiegend allein unterwegs. Die ausgebuchten Unterkünfte und Zugverbindungen hatten mich vermuten lassen, dass es hier deutlich voller ist.
      Im kleinen Dörfchen Windelsbach überrascht uns ein modernes Holzgebäude, was sich als familiäres Traditionsunternehmen für Kämme, Bürsten etc aus Holz und Horn entpuppt. Wer hier des Weges kommt, sollte einen Besuch des Ladens nicht verpassen. Herr Kost ist mit Herz und Seele dabei und ich um einen Haarstecker aus Holz reicher.
      Nach kurzer Zeit kommen wir an der unscheinbaren Quelle der Altmühl vorbei. Der kleine Bach nimmt hier also seinen Lauf.
      In Colmberg stoppen wir an der Tankstelle, da Iris' Rad dringend Luft braucht. Welch Glückes Geschick: Zur Tankstelle gehört die ortsansässige Fahrrad- und Landmaschinen Service Station. Eine Stunde später hat Iris' Rad eine Vollinspektion incl neuer Leuchte, Handgriffe etc. hinter sich und ich eine neue Hinterraddecke. "Leider" hat mein Schrauber in Bielefeld bei der Inspektion vor einer Woche übersehen, dass der Mantel schon bis zur Schutzschicht abgefahren war. 🥴
      Während wir drinnen dem Mann beim spontanen Arbeitseinsatz zuschauen, geht draußen der Nachmittagsregen runter. Gutes Timing.
      Anschließend feiern wir unseren unverhofften Glücksgriff im örtlichen Café (sehr zu empfehlen) und legen den Rest der Strecke bis Leutershausen gelassen zurück.
      Hotel Neue Post 📯 empfängt uns herzlich und die Räder mit einer großzügigen Garage.
      Alles perfekt.
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    • Day 18

      Colmberg (Bayern)

      June 17, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Wieder länger als gedacht! 103 km, aber eine wunderbare Strecke. Bad Mergentheim und Rothenburg o.d.Tauber sind echte Highlites an der Strecke. Jetzt im Gutshof angekommen und ein super Zimmer vorgefunden. Seht selbst:Read more

    • Day 5

      Hinauf zur Altmühlquelle

      August 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Von Detwang aus fahre ich erst einmal über das Tauber-Festivalgelände; die Bühnen und die ganze Infrastruktur drumherum sind äußerst beeindruckend, es werden bis zu 15.000 Fans erwartet.
      Anschließend geht es kurz aber knackig hinauf nach Rothenburg, dass ich jedoch auf kurzem Wege durch das Rödertor gleich wieder verlasse.
      Nachdem ich mich an der Tauber auf hauptsächlich flachen Wegen ausgeruht habe, beginnt der Altmühltalradweg doch eher „hügelig“. Über den Wachsenberg geht es zum Nordenberg, bevor ich im Waldschwimmbad Nepermuk eine kleine Vesperpause einlege. Gestärkt kurbel ich, vorbei an einem Reiterhof mit kleiner Westernstadt, weiter hinauf bis zur leider recht unscheinbaren Altmühl-Quelle. Resümierend ist die heutige Etappe von Rothenburg bis Colmberg ziemlich unspektakulär, man wird hauptsächlich auf Wirtschaftswegen und nachgeordneten Straßen durch Dörfer und über landwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen geführt; positiv fällt allerdings auf, dass man überall die Gelegenheit hätte sich in einem Weiher oder Badesee zu erfrischen. Ich würde diese Strecke das nächste Mal eher auslassen. Die Stimmung hebt sich auch nicht, als ich noch von einem Gewitter überrascht werde (62 km; 4:05 Std.).
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Colmberg, Կոլմբերգ, コルムベルク, Кольмберг, Колмберг

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