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    • Tag 36

      36. Füssen - Munich Via Alpine Road

      11. März in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today we enjoyed the morning at the campsite before carrying on down the Alpine road. We did all the services on the van before heading towards Bad Tölz, the road was super scenic and we passed some big lakes and Germany's highest mountain, called Zugspitze, which is just under 3000 mtrs high. En route we did a big food shop to stock us up for the next few days. We went over a lovely mountain pass again to nearly 1000mtrs which is screenshotted below, Gracie drove this one as I drove the last one and it all was successful, despite being so windy, Maddy joined us in the cab for this one 😂

      When we arrived at Bad Tölz, we decided to head to Munich as we wanted to visit the city as we haven't been to a big German city yet. There is also a concentration camp called Dachau which we want to visit. We headed to a park up just outside Munich, which is ideal as we can jump straight onto the train to Munich and then visit the camp the following day.

      It is a slightly dodgy car park so not too sure what to do with Maddy when we head to Munich, but still nice to finally find a cheap park up as south Bavaria has been very expensive!

      After updating penguins we are watching a film called One Life and then early night for big day tomorrow in Munich.

    • Tag 34

      Beautiful but somber morning

      22. September in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today, we visited the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site.

      After our visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 2018 it reinforced the horrors committed in WW2 and this again is a place of deep reflection as what occurred.

      Walking through these grounds today, is again impossible to fully grasp the immense suffering that occurred here, but it's a stark reminder of the horrors humanity is capable of when hatred and intolerance prevail.

      In honoring the memory of those perished here and some many other camps across Europe this memorial was a peaceful place and did not glorify the horrors that were handed out in this place. May we never forget."

    • Tag 9

      Dachau Concentration Camp

      18. Juni 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Concentration camp.
      The first permanent camp ever made - became the blue print for the rest. I didn't take many photos because it was extremely icky.

      Needed a beer after the 5 hour experience! 😩

      Also, snail

    • Tag 4

      Dachau, and Olympic Park

      24. Februar 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      After a hearty breakfast we caught the local train and bus to Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, approximately 16km north of Munich.

      Dachau was the longest operating concentration camp, established by Hitler in 1933 to house political prisoners. It was designed to accommodate 2,600 inmates, but when it was liberated in 1945, 32,000 prisoners were present.

      There's very few original buildings now standing, the notable exception being the crematorium. Mass killings didn't occur at Dachau, but overwork, overcrowding and poor diet led to high levels of illness and death.

      After lunch we returned to the central train station, then caught a tram to Olympic Park, site of the 1972 Olympic Games. We got good views of the area from the top of Olympic Mountain, one of the highest points in Munich with 360 degree views of the city. Our visit was cut short when it started raining, but not before we found one of the best caches we've ever seen, built into the geodetic reference marker on top of the hill.

      Dinner was at a traditional Bavarian restaurant, pork knuckle and beer beef goulash 😋

    • Tag 2

      Dachau Concentration Camp

      3. Mai 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      It was extremely sobering to see the condition 200000 POWs had to endure. The weather was quite warm when we went through the camp but the rooms were still very cold. I hate to think what the temperature would be like in the middle of the winter. Bathing conditions were so minute and the bunk beds were literally like hard tables.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3


      6. Mai 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      A quelques minutes de Munich se trouve le camp de concentration de Dachau. Nous avons pu le visiter ce matin.

      "Le travail rend libre" est inscrit sur la porte en fer à l'ouverture de camp.

      Pour tous ces hommes qui sont venus ici pour notre liberté, merci 💪🏻Weiterlesen

    • Tag 13

      Visit to Dachau

      28. Mai in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Made a solo trip to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial site. Only about 10 miles from Garching it was a simple matter of transferring across 3 bus routes and doing a minimum of walking as I was picked up and dropped off at the bus stop right out the door of my hotel and at the Memorial entrance. The memorial site itself is large, but still only a portion of what it consisted of at its peak of operation during WWII.

      Being in such a place of evil and suffering was emotionally draining, and an intense reminder of the horrors humans are capable of inflicting on others out of ignorance and fear. But it was also inspiring in terms of the human spirit of endurance embodied by the prisoners in unimaginable circumstances. I’m appreciative of the opportunity to see it first hand after not making it to the Auschwitz Memorial when I was in Krakow in 2018.

      Came back to the hotel, got in a nap and took some calls for work, and had the chance for a final dinner in Garching with Scott.

      Tomorrow Scott and I head via train and bus (due to track repairs underway) for Füssen and a possible Atomics game the day after. I say “possible” as the weather forecast isn’t great, and the headcount for the Atomics puts them at 9 players for the doubleheader, mostly due to players being on vacation.

      Pix from the day are attached.

    • Tag 17

      Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial

      12. Oktober 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      Sobering, but absolutely worth going to. Dachau was the first concentration camp and the model for others, the training site of the SS, and the only camp in operation throughout the 12 year Nazi campaign. The large map shows the full size of the site when it was in operation. The smaller map is of the crematorium (the room with holes in the roof is the gas chamber). The wide open space was the "roll call" area.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2

      Day two!

      15. Juli in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      In the 30 degree heat we set off on the train to Dachau. We visited the concentration camp there - a very heavy and surreal experience. There was a lot of information to read about and listen to, so we were learning a lot about the history which was really interesting. Being there definitely had a feeling that we will never forget. On the brighter side, we enjoyed the afternoon sun at the Freibad also in Dachau 🌞 and afterwards we met with Ulla and some of her good friends for an evening at a classical orchestra concert 😊Weiterlesen

    • Tag 55


      7. Dezember 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      2 am and still wide awake.
      I changed my alarm and plan at this moment. 😆
      We were going to go on an 11am tour.
      Now going to the 1pm tour. 😅
      So we got up at 10:30 instead haha.
      Walked to the station and needed the S section.
      Like I know what that means.
      But found an S and figured it all out without too much trouble.
      My only issue was we bought single journey tickets rather than whole days tickets (which costs us later 😒🙃)
      Had a Dunkin’ donut for breakfast and Will bought a chicken schnitzel sandwich but threw it away because he is the most ridiculous person i have ever met when it comes to chicken. If it’s 0.00001% pink it’s no from him.
      The train was about 30 minutes followed by a 10 minute bus. (which once again was conveniently already waiting for us at the station - also completely full so they didn’t check tickets which is good because we aren’t 100% sure if our ticket also covered the bus)
      Arrived at Dachau concentration camp.
      Immediately signed up for the guided tour because it only has 30 spots.
      Sensational price of 4€ each. Big statement of we need to pay our guide but are not profiting from this.
      Had about 45 mins to kill so she recommended the museum and gave us directions. Neither of us listened and the museum is not on the map so we went to the food hall instead and planned to ask the guide at the end of the tour where it is rather than face the woman again and looks stupid. 😆
      Canteen was quite cheap actually. Cafeteria vibes.
      Lots of school classes.
      Had pumpkin soup but very mass produced pumpkin soup haha.
      Went to the gift shop to pass time and it was predominately books. Considered buying dad one cause I knows it’s right up his alley but he reads a lot so a real chance he has already read what I would have picked lol.

      Tour began.
      Fabulous guide.

      To save myself a lot of time typing I shall be copy pasting from pictures of signs I took.

      “The Dachau Concentration Camp.
      In March 1933, a concentration camp for political prisoners was establisned on this site. It served as a model for all subsequent concentration camps and was under the command of the SS. In the 12 years of its existence, over 200.000 person:
      from throughout Europe were incarcerated here and in the numerous subcamps. More than 43,000 died. On April 29, 1945, U.S. troops liberated the survivors. The former prisoner camp became a Memorial Site in 1965.”

      Stop 1.
      Showed us an aerial view of the site from a picture taken shortly before liberation. Talked about where we were going to go and what she would talk about.
      The S.S headquarters are not accessible to the public. The Police riot squad use them today. We did see some of the buildings from a fence though at stop 2.

      Stop 2.
      She showed us train tracks. A lot of people assume they arrived by these tracks but they didn’t, they are from what was here before.
      She did talk about the location being why it was chosen though. 5km from station which is both close but not so close you stumble across it.

      “Arrival at the camp.
      The road that formerly connected the SS area with the prisoner camp was uncovered in 2004. This road was how the prisoners reached the camp. Arriving prisoners had to march from the railway station to the camp, while other transports
      used trucks to bring the Prisoners to Dachau..
      The final months before the end of the war were characterized as a catastrophic overfilling of the camp, due to the SS deporting several thousand prisoners from other camps to Dachau on the evacuation transports. Thousands died in the course of these final transports”

      We turned around to see the entrance with the famous sign from a lot of camp signs that’s says

      “Arbeit macht frei” which means “work sets you free”


      She says while considered a labor camp and not an extermination one that 1 in 5 people who came here died.
      And no one was freed because of good work.

      The original gate was stolen in 2014 in the middle of the night so they made a replacement.
      About 2 years ago it was found in Norway in a rubbish tip they chose to keep the copy erected and put the original inside in the museum.
      What an adventure it went on.

      Stop 3.
      We entered into the role call ground where twice daily role call would be taken.
      You must attend. If someone was missing because they had died other prisons must bring them out. If someone was missing they had to all stand there for hours until the person was found. Many people died during role call from exhaustion or the elements.

      It’s was a huge space. At one point 50,000 people lined up in military lines per day for role call.
      On liberation day there was 33,000.
      Originally built for 6,000

      Stop 4.
      We walked passed the bunkers - 17 on each side originally.
      There are 2 complete rebuilds at the front and then the rest just have reconstructed foundation outlines to show where they stood.
      I thought it was a fabulous way to do it actually.

      Stopped by patch of grass and we talked about security. There were watch towers and an electric fence but also acting as a buffer before the fence was a grass section and a ditch. You were not allowed to touch the grass. If you did you were shot immediately. The guards were given 20 days holiday but an extra day per prisoner they killed so they had motivation.
      They also played games with the prisoners such as by taking there hat and throwing it on the grass. Your choices are retrieve it and get shot. Ignore command from officer to retrieve it and get shot. 😬
      There are a lot of “killed while trying to escape” documentations and she posed the question.
      When you look at this can you escape? Is there a way?
      The answer is no.
      “Trying to escape” is propaganda. These people killed themselves. There is a huge memorial in the middle erected by survivors that depicts their fellow prisoners mangled in the fence.

      Stop 5.
      Was the crematorium.
      Workers in the crematorium only lived some weeks - they either died from exhaustion or were murdered so they didn’t talk about it.
      It’s the one area with no real eye witness accounts.
      There were 2 crematoriums.
      The older one cremated about 11,000 but death rate increased so the prisoners had to build a new one.

      “Large crematorium.
      The large crematorium was erected between
      May 1942 and April 1943. It was to serve both
      as a killing facility and to remove the dead.
      But the gas chamber in the middle of the building was not used for mass murder. Survivors
      have testified that the SS did, however, murder
      individual prisoners and small groups here”

      - Room 1 was for disinfecting of clothing.

      - Room 2 was the waiting room where you were informed on the use of the “showers”

      Room 3 was the gas chamber
      “Gas chamber.
      This was the center of potential mass murder.
      The room was disguised as "showers" and
      equipped with fake shower spouts to mislead
      the victims and prevent them from refusing
      to enter the room. During a period of 15 to
      20 minutes up to 150 people at a time could
      be suffocated to death through prussic acid
      poison gas (Zyklon B).”

      Guide said there is no real documentation or evidence on the extent.
      The purpose is unclear. The truth is they don’t know for sure why there is a gas chamber.

      - Room 4
      Was death chamber 1. Where they were brought before cremation.

      - Room 5 was the crematorium/where the ovens are.
      “Execution site
      Most hangings were carried out here. The victims were hanged directly in front of the burning ovens.”

      - Room 6 was where they stored the dead bodies from the prisoner camp.

      Outside was a mass grave woodland cemetery section which wasn’t part of the tour but i wizzed through.
      Beautiful really. Quite and calm.

      “Graves of Ashes and Execution Site.
      The ashes of the bodies cremated in the ovens
      were shoveled into pits. After liberation these
      places were marked as graves and memorial
      plaques erected later.”

      Stop 6 was in the middle of the road between all the barracks - she pointed out different religious memorials.
      Only 25% of those in Dachau were Jewish.
      It was a very pretty area, one that was photographed often by the SS for propaganda.

      We went into one of the barracks that has been set up to show how they lived through 3 different sections of time. 1933 is “bearable” - you get your own bed. 1945 is fucked. Originally built for 200 people but housed 2000 each.
      We sat inside and this was our last stop on tour. She talked about daily routine, disease and daily life.
      They had a big rabbit farm that prisons would try get jobs at because the rabbits were given more food than the prisoners and they would try steal it.
      Rabbits were skinned for the guards jackets.

      Hygiene was bad.

      “The sanitary facilities were entirely insufficient for the growing number of prisoners. Especially in the mornings, they had only a few minutes' time, and this was not enough for several hundred prisoners to crowd into the washrooms and toilets all at once. Like all procedures in the concentration camp, the SS also found ways to use the hygienic facilities to harass, humiliate, and punish the prisoners.

      The tour ended. I really enjoyed it!

      We then closely inspected the prisoners in the fence memorial before going into the exhibition/museum.
      Too much writing tbh.
      Wizzed through it reading some and focusing on pictures.
      The best sections were the medial experiments, liberation and Dachau trial sections.

      Saw the original front gate and fav pic overall was right before one of the bad dudes got hung.
      Not enough ended up hung if you ask me.
      Should have shot them all on the spot.

      I enjoy the terrible dead body photos the most. It makes it more real. It reminds me I need to pay attention.

      We then went to the prison inside the prison which was use to remind people “it could always be worse”
      One particular torture technique was making one cell into 4 cells. Not big enough to lie or even sit.

      The prison had a dark feel to it. A corridor with doors.
      Most were empty but a few had signs or displays.
      One cell was for a prisoner who tried to blow up Hitler in 1939.

      “Georg Elser’s assassination attempt, November 1939:
      Growing danger of war made Georg Elser resolve to eliminate hitler. In the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich, a traditional meeting place of the Nazi Party, Elser’s bomb exploded on November 8th 1939,killing eight people and injuring
      over 60 in the ruins of the building.
      But Hitler had unexpectedly left the hall shortly before.
      Georg Elser was arrests the same night.”

      Can you imagine if he had been successful.

      Another display was

      “At around two in the morning the key jangles in the first cell door at the other end of the passageway. Immediately everyone is awake.
      With a metallic thud the loosened shackle falls to the floor.
      The prisoner from number one takes the first steps to the bunker courtyard.
      A shot rings out. A life is extinguished."
      Walter Buzengeiger, July 1, 1934.

      And so concluded our trip to Dachau.
      I loved it. I don’t think your meant to love it but I did.
      I love the importance of it.

      Bought a ticket back to the station then bought more train tickets.

      Terrific maths by 2 separate machines.
      5.30€ each.
      That will be 15.70€
      We paid it cause we had to put something is a bit fishy here 🤔🤔🤔
      We though maybe higher prices for peak hour but it literally had the math on the screen and it was wrong.

      Figured out what train we needed but no new trains appeared on the arrivals board after ours so maybe we got very lucky today not getting stranded.

      An easy trip back followed by a lovely stroll through the markets.

      Have been freezing out tits off all day but absolutely dying now haha.
      We both got curry wurst sausages. I got more fruit covered strawberries and Will got a crepe.
      There was a choir singing up high in the main square. Loveeeeeed it.
      Lovely vibes 💕💕💕💕💕

      Back home now. Writing this has taken me like 1.5 hours haha.

      Forgot to write Dachau was the second last camp to be liberated.

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