
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
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    • Tag 12

      Treffpunkt Berlin

      25. Juli in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute treffen wir uns mit Beat spontan in Berlin. Wir verbringen zusammen einen spannenden Tag! Wir gehen zum Apéro in die angesagte Monkey Bar, essen im Friedrichhain, besuchen die Kunstausstellung und spät am Abend schauen wir uns die Lichtschau 75 Jahre Demokratie an.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Berlin wall, games and spa

      7. September 2019 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      On our final day in Berlin we headed to the Game Science Centre to check out some new technologies emerging in gaming. They had some cool games which tracked your vision or finger tips to control the game. We also built a mini New Zealand out of kinetic sand, where a computer mapped the exact topography of what we built - mum and dad would have liked this one!
      Next up was a trip to the remaining Berlin wall and the museum built on the old Gestapo site. Interesting reading in their exhibition, and we even found where Matt had tagged the wall.
      The boys then dropped me off at my spa retreat and headed for Lollapalooza festival at the Olympic stadium. The spa was very flash and I have been totally spoilt for the last 6 hours! The boys had a good time at the festival snd we have reconvened at base camp.

    • Tag 9

      Berlin day 1

      7. Juli 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      This morning we woke up in Prague and tonight we sleep in Berlin!
      This morning Elo was not feeling well from her concussion so we all agreed she should rest and meet us in a day or two if she felt better. Marlon guided us to the train station which was quite confusing because the normal way with the subway was still closed. We got to the train station and thank goodness our train was delayed! We got on with minutes to spare! The train was so full that each car had a line of people standing in the aisle the length of the car, and all the seats were taken. At each stop more people got on than got off, so we stood the whole way from Prague to Berlin (a little more than 4 hours). We were thankful to be able to get the ride and continue our journey.
      When we got to Berlin Antonia and Suzanne were waiting for us on the platform. What a breath of fresh air to see our sweet Antonia again! It was so great to finally meet her mother! We had lunch together at the train station/Berlin mall, and then took a subway towards the hotel. We decided to get off and walk a bit to see some sights on the way to the hotel.
      After we settled in and took showers and the boys rested a bit, we went out to explore Berlin. We had cake at Antonia's (and now our!) Favorite restaurant to get cake. It was absolutely delicious. We then took the transit towards the monuments. We explored them. We saw some break dancers, bought some souvenirs and then went for dinner. When we got back to our hotel, the hotel was evacuated and the police and fire department were there. It turns out someone had too hot of a shower and it activated the fire alarm.

    • Tag 9

      Aniversario caida muro

      9. November 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Hoy free tour con un colombiano enamorado de Berlín, muy guay. Es el aniversario pero no se celebra pq también es la noche de los cristales rotos y la creación de la SS.
      Casi hay que apuntar las los dedos, pero revivi en el Neue Museum.
      Hoy ceno coreano.

    • Tag 20

      Day Off: Berlin

      20. Oktober in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Woke up around 12:00 feeling a bit rough. Went to bed around 3:30. We were already in Germany and a couple of hours to go to reach Berlin for the drop off at our hotel. But like many times before: Berlin traffic is a mess. It took us 90 mins to get through a couple of traffic jams caused mainly by accidents. At some point we were in a tunnel and it seemed to last a lifetime. Everyone was dying to get out and have some fresh air and space! Finally around 16:30 we got to check in into the hotel and everyone took a shower and went their separate ways. Nina and I had some admin to catch up to and for dinner we met up with Bella for some sushi. Nina found a place which was only a 10 min walk away. We were famished and ordered a starter before Bella joined. The food was good and nutritious and our bodies thanked us. Then we went back to the hotel, but first I had to go buy toothpaste. Around 22:00 I closed my eyes and enjoyed the hotel bed with two big pillows and duvets.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 20

      Offday: Berlin

      20. Oktober in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today was a rough travel day—dealing with the inevitable hangover you get after partying until 8am, endless berlin traffic, and trying to focus on admin tasks. Thankfully, Bella convinced me to go out for some sushi, and I'm so happy I did! It was amazing to see her again and unwind a bit.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2

      In a spin

      24. April 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Anne had very kindly met me at the airport last night and brought me to the apartment. It was ok, not fantastically clean but absolutely not the worst place I've ever stayed, and it had all the facilities that we needed. Everyone was tired, especially Anita and Rob who had travelled from Australia, so after a chat we all went to our beds.

      We had a slow lazy start to the day and decided to go out for breakfast. We got our weekly transport tickets for €39 which allowed unlimited travel on public transport within Berlin, Zones A B. I was reminded again how utterly rubbish public transport is in Scotland, it is inefficient, expensive and limited in scope whereas in Berlin, we never waited more than 5 mins for a train, tram or bus, it wasn't expensive and every part of the city was serviced.

      We went into the city and had a wander around led by Anne who used to live in Berlin and so acted as our guide (she was amazing), we went to the Brandenburg Gate which was busy and, as was normal for Berlin, there was some building work going on. However, it was impressive, and in the distance you could see the sunlight gleaming on the top of the Victory Column, it was very beautiful. One could not help thinking about the momentous events of history, many in my own lifetime, that had taken place in this very spot.

      We stopped off at the Holocaust memorial, it is basically a collection of rectangular blocks of varying sizes. I was a bit surprised at how unkempt it was, there were lots of weeds growing up around the blocks. Some people were climbing on the blocks and jumping from one to the other which seemed somewhat disrespectful to me and I was quite pleased when a security guard came and sent them packing. On the main road next to the memorial you can see the line of where the Berlin wall went.

      Our next stop was Checkpoint Charlie, and Rob and I did the tourist thing of having our photograph taken behind the sandbags. A few days later at another museum we had a close look at some photographs and concluded that the Checkpoint building is fake and just for tourists, the roof line is completely different from that of the original. Still, it was a little bit of history.

      After coffee and a pastry, (the Germans are VERY good at pastry... though surprisingly not so good at coffee) Anne went off to do some stuff and left us to our own devices, we decided to go to the Jewish Museum. We managed to find our own way (thank you Google Maps) in we went. It is a very strange and clever building, actually it's really two buildings, the original building which is quite conventional and in style of its time, and that is connected to a modern and striking building designed by Daniel Libeskind who said of it:

      "The new design, which was created a year before the Berlin Wall came down, was based on three conceptions that formed the museum's foundation: first, the impossibility of understanding the history of Berlin without understanding the enormous intellectual, economic and cultural contribution made by the Jewish citizens of Berlin, second, the necessity to integrate physically and spiritually the meaning of the Holocaust into the consciousness and memory of the city of Berlin. Third, that only through the acknowledgement and incorporation of this erasure and void of Jewish life in Berlin, can the history of Berlin and Europe have a human future."

      One of the 'exhibits' is the garden of Exile. Whilst it is possible to describe the garden in terms of its architecture, it is much more difficult to describe the effect that it has on you when you enter it. It is set in a perfect square with a very, very uneven floor, and 48 concrete columns that tower over you and which are topped with Russian olive trees. The columns are not all perfectly straight, or is it the unevenness of the floor...I don't know. The aim was to help the visitor get a sense of the discomfort of the exiles as they left pre-war Germany to a new life in a new country with little more than what they could carry into that very uncertain future.

      The skill of the architect became very evident when I experienced a moment of sudden disequilibration, and the garden began to spin like a merry-go-round. I had to leave, and after a few moments I felt better. We carried on going around the museum, which is absolutely superb and I would recommend it highly. I was particularly struck by one of the later exhibits, a collection of laws that were enacted against the Jews almost from the moment that the Nazis came to power. They hang on banners in chronological order and they go on and on. One that stood out for me was the law that Jews were forbidden from going for a walk, it is difficult to contemplate such calculated vindictive hatred. It was also a reminder of the need to protect democratic freedom, for everything that the Nazis did was within the law, they made sure of that by writing the laws.

      As we got near the end of the tour through the museum, I began to get dizzy again, the room started to spin, and this time it wasn't going away. I wondered if it was because I hadn't eaten or drunk much so we went to the café, I sat down whilst Rob and Anita got me a sugary coffee and a bottle of water. Sitting at the table I began to feel very, very sick, Anita quickly emptied her small shoulder bag, not a second too soon for I was immediately sick into it. Rob got a bin bag and I was sick into that, again, and again and again, all the while the whole room was spinning like I was on a merry-go-round. I have never felt like that before and hopefully never will again.

      We got an uber back to the apartment, and thankfully I managed not to be sick in the car, but the second I got out, in the middle of the road I was sick into the bin bag which I was still holding onto for dear life. Rob all but carried me up the stairs and I lay on the sofa bed. As soon as I lay flat the room stopped spinning, as soon as I moved my head I felt very dizzy again and was sick again. Anne wanted to get a doctor but I felt confident that it was an equilibrium problem possibly made worse by my experience in the Garden of Exile, and that it would pass.

      Mirjam arrived, she was working each day and joining us in the evenings, I hadn't seen her for a year and she reached down to hug me and I reached up to hug her...and then was instantly sick into the famous bin bag (which was filling up). I had been so looking forward to seeing her again and it wasn't the meeting I had hoped for and it made me feel 100 times worse.

      I lay down, and when the others went out for dinner I fell asleep, I woke up at 4am, went to the loo and the room was not spinning and I did not feel sick. I fell asleep again and when I woke I felt much better.

      My first day in Berlin got off to a good start and went downhill as quickly as Lewis Hamilton vying for pole position, hopefully things could only get better...

    • Tag 7

      Ich bin in Berlin

      22. Dezember 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ 🌬 3 °C

      6 hour train journey from Amsterdam to Berlin. It was a pleasant and comfortable journey. There was a mix of enjoying scenery, napping, gaming, reading and watching downloads.
      We are staying close to the zoo. After check in, it was out for a walk. I spied a Christmas Market where we had a bite to eat.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      Last day Berlin

      24. Dezember 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

      Evening photos Tv tower, Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial. Church, Dinner.

      Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe,
      Brandenburg gate, Reichstag building, near with the train maps on it. The East side gallery, the old East side of the Berlin Wall with art painted on it. Last stop of the day Checkpoint Charlie.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 43

      What a Pain in the Neck!

      8. Mai 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Turns out our decision to take a hop on, hop off bus day in Berlin was positively prescient.
      Christine rolled over and cricked her neck first thing….walking all day would be out of the question, but some powerful Ibuprofen got us to the Big Bus stop.

      Berlin Cathedral, Museum Island, Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag on the outbound, & we stepped off past the Zoo to visit the Kaiser Wilhelm Church.
      Damaged beyond repair in WWII, it was retained as a memorial, with a very modern replacement immediately next door.
      I had seen it a few times on work trips, staying in hotels nearby….but there was a new poignant piece about the terrorist truck incident from 2016, killing 13 people at the Christmas market I had strolled through only days before….

      Checkpoint Charlie was the main stop for the return leg. Plenty to see at the point where the Soviet and US tanks faced off during one tense point of the Cold War, & a lot of sad stories of the oppression and the infamous Berlin Wall….evidence of which we found many times around the formerly blockaded City 👀

      Back at Alexanderplatz, we hopped on to the Blue tour route. Interesting to head through the former East Germany, some different architectural styled flats and plenty of art on the East Side Gallery: conserved graffiti on the remaining parts of the Wall.

      A trip back to hop off at the Reichstag and wander past the memorial of the murder of the European Sinti and Roma persecuted as “gypsies”. More sad, and brave, tales.
      Pictures at the Brandenburg Gate, & a look at the stark columns forming the memorial to the Holocaust. Moving stuff 😔

      We also learned the pink pipes all across the city were not art, or carrying gas, but are to take ground water from the many building projects to the River Spree 🤪

      The last bus back, then some dinner from the Vegan Pirates before taking a final S-Bahn home, & a beer in the bar back at the Social Hub 👍

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