Kottbusser Tor

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    • Gün 2

      Berlijn dag 2

      6 Ağustos 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Een regenachtige dag. Eerst lekker ontbeten. Daarna cultureel historische plekken bezocht: Checkpoint Charley, stukje muur, Brandenburger Tor en het Holocaust monument ("Mam, hou op. Ik heb geschiedenis niet voor niets laten vallen").
      En 's avonds lekker pizza...
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 73

      Last day in berlin

      19 Temmuz 2023, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Yesterday we went shopping for the 1st half of the day. I got two really cool pairs of pants a white shirt and a singlet. I was trying to get my Greek summer outfits ready and now I just need some button up shirts. In the afternoon we explored some historically significant places in Berlin. We went to parliament house, the beginning of the road to hamburg (I think) and Checkpoint Charlie. We read a lot about ww2 which was pretty heavy and as a result I sort of forgot to take pictures, woops. In the evening we went to a seafood resurant and had oysters and sushimi, it was delicious and was made even better by the wine we bought :). Christie and connor left at 3am this morning which was v sad. Spencer and I spent the morning walking around trying to find Banksy art in the streets but all of the spots we checked had been painted over arghh (eg. last two photos). We also got in trouble for not buying train tickets, luckily the people were stupid and I was able to convince them my name was James Darcy so no fine for me!! They messed up spencers ticket too ahahaha.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      ארוחת ערב חברה

      27 Kasım 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      הערב הוזמנו לארוחת ערב במסעדה משהו משהו על חשבון החברה.
      הגענו אחרי נסיעת מונית קצרה לאזור שנראה כמו פארק שעשועים ישן ואחרי סיבוב קצת ועזרה ממקומי מצאנו את המקום.
      העיצוב היה בסגנון ימאות והיה מאוד משכנע (ציפיתי לראות את בובספוג בשירותים).
      *האוכל היה מאוד מאכזב, אבל לא על חשבוני אז ניחא
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 71

      Best dinner !!!

      17 Temmuz 2023, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Today I got up super early and was real bored waiting for everyone to get up so I decided I'd quickly check out the berlin wall. I hired a scooter and was really carving it up around the streets coz it was early and no one was around to get in the way. I took a pic in front of the part of the berlin wall that fell, I think, I didn't read any of the plaques to don't know for sure. Me and Christie shared an omelette and French toast for breakfast, the Cafe we went to served the thickest slices of toast I've ever seen, they were like 5cm!!! Super delicious. We went to an art gallery that was pre boring and then went thirfting for the rest of the day, unfortunately didn't find anything but got to explore the nicer side of berlin which was a pleasant change. Were staying in the northbridge of berlin so there's rubbish everywhere and loads of graffiti, it was good to see that berlins not like that everywhere. For dinner we went to an amazing tapas place and ordered like 20 things, it was so filling and probably the best food I've had all trip!

      Spencer was worried he didn't look gay enough for the clubs here so that's what he wore last night ahahaha. I was too sick so got an early night instead :).

      (I'll add more photos when Christie sends them to me later)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 70

      First two days in berlin

      16 Temmuz 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Bad train ride got delayed a bunch but all g coz berlin has been awesome so far!!
      We've been clubbing both nights and then mostly just sleeping during the days. Clubbing here works the same a georgia so we've been arriving at 2 or 3 am and then staying until like 8. They make you put stickers over your phone cameras and you get kicked out for taking pictures. Lots of concrete and smoke and reeeaally good techno, easily the funnest clubs I've been to! Yesterday we went out for a fancy dinner where they serve you like 10 courses, it was mostly fresh vegetable dishes with nice sauces. My favourite course was a ground up fish patte type thing call brandade, it went super well with the wine, I want to make it and put it in sandwiches :)).Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Berlin Day 1

      23 Kasım 2023, Almanya ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

      Apartment feels a little unloved but it’s clean and the bed is comfortable. Good location right by several supermarkets and a few minutes walk to the underground.

      Plan first thing is a guided walk.

      Much later back in the flat. The walk was very good. Chris was Canadian and both informative and funny. He took us to many of the important sites relating both to the war and the Berlin Wall. Checkpoint Charlie now is just a post with an American soldier looking East and a Soviet looking west. Hard to imagine now the dead zone between both east and west barriers. Stood in the spot above Hitler’s bunker, saw the Jewish memorial and the Brandenburg Gate.

      Finally got a curry wurst. Ok but not particularly a strong curry flavour.

      After a rest we’ll go in search of a local bar. Found a small bar around the corner. Couple of beers and going back tomorrow to eat.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16


      4 Ekim 2023, Almanya

      What a lovely 5 days we had in Berlin!
      Did some sightseeing, a free walking tour, stayed in a very grim but cute hostel with disgusting bathrooms and bed bugs potentially. We be friended a few Australian chicks and an Aussie couple from melbs! Met up with the kiwis from sail in an Irish pub and went to the night club tressor with them, had ferg sleep in our room and willow cooked up some unreal breakfasts. We successfully got let into KitKat which was something else, saw some things we will never forget but woweee it was an amazing experience.

      We will definitely be back, but first let’s go restore some brain cells and get some r&r in Poland 🇵🇱
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Baxpax Kreuzberg Hostel Berlin

      27 Haziran 2016, Almanya ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      So after leaving Amsterdam at 10:49am yesterday we interrailed across to Germany and arrived in Berlin at 5:20pm! It sounds like a long journey but it was surprisingly enjoyable! We got a couple of metros to our hostel which were easy enough and pretty much exactly the same as London tubes. Last night we just chilled in the hostel and watched I Am Legend with some Aussies and Brits we met here. Today we explored Berlin all day! It was so hot and sunny! We visited the Berlin Wall, Brandenburger Tor, Reichstag, Holocaust Memorial, German Chancellor's building and Alexanderplatz where we stopped to have half pints of Berliner. We're now back the hostel having made dinner, both pretty sunburnt and both trying to not let the fact that we can't watch Game of Thrones tonight affect how happy we are! Tomorrow we're off to Prague at 11am.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Holzmarkt 25

      20 Mart 2022, Almanya ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Andiamo ora in un posto stranissimo: uno spazio ricreativo sulle sponde della Spera...
      Negli anni della divisione della città fra est e ovest, nelle zone dove il muro correva lungo la sponda della Sprea, si erano create delle aree non accessibili e non utilizzate. Dopo la caduta del muro, questi terreni prospicienti al corso d’acqua hanno acquistato un valore immobiliare e speculativo di prima grandezza. L’esistenza di queste aree non era però sfuggita nemmeno a gruppi alternativi di musicisti, artisti di vario genere o più semplicemente ragazze e ragazzi con l’aspirazione di un’esistenza fuori dagli schemi di una società alienante e dominata dal profitto. Nel 2004, all’altezza della Holzmarktstraße 25, in corrispondenza di un accesso alla Sprea, nasce il BAR 25, punto di aggregazione degli amanti della musica Techno. Il locale ottiene risonanza internazionale e nasce così una cooperativa di artisti, artigiani e gastronomi tutt'ora attiva. L’accesso al giardino e alla riva della Sprea è libero, giorno e notte. Fra le molteplici attività, che sono arrivate ad occupare fino a 140 persone, una sala-teatro per concerti, riunioni, seminari e qualsiasi tipo di evento culturale, musicale, aziendale. Una casa editrice, diversi fotografi, una ditta specializzata in illuminazioni ed effetti speciali, esperti di tecnologie digitali e sviluppo ecologico, insegnanti di musica, un gruppo di artisti che realizza interni e facciate usando la tecnica dei nastri adesivi, una sala di incisione e tecniche del suono, una falegnameria per progetti creativi, un asilo nido e altri ancora.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 13

      Kreuzberg, Berlin

      25 Ağustos 2021, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Another neighborhood in the former East Berlin. I'm told that the largest concentration of Turks out side of Turkey is in Germany, and that is focused in this neighborhood. It seems they were invited after world war 1 to help rebuild due to a lack of workers. The Turks have become part of Berlin to the point where döner kebab was created here and has become the fast food of the city. (And it's good, too!)
      Kreuzberg is also famous for art and music. It is the punk center of Berlin, and the first picture includes SO36, the oldest punk club in Berlin frequented by well-known musicians such as Iggy Pop.
      Berlin is known, too, for alternative housing. The 2nd picture is of the Bethanian. This was built as a hospital in the 1840s and continued in operation until about 1970. It survived world war 2 because it was both a hospital and an important way mark for allied bombers. After it closed, it became a squat house (occupied by squatters not paying rent). Today it's an art space focusing on current social and cultural issues.
      The 3rd picture is another squat house, this one used by one of the groups that made up the Red Army Faction anarchist group.
      The 4th picture is of a tree house built by a Turk using discarded materials. It is on the west side of the wall on East Berlin land. (It's a long story.) It overlooks the wall and the 5th picture. This is of a part of the former no man's land between east and west. Note the wooden playgrounds, a lovely reuse of land with an ugly history.
      The last picture looks across at YAAM: Young African Art Market and club, beach bar, eateries, street art site and more. I had dinner at a place run by a Presbyterian from Ghana. To my friends in Lowell, there were lots of familiar flavors. I thought of you all.
      Okumaya devam et

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