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    • Päivä 4

      Ich bin ein Berliner

      6. heinäkuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Dagen gikk unna med «hop on, hop off» buss rundt Berlin.

      Her fikk vi sett alt fra Seiersøylen til Check Point Charlie fra den kalde krigens tider.

      Ett av høydepunktene var East Side Gallery hvor deler av den gjenværende Berlinmuren som er dekorert med kunst. Det falt i smak blant store og små.

      Turen gikk også til minnesmerket for Europas myrdede jøder. Over 7000 søyler i ulike høyder er plassert her.
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    • Päivä 3

      Vel fremme i Berlin

      5. heinäkuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Første dag i Berlin. Slitne, men i relativt godt humør.

      Noe tvilende på hotellet siden det mangler normal «hotellinngang», men ordnet seg etter en telefonsamtale med hotellet.

      Vandret gatelangs og fikk raidet den lokale godteributikken.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      Rückweg und Bier an der Spree

      16. kesäkuuta 2022, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Auf dem Rückweg haben wir noch einen Stopp im Späti gemacht und ein Bier auf die Hand mitgenommen, was wir nach unserer Fahrt im Doppeldecker dann noch an der Spree genossen haben. Perfekter Tagesausklang. Nach über 20.000 Schritten fallen wir erschöpft und erfüllt ins Bett.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      Libanesisch im Ebn Tamshah

      16. kesäkuuta 2022, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Super kleines und tolles Restaurant in Charlottenburg entdeckt, nachdem wir auf der Suche nach etwas Libanesischem war. Mit so viel Liebe ein- und das Essen angerichtet, sehr freundlicher Inhaber und unglaublich leckeres Essen. Auch hier saßen wir wieder wunderschön draußen und konnten das Treiben auf der Straße beobachten. Einer der besten Restaurant-Besuche jemals.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 29

      Germany, Berlin

      6. heinäkuuta 2017, Saksa ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wow. How good is Berlin? We arrived mid afternoon yesterday and found the hotel, just couldn't get to it as it was surrounded by roadworks. Eventually made it. The driving round and through Berlin is really quite easy (maybe I'm just getting better at it?) they don't seem to have real peak hour. Coming from Prague yesterday was pretty effortless also, didn't have any driving mishaps leaving Prague and once we were on the autobahn the k's get eaten up pretty quickly. It would have been nice though to know that German freeways don't have stops for fuel, food and toilets like all of the other European freeways we've been on. For some reason I suggested we fill up the car before arriving in Prague - turned out this was a good idea. All of our borders crossings have been a bit of a non event except for this one. The Germans have quite a set up at the border and all of the traffic was funnelled into one lane few k's out which made for pretty slow driving. Lots of men in uniforms with big guns randomly stopping vehicles. We got through unscathed.

      On first impression Berlin is a lot like Melbourne. It's different to other places we have been this trip but it is easy to get around and has a nice relaxed feel to it. We booked a walking tour for today, it started t 10am and finished at 4.30, and was advertised as a Walk and Fork tour. We were the only people on it and our tour guide was an expat New Zealand woman who has been living in Berlin for 7 years. It was a fabulous tour that took us for the most part away from the tourist haunts and exploring back streets and trying local eateries. Food we ate ranged from a platter of Lebanese food (it was easily the best I have eaten), some of the more unusual beers that are here with a strange thing called Currywein that came about rather randomly during the war when a housewife apparently bartered spirits for currry powder and then invented a sauce for sausages (Germans apparently think it is quite exotic, just tasted like tomato sauce to us. They do have what our tour guide called a childish palate), New York sandwiches and drinks at a cafe set up in an old Jewish girls school that had a very sad story (there are an awful lot of those in this town) and then fresh cinnamon and apple buns just out of the oven at a local bakery, wrapping up with craft beer from a small brewery. Need less say there will be no more food for us this day!!

      The walk took us through the back streets through parts of what were former Jewish areas. The guide shared many, many stories with us but here's one that I thought quite interesting: embedded in the paving outside a building are small brass plaques with a name and date of when the person was forcibly removed from their residence in the building and where they were sent to, and when they died. The plaques mark the last place that person CHOSE to live. There are 56,000 of them, not all in Berlin, or even Germany. We mainly walked through old East Germany and saw lots of evidence of what hd occurred here. We ended up at a large memorial park, kind of an outdoor museum about the beginnings of the Wall, and its history in a particular street. On this street the houses literally backed up to the beginnings of what would be the wall. The wall appeared overnight sometime in 1961 and the first couple of days and nights these houses provided escape routes to the west through their windows and roofs where people jumped for their lives hopefully landing in nets that the West Berliners were holding. The secret police ( the Stasi) quickly blocked off these houses with the houses all eventually being demolished and becoming the no mans land between the walls. We walked along the former wall and saw some surviving parts. The wall was put up by the GDR on the pretext to keep the west out but effectively cut off families, relatives etc for 30 years. It certainly is a very moving place.
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    • Päivä 31

      Germany, Berlin

      8. heinäkuuta 2017, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Spent the day exploring this interesting and just a little bit different, city. I think Berlin is a paradox - it's a bit homogenised, it could be any city in any western country. Visually, there is nothing that makes it stand out. Look from any high point and you'll soon notice the uniformity, the lack of any old, big or tall buildings. There are no cathedral spires on this town. And this is the very thing that makes it different. Scratch the surface, look a bit closer and this is where you see the real difference. Not surprisingly, there is only a smattering of buildings that predate the 1940's....we trained and walked to the Brandenburg gate, there is a lot of history in this area of Berlin. There are stories and old photos everywhere, on boards outside buildings, on boards on pavement outside where buildings once stood, on boards in parks. Just everywhere. There is no sense of hiding from what Germany once was. We were walking along a street and stopped to read one of the many boards to discover it was where Hitlers' bunker was. Just in a street, near a house. We walked on to the Reichstag and had seen plenty of photos on postcards of what it looked like after it had been bombed - to see it now, rebuilt, is quite amazing. It is a huge, dominating structure. It would have made such an impressive backdrop to events that occurred there. To walk those streets and imagine what it must have been like to live there and then after the bombings is confronting but nowhere as confronting as the holocaust memorial we went into. We all know the things that happened but to read the stories of individuals, people with names, it was shocking.
      We decided to walk back to our hotel through the Teagarden, and enormous public park in the centre of the city. It turned out to be quite a hot day after morning rain and a large number of people were taking advantage of the sun with a spot of nude sun baking in the park. Finished our walk with a few drinks on a roof top bar over looking the remains of a bombed out Cathedral near our hotel. It has been restored and left as it was after the war as a reminder. There are plenty of those in this town.
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    • Päivä 31

      Germany, Berlin

      8. heinäkuuta 2017, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Our last day in Berlin. We leave for Amsterdam tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to that 6 hour drive. We hopped on the train again today (we are becoming quite expert at this) to go to "Museum Island", which is just that. A precinct of 5 or so museums on an island in the river. The only thing Roger was desperate to see in Berlin was the Ishtar Gate at the Pergamom museum. We had been told that this Museum was closed for renovations but by a fortuitous stroke of luck found that the rooms housing this exhibition were still open. And what an exhibition it was. This "gate" is absolutely spectacular and formed part of the entrance into Babylon so is some 6,000BC old. The photos do not do it justice. The museum it is housed in was built from 1910 to 1930 and the other museums were much older. Renovations both internal and external are an ongoing thing but still there is extensive evidence of damage from the 2nd world war - there are bullet holes in just about every unrenovated external surface. I can't imagine what it must have been like, and what it must have looked like at the end of the war. The precinct is lovely know, beautiful gardens with statues everywhere.

      We had lunch t a Spanish tapas place in the local market square listening to an Aussie girl busking. Tonight we head off to a roof top restaurant (next to the bar we went to) for dinner. The only table we could get was at 9.30. I'll either be starving or drunk by then.
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    • Päivä 15

      Tag 15

      29. kesäkuuta 2019, Saksa ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Der letzte richtige Tag geht zu Ende.
      Zum Schluss haben wir einen Joker gezogen und bis zum Schluss genutzt. Von Warschau aus ging es zunächst über die Landstraße, bis es nur noch rund 300 km bis Berlin waren.
      Deshalb gab es wenig zu sehen, dafür um so mehr Vorfreude auf Berlin und unseren Freund und Sponsor Vadim Photography. Der hat uns durch Berlin geführt und wir haben lecker und ausgiebig gegessen. Jetzt ruhen wir uns aus, bereiten das roadbook vor und freuen uns auf den Zieleinlauf in Hamburg 💪🏻
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